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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Daedrin kept completely silent throughout the retale, his eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought as he concentrated on the man's story. His eyes flickered away from Izanagi every once and a while to scan to forest around them on the lookout for any surprise attacks. Izanagi’s story was quite sad, and he felt some measure of sympathy for the man. He hadn’t been asked to deal with the burden he had and he had been the victim of the pride and greed of others. He doubted that even Odium had much choice in the matter. He shook his head slightly when Izanagi had finished speaking before he said, “I am sorry to hear that, that happened to you. Using
    1 point
  2. “Ye might want to quit struggling, girly. All yer squirmin’ is givin’ me a right stiff on!” The man barks out, laughing with his friends as he bounces Celestia in his lap. There was no sign of Collin in the crowded tavern, despite her cries, and the man’s hands are beginning to wander “Yer a soft lil good luck charm, ain’tcha!” He growled in her ear as his large and filthy hands groped at one of her ample breasts. He squeezed so hard that Celestia could not help but to wriggle and try to escape his grasp once more. “Coll--!” Her scream was cut short as she felt the drunkard grind his stiffness into her rump. One of his hands gripped
    1 point
  3. "Heh yeah, I guess that really would be worse" I responded to my companions comment, watching as he poured the antiseptic on a little piece of fabic and warned me about a possible unpleasnt feeling before he began to clean up the wound. Just like he said, I did fell a little stinging sensation once the antiseptic made contact with my flesh causing me wince a little bit at first, but soon enough the sensation faded away. A few quick moments later Deadrin was done, he rolled a few bandages over the now clean wound and told me to put my clothes back on so we could get out of there as fast as possible. I didn't question him since I also didn't wa
    1 point
  4. Thaene looked over at Karma when the engine of the car sputtered, before he looked at where they ignition was, watching as Karma tried again before he smacked the steering wheel in his frustration. A frustration that Thaene sympathised with, as that had often happened to his own car before he had been able to fix it up properly. When Karma got out of the car, Thaene followed his example and got back out into the bitterly cold air. He closed the door with a snap before turning around, his shoes making a grinding sound on the snow beneath his feet. He then shrugged, “No need to be sorry, sexy. Shit happens.” He said, his breath steaming on the
    1 point
  5. Devlyn let out a heavy breath through his nose when he felt that soft tongue of hers rolling around the sensitive head of his cock. The pleasure shot up the length of his cock and up his spine. He couldn’t stop his eyes closing for just a moment before he opened them back up again, staring down at his new pet. His new trophy. His upper lip twitched slightly, resisting the urge to growl softly as she began to bob her head up and down, teasing him without being a bitch about it. It allowed him to enjoy the feeling of her mouth wrapped around his cock, her tongue wiggling against the thick veins of his cock making it twitch in her mouth. He was
    1 point
  6. As Collin led her through the boistrous tavern, Celeste tried to soak in every sight, sound, and smell. Her lilac eyes widened in surprise and awe at the scantally clad maidens. Their garments seems so comfortable but far, far too revealing. So much flesh! And they seemed to enjoy the eyes of the men on them, as they leaned over tables and shared lustfilled words. One man was so bold as to pull one of the maidens into his lap, making Celestia gasp and pull her cloak even tighter around her. Then there was the sounds. Someone was aying a lively tune on a lute while another sang joyously of stale bread moldy Mead. She didn't quite understa
    1 point
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