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Farm - Late Night [Closed]

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The high fence that was around the farm, not for the animals, but for the convicts seemed intact and the gate was still locked. The convoy stopped and soon the lock was picked open so they could drive inside. The cars parked near a large building that was for breaks and feeding the prisoners who worked on the farm. Next to it was a smaller building, which served as a combined office of the guards and living quarters of the few members of staff who stayed at the farm even at night. Like one might guess, there was no one here. Despite the prison building having electricity for some hours now, the farm was dark and without the comfort electricity could bring.

Behind those two buildings was a garage for farming vehicles, another building for equipment and tools and multiple storage buildings and two tall silos. Little separated from all other buildings was the place where no animal lover wanted to go, a slaughterhouse.

The trio were allowed to get out of the cars and they were carefully observed while the gang leaders gathered to speak further away. Their consultation was short. There was nothing they hadn’t expected so far, so they could proceed according to their plan. 

The farm was huge. The farmland was used for both livestock and growing grain, vegetables and fruits. The animals consisted mostly of chickens, pigs, cows and sheeps. There were some goats, ducks and turkeys in the mix. On the property were even seen a couple of barn cats that were there to keep the unwanted rodent population within acceptable numbers. The farmland produced feed for the animals and grew wheat, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peas, apples, peas and melons, among other things. Despite the measurable size  of the farm it couldn’t provide enough food to feed the whole prison… Although that situation might have changed now that the population had decreased.  

“You three, come with me. Let’s take a little walk.” Anjira told the trio. She didn’t say a thing, but two of her girls followed quietly behind. 

The vulpeculan walked near the fence, sweeping the fence with her flashlight to see if there were any holes in it. The animals were inside their barns, pigsties and coops, but their sounds could be heard. There was never completely quiet at a farm. 

“We are going to find some corner for you to sleep tonight. Archer, we leave at dawn to solve this electricity mystery once and for all. While we are enjoying our night stroll I would like to hear more about our guests. What brought you here? There are no petty criminals on this island. Everyone is here for 20 years or more. What did you three do to get a ticket to this lovely piece of paradise?” Anjira asked and glanced at the three outsiders among many.

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[Prior Setting]

Archer was somewhat surprised when Sybil, in perhaps the most polite manner possible, stated his words were best served aimed at him than her. It was surprising to hear for the man, but the way her demeanor carried as she spoke... It sounded as if Sybil had a weight on her shoulders that she could never shake off. This was far from the place to ask about it, but nevertheless he didn't make a show of it. 'It sounds like you've got your demons hounding you, as much as some of us. This isn't the place or time to discuss them... Alright Archer, take the hint.' He told himself, nodding at Sybil (actually, could she even see that?), before he returned to his business. It was established now: The three of them were Anjira's problem for now, and she made it clear she didn't want to hear any issues from them, or the problems would disappear.

At least, that was how he figured it. 

Fera's way of speaking was interesting... Maybe to most it sounded like foolish talk, but there was something about them that she herself understood, and was able to be understood by others who were willing to listen. However, people with short fuses and even shorter limits of patience wouldn't ever be able to understand. "Hahah... I'd almost ask if you were a mind reader, but that's not possible. Maybe one day, I'll have a story to tell you, Fera. About what happens when you let your likes bring you close to people you shouldn't be close to." He admitted, pulling back the cover just a bit on his own life, but said nothing more as he went to asdenble the tools of the trade that he would need to conduct his work. As he approached the vehicle, Fera was standing ready to help him.

"You want to help carry this, eh? That won't leave me much to do I guess." Archer shrugged playfully, handing her the somewhat heavy toolchest. "However, that does leave my hand free to give headpats!" He grinned, extending his hand to gently pat and brush Fera's head-

'How could you...? We just wanted a place to live!'

'Mom...! Mooooom...!!!'

'Please, don't do this! Leave us alone!'

'You will pay. However long it takes... The consequences of your actions will haunt you for the remainder of your life!'

He stood there, looking at Fera for one moment, before the next he found himself dressed in gear he hadn't worn in years, standing among ruined homes and bodies of people who weren't quite human.... The HLF insignia marked what kind of monster he was, but even he couldn't bring himself to stomach what he had wrought. He collapsed, looking at the deceased form of a young girl in front of him, reaching out to slowly brush her head and hope she hadn't been claimed by the Reaper. Yet when he touched her head, his vision returned to the smiling form of Fera, before his hand suddenly shot back. He felt a streak rolling down his cheek, before he shook his head to try and clear the thoughts from his mind, hurrying to climb aboard the vehicle for them and hope he didn't make a spectacle of things.


[Present Setting]

The change of scenery would do Archer some good. The farm was a familiar, comfortable sight, one of two places he could lose himself in toiling away in his daily life... But the lack of electricity meant that nothing on the farm had any sort of power. The animals would be fine for now, they didn't need the comforts of electricity yet, but they were back to square one like in the prison. Archer withdrew his flashlight, shining around the area as he was brought along with Anjira, who took Sybil and Fera along with her. He followed quietly on request, but he certainly didn't miss the notion that Anjira had equalized the numbers between them, likely to ward any instances of insubordination.

"Haven't slept in a farm for quite some time. The memories are coming back to me... Have you got any idea where the generators are for the locales beyond the prison?" He asked, but it seemed Anjira had interest in other things... Namely their private lives, of which she had no business knowing. His brows furrowed as he looked to Anjira."I can't say I share the curiosity of other people's histories myself, especially given who we all are. But I suppose if you want to know why I'm in here, there's a lot of arson for reasons. Working with electricity had its perks." Not a lie... But not the full truth either. He understood she could tell when someone was lying... But did that mean she could understand how much of a truth was only part of it or the whole truth?

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Click. Click! Click.

New surroundings a need for a new sound map. Sybil stuck close by but she was quiet. She still made to sure keep close to Fera to make sure she didn't get herself into trouble. She was still not fond of the situation, but she had made peace with knowing that what she did was for Fera and Archer. It all had to be for them. They were worthy of what little grace she could offer to people such as them.

Their numbers were fewer but Sybil did not entertain the idea that it mean this Anjira woman was suddenly vulnerable. It was nice, however, to be outside. Sybil actually tended the gardens so she was often around natural life, but she also helped in the infirmary. She was a fairly well trusted individual at least when it came to things like that. Sybil didn't want to hurt anyone but sometimes.....she wanted to.

And then came the question. What got them there.
Sybil remained silent. It was a not a pleasant question and she imagined this woman wanted to know that to pass judgement. Sybil could heard the hesitation in Archer's voice as he spoke. He didn't lie, and his words were short. She couldn't imagine what he had done at all. She couldn't imagine that he was any more deserving of the mire. The horrid shackles this place gave but what did she know?

"I...." she didn't want to answer this. She couldn't "I ran afoul of people I shouldn't have. Powerful people." she said "Their blood rests on my hand so...I am here." following Archer's example and not revealing everything. It wasn't for her benefit at least not in the way one might think. She just couldn't bear it. She feared the reactions if they knew the truth of the blind woman who followed on their heels.

She deserved it but...she still feared the thought. 

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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[Prior Setting]

Back at the garage, Fera was trying to make herself as helpful as possible. She didn't fully understand what message Archer was trying to convey to her, however, she did smile at him at the mention of a story. She liked those. She wondered what kind of stories he had to tell her. Archer allowed her the privilege of arrying the toolchest, and Fera's eyes flimmered with excitement when he mentioned headpats. When he started to brush her head, the tigress even let out a pleasant little purr. She was happy, but the moment did not last long. Something changed about Archer in that moment, something Fera did not know about, so she only saw his hand shoot back and her eyes widened at the tear going down his cheek. Had she hurt him somehow? Was her hair sharper than she thought and did he cut himself with it? No, he didn't seem hurt...not on the outside at least. Fera felt worried about him, quickly following the man into the vehicule and placing herself against him. Without hesitating, Fera would hug his arm and hold on tight, nestling it against her chest, He hadn't made a spectacle of things, but it didn't take a lot to make the Tinorian act like this. "It's gonna be okay, Armin.." she told him, somehow trying to comfort him a bit.


[Present Setting]

After having stepped into the vehicule with her companions, Fera would be asking only the most crucial of questions such as "Where are we going?" and "Are we there yet?" 
She had been to the farm before, multiple times over the past 10 years when it was time to work...Although she rarely did do much work here. Usually, Fera would be running around and playing with all the cute animals while both prisoners and guards watched with smiles on their faces. It was hard to keep her focused on just a mundane or monotone task, but she had been one to keep morale up while others worked. She hopped out of the car when they arrived, and would actually wrap her large, massive...tail around the handle of Archer's toolchest. This way she could carry it and keep both of her hands free. 

She pouted slightly when she didn't see the animals yet. Right, it was nighttime, so they were probably sleeping, she figured. Anjira wanted them to go on a walk and two of her friends were joining too it seemed, so Fera hummed softly while placing herself between Archer and Sybil. Casually, she would take Sybil's hand into her right hand, and Archer's into her left, interlacing her fingers with them to make sure they wouldn't get separated. She grinned happily, and would walk with a jump in her step, the toolchest on her tail making a small rustling noise from the movements, but otherwise it was just Fera humming while swinging her arms back and forth, making her companions do the same. 

On their way, Anjira questioned how they got here. Archer and Sybil answered but..."Huh?" Fera let out with a bit of a confused expression. Archer was here for arson...but what did he put his 'arse on'? and Sybil mentioned blood on her hands, so Fera raised the woman's hand curiously, but didn't see a drop on it. Besides, wasn't it normal for doctors to get blood on them? She thought they were silly. Once it seemed like it was her turn, Fera smiled "Hmm, so a Mister gave Fera some funny looking stuff to wear. Then Fera was found and they took me to a...trial thingy? They said Fera was wearing explo..ex...axeplastics?" she didn't remember the word for explosives "Then they brought Fera here, gave me a bed and food, it was really nice!" 

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“There are likely some aggregators here somewhere. I’m sure of that, but it's a waste of fuel to kick them on just for one night of light and hot water. If we are going to be without electricity for good, we have to preserve what we have. I know where the power plant is. That’s where we are going first thing in the morning. It’s there, at Solar Hill.” Anjira pointed with her baton in the distance. The hill in question was about two miles away, filled with solar panels and near them was a square shaped building that processed the incoming power.

“Arsons… We must look after you so you won’t get a lighter in your hands.” There was a hint of a smile on her lips when she said that. “You must have burned a lot of houses down to gain access here or some important ones. Why was it? Was it passion? Are you a pyromaniac, Archer? Couldn’t help yourself? Aah, I know that feeling so well… All the things wrong are so damn tempting. Or was it for a purpose, higher meaning? Are you trying to hide something from me Mr Cherry? Could it be you didn’t only burn down places… People died inside those buildings. You burnt people to death. That sure will get you kicked here fast.” 

She was toying with their dark pasts, the very secrets they wanted to hide. 

Anjira doubted Sybil had spent enough time at the farm to know it by heart. That weird clicking she made… She used the sound somehow to paint an image of her surroundings into her mind. That’s how the fox saw it. She heard hesitation, no, reluctance in the tall woman’s voice. Yet she pushed through it and gave her an answer. It made the dark vixen’s smile grow wider.

“Ah. Those powerful people… Ms Baudelaire, you are such a graceful and gentle woman. I find it hard to imagine you committing a murder. Let alone multiple. I guess at some point the shadows of your heart caught you. Tell me. What did they do to get you to such lengths? How did they make you lose yourself so you succumbed into violence and bloodletting? I must know so I will know now not to anger you.” 

There was a moment of silence. Anjira looked over the guests and her soldiers. The gate was open. Cars left the farm. Two of them returned in the direction of the prison. Four continued down the road, where the factors were. Soon both their sounds and lights were swallowed by the night.

“Most importantly… I want to know how you did it. Powerful people are hard targets. They are difficult to reach, protected by walls and meat money can buy. How did you end their lives, Doctor?”

Anjira listened to Fera, her interest clearly being far smaller than with the other two. “Ah. How justice system has failed you.” She believed that was something the other two guests could agree with her. Even the lousiest shrink could see this shed hadn’t even heard of tools. She wasn’t fit to go to a trial, yet here she was. A creature who couldn’t even form words like a normal person. It would have been mercy if those explosives had gone off.      

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What was it about her? Archer couldn't understand it, but when he saw Fera just... Living her best life in the worst of circumstances, he felt an overwhelming fluffy desire. It was almost disgustingly sweet for someone who hadn't experienced that kind of fond behavior since... Well, since his parents were still alive. However, as he walked with her hand in one of his and her other in Sybil's, he couldn't shake the feeling that it felt like deja but for him... Except he was the young, happy-go-lucky one holding his mother's and father's hands. It was also a welcome distraction from having the ugly parts of his life probed by the vixen, who seemed to be trying to understand what truly made them the deplorable people she wanted them to be.

"You don't think you're worrying a little too much? I mean, we're surrounded by murderers, rapists, and probably worse things than that. Keeping me away from arsonist habits ought to be pretty low on your radar. Besides, I need some kind of joy if my proclivity for adult magazines is going to be dragged through the mud " Archer gave a light chuckle. He wanted to play it off like it was no big deal, but Anjira wasn't satisfied with just that knowledge. "Passion... Maybe at some point, that was part of it, but that doesn't exist anymore. I'm not a pyromaniac though... It was just part of my expectations, nothing more." There wasn't a chuckle this time, not wanting to remember those kinds of things, but the vixen wasn't done playing her games.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Unfortunately, I'm not very big on sharing my past with people I don't-" like. "-know... And since my job doesn't hinge on knowing your past, I can't say I'm in any rush to rectify that. A good boss keeps things strictly professional, especially to first timers " Archer left it at that for now. He'd already relived a few horrors when he interacted with Fera, he didn't want to let this vile piece of fur drag out the most painful memories to twist to her own amusement. All he needed to do was be creative about how he told the truth and what he withheld. As he expected, if she had even the smallest portion of truth, she didn't question how big said truth was.

This was why she was probing them with questions, he reasoned. 

Sybil's story... It was small, but it sounded like there was far more to it than that. Was she like him, only wanting to share a small part of it? His only clue that she held deeper horrors was the pleading request she gave him not to think of her as a good person. Archer wanted to believe some part of her was still good, but he wasn't going to drag out her anguish in trying to get her to realize that. They needed to get away from these people first, where they couldn't try to exploit their traumas and sins for their own delights. For now, he did his best to file the information away for later. Maybe when they shared a meal, they could talk without worrying about satellites.

As for Fera... Archer didn't know what to expect with her history, and even after she spoke it, he still wasn't sure what he heard... But he felt his heart sunk a little when he heard the story. He understood now... It sounded like someone wanted to assassinate someone else, and they had turned Fera into an innocent delivery system. A non-human, who didn't know any better... He almost felt sick as he stepped Infront of Fera to look at her. "Fera, that person... Was he a human? I know it's not the most descriptive question... But did he have anything like... A badge or an insignia? No, you wouldn't know those... Um... A design! Did he have a design on his chest or shoulder with letters in it? Three letters?" He didn't want to believe they were involved in what happened to her, but... It truly sounded like something they would do. For a moment he forgot that Anjira and the others were there.

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In some small part Sybil's blindness was a boon. She could appreciate...the little sound people made. She could appreciate...the small tells in their tones that might have been over looked by those who could see. What people were? What they looked like? It didn't matter to Sybil. They were all sounds that would ring in her ear. They were all smells, unique...for good and ill. They were touch, memorized spasms and form. They were base things. Fera was an energetic melody, an innocent series of touches that showed both a strength and powers wrapped in warmth. Archer she hadn't touched but his balmy voice and levity carried intelligence and a clear understanding. She knew so little and yet she valued them both.

Then there was the woman. If was a boon in some way, that Sybil could not lay her eyes upon that sick smile that surely rested on her face as she propped them, but the way she spoke was enough. Her every word was sharp, cutting deep into Sybil's brain. This woman, she had not touched her but she smelled of blood but not her own. Sybil knew what she was doing. This wasn't without judgement. This wasn't some innocent bonding session. She knew questions might follow....

Archer had his own darkness but whatever it was Sybil knew he regretted. She was only starting to have some small understanding that what he did may not be so dissimilar from her and yet....perhaps he had far greater reason. Regret was a heavy crown but it was good to wear. It meant there was hope or at least that was what Sybil believed for most. Anjira's interest was a concern but he seemed to navigate it well and then she turned to Sybil.
Every word brought unrest to the spirit. She didn't want to answer any of it...not only not to give the vixen satisfaction but because she didn't want to think of it. Her steps became unsteady and her breathing a little heavier. Her grip tightened on Fera and though that slender hand could likely not hard the tigress Sybil still worried. She couldn't stop it however. Gentle? Graceful? Was she? Is that how people saw her? Those sorts of kind words were wasted on her.

She took a deep breath "There is no mistaking what I have done." she said "There is only one way to kill someone. Foolishly." her tone was darker full of regret and a hint of deep sadness at the question. She...didn't like to think about it and hoped Anjira would not press her further. Sybil wasn't sure she could take that, but for the obvious manipulation and...it wasn't something she took pride in. She had violated a most sacred oath and in term....ruined the lives of so many others.
Anjira's obvious interest seemed mixed with her own sort of...interest. She was a killer, the smell of blood hung in the air around her but Sybil did not take pride in anything she had done. If Anjira was looking for tips, or some sort of kindred she would find that Sybil was a sound weighed down by her sins not elated by them.

She doubted Anjira would do more than try to press her.

Fera was a small distraction as the poor tigress revealed the obvious truth. She had been deceived and misled, and the system failed her. Sybil shook her head slow, squeezing her hand though she doubted it meant anything "T'es pas supposé d'être ici. Comme c'est cruel de cette chose malade de manipuler cette âme gentille dans l'œuvre du diable. Pauvre fille I cant believe they'd put you here." it was something they could all agree one even if their feels were different...at least from Anjira. Fera deserved a real home. This was anything but that. Sybil hoped....that the one who had done this to her had been taken not soon after and if not even hopefully, one day, they would suffer the worst agonies. That...was the type of person deserving of fury.... how cruel the Creator for letting this happen.

Mr. Reid had a good question though she wouldn't know anything of sorts but perhaps once day this person could be brought to justice if the two made it out.


Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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The conversation between Anjira, Archer and Sybil was beyond Fera's understanding. They told their truths, but did so in such a manner that the tigress could not follow. She didn't like it though, the way the 'boss lady' smiled. It wasn't the kind of smile that made Fera happy, and she could sense the unease it caused for Archer and Sybil. She could tell that those two were not happy with all the questions, yet Anjira only appeared to thrive as she dug into those painful memories. She was a bad person. Fera wondered why they were even talking to someone this mean, not realizing that their hands had basically been forced, but Fera herself simply wanted to stay where her friends were. "Antarctica still needs to answer too" she said casually, believing Anjira was going to tell them why she was here too, and not just question them.

When Sybil's breath grew unsteady and she tightened her hand around Fera's, the Tinorian looked over to the tall woman. She wasn't hurt by it. In fact, she tightened her own grip around Sybil's hand, squeezing it gently as though to let this woman know that Fera was right there and that she didn't need to worry, whatever it was that ailed her mind. After Fera explained her story, Fera chuckled softly at everything that Fera said, not understand that she was being called a gentle soul, or that the devil was being blamed for putting her here. She'd just say "You say funny words sometimes, Simone, but they sound nice" Of course there was no way Fera would understand another language, but she did understand the english part. "Fera couldn't believe it either. It was really nice of them!" she claimed happily. "Fera was always alone before...No bed..no food..no friends...It was lonely, but then they took me here and gave me all those things. If Fera wasn't here, she wouldn't have met you or Armaldo either, so I'm really grateful." she told them. This prison had somehow been a blessing to her.

Something about her story set Archer off though. She stopped walking when he stepped in front of her, tilting her head slightly when he started to ask her questions. There were quite a lot of questions at once for Fera to process, the tigress looking into Archer's eyes as he spoke to her. There was something about the way he spoke that was sad though. For a moment, Fera let go of his hand to reach up and gently pat the top of his head, brushing his cherry hair gently in an attempt to comfort him "There there.." she spoke in a soft, almost soothing tone. She then had to think though, which wasn't her strong suit. It had been...a decade now since it happened. "There was a Mister, but...what did he look like again? Hmm...A design and letters? Maybe, I think, but...Fera can't remember that far back...I'm sorry..." she said, her ears going flat again as she felt she was disappointing him with her answer.


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“Unlike back at home, here we can’t just rebuild what is burnt down that easily. I’m sure you have heard of the eye for eye principle. I’m going to follow that with whoever thinks it’s a bright idea to start burning down places. If that’s how you must entertain yourself when you can’t read your dirty mags, I have great news for you. If you haven’t noticed, half of the population here are women. Not printed ones. Real ones made of flesh and blood. They have been without a man for years and that will lower anyone’s standards, to the point that you look like a front page model to them. I thought I was protecting you by telling them you are off limits, but since that was a mistake, I will let them know you are free for all. Just remember you have to be fresh in the morning.” 

So Anjira hadn’t told just the men to leave the two women under her protection alone. She had done so for Archer too. The fox sounded so friendly and caring, quick to please. Yet the women they were talking about here… It would easily get ugly.

“How you wound me Archer!” Anjira gasped theatrically. One moment she was seemingly relaxed, just strolling near the fence and the next she stood right in front of the redhead. Both her calm demeanor and friendly talk were just a cover that would break easily and reveal the beast beneath. The fox shoved the baton against Archer’s crotch and lowered her voice into a more intimidating one as her icy blue eyes stared into his eyes. “You don’t want to get to know me? Such a disappointment! Even more, you question my leadership? I have shown you nothing but kindness and it makes you think you have the freedom to decide what you tell me and what not?” 

The two Vanlith soldiers behind Vanlith herself and the guests got instantly on high alert when their boss made her move. If one of them tried to interfere, they would respond with violence. Instead Anjira whispered something into Archer's ear and with a smile stepped away.

The black fox was already in an increasingly bad mood, and Sybil’s answer, or lack of it, pushed her over the edge. Fera was giving some interesting information, especially considering how Archer reacted to it, but she was done playing this farce. “You people are testing my patience…” Anjira sighed like they were giving her a headache. “I’m good to you and you make me reconsider if it’s the right thing to do. You spit at my kindness. I took the time to talk to you, like a person to person. All you do is play coy with me. It makes me think the time of conversation is over. If you want to force my hand, then so be it. I don’t mind. Just remember, you brought this on yourselves. I gave you a chance to do this differently.”

Anjira was done playing games. She didn’t have a whole night for this nonsense. If these idiots thought they were in position to keep secrets, they were badly mistaken. If talking didn’t bring her results, then she would get them through blood and pain. These people Anjira was dealing with, she had a good idea of who they were and what to expect from them. These three were wild cards and she didn’t like the idea of having unpredictable people near her own. 

“Let’s go back.”  

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He knew he was asking too much for Fera to remember anything about what happened when she came here. How young was she when it happened? She couldn't remember names either, what was he hoping for if she could remember three specific letters in an arrangement? There was a flicker of anxiety in his eyes before Fera tried to pet him to console his thoughts, but overall... There was no hope of her being able to remember a specific detail like that. For now, he just had to hope there was no relation. "You've got nothing to be sorry for, Fera. You tried your best. I might have just been worried over nothing." He forced a smile out just to not worry the tiger girl, patting her shoulder, before his attention went to Anjira. Why was it that everyone who thought 'Arsonist' meant people just wanted to light everything on fire?

"Hm? You think I want to burn down the place that is probably going to sustain me for the rest of my life? I'm not some mindless firelighter who can't help but torch anything and everything to get his jollies off." Archer sighed, being compared to some sick-minded individual who loved igniting anything and everything they could. Even he couldn't fathom what people like that thought. However, when Anjira started mentioning the woman around them, Archer narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't feel like being a front page model to anyone here, so I'm just fine reading magazines, and if I can't even have that, then I'll suffer the monotony of boredom. Just, please keep all of them away from me. Yours and their men, women, and everything inbetween. I can focus on my job much easier." 

He has to specify them all of them because Anjira seemed like the sort where if you didn't specify exactly what you wanted, she would interpret the request in her own way. Of course, that was the keast of his worries as hisbwords apparently did not sit well with her. He had a moment to narrow his eyes and prepare himself as he felt the baton shove up against his crotch, making him groan slightly. 'Sweetheart, if you're trying to use that baton to compensate for something, I can already feel I'm bigger-'

However, the sarcasm drained from his being as he heard the spoken words in his ear. His look was neutral, but the subtle twitch of his eye told others there that his hands would have wrung her throat like a wet towel if he had the chance. Anjira likely knew that too, and it was why she had such confidence in the moment. He didn't dare look at Sybil or Fera for the moment, his baleful glare focused squarely on Anjira. Evidently she wasn't pleased with all she heard. Like she wanted to know more, and was disappointed by what she was given.

There was no more room to talk, it seemed like. Anything Archer might have had the capacity to say, he knew would vex Anjira in one way or another. The safety of Sybil and Fera was paramount right now, but she seemed like she wasn't going to give them a chance to try to keep any more information from her. Gods, he wished he could find something, anything to use right now. It didn't even need to kill anybof them, it just had to be enough to help Sybil and Fera escape at the very least. He couldn't count on his own escape, because these people still needed him to turn the power on to the rest of the island, and letting someone like that escape was a problem.

What else could be done, though? His eyes were trying to quickly scan their surroundings, paths of escape if it became necessary, looking for anything they could use to defend themselves with if it came to that. Even just taking one of their batons would be useful... A key would be even better, but that was gambling with potential from Sybil or even Fera. If they didn't have their collars, could something be done that could help them escape?

Edited by Gardsorm
Made a mistake, post came up accidentally!
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Sybil chuckled at Fera's words. She might not have understood but that was fine...Sybil was saying nothing Fera needed to concern herself with. It was disappointing, of course, that Fera couldn't recall who had done this to her but perhaps it was for the best on some level. She doubted the feline could agonize over such things but the fact she couldn't remember meant that the one who did this to her could not be brought to justice but she didn't think about it. The duality of such a simple creature. She didn't agonize over her fate and merely lived in the moment. Sybil was....jealous on some level. She was even still comforting Sybil in that moment.

It seemed however that there was something Anjira didn't like even as she spoke to Mr. Reid. Her tone was less friendly and it seemed almost like she was goading the man and then...the whisper. She couldn't see Mr. Reid's face but she could hear it and the whisper came through to her like a knife. The pale spirit seemed to go paler. It took every small bit of her control to not attempt to show Anjira just got she killed those men. She wanted answers and Sybil wanted nothing more than to demonstrate the dark truth to her personally, but she knew it would be foolish.

Her every word only frustrated and angered her more and more and that dark undercurrent of Sybil bubbled more and more, further and further but she knew there was nothing she could do about it. Anjira held all the cards. Sybil couldn't do anything or she'd place Archer and Fera in danger. What value did her own life hold compared to the two of them? She gently squeezed Fera's hands in worry and anger "Then why not truly speak person to person? Or does your veneer only extend so far?" gently letting go of Fera in the event she incurred punishment for her words. She did not want Fera caught as well.

"Offer up your story before you make such demands. Even if you must lie...Leader."

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Archer told her there was nothing to sorry about. He even smiled at her, but that smile...didn't feel right. She felt like she would have to try to remember, for his sake, so the tigress had some digging to do for memories in her own little brain. For now though, something else caught her attention. It was the boss lady again...Anjira, and Fera actually started to glare at her a bit. As carefree and bubbly and positive as this Tinorian was, Anjira was currently the representation of everything that was wrong with the world. Simple-minded as she was, Fera had very quickly taken a big liking to both Archer and Sybil, so she didn't like the way Anjira was speaking to them.

She looked over at the baton when it was used. Why was she putting her stick against Archer's stick? Wouldn't that hurt him? Then...whispering? Fera didn't have enhanced hearing or anything, so she had no idea what was said, but the mood completely shifted. The face Archer made almost physically hurt her, and Sybil also seemed...unhappy. Angry? Fera held her hand for as long as Sybil did, but even the tigress had her hair standing on edge. If Anjira was making even the sweet doctor react like this, Fera was feeling...hostile. Sybil let go of Fera's hand, but perhaps that had not been the best idea.

Fera hissed. Although she wasn't attacking, because she had been asked by Sybil to be good, but she was glaring at Anjira with an angry expression. The vixen had done nothing but ignore her so far while robbing her friends of whatever smiles they could muster up on this Island. "Fera, doesn't like you...These two are Fera's friends, stay away from them" she said, a firm tone. Perhaps it was because she didn't understand the gravity of the situation they were in, but while Archer and Sybil beat around a bush with their words, Fera was the most direct out of all of them. She could pretty much be saying 'Fuck off' to Anjira right now. She briefly looked at the other two. "Is she this mean to you all the time too?" she asked them. "Fera doesn't get it. If she needs Archie to do everything for her, why are you listening to her when she can't do anything on her own? Especially when she's this mean?" she pointed out, looking back at Anjira. "You don't actually have any friends, do you? People only stay because they're scared of you."

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Warning: Violence


Time of talk was over. 

Anjira’s followers knew her so well they knew how on the edge the situation was. They were pushing her buttons and the dark vulpeculan had never been the patient sort to begin with. They forgot their place. Just because two out of three had some use to her, didn’t mean she would put up with their disrespect endlessly. 

“Baudelaire, you are the one in a position where you can’t make demands.” She reminded the healer.

Anjira was ready to walk back to the main building and let it rest for the rest of the night. There were other things to do and she could consider what to do with these people tomorrow. She was already walking when Fera opened her mouth. Her presence had annoyed her from the very beginning.

The mob princess was quiet as she stopped and turned around to face the three. Once again, she didn’t spare one word to Fera, but she had her full attention. The cold eyes stared at the young tigress. Irritation, hatred, despise… and joy, all if showed in the depths of those blue eyes.   

Anjira moved her free hand. It was one quick move, like she yanked an invisible leash. One might even think it was a nervous twitch and nothing more. Fera could feel it. It was like two sharp blades cut her sides, one on each side. They cut through her hardened skin like scalpels. The cuts were deep and bleeding began immediately, some drops splashing on the ground. 

The fox stood still, looking at her guests. She said nothing, but those with capacity to understand it, knew the criminal in front of them was asking without words if they wanted more or if they were going to learn their place with this lesson. If they wanted to continue the fight, she and the two soldiers with her were more than ready for it. She could go on without the doctor. It would be a pity, but if necessary she would cut her down and her idiot cat right after. Archer could still do his job without all of his body parts.

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"Sybil, wait..." Archer's eyes widened, first at Sybil as she came out and spoke those words. She earned his respect, to be sure, but he also understood that they weren't in the position to ask Anjira to do anything. Even Archer knew he couldn't pry any useful information out of her willingly, it was why he had to go to roundabout lengths to try to understand anything from Anjira, abiut who she was, her motives, anything. He knew types like her would never share anything, but they wanted an unequal exchange of information because they held all of the cards and power. The worst part of this, however, was that Anjira knew the two of them were useful and wouldn't he maimed too horribly because they had use.

But that left the target on Fera's back... And now it was her turn to speak.

"Fera, please, don't... Shush, Fera... It's just a game! Yeah! She's out boss and we're just... Pretending to be afraid!" Archer was shocked that Fera was speaking up for them. He wished she had only believed they were just playing a game, but maybe he didn't give her enough credit. Maybe she could truly understand the anxiety Anjira put into him and Sybil with her words... But now she was trying to defend them, unaware that it was putting her into more danger. "Please, she was speaking out of turn, but it's nothing you need to worry about. We'll keep things under control and do th-" 

However, he saw the gesture, and his blood drained from his face as he realized that Anji could use magic. The gesture was familiar to others who made elaborate movements when using their powers, but he didn't know what to expect from Anjira, until he heard something spill on the ground behind him. He looked to Fera, seeing the reflected scarlet on the floor as he felt a moment of hyperventilation rise in his throat, before he turned his gaze on Anjira.

"You've got our cooperation, you don't need to go to these lengths! Leave her alone!" Archer snarled, moving Infront of Fera, before he looked to Sybil. "Sybil, please look her over and make sure she's alright." He found himself wishing for the older times now. Wishing he had just the right piece of equipment for the right threat that was Infront of him now. Looking at certain people made him recoil in frustration and anguish, but then there were others... Like this one, that reminded him why the people did what they did.

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Sybil had been speaking fully understanding the threat to her. She didn't fear Anjira. She hated this fox with a dark passion she hadn't felt since she began her quest. This creature was the exact sort of monster that had pushed Sybil where she had gone. Sybil balled her hands, hatred the only thing on her pale face...but when Fera spoke up she paused. No! She had made a mistake. She had hoped that Fera would remain quiet, even if distressed but instead she had joined the chorus. She didn't know what Anjira had done but soon she could hear it...the sound of flesh being sliced open, the smell of blood.

Sybil dug deep into her own hands "LEAVE HER ALONE!" she didn't move but she still....she was terrified. Fera didn't deserve any of this. She moved back "Please. Please don't hurt her anymore. I'm sorry. Whatever you want. Whatever you say....please." Sybil was begging now wanting Fera to be safe. She moved back over to her, feeling around and following the smell of blood. She put her hands on the tiger "Please...no more words. Please. I'm sorry." not to Anjira but to Fera. She needed to look her over. She needed to close the wounds.

Her head was pounding. Her blood was boiling. She held no love for Anjira but who did? She was nothing but a monster. Charmless. Cowardly. Drunk on the strength numbers gave her. She deserved death but there was nothing they could do. Sybil held onto Fera hoping that capitulation would keep her alive and the distress would keep her silent. Sybil would say nothing else just pulling her hands down to check the wounds. It would hurt but she could assess. She could fix it. She could.

Her blank eyes were full of desperation.

"I will take any punishment you desire but please don't hurt her....she's innocent."

This woman....would get what she deserved one of these days. Sybil was going to kill her and anyone who dared stand next to her but for now...she needed Fera alive. Fera had to remain alive. She didn't deserve any of this....

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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Positive as she was, even Fera had her limits, and those were crossed. Insults to herself were fine. She'd heard them daily for the past 28 years and barely even registered them as such. Call her names, threaten her, ridicule her, all of this was fine...but when she cared about someone, and that someone became hurt, whether physically or emotionally, the tigress would bare her fangs. It was not easy to scare Fera. In a way, the girl was almost too simple-minded to understand the concept of fear, so the cruel woman that was Anjira did not make her tremble, no matter how cold her eyes were, or how many allies she waved in front of them while threatening them.

Fera spoke freely to her, out of bravery, or stupidity, but she'd become upset. It was not easy, but Anjira had done it. Archer was quick to make excuses, but while Fera may give the impression at times, her mind was not exactly that of a toddler. The color draining from Archer's face...the tone in Sybil's voice...it was not pretend. He tried to stand up for her, but Anjira made a simple motion with her hand, a flick of the wrist of sorts, as though moving an invisible object. Fera had been beaten often, so instinctively, her body tensed up to protect her from harm. There was a sudden pain at her sides. Her initial reaction was a pained groan, but her skin was thick and hard to cut, so the wounds, while deeper than anyone would have liked, were not exactly fatal. 

Her knees buckled for a moment, but she stomped her foot on the ground and kept herself upright. She would not give Anjira the satisfaction of falling over nor crying out in pain. Instead, she still looked at her with defiance in her eyes. Despite the blood seeping out of her body, her gaze remained without fear. Her breath was a bit heavier than before, but the adrenaline pumping through her body kept her going. She was a high-functioning battery, so she could still keep going for a while when others might have fallen to their knees to bear with the pain. "Ha...Ha..." she let out sharp breaths "Happy, Anakin?" she asked Anjira "If you're angry...If you want to bully anyone...just bully Fera. I can take it. Leave my friends alone.."

Archer and Sybil became distressed for Fera's sake. She could sense their worry and anger from the tone of their voices. Archer snarled at the fox even when he was at danger, and Sybil raised her vice at her when Fera was harmed. Fera felt...cared for. It was odd, that pain was coursing through her body right now, yet she still felt a warm comfort coming from the two by her side. She didn't want them to get in even more trouble because of her. She'd rather Anjira take out all her anger on her, than turn any of it towards her friends. She didn't mind when Sybil touched her. It was already so painful that she barely noticed the difference when Sybil laid her hands on the wounds. But why was Sybil the one apologizing to her? When she begged Ferato stay quiet, the tigress felt a little sad. She...had not been good. She had made Sybil sad. 

With the taller woman lowering herself to reach Fera's wounds, Fera reached for her head and gently pat the top of it. "Fera's fine...she's tough" she claimed with a big smile, but it was all adrenaline. She didn't want for Sybil to ask for punishment in her place. That was the opposite of what she'd hoped for. "Fera won't.." she had to take a sharper breath. It stung. It hurt, but she would bear through the pain "Fera won't let her bully you, or Armadillo..."

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Baudelaire grasped the situation. Anjira had a feeling she was the smartest of these three. She knew when to give in to see tomorrow. The vulpeculan knew these were adders on her bosom. Sybil and Archer might fake cooperation, but they were just waiting for a chance to take her down. Queue to that was as long as the list of her sins. Archer kind of got it. Anjira was about to teach him he didn’t get to tell her what to do, because it sounded more like he was ordering her than asking.

These two tried to de-escalate the situation and their pet ruined all their efforts. Fine, Anjira thought nonchalantly. If this creature was too stupid to understand her place and behave, there was no helping it. She would have to remodel the retard cat’s face and if she happened to die in the process, so what? Anjira thought she had made everything clear to these people. They keep their idiot out of her way and she lets it continue breathing. Was it really that hard to understand? 

Her grip of the baton tightened as she prepared to batter the annoying tigress’ face in…




The sound was so loud everyone on the farm heard it. It sounded like thunder hitting the ground near them. The ground shook beneath their feet. They couldn’t see the explosion itself. “The fuck…? Take these two back to the main building. Lock them somewhere. Cherry separately from those two.” Anjira ordered the two soldiers and then she dashed off, towards the buildings where people were already moving in a hurry.


^You heard the boss. Let’s keep walking.^ A dark haired fox said.

^What you think it was?^ A blonde vulpeculan asked. The other one shrugged. 

^I don’t know. We will find out sooner or later…^

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Much like he had panicked, so could he hear Sybil's anguish. She was trying her best to keep Fera quieted down, trying to reason with the proud tigress from pushing Anjira's buttons further. Archer felt like he needed to take a different turn. Fera understood that they were living in fear of Anjira, but maybe she didn't of understand how much they were trying to lay their lives on the line for her. Or perhaps she understood better than they realiEd, and was trying to show them they didn't need to worry about her. No matter the case, however, Archer couldn't let this repeat. He needed to find some part of her he could appeal to a sense of wariness that could reach her and get her to behave, for all of their sakes.

"Fera..." Archer spoke quietly, turning around and moving his hands to brush her cheek. "You're very strong, maybe stronger than us even... No, not even maybe. I don't think I could take that kind of pain like you can and not react negatively... But don't ends her yourself for our sakes. You're mine and Sybil's responsibility right now, and everytime you get hurt, we suffer as much as you do, if not worse." He spoke, leaning his head forward to rest against hers. The pain of the memories he could recall from his history welled up once more, but he couldn't turn away from them. He would never be allowed to, so the next best thing he could do was use that pain for something helpful

"We will be safe when we know you're safe. When you suffer, we suffer. We know you care about us a lot, but... Trust us to handle things. Let us do what we can, so you don't have to suffer, okay Fera? When the time comes, I'll tell you all about why I'm doing this. And why I don't deserve any of the kindness and compassion you've shown me so far. Just, please don't endanger yourself anymore for us. You're like our..." No, he didn't want to say that. It was weird enough as it was... But more than that, he didn't deserve anything like that. This place was the last destination in his life. There was no room for any more life after it.

"Our special friend. So-"

He could say no more in the moment, even ignoring the fact Anjira may or may not have been ready to draw blood on him. Something like thunder, or a blast of some sort. Archer couldn't tell from where he was, but he looked from Fera to Sybil, reaching for her hand to hold it. "Sybil, no matter what happens, I'm trusting you to keep an eye on her. I have no right to ask anything if you, I know. We barely know each other... But we agree on that one thing, I can see. Keep the little big girl safe, eh? Ive got so much more to say to her that I can't right now." He was able to say, before they were all asked to get up. They were going to be split up now... Archer wasn't keen on it, but he knew Anjira needed his expertise more, and Sybil could tend to Fera's wounds easier. It made sense for Anjira to try to isolate them from each other. Standing upright, he grunted and followed the other foxes.

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Sybil knew why Fera did what she did. Her words were clear but Sybil couldn't take it. She didn't want it to happen this way. Never! She shook her head "Then please...be good." knowing full well that the thing they had ended up with would only hurt her further. Sybil could understand Fera and she felt....cared for. It was wrong. Sybil was not to be cared for or defended and she was never....ever to be died for. That was far beyond anything she deserved. She just kept her hands on the wounds. She had no idea what had cut into them but she knew she needed to get them sealed up.

Sybil would hardly breath. She felt....wrong. There was a pounding in her head. A foreign noise she didn't understand at all. Archer took the lead on the conversation. His was the voice of reason in that moment as Sybil was feeling anything but. If Anjira even tried to move forward there was no guarantee that Sybil could stop herself from trying to kill her. She didn't mind the heat of the blood, the strong smell. She just wanted to get Fera closed. Archer was right, Fera was not meant to suffer for them, but Sybil didn't like the idea of Archer suffering either.

She shook her head "You can ask anything of me." was all she could say, perhaps in another situation she'd have been able to make a joke of his wording. They were kind tones in this dark sea of noise but Sybil was too panicked to be strong in the same way they were but she understood and nodded to him. They wanted to keep her safe and Archer....he was being left on his own. What had she done? That noise, it was all so overwhelming. She just stuck close to Fera "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.....you do not deserve my punishment. I'll be good so you can be good I promise. Please...." she said talking both to Fera, Archer, and....no one. She was elsewhere. "Please be my eyes. I was never worthy of them. I was never worthy of seeing all the good my creator did. I can see you. I am not worthy of you. I'm sorry you were hurt because of me. Please be my eyes Fera....I can't....I can barely hear right now.  Follow them....I'll take care of you. I won't let them hurt you again." she said. The pounding was just so...loud.

She kept her hands there but she could move "Deep lacerations. Non-fatal. A little cleaning and we'll close them right up. The innocent don't need to bleed....not again. No need to bleed. I can fix this. I can fix this I promise." Fera would live. That was the only real thought she had. Help Fera and then do whatever she had to in order to keep her safe.

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Fera looked to Archer when the man called her name. His touch was not unwelcome, the tigress even leaning her cheek against his pal, letting out a little hum as she found comfort in his actions. His words reached her, the tigress looking a little sad, her ears laying flat on her head when their foreheads touched. When she got hurt...they did too? That didn't sound fair to her. Did that mean she couldn't keep them safe no matter how much she wanted to? Her body was her only tool...getting hurt was the only thing she was good at, in a strange way...so what could she really do for them?

It wasn't just him either. Even Sybil seemed deeply hurt. This wasn't what she wanted at all. She wanted them to smile...and Anjira had been making it so that they couldn't. Now, it felt as though Fera was the one robbing them of their happiness. Tears welled up in her eyes, not from the pain, but because she had made them suffer. She let out a small sniffle when he asked her to trust the, giving a small nod of her head. He called her their friends, and that- 

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, making Fera perk up a little, although a small groan escaped because of her wounds. What was that? Was someone setting off fireworks? She didn't know, but the mean lady shouted out orders and ran off in a hurry. If she was gone, then maybe...but Archer was already telling Sybil to keep her safe? Did he not see the opportunity? Fera didn't want to say, didn't want the two soldiers to hear, but she looked towards the gate, swayed her tail quickly as if to get Archer's attention, pointed it to the gate. Shouldn't they make a run for it?? The boss lady ran off, and her two soldiers here didn't seem as dangerous as her, so...wasn't this their best chance to try and leave? Fera was hurt, but obviously tough. She could run. She could pull Sybil along with her. But she was looking to Archer for a decision, if he even noticed. His toolchest was on her tail. Could it help them run away? If they weren't running, would he at least take it before they got separated? 

Her hand squeezed around Sybil's when the woman asked her to be her eyes. She would, but where? If Archer ran, she would follow, but if he didn't...she would comply. Sybil told her to follow them, but...if they stayed here and the boss lady came back, wouldn't she just hurt everyone more? Even if they obeyed right now, it was only delaying their pain for later...Either way, she wasn't letting go of Sybil's hand. For as long as her own eyes worked, she would be Sybil's guide.


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The farm was surrounded by a 6 meters (19’8) tall 358 mesh fence with a razor wire topping. The mesh fence had a great climb and cut resistance, making it impossible to cut it with ordinary tools, and good visibility. The fence was equipped with detectors, but as the farm didn’t have electricity at the moment, those were useless. Behind the fence was a good 50 meters (54 yards) clearing, void of trees and shrubbery. After that there started a treeline of sparsely scattered trees and poorly thriving shrubbery. Usually the fence and the clearing were brightly lit, but now the only light came from the clear starry nightsky. 

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Sybil looked almost like how Archer felt when Fera got injured, and she was doing her best to soothe the beast girl's state for the moment while helping to treat her injuries. However, with everything on high alert, he doubted any of these people were going to give them the time to dress her wounds. Whatever had caused problems at the farm for them, it was the perfect means of distraction to give the three of them breathing room... But Archer hadn't even considered using the chance to flee until he caught the waving tail of Fera. He almost wondered what she was trying to do, until he realized just how close to freedom the three of them were.

'... Oh, geez, the exit was that close? To hell with staying here then, we can all get away!' He suddenly realized, wanting to hit himself for failing to notice it in time. They only had two escorts to bring them to wherever they wanted them to be locked up at, but that means Anjira wasn't going with them for the time being. This would be the most lenient window of opportunity they would get to try and flee their unwelcome protectors. Okay, he needed to think... The farm was fenced off by mesh with barbed wire at the top. Most of it would be surrounded except for the front gate, where everyone was likely staying at. So their only exit was already cordoned off for the time being. 

If they were athletic, they could probably just leap off of a high structure and over the gate... But Archer knew he wasn't going to be able to make a jump like that. Out of the three of them, maybe Fera was the most likely, followed by Sybil. They seemed to be more agile if it came to that... But first they needed a means that didn't endanger them so openly. This was a farm, which meant the farm had other vehicles on it. Maybe there was something he could rig and distract them... Maybe that was their best bet, but for now they needed to get away from these two. Dispatch them if necessary. 

"I don't know what's going on, but hopefully it won't affect us... Fera, lemme get my toolchest just incase." Archer reached to take the chest, thanking Fera for carrying it all of this time, before he looked to Sybil for a moment before he followed the two Vulpeculans leading them away, his fingertips tapping on, and scratching at the toolchest seemingly out of anxiety. But he was trying to communicate taking one of the guards out of the equation. Preferably incapacitated and not slain, otherwise none of them were going to leave the farm alive if caught.

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Fera was trying to get Archer's attention. When he looked over, her tail went straight and pointed at the gate. Please notice! He did! But...Fera didn't know that he did. Archer, impressively, was able to keep a cool face even when he realized they had a chance to escape. It was good so as not to alert the guards, but it also meant that the tigress wouldn't know. She'd just been told that if she got hurt, so would they...so she was hesitant to act on her own. When Archer asked for his toolchest, her heart sunk. Did he not notice what she tried to say to him? Or did he not want to escape? If only she knew what the man was thinking about. She saw him tapping and scratching at the toolchest. Was he nervous about what the guards would do after separating them? She also didn't want them to hurt Archer, but if they stayed here, only more hurt was waiting for them "We won't get another chance to get away without the boss lady around.." Since she didn't want the guards to hear, she whispered the words dejectedly to herself...It was too quiet for the guards, but perhaps someone with more honed hearing like Sybil, could hear her, and realize the chance that they were at a risk of letting slip through their fingers.

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Sybil merely followed along, led by Sybil as that horrible pounding in her head slowly subsided and went away. She could still smell the blood. She wanted to close those wounds, to help Fera but she needed room. How long to the room? How far away from imprisonment she had no idea but suddenly they slowed down and foot steps traveled back. She sniffed the air, past the blood, archer. He wanted his tools back? Right....they wanted him for a job. Was he anxious? She could hear his tapping. That poor man...used by that horrid vixen. She had failed him too. Who in her life had she not failed? Why did god curse her so? She didn't know what was going on, traveling with Fera until....a whisper? She heard it even if more strained then normal but Fera was speaking of escape?

Oh yes....they were only 2 of them were there not? Sybil's breathing steadied and in its place came something else. She slowly pulled herself from Fera and began to make her way quickly towards the guards but she was quiet about it. Like a spirit gliding across the ground, practiced. Focused. Their steps were loud enough for her to not lose focus. If they were faced away then there was something Sybil could do but the help of the others might be needed. She wanted to kill them. She wanted to leave two bodies as a message but she...also didn't want to frighten the two so. It was clear that she was about to attend something. If they fought too much? Sybil might have no choice.

She reached out quick and drew back her fist before launching it forward at a particular spot behind the ear nearest the jaw with extreme precision. A particular pair of nerve clusters located there that the doctor knew from her study caused immense pain, shock, and with the strength she put into her blow a high likelihood of unconsciousness from force. They'd feel it for days to come after it would have to suffice. Pain, even long lasting, was surely better than death? Better than having to imagine that the two people she had chosen to care for would only look at her with disgust if he did....exactly what came natural.


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Had Anjira been present she would have reprimanded these two for being so careless and letting the guests walk behind their backs. She would have probably done many other things too, so it was better she was somewhere else right now. The farm was far from empty. The people were full of questions. What had caused that sound? What was happening and what it meant?

The two vulpeculans walked without a hurry towards the buildings, when Sybil came from behind them and hit one on top of her head. There was a quiet sigh as her knees bent, her body falling down on the knees before collapsing on the ground. 

The second one turned around in a blink of an eye. ^You bitch!^ Her vocabulary could use improving. She hissed under her breath. The long stun baton in her hand crackled and they could see the electricity on its tip as she stroke towards Sybil’s mid section.  

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