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Island Beach, Night [Open]

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So Avonmore Island Prison was no stranger to escape attempts. More to the point, it seemed they were even successful ones... So it stood to reason that almost anyone would try again, especially right now. So far Lucas understood they were the only ones who had managed to take a vehicle from the Prison... Otherwise someone elsebwould have rammed through the gate. The ride was bumpy, but far from unpleasant in any regard except for noise. The myriad prisoners on the bus made all sorts of noise in response to their freedom, giving him mild concern that others within the prison might've heard something. He had to count on the vehicle being far enough from the complex that they wouldn't have tipped off anyone.

'So far, it seems like we're the only ones. It means they haven't come outside the complex yet. They're probably either looking for weapons to maintain order through fear and force, or a means to get the power back on to access the Prison's more sophisticated systems. Light might help pacify many when they realize they can't use the darkness to perform their illicit activities.' Lucas internalized his thoughts as he looked out the window. He hadn't seen the exterior of the island too much, always confined to Solitary Confinement. Most of these people here probably wouldn't even know that, and he considered that just fine.

Lucas cast a look toward Celestine as she continued to hold onto the first aid kit. Her demeanor made it seem like she was waiting for the disappointment of their escape being cut short by surprise guards from nowhere... Yet when she realized nothing was stopping them, she still looked in disbelief. "You don't get out without oversight much, do you? You look a little too bewildered." Lucas pointed out as he turned his head to look towards Celestine. He had no interest in wanting to know more of her history than necessary, but she looked like the sort who didn't have to be at prison. Whatever happened to her, it was far from his business 

The vehicle plodded along the dirt road, a distant view of the oceanbslowly approaching them. Though it was difficult to see so late at night, the evening sky could be seen vaguely reflected in the surface of the water, and from it, vague glimpses of an approaching beach. Those with darkvision could probably see it easiest, but he couldn't see it as well from where he sat. More than likely, he wouldn't be able to see the beach until the bus slowed down and finally stopped. He held his breath for a moment and exhaled quietly, moving to a stand and looking toward the front of the vehicle, before the back. 

"Now is our chance to see what's waiting for us. Do you or anyone else have good vision in the dark?"

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What a night huh? Delmar wouldn't have expected it. When he had first arrived the prison looked solid. Delmar wasn't a coward but and he had long thought about escape. Prisons were actually very vulnerable at least for the most part. Avonmore had its own issues to consider and for many long days and nights? He imaged it. Where could he set the fires? What points in the walls were easier to crave out. Escape seemed more of a dream than reality, but Delmar wasn't one to just idle. His mind was working but he figured he'd be greying out by the time the chance really presented itself. Fuck. He knew he should have minded who he trusted and now look where he was? Facing the sabertooth without a damn spear. His mom called him an idiot and he had to agree but well....there nothing to do but ride it out and see where fate took him.

And tonight? Oh it was weird. Delmar was asleep when it first started. He didn't even hear the click of the door. He knew that door well. He could have perhaps cracked it open but one step of a seventeen part plan wasn't worth doing. He wasn't a heavy sleeper so the moment it opened? His silver peepers were open and greeted with a darkness he hadn't seen in awhile. Light out? He could only shift in bed and turned to see a few men standing in the doorway. He didn't know them but his cellmate did.

Old grudges and shit. They were there to settle a score and Delmar wasn't involved. The guards would be there but...two minutes into the beating and nothing. They were quicker than that. Damn. He couldn't just let them kill the guy so he stepped in and of course it turned into a fight. The problem being that Delmar was surrounded, but the solution? Delmar could fight and damn could he fight. His knuckles were still a little sore, bruised up, dried blood. He had them out like a light....which the prison needed but it looked like a full scale break as in order.

He didn't stick around to do more than make sure the guy he just protected wasn't dead. Not his problem, but he did manage to hear a "thank you" before he traveled out in those dark corridors. Now the dark was a problem but Delmar knew the prison. He knew that layout by heart day one and he used that knowledge to make his way around even in the really difficult to navigate curtain of black and absolute ass-beatings going on. What was his plan? Get out before the guards...woke up? The hell was going on? He didn't really have time to ponder but he knew there might be something worth finding.

He only got stopped a few times but no one was picking on Del, and he was trying to mind his business. There were a few fights here and there but not really for Del's sake. He no doubt would have made more enemies if they could see who the hell he was. A few solid rights to tumble in the dark would end most fights, more so when whatever you were looking at in the dark was big though a few people gave him way more trouble than he had asked for. A few bruises, busted lip. He was still good-looking though he was pretty sure. He never stuck around cause he had a goal.
Main building he knew had a garage. Maybe a car, not that he knew how to hotwire but maybe there were some keys? Routine made people relax. He knew better than anyone otherwise he wouldn't be here.

It was dark as hell in Central, darker in the basement. He tripped a few times but thanks to the work he did in prison he knew how to look for clues to where he was. Interiors didn't change just because the lights were out and he'd make it to the basement and he looked around but...it was too dark to really find the keys. He did feel around and find some tools. Hell yes! He took some but the moment he heard noise he couldn't chance and rolled under like that made sense. He didn't feel like another fight. People....a group? Some of them sounded older but with how dark everything was? He wasn't about to try to fight any group. He was good and he had his dust-ups getting there but even he wasn't going to take on another fucking group in near-complete darkness. If they were one of the beast-folk well? He was shit out and so he stayed quiet.

They sounded nice though but he knew kindness wasn't automatically a good sign. It wasn't too long before another voice joined them then too and he was hurt? Huh....

He just relaxed a bit hoping they'd leave. He could walk....if the guards weren't there at all? They weren't there. The group went onto the bus but he didn't move...not immediately. The hell were they doing in there? He wished he had some way to see in the dark but unlike the beasts he was kinda shit out of luck. No light either. He couldn't hotwire a car though he could drive well. Walking it was then! Or maybe they'd..no. Idiot. He could only lair there and consider the options when the damn thing started. Shit!

He rolled under fast and thought fast...faster than was smart as it started to move. Now or never. He jumped onto the side careful not to make too much noise. Onto the bars and...off they went.

Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

Tucking those tools away really wasn't comfortable now but what was he gonna do? Ask them to stop. God his hands hurt. Never punch a fucking buffalo man in the face again was something he'd keep in mind. Not without gloves....or some knuckle dusters. Whatever...he just hung on for dear life as they sped off though once they got too the gates he quickly shifted to the back...it was not pleasant and he almost long his grip. Grip strength. Core strength. He managed to force himself back as the gate buckled under the wheels. Fuck. He definitely wasn't falling off now but...they were out! He could hear the cheers and even he couldn't suppress a grin. This part would have been the the fourth hurdle really but now? Well it seemed far easier than it should have been.

Questions for later as they soon drove to...the beach? They were looking for a boat but no way they'd find one. If the guards weren't there? They were off the Island but why would they be left here? This was getting real creepy.

He was actually leaning a bit when Lucas looked towards the back. Were they gonna stop soon...he definitely didn't want them to stop too hard. He'd start tapping the glass to let them know he was there. Hopefully they'd react...well to that. His hands were really starting to get sore.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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“This is a prison.” Celestine stated the obvious and looked at Lucas with equal disbelief in her eyes. Ingaril seemed curious too about something he had said. ”Did you get to go outside without guards watching your every turn before… before this?”

^You aren’t a normal convict…^ Ingaril spoke aloud Celes’ thoughts. 

He could guess they were now pondering why he wasn’t normal and if it meant he was an especially bad case, especially dangerous. 

Even for those without a darkvision the night wasn’t completely dark because of the clear, starry night sky. Unless they ruined their ability to see under the starlight by looking in the bright lights of the bus or a flashlight. 


“You would be surprised-” Celestine began with her answer, but the knocking on the bulletproof window interrupted her. 

Her ears drew back and lower. The fox woman moved instinctively further from Lucas and the window behind her, startled by that there was actually someone outside. Somehow she managed to hold back her scream and instead just inhaled sharply. Ingaril’s reaction was much slower. By the time she was about to raise her voice to tell there was someone outside, they were already there.   

They had driven for about three and half miles before arriving at their destination. Elias stopped at a parking lot. The asphalted road continued only a bit further, to the beginning of a pier. The bus would have got stuck immediately on the fine beach sand and there was no need to block the whole pier with the vehicle and risk old people falling in the water.

The door opened and Elias turned off the engine. Outside there were just two buildings. Dockmaster’s office and a shed. Those who went outside could soon find out that there was no boat that was used to take people back and forth to the island. That wasn’t so surprising. But even the smaller motorboats were absent. There were only two small rowboats left, pulled partially to the shore and tied with a rope to poles.

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"No, I never got to go outside at all. If you must know, I spent most of my time in Avonmore in solitary confinement. Someone like me doesn't exactly sit well around the general prisoner populace. Let's just say I wasn't the type for making the kind of friends these guys wanted, and leave it at that." Lucas sighed. It was only a half truth, however; If these people suspected he was a police officer, one of them might have turned out to be the kind of criminal that didn't like him, and he didn't feel like involving people like the fox woman or the other elderly prisoners. However, if they also believed he had reason to believe he was some sort of vile beast, they might have tried to kill him anyway when they thought he wasn't paying attention. 

"I did the simplest thing I could do to get put into solitary: I punched a guard. If they wanted to kill me for it, they had plenty of time to, but as long as I was in solitary, I wasn't their problem anymore. Anytime I was close to being let out, I just punched another one and walked back in... And that is my unimpressive existence in Avonmore." Lucas left it at that... At least until he heard knocking. Whereas Celestine reacted swiftly, Lucas turned his head to look outside the bus to see... Someone else had managed to grab onto the bus to hitch a ride.

His brow raised slightly before he blinked and nodded. "Well... There's something you don't see every day in Avonmore. Alright..." He sighed quietly, pulling his sleeve up a bit to mske sure his shiv was still there, before he nodded. When the bus came to a stop, he stood up and moved to the front of the bus to get off first, making sure that none of other older prisoners wslked into an ambush. After asking Elias to keep most of the others on the bus for the moment, Lucas moved to climb off. The prospects of exploring the dockyard cabin and the shed didn't seem too promising right now, especially with only two rowboats that probably would go nowhere. Instead, he turned his attention to the 'tail' of the bus.

"Okay, before I let you near the others, I would like to ask what you hoped for accomplish hanging from a bus for a few miles. You here for revenge, escape, or sightseeing without oversight?" He spoke, keeping his distance from the man, but seemingly standing neutral.

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Well they didn't slam the breaks and truthfully thats what mattered to him and they were aware. Once it stopped he slipped off, waving his hands and flexing them. He was strong but he doubted anyone would enjoy hanging onto a bus for dear life for any amount of time. He sure didn't and he gently moved from the back, getting a good look over things. It was empty. It was quiet. They were...left here? He could recognize that any long distance boats were gone from the large transport ship to the motorboats. Why happened? He didn't like this one bit but...he was happy to be away from that stuffy coffin of a jail. It worried him how easy it was, but it scared him...how easy it was. Damn...he still needed to find a way off this damn island. Surely they weren't stuck here forever right?

He wanted to do some exploring but first he knew he'd be confronted and right on cue he'd hear a voice directed at him and he looked towards the voice. Del tilted his head to the side "If I was here for revenge I wouldn't have let you know I was here." he answered in a deep and somewhat disinterested voice "I don't know anyone on the bus anyway." cracking his knuckles, not really the best of gestures but it felt good. He had messed them up in the scuffles around the jail while making his way from E. He had done it before but no doubt it looked suspicious, or would, if the man could see the dried blood on his hands. Not all of it was his but enough was.

"Escape." he was blatant about it. Why hide it? They were all prisoners were they not? Or was this man a good-two-shoes type who might condemn him for escaping while they had all just blasted through the gate? It was hard to look in his eyes from that distance to know.
"But I think its a little safer out here than it is in there with the animals. It seems we had the same idea but I couldn't find any keys." he said as they had been in the garage at the same time. He remained a good distance from the man as well, keeping his silver eyes locked on what he could see. He crossed his arms.

"You got any clue why we're suddenly stuck in a rendition of Island of the Wolf?"  he asked. He doubted it but why not ask?

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As far as Celestine knew, there were two types of people that were trash even among the criminals. Someone who ate a person’s face could get along just fine and play chess with someone who had burnt down a car, with his girlfriend still inside it. But those who did despicable things to children were the lowest kind of scum. They and police. 

“Has it something to do with children…?” Celestine asked carefully. 

Her question made the air feel heavy. Those who were close enough to hear her question with their lowered sense of hearing, turned to look at Maxwell, waiting for his answer. Pedophiles lived in solitary confinement if they wished to continue keeping all their teeth, and bones intact and inside their bodies in general. 


The young fox lady was the first one to follow Lucas out of the bus, the steady stream of elder people climbing down the steep bus stairs and gathering behind the backs of the pair. For Celestine these conditions barely hindered her vision. She could see the dried blood in the knuckles of the stranger. Why was everyone under 60 so violent here…?

Celes didn’t hear anyone argue that they knew this person, so perhaps it was the truth. Although, this man looked exactly the kind of person one would hire for a assassination… 

^Well… young man, you can always try rowing out of here or build a raft.^ Mrs Ynard suggested, with a hint of sarcasm. They were on an island? How did he plan on getting out of here?

^Or fly out of here.^ The grumpy, round cat creature said.

^Don’t be silly!^

^I’m not! There is still that helicopter they keep in the hangar near the prison.^ She argued with ears drawn back.

^Ooh! I forgot it completely. I doubt there is even one pilot among the prisoners though…^

Celestine didn’t get the dark man’s reference. “I’m afraid we know just as little about what’s going on as you do. We are just trying to make the most of the situation before everything returns to normal.” She had faith that this was only temporary. There had happened something, but before long the staff would return and put everything back in the order.

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Posted (edited)

"... I beg your pardon?" Lucas paused talking to the strange man to look at Celestine, thin eyes looking at the vixen as he turned, approached her slightly, and stopped. "Your first instinct, upon hearing I am someone from solitary confinement who willing went in, is to think... I did anything with children? Are you mental?" The red haired male couldn't bother to hold back his opinions, irregardless of who had been looking at him in the moment. "If it satisfies your curiosity, no. I am not here for anything related to pedophilia." However, as much as he might have wanted to berate Celestine for even thinking that, he knew she was a beloved person to these old people, and anything aggressive toward her would send them to her defense like elderly white knights. So instead, he raised a free hand to his brow to pinch, sigh, and shed his agitation.

"The truth is... Simpler but also more complicated. We have other things to worry about right now." He would put a pin in the discussion for now as he turned his attention back to the figure. If this guy was a hardened criminal, the fact that he hadn't taken advantage of the distraction to run or make an attempt on their lives told Lucas that he was somewhat reasonable at least. As he answered, Lucas visible relaxed his posture ever so slightly as he seemed satisfied with the answer.

"So you just saw a bus start up and decided to take a chance with it. That's fair enough." Lucas nodded, before he cast a look to the others. "I suppose if it's escape you want, you're in the right group, but this perhaps is the wrong place for it. Any sea-worthy vessels are no longer here, and I would take my chances on driftwood more than those dingy rowboats." If those were there, anyone smart enough had taken the more valuable boats and left those two there because they wouldn't make the journey. At least not without intense preparation and favorable weather. Neither of which were things anyone in the moment had.

"We may have inadvertently opened Pandora's Box, taking down the gate. So any prisoner who sees that might start to understand the rest of the island is open to them... But we can worry about that later. Being out here is safe enough for us for the moment, and we can take the time to evaluate our options as we explore what we can out here. We can check the shed and the dockmasters' office for anything useful before we move along." He turned, looking toward the round cat, before his eyes glanced to Celestine. "You're too naive for your own good. If the guards come back, you and everyone else here is dead. If you're especially unlucky, they'll leave you alive to be used before they send you back. Start thinking about survival now, normalcy is gone."

Approaching the cat lady, he pointed. "You, fat cat. What was that about a helicopter? Do you remember where the hangar was?"

Edited by Gardsorm
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"Trust me thats an idea." recognizing the sarcasm but when all else failed? They might not have a choice but to brave the sea if this island wasn't as fruitful as it seemed. He shook his head "But thats a last step. Gotta know which way to let the waves carry you." he had put though into it but right now there was a lack of details that doing more than this wasn't much of a help. It did sound like they knew a bit more and frankly? Someone could use that but they had made their choices. He didn't make a move even while the red-haired man, incensed, seemed to take some sorta issue. He just let it pass. He really meant none of these people harm. He was a criminal and a fighter but he wasn't that type of criminal. He would sigh as the man turned back to him.

"Could always try to find some shit to tie together but I'm not exactly a ship builder." Its a very deliberate wasn't it? The taking of the boats but leaving behind only the garbage. He couldn't help but think about it. What happened? He nodded his head "Well they're busy killing each other in there so we've got time." he said and it sounded callous but his voice did get a little darker. He didn't like knowing that but what the hell could be done without guards? The animals were loose and even when the sun rose? That meant that they could just see their prey better. He looked to the buildings, studying them for a moment and taking in their construction or at least what he could in the dim light.

He looked towards Ceslstine as she spoke up though he couldn't help but chuckle a little bit though the man spoke up first. He certainly didn't have a way with words did he but he was right "He's right, but its likely the guards aren't coming back. You don't just up and abandon an island of criminals without intending for them to die there. They took the boats except the ones that likely wouldn't get you more than a few miles. They set the power to go out too before they dipped I'm fairly certain." oh there was a lot to finger out but he was sure that the intention? Was that all the prisoners meet their end there. They were abandoned but he wasn't going to just leave his fate in their hands like that. Fuck that but there was a lot they'd need to consider.

Though there was something the red-haired male picked up on. The helicopter which would be a good idea "Do you think they left that working?" no doubt that messed that up too. False hope for those who knew.

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The change in the white haired vulpeculan was slight, but Lucas might still notice it when he approached her somewhat aggressively. Her grip of the first aid kit’s handle tightened and her posture became more rigid. Celestine wasn’t that stupid he wouldn’t realize the redhead was a real danger if he chose so and she had very little she could do in such a situation. Her eyes showed fear, but at the same time the woman chose to stay. She didn’t take even half a step back or allow her posture to become submissive. Like many vulpeculans, she was a proud creature and she was raised to keep her head high. 

“I’m going to leave your rude remark without notice as it deserves none. One must be clueless or otherwise challenged if they don’t know what kind of people have to stay in solitary confinement.” Her answer was strict and it sounded polite enough, despite the little insult hidden between the lines. Celestine stared into the man’s eyes, showing defiance in front of someone she saw as a threat.

The others, probably sensing the situation, gathered closer to the woman in case something would happen instead of just tongue slashing. 

The land formed a kind of cove, which broke the huge waves so they wouldn’t reach the beach. However it was obvious the rowboats wouldn’t make it to the next island, even less to the mainland unless it was by some god’s mercy. The waves got bigger the further away from the shore one went.    

“How would prison officers use me…? They aren’t the same as some people who live inside the prison.” You are paranoid, Celestine thought. “Why would they leave us here for good? It’s… It makes no sense. Even if for some irrational reason they decide that this place has become unproductive, they wouldn’t just leave us here. We would be transferred to other prisons and this island and all facilities on it would be sold. Value of every property here is going to go down the longer we are allowed to do whatever we please.” Mainly because of all the uncivilized people. 

“And what about the people back at home? Some of us still have loved ones who care about us. They must start asking questions.” Celestine was more than reluctant to believe they were left her on their own. If that was true… with time this place would become a primal hell full of savages preying on the weak. 

Further away on the beach the shed looked like a simple building. The door was locked with a padlock, but forcing the door open shouldn’t be too difficult for someone who really wanted in. The dockmaster’s office was a small elevated building with large windows on three sides and a patio surrounding the building. 


The short haired and round faced neko gasped at the way Maxwell spoke to her. She looked absolutely choked up, like being fat became a surprise to her. The others were already having increasingly negative opinion of the redhead because he was intimidating the young fox woman and now he made himself look even worse in their eyes. 

^That was unnecessary.^ Inga said and looked at the man like she was waiting for him to fix the situation.

^Young man, that was very rude of you. Apologize to her!^ The croco granny demanded and others hummed in approval behind her. 

^I’m not telling you anything. Since you are such a perfect person, sure you are going to figure it out on your own!^ The clearly offended cat grumbled and turned around, walking away from Lucas. ^I’m not even that fat…^

“It might be better you continue your search for the person you are looking for…” Celestine said, hinting he wasn’t welcome among them anymore.  

Edited by Kissa
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"... If you can't even hazard a guess as to what could happen to you, then I have no further business speaking to you. You have my gratitude for helping me with my injury, but that's all you have right now." Lucas couldn't fathom how sheltered this woman was, or how naive she could be. Her only concern was the prisoners, but she didn't know what kind of cruelty the guards could be capable of. She sounded as if she couldn't believe they could be left there intentionally to their own devices... But she could hear the takes even from the older prisoners and what the guards in the old days did. He didn't need to rip the band-aid off of her, he would let her listen to the actual adults. There may or may not have been some thinly veiled irritation from the vixen reminding him why he hated dealing with them.

The strange man seemed like more pleasant company to engage for the moment, by virtue of him not taking steps to actively draw the redhead's ire. "So many are busy just dealing with old grudges and nursing bruises egos that very few of them are probably doong anything worthwhile with their current situation. If I had to hazard a guess, whatever big fish from East Wing exist are trying to establish dominance over the facility. How well that works out depends on what kind of gangs are present in West Wing, and if they somehow work together." He folded his arms and looked back toward the direction they took to go to the facility. "Whatever the case, looks like who I'm looking for hasn't come this way yet."

He cast looks at the other old prisoners as they rose to the defense of the cat woman. His eyes didn't change much, but he contemplated bringing the shiv out Incase any had designs on his life. Luckily, they didn't do more than scold him for his poor choices of words, to which he looked like he was going to blow a blood vessel over it. However, after a few moments, he inhaled and hung his head.

"... It's been a long time since I was scolded for speaking carelessly out of turn. I apologize, miss." He bowed his head, before he looked to Celestine. "I think you're right. I can't live among civilized people anymore. Lots of luck in your endeavors then, fox. Don't turn out like one of the rotten ones." He finished, turning away from Celestine and moving down toward the dock. He took a few steps, before he looked back to the man. 

"If there aren't motorboats here, I doubt the helicopter is there too. However, if it is, it's either defunct or low on fuel... But if it can fly, I can pilot it. But first I'm going to check the buildings out. I'll either find something useful, or find an explanation as to when and why everyone fled so quickly." He finished speaking, before he moved toward the shed first. The padlock would have been much easier to deal with if he wasn't restricted so much, but it was time for a little muscle... Though he wasn't sure he could do it on his own unless the padlock was rusted. He turned and gestured to the man. "I may require your help over here with opening this."

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Well wasn't this a fun little time? Red-head kept putting his foot in his mouth and Del just kind of watched at he had apparently done so poorly that they were going to attempt to kick him out. Far be it from him to get involved but.....they didn't have the room to be picky. He shook head "We're criminals, whether we're the worst of the worst or not. The systems wrote us off the moment we were booked. No one gets sent here without having to do hard time."  adding to the chorus. The beauty was naive and by the way she spoke? Some sorta rich girl. Well that was going to be a problem but if she was here? Well she messed up bad.

He looked to Red and nodded his head along "There are enough prisoners here that the dust won't even properly settle until day breaks. Its leaves us time but not an eternity. This island's gonna become a grab for territory real fast. I had to deal with a number of these folks on my way out." rubbing his knuckles "I hope you didn't have any friends straggling there."

He didn't get a chance to get a word in at the ready, silver eyes just moving between them. The red-head was clearly more cynical and serious, while the white-haired one was more innocent and naive. The group behind them didn't help either as they just seemed determined to break apart. Del didn't say anything even as Red moved past him confirming they had similar thoughts to him on the matter. He agreed but couldn't help nod his head at how badly Red just handled that. He wasn't going to be much better "Snowball. I'm gonna guess you don't come from that tough a background so as someone who does? Authority rarely plays nice with the dregs. You're one of us, and right now? You and the others might need to hurt some people because they will try to make you lower. I wouldn't be so dismissive of an asset just because he's got foot-mouth syndrome. Be smart. Consider your options...you got people to guide."

He rubbed his knuckles and motioned to the prison "You and the older folks need to put considerable miles between the prison and yourselves. I mean no offense and you seem confident but most of you? Well lets just say the lions don't play easy and its already not fair." he point his fingers at them and click his tongue before going to join Red. It was just a few words of wisdom for them to consider if they really wanted to go without any real protection in what seemed a group on people who didn't fight, or wouldn't last long.

He came over and looked at the lock "This will be simple. Padlocks aren't very secure." and pulled the tools from his belt as he started to work on unlocking the padlock. Old stuff, it wouldn't take him more than a minute with the tools he had on him They could just break the door down though but he was wary of doing that. They might be gone but that doesn't mean it was entirely safe.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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Celestine listened to what Lucas and Delmar had to say. She was irritated by how they called her fox and Snowball, like they were close enough for such degrading nicknames. They were crude beings, incapable to do any better, but it still annoyed her. Let it go. They do not possess the capability to understand how people should behave.

After pushing aside her feelings about the way these bottomfeeders spoke, Celestine had to think about what they said. As much as she wanted to believe they were wrong, part of her knew they had a point. There was always the possibility no one was coming back for them… if that was the harsh reality, they would sooner or later meet their fellow convicts, who would be as cooperative as these old people. 

Then what? Celestine wasn’t a fighter. Never had been. If some of the people behind her had been fighters, it had been multiple decades ago in the past. Now they were weak and feeble. When things were normal they flew under the radar because they were harmless and they had nothing that the other prisoners might want. In other words, they weren’t worth the trouble. Celestine had had some trouble, but she had managed to settle things with some arrangements… which would be valid anymore now that their connection to the rest of the world was cut off. 

The ball shaped cat lady didn’t seem like she was going to forgive Lucas any time soon. The vulpeculan didn’t try to stop the pair walking away from others. Perhaps they would be willing to help, in exchange for something. Nothing was free here. 

^Don’t let them get under your skin, Celes.^ Inga said with a soothing voice as she saw how troubled the younger fox was. 

“I… We should make a plan. Just in case. Others might not be as easygoing with us.”

^We will worry about that later. Try to relax, Celes. Let’s enjoy this night, now that we have the chance. Come help us unpack the bus.^ The crocodile woman suggested. Celestine made one last glance at the men who were breaking in the shed, then she went to help with carrying what they had brought with them to the beach.


While Lucas and Delmar were focused on the shed and its lock, a group of old folks walked up the small wooden ramp to the door of the dockmaster's office. A yank of the handle revealed quickly the door being locked, as one might expect. 

^What now?^ One of them asked aloud. 

The padlock surrendered relatively easily. What they found were mostly tools and accessories for taking care of the boats that usually were docked here. There were fenders, ropes, chains, hooks, an anchor, a boarding ladder (and such) and some parts for fixing a motor. In addition to boat supplies there were some tools for gardening and taking care of the greenery. Items like a rake, a hoe, garden fork, loppers and such. 

While they were checking the shed they could hear sound of breaking glass as Elias smashed a rock through one of the windows. The glass shattered, forming a big hole near the door so the man could reach inside and unlock the door from inside. Now that the door was open the carefree bunch of oldtimers walked inside the office to take a closer look at what it contained.

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"You're right... If it hasn't started already. I don't know the ones most likely to be in charge, save for one of them. I would like to hope the initial chaos killed them... But that would rob me of the joy of doing it myself. Plus they're too crafty to just take a backseat... Knowing them, they would have already taken steps to control the facility in a show of force." Lucas wore a face of neutrality, but to Del, the thinly veiled rage and hatred could be seen in his features. His eyes may have looked like he'd given up, but Everytime he seemed to bring up this person, fire seemed to kick up in his vocals. It was almost like he lived solely to deal with this problem on his own. A problem he had no interest in sharing with anyone else, for one reason or another.

At the mention of having friends, he snorted. "I don't have friends here. I just have unknowns, and enemies. I wouldn't even be out here right now if all of this insanity didn't happen... But as things stand, I have something to do before I decide to roll over in the grave." Lucas closed his eyes and watched the man work on the padlock. A quick show of force would have been much faster, but there was no telling what could have happened if the door was forced open without care. Thankfully, the lock opened with little effort, Lucas slowly pushing the door open and peering inside.

"Hm .. Not much to see here ordinarily. However, some of this can be used for a weapon while others can potentially be used for other things. We should move some of that to the bus, maybe the old ones and the fox can use some of-" Lucas flinched when he heard the glass break on the nearby cabin, sliding the shiv out of his sleeve to be ready for a fight. However, when he looked toward the cabin, he breathed a quiet sigh and understood there was nothing to be wary of. He relaxed a bit and returned to hiding the shiv in his sleeve. "The chain would make for a good weapon. Can also use it or the rope to tie to a vehicle and tug something away if necessary. You see anything you might want to use?"

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"Sounds like you have some grudges of your own Red." of course they didn't know each other name yet but he could recognize a man with a score to settle. He had no idea who this man might need to settle a score with but he guessed that escape wasn't so much escape for this man, it was repositioning. He chuckled, not going to prey into information that only wasn't his to have but figuring that for this night? It wouldn't help either of them. They had to focus on getting through the night and then in the morning well who knew. They might have even been together that whole night. It just so happened that it worked out that all these people had come together. Granted with this group they weren't exactly cohesive. Snowball back there had to make her own choices.

He chuckled at the statements. No friends only enemies huh? Del understood that. They were more similar than it seemed but he didn't pry "Well then let me get this door open then cowboy." Lucas sounded like a man ready to meet his end in a grand showdown. Del wasn't but he wasn't going to get in the way. He just worked on the lock and with his expertise it gave way easy. He backed away as Lucas pushed the door open and peered inside as well. Mostly ordinary garbage. It wasn't a good haul but, it was nice to know it wasn't rigged at least. He just crossed his arms "Well, could be worse."

Weapons, maybe some spare parts and....he couldn't help but smile a little. It seemed Lucas was still thinking of the group he just got kicked out of. Good man. He looked back as he heard the breaking of glass. He looked down to see the man had his shiv out already but there was no threat. This man was intense. He looked back to the bounty "Rope for sure. We didn't destroy the padlock so could use the chains as another bind." he picked up the padlock. Breaking in was much better than simple force really. He reached forward and took a garden fork "Might as well. Pointy ends." he said.

He looked back "Wanna go check on princess and the old timers after we move a bunch of this to the bus?"

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They were like a bunch of well-mannered thieves. The old people didn’t make a mess, excluding the window they had broken. They moved things slowly and with caution and were careful not to break anything. The office was just one large room with a separate WC, which was more like a closet with a toilet bowl and sink. There were things like a worn out couch and a small tv, which these people considered as a luxury. A big desk filled with papers and a screen and keyboard. On one wall was a modest kitchenette with a fridge and 2 plates electric stove.  

^Spaghetti, tomato sauce, garlic powder and olive oil… We can make tomato spaghetti on a fire!^

^What else is there?^ Elias asked from the cat that was teetering on a step stool.

^Canned beans, flour, oatmeal, canned tuna, sugar, canned peaches, canned pears and… canned pineapple. Oh! And a bottle of bourbon!^

^The guy working here is an alcoholist. I found a bottle in his desk drawer.^

^All seamen are drunks.^

^Check under the sink. There could be a bottle too.^

^Good idea!^

They gathered all the food items and drinks they found in plastic bags so they would be easier to carry. There were candles, a lighter and boxes of matches too, a proper flashlight that could be used as a baton in the worst case, an electric lantern and a smaller flashlight, towels and some blankets, soap and two in one shampoo. Everything that fitted in the plastic bags were shoved in them. There was more than they could carry on one go.

^Here are some sea maps… Should we take them to that black boy who wants to escape?^

^Would he understand anything about them?^ The cat shrugged. ^We should let Celes take a look at them first. She might know a thing or two about them. I think I heard her once mention her family had a yacht.^

While the four geezers were busy searching and looting the place, Celestine and others had carried their modest hoard from the bus on the beach. Some were already carrying, or dragging, driftwood into a pile to start a fire. They were acting like they were all under a mass delusion which made them unable to see the seriousness of the situation. This was like a pleasant camping trip, without tents, to them. 

Celestine was done carrying things. There wasn’t that much to begin with. Now the woman was approaching the shed to see if there was a shovel, or something else she could use to dig a hole for the fire. As she was getting closer the cat lady came to the patio and waved some huge sheet of paper in the air. 

^Celestine! We found sea maps! Come! Come take a look!^

“On my way.” Celestine wasn’t sure what good nautical charts would be to them, but it wouldn’t hurt to take a look when they so eagerly wanted to show them to her.

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"That obvious, is it? Well, I haven't had much else to think about while I was here in Avonmore. Depending on who you ask, I may be one of the worst prisoners here by virtue of my work. Of course, some seem to think that means other things..." Lucas remarked dryly, a not quite subtle jab toward Celestine and the others mistaking him as some sort of predator towards children. The mere thought disgusted him, but he felt more offended to know that was their first instinct and nothing else, and as someone who had a very short fuse with no patience for jokes and jabs thanks to his time in prison, just hearing that was enough to write them off as anyone remotely helpful.

The redhead said many things that seemed worth inquiring about, but the notion that the man assisting him felt no need to inquire sat favorably with the redhead. Lucas didn't ask for anything more than his motivations earlier when pressed, and this one seemed like he wasn't the sort to pry, nor did he fashion his own theories as to why Lucas chose to live in solitary confinement for the entirety of his stay on Avonmore. Once the door opened and stock could be surveyed, Lucas gave an approving nod. 

"Things easily weaponized, but also able to have other utilitarian uses. To the most creative, this might be considered a treasure trove of useful items." Lucas nodded. The man was supremely resourceful, it seemed; Reusing the lock elsewhere could definitely be a smart idea, as long as people's collars didn't start coming off. There was no telling what kind of magical prowess the majority of the prisoners had. "Heh... When most everyone else will probably be armed with shivs, that fork should make a decent weapon. Just be wary... Knowing the smarter crooks, they may have had the idea to raid the guard's storages for any weapons. It'll pay to observe everyone against us to make sure we aren't surprised by something unpleasant." the redhead remarked. They were just a little bit more armed right now, but their enemies could have been even more.

If only he could get one of those guard's batons, it would feel almost like the tonfas he used before all of this happened.

"Hrm... It might be better if you go to them yourself for dialogue. I've worn out my welcome, and I have little patience for them making light of a dangerous situation. At best, I'll help carry the haul to the bus, but it would be in my best interest to avoid speaking to them further." He finished, walking into the shed to begin picking things up one by one to hold in his arms and carry back to the bus. 

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"If you could spew fire I'm sure you would." he said though getting more context behind what had started that little spat he nodded his head "Look man, you shouldn't take what Snowball said too harshly. Silverspoon types don't really understand what type of world they live in. You know what you are." he understood why Lucas was pretty upset by that. It was a pretty harsh thing to be called even as a question because not everyone got the answer. If she had asked that in the front place then Lucas's reputation could be even worse and possibly mark him for death more than his real job is which Del figured by his words was likely...Law Enforcement. He wasn't an idiot. Del grew up in a rough place. He grew up around people who had been in and out of jail. He just knew there was two things at least gen-pop hated more than anything. Chomos....and cops. He didn't think Lucas would be a Chomo, but a cop? Yeah that made sense. They were both in jail so Lucas's job didn't matter anymore at least to him but he also figured that Red didn't seem to thrilled to talk about it. Lucas didn't ask what he was in for after-all.

"Yeah...makes me wish I took shop class more seriously. I'm sure someone in there could fashion a sword or something to swing." he said. He did agree that it was some sort of leg up but they had no idea what everyone else had. He sighed "Be real nice to have something more made for it." they absolutely took those with them. He could still maintain some reach but his skills were mostly hand to hand but bare-knuckles here? Well his knuckles were already fucked up a little bit. He needed some protection...or at least something to makeshift into some knuckles and reduce that battle time. Sooner the enemy was out, sooner he was safe.

"Or...you could apologize for calling the fat cat fat." he said "Listen Red, I don't know you well and you don't know me well. Snowball has a silver spoon to suck on but she's gonna lead these people to their deaths." of course he wasn't entirely altruistic about it. They were old but in some way useful "Its not gonna be safe to head back to that prison for a minute. You might as well suck it up and deal with the princess and her adoring public until you can head back. Two voices of realism might be better than one." he wasn't exactly asking for help but Lucas was likely the only other person besides him that could fight and he wasn't heading back they. He picked up a bunch of stuff too before he started back towards the bus.

"Plus....all that time in solitary? Snowball? Don't gonna be so eager to go back. Take in the sights while you set out a new plan." he was joking somewhat. Lucas didn't seem like the type to care that much about that sort of thing but fuck it why not?

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By the time Lucas and Delmar returned to the bus it was completely empty of its riders. The key was gone from the ignition. People outside seemed to be comfortably making their camp on the beach. Celestine examined the nautical chart in the light of the lantern the fat cat lady was holding.




Suddenly a loud sound, like an explosion pierced the calm night. It happened inside the dockmaster’s office. There was a flash of light, the windows shattered and sharp pieces flew out, hitting Celestine’s and the cat’s backs. The explosion was strong enough to throw those two unfortunate souls inside the building across the room and mess up the whole place in a blink of an eye. 

Celestine felt stunned. She saw the cat covering against the patio fence. She saw her lips moving, but didn’t hear a word. Her ears were ringing. “Are you okay? Inayka, move away. Get to safety. I’m going to check if someone is still inside…” The chart dropped on the ground without her even noticing it in all the chaos. 

She could smell the smoke before she even stepped inside. Some of the papers on the table had caught on fire. Elias and Trinas were lying on the floor. Trinas was whimpering, not that the fox could hear it. With a quick look she didn’t seem seriously injured, but Elias… 

“Someone, help!” the fox screamed and on instinct rushed to Elias. 

The old man was in panic. His eyes rolled in their sockets. He gurgled blood. Celestine tore off her striped shirt, leaving only her white top and bra on. She knew it was pointless. The damages to the old man’s face and neck were too severe. It was meaningless, yet she couldn’t stop herself from trying. Celestine pressed the shirt against the gaping wound on the neck. 

Elias’ face was filled with burn injuries and plastic shards. “It’s going to be okay… It’s going to be okay…” She repeated. The old man’s hand grasped the air and Celestine grabbed it with her free hand. The squeeze was weak… and it became weaker. By the time others arrived at the office, he had ceased to breathe.    

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"Not too far from the truth, if I'm being honest. However, I'm more likely to spit blood in vehement rage than anything approaching fire... But I suppose I was being too harsh myself. On her, and on them." Lucas paused for a few moments. Silverspoon types... He understood all too well why they bothered him: People who did nothing to get everything, people who could throw money at problems to make them go away. People who could worm their way into a good society and parasitize it from within to be a mockery of what it could have been while hiding the disgusting truth underneath it. However, all these and more didn't necessarily apply to everyone. After all, why was she here? What could she have done that brought her here, and why did she act as if the system hadn't broken her in?

There was a story behind her, but Lucas wasn't sure what to make of her right now. However, he could at least admit he was judging her too harshly considering their circumstances. 'You know what you are'... Words like that made him think about it. Could he still be anything close to that by this point? After everything, no one wanted anything to do with him anymore. He couldn't even be sure of the circumstances that landed him here... That bothered him more than anything.

"As depressing as it is to admit, you are probably the first and only person I've spoken to at this length for years. If I ever needed an opportunity to find someone in this hellhole with their head on right, I'm relieved it was tonight. Now let's get this crap moved over before I start going jell-o soft, the idea makes me sick to even think about." Lucas spoke, his face seemingly still reflecting a sense of bitter neutrality, but there seemed to be a hint of curvature near the corner of his mouth. Almost like a smirk...

"To my credit, I already did try to apologize. However, you know how the saying goes, 'Your first impression is usually your last impression'? I'm pretty sure it won't matter how much I try to make amends, I am just another unruly prisoner in their eyes. Maybe on some level they're right. I'd like to believe she can take care of them if the worst happens, but... Yeah, I suppose I can make myself useful without opening my mouth.  It beats walking a few miles back." He sighed, setting his haul down just by the bus. His brows furrowed as his companion mentioned taking in the sights. The man had quite the sense of levity about him despite his circumstances. It reminded him of better days-

Yet there was no time to reminisce, the blast sound catching his eyes and ears as he looked toward the cabin. "What the... Shit!" Lucas scowled, assuming they were under attack as he moved toward the shed. He remembered a few of the elderly had gone inside, but he couldn't tell what kind of state they were in. He expected the other man to be following along closely. His eyes looked toward the structure, but Celestine was already trying to help the driver of the bus inside. As he approached, the low light of the fires within illuminated the man's face, and he could already see the worst had come to pass.

His own eyes were lit by the firelights, cast downward as he remained quiet, moving a hand to Celestine's shoulder and shaking his head. "He... He's gone. You need to look after the others... And yourself." He spoke quietly, standing up before he reached his arms up to remove his own shirt, setting it on Celestine's shoulder before he tried to pull her away from Elias' lifeless form. "Come on, we need to move you out so we can keep the fire from getting worse... Hey, you!" He turned his head slightly to call back to Del. "Help me get the others out of here so we can try making sure the fires don't spread! We can try to preserve what's left!"

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"Its a crazy time. You can be forgiven a little reaction." even if Snowball and the believers weren't so 'easy going' as to offer it. He was glad Lucas had an idea about that though. He could admit he was perhaps being a bit judgemental of Snowball himself but he had his issues with the rich types. Her riches didn't mean shit anymore, but it clearly colored her mindset. It was a problem but they were all wearing the stripes so what did it matter?

"Well I'm glad I hitched a ride. It is nice to meet another sane guy I haven't had to punch in the mouth yet. Thanks for not shiving me at least." he chuckled though Lucas still looked tired but he could tell the guy was thawing off a little bit. It really did pay to have some people skills didn't it? Sure helped with his robberies but the fact of the matter was that they were still strangers so one couldn't be too careful "Right. Geezers can't do it so lets get to hauling and maybe we can convince them to put some more miles out." he said setting the stuff down as well and getting ready to head back to the shed to get the next and then....


Del flinched backwards covering himself instinctively "What the fuck!?!" explosives. Del knew a bit about explosives but why!? He looked to Lucas as they both recalled that the elders were in there. Fuck! He was right. He followed with, running alongside him to the building. He moved inside but even in the darkness? He could tell the older man was gone. Damn. He felt bad about it but nothing for it. He just looked to Lucas and nodded moving to lift the whimpering Trinas who still had a chance, leaning down to pick her up, supporting her head on his arm and hugging her tight. He was strong luckily so 

"Gotta get you moving!"
Maybe he could figured out what went off too but they had to help them and stamp out the blaze before it took everything.

So much for a simple night out.

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Her long hair had mitigated some of the damage from the broken glass, but there were glass shards in the vulpeculan’s back, making her bleed. She flinched and turned around quickly when someone, Lucas, touched her unannounced. “Don’t touch me!” She hissed and shoved his hand away.

Prioritize. Save the living.

Celestine stood up and her hand moved to quickly wipe off the tears in corners of her eyes. She was a civilian and although she was used to seeing blood, she wasn’t familiar with this kind of violence. What had happened here…? Time for seeking answers would come later. Nonchalantly Celes pushed away the human’s dirty shirt and stepped over the debris on the floor. 

Fresh sea air brushed against her face when she stepped outside. No time to give space to feelings now. I have to act. The blue eyes searched for Trinas and Celes saw Delmar carrying her. By this point the woman started to hear loud screams like they came from somewhere distant. 

“Carry her to the camp.” It was overstating to call the spot where all things were gathered a camp, but that’s what she meant. It was far enough from the office. Even if the fire would spread, it couldn’t get here. Now it became painfully obvious they were stuck here, out of reach of help. 

“Inayka… There you are. I will check you right after Trinas. Stay close.”

^I can wait. Please, help Trinas instead.^

Celestine waited for Delmar to set the old woman down on a spread blanket. She was about to ask for the first aid kit, but Inga was ahead of her and spread it open by her side while someone else offered a flashlight to the vulpeculan. Trinas heartbeat and breathing were steady. Celes opened her eyes to check her reaction to light. “A likely concussion…” Her fingers moved behind the head, trying to find a possible wound or blood, but there was nothing.

There was a fire extinguisher inside on the wall of the dockmaster’s office. If someone suspected a gas leak to be to blame for the explosion, they might find out soon that there was no gas in the building. The stove plates and heating used electricity. If someone knew a thing or two about explosives, they might be able to read the room enough to see that the zero zone of the explosion had been next to the window, where the desk had been. The closer inspection could reveal that the VHF transmitter was what had exploded as it was in much smaller pieces compared to screen and keyboard which had been on the same desk.  

“You are going to be fine Trinas. Nothing is broken. Bruises and cuts. You might get some new scars, but you are going to be fine otherwise.” Celes tried to calm the half-conscious woman. She had examined her thoroughly. There were no broken bones as far as she could tell. By stroke of luck, the old leopard woman had survived with a hit in the head and some cuts, which Celestine began cleaning and patching together. While she was doing that she started to hear what others spoke around her. Their worry was easy to hear. Two had left the group to approach the office and see if there was anything they could do.

Everyone was more or less in shock as this turn of event had surprised them completely. No one had expected someone to die so suddenly.

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Lucas didn't flinch when she pushed his hand away, but he understood he had crossed a line in her present stage. He nodded quietly and slowly retracted the limb after she shoved it off her shoulder, pushing himself to a stand and looking toward the cabin. The conversation between him and Del had been interrupted for the time being, but nothing like a conflict to get them working together for a common goal. He knew right now was a tense situation, and he had been in the wrong for trying to shake Celestine out of her shock. Thankfully Del was quick to fetch the other injured elderly person, which meant controlling the situation was the top priority. 

"Make sure they're all okay. I'm going to try to keep the fire from getting out of control." Lucas moved toward the cabin, pushing his way inside, before quickly scanning around to find the fire extinguisher. Wasting no time, he grabbed the extinguisher and quickly put out the problem areas on the desk. There were mild coughs escaping his throat from the smoke, but otherwise he had little damage on his person. The good news was that this was no attack... An explosive device would have made a bigger blast, potentially blown out the wall and obliterated the desk along with everything else in range. The most obvious culprits were ruled out, but that only left more questions.

"... Wait." Looking at the desk and the transmitter on it, it looked like it had exploded outward, and was lightly charred, pieces of it scattered around... But otherwise the lack of damage showed that the trouble started here. Perhaps the old man kept his head too close to the device when he attempted to fiddle with it... However, it shouldn't have blown out like that. There was no power to the facility, and he wasn't sure how far out the island was recieving power, unless... "Either parts of the island still have power... Or they succeeded in turning power back on at the facility. Maybe this could have overloaded when he turned it on... *Cough*" he fanned his hand Infront of his face before looking at the papers.

Paperwork was never his forte, so he couldn't tell how useful any of this stuff was. The approaching presences near him made him raise his head to look back at the others, before he stepped to the side to let them in. "Blown transmitter, looks like. Be careful in here, and don't touch anything electrical. There's a chance other things might pop and explode if handled carelessly."  He sighed, stepping out to call out to Del. "How are they?"

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Del didn't really have time to dwell on the girl's reaction but they all seemed to move pretty quickly. Delmar moved the old woman to the camp just like Snowball asked and set her down gently. He stood by for a moment while the doctor checked on the old woman and made sure she was alright. One dead, another a bit shaken but it seemed they'd be alright. He didn't have any medical knowledge though so he couldn't help her do anything there. He wonder what blew. They really couldn't stay there now.

He stuck around watching Celestine work until Lucas came out and called "Shaken. A little hurt but they'll live I'm sure." he said as he called back "You figure anything out? Need me to take a look?" he asked as he stood by with arms crossed. He couldn't really help with much of anything over there unless Celestine asked but otherwise his skills were fit elsewhere like if the downed ones needed to be lifted back over to the bus or anything.

What a night.

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There was no way a regular overload could have caused this much destruction. There had been something else behind all of this. The papers were now soiled by the fire extinguisher. There were work shifts, supply order forms and such. A thick logbook laid on the floor among the rest of the mess. It had no title.

A white haired man nodded in silence to Lucas’ warning before carefully treading inside the building. ^Poor bastard…^ One said quietly and the other one whispered a prayer. The white haired human seemed to be looking for something, based on how he paid attention to only some things and carefully moved things on the floor, while the other one gave him light.


Meanwhile on the beach Celestine was starting to run out of medical supplies. The only pain relief she had was ibuprofen, which wasn’t ideal in this situation. She hoped the placebo effect it could give would help. Once she had treated Trinas as well as she could, the others helped wrap her inside blankets to keep her warm.

“ Let me take at your back…” The woman said as she turned next to the cat. 

^How could something like that happen…?^

^What are we going to do now? Should we go back?^

^No! It’s not safe there.^

^It’s not safe here either…^

Celestine bit her lip and wished she had the answer. The prison was a death trap to people like them. Perhaps Delmar and Lucas would be fine there, but people who were unable to defend themselves… The vulpeculan was sure it would get ugly really fast. But where could they go? They were all stuck on the island. There was no place where they could go where the other prisoners wouldn’t come. Especially when this group wasn’t exactly an agile one. 

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"Understandable... This might have been the first time she was exposed to something like this. The shock is understandable."  Lucas folded his arms as he looked toward Celestine and the others. They were doing a good job of taking care of one another for now, perhaps the fox was finally getting over the shock of the moment. Reality was often a harsh mistress, as many in Avonmore found out from life here. Others, like him, learned how harsh she could be long before they arrived at the prison. Sparing one last look at Celestine and the others to ensure they were okay, he nodded to Del. "Actually, yeah, come with me just Incase "

Two sets of hands and eyes could help survey the cabin much easier, and given the man had already shown himself as resourceful, perhaps he found find something he overlooked. However, as he approached the Dockmasters' Office, he observed the other two quietly searching the office... Less aimlessly, but seemingly like there was something they were specifically looking for.

"Is there something we can help you look for? Be careful what you kick around, we don't know if this place is still a death trap or not." Lucas advised the two. He moved his eyes around slowly where the man was looking, wondering exactly how this could have happened. He'd never seen a transmitter explode that violently, even though that was the only theory he had to work with. However, he was no detective, he couldn't see what else could have caused this so easily. Perhaps having Del there could make searching for something out of the ordinary easier.

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