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    Lost Hope In Space!

    An Alien/Parasite/Tentacle ERP

    Can be either a DM/GM or NORMAL style ERP.


    Male looking for Female Players.(Although fellas are welcome to read, comment, or find people to do this with them!)

    -Also this is written with the thought of being in dark mode. If you are in bright mode there is a chance some of this will be difficult to read! Keep that in mind please-

    I recommend reading my preference sheet first.




    In the year 2167 humanity came together under one government after centuries of conflicts and wars: The Grand Alliance. However in the time of all that fighting in the past, it became too much for the planet to handle so now the Blue Marble of the Milky Way is on a unchangeable path of becoming uninhabitable for the human race. So The Grand Alliance immediately made there first priority to be the construction of a Space Station that could hold up to 50% of Earths current population as well as to begin the process of deep space travel with the plan of making more stations if the first was successful enough. In the year 2199 the first station, and still the only one currently, was launched and placed in Earths orbit. The Angel. Named as such because of the Space Stations shape being a round ring. It has become a beacon of hope for the human race as a place of relative peace an no pollution like Earths surface. However, it is now the Year 2231 and the entire station has gone dark and quiet without warning. And no one has been able to make any form of contact.


    The Grand Alliance has sent multiple teams, practically enough people to make a small army, to the The Angel over the course of a month with no word from anyone they send. So now they send you and the team you are a part of as one last attempt to find out what the hell is going on without using the full might of The Grand Alliance’s army.


    Now we will move onto Rolls you could play as for your character(s) and there Origin in this RP/Universe. Roles will be first and then Origins. All Rolls & Origins can be mixed and matched plus be adjusted if needed if you have a OC you use in every/most rps.  

    -Also these Roles/Origins are written in first person but that don’t mean this ERP is strictly First Person. Just wrote these like this for simplicity-




    Role One: Commander. You are the leader of the Team and as such, everyone who goes with you will respect you and fallow most of your orders. Human survivors are more likely to trust you. Human enemies are more likely to be aggressive towards you.


    Role Two: Engineer. You are the lead engineer of the team and as such you will be protected however also be made to go out on excursions through the station. Human Survivors will be needed to be convinced to trust you. Human Enemies will be aggressive if it benefits them.


    Role Three: Scientist. You are the lead scientist of the team and as such will be in charge of figuring out what the problem is and how to solve it. You will be greatly protected but also greatly restricted from moving around and having much privacy. Human Survivors will needed to be convinced to trust you. Human Enemies will be greatly aggressive towards you.


    Role Four: Lab Rat Personal. You are a prisoner who has been sentenced either to life in prison or the death penalty. And as such you are to be used as a test subject or as a human shield. Human Survivors are less likely to trust you. Human Enemies are capable to  being convinced to be allies. The Grand Alliance team have the ability to become enemies if you don’t follow their orders. 


    Role Five: Stowaway. You actually aren’t a member of the team sent by the Government. But with how quickly everything was set up they weren’t fully checking everything they where meant to and you managed to sneak into the cargo of the ship and remained there till the ship landed on the Station and you where found. Your reason for sneaking on can be anything you want as long as it makes sense. Human Survivors will needed to be convinced to trust you. Human Enemies are are capable to being convinced to be allies. The Grand Alliance team have the ability to become enemies if you don’t fallow orders or actively go against them.




    Origins One: Earth Born. You have lived on Earth your entire life  and have never once visited The Angel Space Station. Now it’s your first time going to the station and there’s a good chance it will be up to you to save it.


    Origins Two: Space Baby. You were born on The Angel and lived most of your life on the space station. You only recently came to Earth for personal reasons(reason can be whatever you wish it be from a family matter to a career thing)Now you come home finding it in chaos.


    Origins Three: Military Family. You grew up constantly moving from place to place both on Earth and on The Angel itself. Both of your parents worked for the military and government. Due to that you never lived in the same place for long. 


    Origins Four: Hard Life. Ever since You were a kid life has never been easy. You did whatever it took to keep yourself fed and alive. You where mostly on your own and constantly moved around from place to place. You do whatever it takes to achieve or get what you need.


    Now we will move on to types of characters & creatures you will interact with.


    Humans: Typical Humans. They can be Survivors, Allies, or Enemies. 


    Main/Big Groups are: 

    The Grand Alliance Special Team: The team you arrived with. Comprised 10 team members. (number can change to depend on how many characters you play as)


    The True Patriots: A group of people who don’t approve of the fact that every country has all joined into one. They wish to remake the United States of America, commonly now called Old America by most people within The Grand Alliance, and don’t like anyone working for the new government.


    The Believers: A group of people who believe, through either insanity or are forced because of the influence of the virus, that the parasites aliens are gods who just want to evolve humanity to a plan of extreme pleasure.


    The Administration: The name of the people who are meant to run The Angel and keep its daily functions running. Most of them are gone, most likely because of the Alien Parasite, but those that are still around are held up in the higher district with a small group of survivors and while they should be helping out the Special Team, they seem to want to stay on there own.


    Androids: Arguably humanities greatest creation. They are not as intelligent as humans and are capable of being encrypted with a virus and turning them hostiles.


    Androids can appear in a few forms. Humanoid(don’t have the exact appearance as humans. You can see there metal body so that none can pose as a real human), Construction bots(like forklifts and such), and drones(meant for air support for army and cops or as cameras for security or news broadcast).


    The Infected/Parasite: Humans, and a few other Alien species the Parasite has run into, who have been turned/infected. The Parasite can also create its own monsters/tools to use to infect victims. i.e Tentacles. Although if someone/something is either unable to be infected or is being to much trouble, The Parasite WILL kill them.(That’s not an invitation to have necrophilia/gore!)


    The Sick: When one is infected with the Parasite they are called Sick. Those who are “Sick” are still in control of themselves but the virus is inside them now. Those who are at this state will have full control of their main facilities but will have to deal with the fact that there body will start greatly craving physical pleasure. And trying to relieve oneself alone is typically not enough. The more they give in to this pleasure, or receive more of the Infection, the closer they are to fully turning. However if the Sick essentially go cold turkey and not have sexual encounters with others the physical need will spread across the body and start to become painful. The longer they go without pleasure, the more pain they suffer from.


    Majority Turned: The vast majority of people turned will be almost mindless with the only desire to fuck & infect anyone who isn’t. They aren’t, technically, zombies. They can run, open doors, crawl, attack, an so forth. But they don’t speak, just grunt, yell, & moan, so don’t expect to get any conversation out of them. The way to tell someone has turned is that there eyes will be completely pink. Pupil, iris, and scalera.


    The Flesh: Walls or just a mess of “Flesh”. Not made of real skin or meat, these mounds of living substance is the Parasites true physical form. It can appear as a large bubble/sack in a corner or completely fill a room from floor to ceiling. Typically will attack with Tentacles or similar things.


    The Enhanced: These Turned individuals are similar to the Majority but are more dangerous. There body’s have been “evolved” to be better at spreading the virus. Typically they can sprout tentacles from the exterior or interior of there body’s to use for infecting or combat. But sometimes it could be that the muscles in there legs are strengthen to allow them to jump higher and further or to run faster and longer. Or something simple like giving a female a cock to turn her into a futa. And those are not the only ways but just examples. To tell when one is like this there pink eyes will be glowing.


    The Voice: The most dangerous version of the infected. The Voices are very rare but extremely dangerous. They are like the  Enhanced but have extreme intelligence & unlike the Majority or the Enhanced, Voices can speak, plan, and have the memories of the host within them. They will act like they are survivors to lure in unsuspecting people into traps. They can also control the other type of infected types. Make no mistakes. That may act similar to who they where before turning, but they are not that person anymore.




    Your Infected Character(s) and Game Over(?).


    This IS still a ERP. And it should come to no surprise that your character(s) will eventually become Infected and you play as a “Sick”. Everyone, NPC’s and your Character(s), have a different level of resistance to the virus in the RP. How much or how quickly the need to have sex can be discussed in the RP. 


    But on that note, Game Over. If the other player is interested in doing a Game Over “mechanic” for either just there character(s) or for the whole ERP then I’d be willing to add this. NOTE then that there will technically be consequences for the sex/lewd scenes in the ERP once you are infected. Cuz if it happens to much then your character will fall to the virus and Turn. And for the infection rate I’m thinking that having sex with a non turned partner will increase your infection by 5 points out of 100 but with a turned it will be 15 points out of 100. But that can change or be altered if you wish.


    But remember that the Game Over stuff is NOT mandatory!


    And I think that’s everything. This is a remake of one of my ERPS from iFunny with some added stuff for more detail and options. This is also my first REAL rp post on this website and I would LOVE any and all feedback from anyone who’s been generous enough to make it this far! It a bit of a long read and I apologize for that. Just wanted to put down everything I had imagined for this plot. Would love to hear any advice anyone has on how to improve in the future for more ERP plots/posts.


    (also I hope I did this correctly and out this in the right category and tags)

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    Bump! I now got images to go alongside the creatures and stuff. Most of the art belong to a artist named butcha-u except for the android one(super obvious) and the one under the Voice. Don’t know the name of those artists.

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    6 hours ago, Gangsta Moll said:

    I would play this, but would need advice and guidance as to the rules and things. Is it an open club or meant to be private?

    More than willing to help explain things. And yes this is meant to be a private rp.

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    Seems like an interesting concept, but I worry that some of the systems might be overcomplicating it a bit.  More worrisome for me though is that the whole point of an ERP is to get into fun, kinky situations and this whole deal seems be counterintuitive to that.  At least, if you're concerned about your character surviving.

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    2 hours ago, Teppo said:

    Seems like an interesting concept, but I worry that some of the systems might be overcomplicating it a bit.  More worrisome for me though is that the whole point of an ERP is to get into fun, kinky situations and this whole deal seems be counterintuitive to that.  At least, if you're concerned about your character surviving.

    I understand that. But the Game over stuff is not at all mandatory and I don’t ever do stuff to kill the other rp partners/players character(s). Also if someone likes the scenario but don’t like certain aspects or plot points then I’m more than happy to help with changing/adjusting stuff with them.

    Edited by YelloweyeOfHim
    Fixing wrong word and adding a word I forgot to put.
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    On 03/12/2022 at 06:01, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    I understand that. But the Game over stuff is not at all mandatory and I don’t ever do stuff to kill the other rp partners/players character(s). Also if someone likes the scenario but don’t like certain aspects or plot points then I’m more than happy to help with changing/adjusting stuff with them.

    I wasn't thinking of the Game Over scenario when I wrote my response.  It was more in reference to the possibility of the character being killed if they struggled too much or the implication that when your character becomes "Sick" they could fully turn, which is kind of like a Game Over of itself, or that you would probably need to be cured.  But isn't as bad as I initially thought.

    I ERP over regular RP for a reason and hate when the kinky stuff is used as a punishment or failure within the game.  In my opinion, it should always be a mechanic to be utilized or managed rather than just a straight punishment.

    If it's not obvious, I'm interested in discussing this if you're still looking for someone.  xD

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    1 hour ago, Teppo said:

    If it's not obvious, I'm interested in discussing this if you're still looking for someone.  xD

    As am I, so long as it isn't too rule-bound and complicated 🙂

    Edited by Gangsta Moll
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    I personally understand what Teppo said above but you also sound serious about roleplaying. I personally wonder what a duo would be like, though. I've played hentai games before that were similar to this but my characters are not exactly what one would call "common". I'm also doing a space roleplay of some kind like this right now but one or two of my free character "could" be used. I like tentacles anyway so it's kinda neat on that one side.

    Still not sure about the complexity of the system, though. I like that it seems to tap into the Resident evil theme but in space. Still, lot of information to remain aware of if we consider the different factions and each roles and how they attract any enemies' attention. it's good to have details though, but I feel like it would be a little complicated to keep everything in mind. Also with the fact our characters seem bound to a bad ending. (Turning sick.)

    So at the end, what is the objective? (Since there seems to be one with this idea). Our characters try to survive but end infected then they require sex to not feel pain from the lack of it (thanks to the parasite) and they try to infect other characters until they infect them as well OR kill them? (which would result into a bad ending). I imagine there is also a way to cure our characters. (With green herbs. :D) But seriously yeah, I try to understand.

    Edited by Goddess Aurora
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    19 hours ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    So at the end, what is the objective? (Since there seems to be one with this idea)

    The “plot” objective at the beginning is to just find out what is going on at The Angel then of course to see if it can be saved. Of course after the situation is realized then for the most part it is to get off the station or stop the Infection entirely before it can somehow get to earth. But it could just be “cure myself then get the hell out of here” if the “player” plays a more selfish character. It can be entirely up to how the player plays or even what they want. If they want a predetermined ending then that’s fine with me and the rp itself will be about the journey getting there. 


    19 hours ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    Still not sure about the complexity of the system

    Well the system complexity is kinda up to the player. The “Infection points” is, as stated, optional. Only if the player wants more risk or a more “serious” rp. If they don’t want a game over mechanic, which I imagine most don’t, then there is no real need to worry about your character fully turning or anything. 
    And if you refer to the alliances and factions stuff well I’d be mostly keeping track of that. And if I or even the player need reminding on anything then well…the post isn’t going anywhere(I hope) and if it’s for stuff in the rp itself they or I can just go back and reread stuff.


    19 hours ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    Our characters try to survive but end infected then they require sex to not feel pain from the lack of it (thanks to the parasite) and they try to infect other characters until they infect them as well OR kill them?

    Well typically when infected if your character doesn’t want to spread the sickness but need to feed the urge then they either have to get assaulted more by the Turned, which is obviously NOT something they would want to do, or have sex with someone else who also Sick. Of course technically they can have sex with someone not Sick but then your character is just spreading it.

    20 hours ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    Resident evil theme but in space.

    Funny cuz some people say it makes them think of Dead Space, which I have never played or watched or anything.

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    3 minutes ago, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    Well typically when infected if your character doesn’t want to spread the sickness but need to feed the urge then they either have to get assaulted more by the Turned, which is obviously NOT something they would want to do, or have sex with someone else who also Sick. Of course technically they can have sex with someone not Sick but then your character is just spreading it.

    At this point, it might just be better to take a gun and shoot your own head, right? XD I mean, yeah sex is good but if someone has some moral ground, they might not want to spread it and if they feel like there's no way around it to save themselves, they might just not want to. Unless they are part of those who enjoy it so much that they see it like a kind of good thing. Losing your literally mind doesn't sound very tempting, though.

    8 minutes ago, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    Funny cuz some people say it makes them think of Dead Space, which I have never played or watched or anything.

    Dead space could also work but I see you used a few RE artworks for your ideas. (Jill and also that RE4 girl.) so that's what I was thinking of. Being a gamer makes us spot these things. But seriously, yeah. It's a kind of Dead space as well, minus how badly creepy this can be. I like to see it like a kind of Trails in tainted space with an extra viral gimmick. I personally wouldn't mind having to survive a sex story but I dunno about the virus, imo...

    I kinda like the idea of my character being stuck naked, surrounded by tentacles on ship attracted by scent and wanting a piece of our character as we get too close. No clothes, no protection, only dangers. I am a bit less inclined toward having males or having sex with but any futa or tentacles or etc can work just fine if we'd be willing to do that. I just realized but you only would play with humans, would you? Just making sure of that right now.

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    2 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    At this point, it might just be better to take a gun and shoot your own head, right?

    Well couldn’t you say that about ANY Horror situation? Like if was put in Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Alien, Twilight, Dead Rising, or anything the I I’d probably just shoot myself too. But then you get no plot or anything. 


    6 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    RE artworks

    Yes I did cuz A: The images just worked perfectly, and B: Butcha-U is one of my favorite porn artists lol.


    8 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    I am a bit less inclined toward having males

    Well I never have anything my rp doesn’t like happen to their character. Like if they are only sexually attracted towards females then only female Turned or normal humans/sick will be the only things they have sexual encounters with. 


    11 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    I just realized but you only would play with humans, would you?

    This rp is meant to be more of just a Si-fi thing with humans but I could be convinced to do partial animal people, like Neko’s or other equivalents, but personally I’m not a fan of furry. So apologies on that front. 

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    2 minutes ago, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    Well couldn’t you say that about ANY Horror situation? Like if was put in Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Alien, Twilight, Dead Rising, or anything the I I’d probably just shoot myself too. But then you get no plot or anything.

    What I meant here is that IF you're infected. In RE, some usually try to hide it out of fear but when it comes to be too late, they either shoot themselves or have someone shoot them anyway. Most people know that propagating the infection would just be worse but it's more so the fear of losing yourself. Losing control of yourself as well. Humans love to be in control of their actions. Losing yourself seems like a very scary situation, to be honest.

    4 minutes ago, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    Well I never have anything my rp doesn’t like happen to their character. Like if they are only sexually attracted towards females then only female Turned or normal humans/sick will be the only things they have sexual encounters with.

    I like that you're polyvalent on that side. Having options is nice and we can always try to find something we both like. I am somewhat tempted to try it, a little afraid of disappointing however. Still, it could be fun as an experience. I suppose that's something we can try to do IF we find a plan that works. :3

    10 minutes ago, YelloweyeOfHim said:

    This rp is meant to be more of just a Si-fi thing with humans but I could be convinced to do partial animal people, like Neko’s or other equivalents, but personally I’m not a fan of furry. So apologies on that front. 

    This is where it gets interesting and I am still fine with this. I've had many many humans in my life. My favorite characters were nekos and the like. Cat ears, cat tail. Arish in my albums is also such a character. Human at 90% and a fox tail and ears. Would that kind of thing be fine? I just realized that like 15/17 of my characters are furry or non-humans. Fonfon is a werewolf and Arish is a fox girl. (Kitsunemimi. o.o) but yes, I'd be fine with that.

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    10 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    Would that kind of thing be fine?

    Yes she, Arish, looks fine to me. 

    11 minutes ago, Goddess Aurora said:

    Having options is nice

    If you did wish to do this then yeah only Females, Futa, Tentacles and other things you’re ok with will happen. Male characters and Turned will still exist but I just won’t put them into any sexual situations with your character.

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    That would work well for the environment. Knowing they exist but not necessarily be a threat to her. Also, Arish is kinda dead right now in my club so she COULD be used for some fun. Your polyvalence made this kinda tempting to try and this gave me a kind of chill XD. Although, I guess what would remain to be talked about would be the roles and all that. Is this something we would be doing in private if we tried it? If there's anything to add or whatever else, I mean.

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