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  1. This is an older idea that I wanted to toss around and see if anyone is interested! So your character found an old spell book with an incantation on summoning a demon to fulfill a single wish! Money? Power? Beauty? Love? Whatever your greatest desire, it can be granted. But... like all things... there is a cost. The demon has five children who are reaching maturity but are lacking real world experience when it comes to the desires of mortals! Let them live with you for a full year to learn the ways of mortal life, desire, and pleasure... and your wish will be granted. Fail... and your soul belongs to the demon you summoned.
    1 point
  2. One of the most important things when it comes to roleplaying with other Dreamers is roleplaying etiquette. This guide is quite subjective when it comes to this topic. Some people will disagree with me on some aspects of this guide but this guide is only intended to advise how to treat your fellow Roleplayers both inside and outside of a roleplay. Etiquette regarding other Dreamer Roleplayers When it comes to interacting with other roleplayers that you wish to roleplay with, it is best that you speak to them politely and ask politely for a chance to roleplay with them. If you are polite, the chances of another Dreamer agreeing to ro
    1 point
  3. Character Identity Information Name: Age: Gender: (OPTIONAL!)Religion: Species: Origin/Nationality: Occupation: Physical Appearance Height: Weight: Eye Colour: Hair Colour: Physical Description: Personality, Traits and Abilities General Overview: Strengths, Skills and Abilities: Weaknesses: Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): Hobbies and Interests: Sexual Orientation: (OPTIONAL!)Turn ons: (OPTIONAL!)Turn offs: Extra Information Family: House: Car: Pet: (OPTIONAL!)Additional information: History Awards/Commendations: Criminal Record: (OPTIONAL!)
    1 point
  4. Introductions: Private Roleplaying and You This is for people who want to roleplay privately, but don’t want it taken away from EcchiDreams (such as Email/Facebook/Texts/Kik/Skype/etc) for various reasons (EG: Some people don’t want to give out that kind of information). For more information on private roleplays, click here. Members who wish to have non-public role plays can do so by posting up their “advertisement” bulletin in the Private Roleplayers Bulletin Board, followed by any range of characters they have if they so wish. The idea is that other roleplayers will come to the bulletin board and read your advertisement. If they w
    1 point
  5. Making a Character How to Make a Roleplay Character Making a Character for a roleplay can be a difficult task. This guide is here to help you develop your own, well-rounded character. While characters, and their IDs, can differ from Roleplay to Roleplay, one thing is always the same. You are creating a person which you control in a role. However, you must always keep in mind that this is a rather subjective guide which may not suit your needs. Everyone has their own ways of doing things, but we hope that this guide will provide you with ways to add onto your style and improve on it. For the purposes of this guide, I will be crea
    1 point
  6. Standard Roleplaying Rules Character Creation You must create a valid character ID and post it in the appropriate thread before you begin Roleplaying with them. The Character ID must be complete with at least a paragraph of Bio before it’s considered a valid character ID. There is no limit to the amount of characters that someone may have. Featured NPCs are allowed, complete with an image and description. A featured NPC can be played only by the creator of said NPC, unless they give permission to others. Those roleplaying someone’s featured NPC without permission will be asked to discontinue doing so. Be realistic
    1 point
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