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  1. Location: Along with Ageon River, North of Rosayia Forest. Rowan blinked at her, and opened his mouth to refuse her but then snapped his jaw close with a slight frown when she came out with her ‘please’. He found himself unable to refuse her wish, and he sighed, “I can try, but I’m not promising anything. But I will try and get at least an hours nap…” He trailed off thoughtfully. He wouldn’t need anymore than that to refresh him until nighttime, and it would keep him going. He reached up and rubbed at one eye as it itched and burned, telling him with unspoken words to get some sleep. He would do as Natia asked of him, especially since he
    1 point
  2. wew! It would be nice to get back to that story ^^
    1 point
  3. Location: Along the Ageon River, North of Rosayia Forest Rowan's attempt at calming her really helped Natia to relax. Feeling his fingers in her hair, knowing she'd seen the worst, and that Rowan and Baellator would protect her. It was all so much. She'd never asked for any of it and yet this man had offered his life and limb for her safety. It was the exact opposite she'd expected someone like him to be. She'd always grown up knowing outsiders were horrible people driven only by greed and selfishness, who would slowly destroy the natural beauty of their home and then migrate somewhere else after devouring all of the land's resources. Bu
    1 point
  4. Hello TimidNekomimi! Welcome to EcchiDreams, hope you enjoy your time here! If you need any help, feel free to contact the staff (the ones with the Purple Usernames)!
    1 point
  5. @Kalvoras Vertal Am I right in assuming that the side story involving Sophia, Shez, and Kay is dead? Because I'd really like to continue Sophia's story, even if that means retconning some things.
    1 point
  6. LOCATION: Deadrin's Blacksmith, Selil Marketplace I honestly didn't know exactly how to react to Deadrin's invitation, it was very tempting since I found myself very curious about the man and eating something before beginning our quest inside the dangerous forest sounded like a really good idea, however, dealing with people in general wasn't my strong suit, especially considering that I had just met the blacksmith and the last thing I wanted was to disrespect or bother him somehow, that said, Deadrin also proved to be a really nice and kind person so I decided to go with him, promissing myself to do best to not do anything dumb. "Al
    1 point
  7. Lulu had just come home from college, sweating ever so slightly from the long walk back. She searched her pockets as she reached her door, panicking slightly as she realised she forgot her keys. She looks either direction to verify no one was around before kneeling down to a pile of rocks and flipping one over to find her parents hidden key. She walks through the door, leaving the door open for a second. "Mom?! Dad?!"..... No response, guess they weren't home - that would explain why the door was locked. She went back outside and put the key back for her parents before walking back in and shutting the door behind her - no point in lockin
    1 point
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