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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/21/2013 in News Articles
Hello everyone, This is my first ever announcement, and I wish it was under better circumstances. A few things need to be said about the future of EcchiDreams moving forwards especially after recent events. As many of you have noticed, @Tema has stepped down as a Community Administrator. Originally he stepped back into a more developmental role however he has since taken a break due to the ongoing problems, which included deactivating his account for a few days. I cannot promise that he will return to being a “Community Administrator” anytime soon. He has not made up his mind on that, however he will be taking a break from the29 points
My statement regarding recent events on EcchiDreams... This probably isn't going to age well, because I think with what's going on in the world right now, we're experiencing some very frayed mental states after being locked down for so long and having lives changed because of pandemic. Now; I realise that this is an extreme minority of people that is causing the majority of the problems, so if you're just trying to do your thing, then please carry on, and I am sorry that this post was necessary. Who knows, this post might have absolutely no meaning in a years time and we'll all look back on it and say "Ah yes, that was a bit of an embarra19 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, This update has come a little later than we initially planned. Originally it was scheduled for Christmas as the End of Year Update for 2018, but we had various things not go our way, and we had to push it back with the Winter Updates Release. Whilst it is a meteorological spring time here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is still astronomical winter until March 20th. There are quite a few things to cover in this update, so without further delay I will get right to it. This announcement will cover: Sunstone's Resignation An open letter to Sunstone Terms of Services Changes10 points
Greetings, In our ever-connected digital world, it's crucial to discuss a prevalent concern; that is, catfishing, and the potential dangers associated with sharing sensitive content online. For a little while now we've been seeing an uptick of reports of people sharing NSFW IRL pictures supposedly "of themselves" which turn out to be leaked OnlyFans content or AI Generated Nudes, and then the same party requesting images of Dreamers or videos of them masturbating. This has raised more than enough eyebrows amongst the staff to start our own space program of rockets fuelled purely by raising eyebrows. Catfishing is nothing new; in fa9 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, I know I said this in the last announcement, but it bears repeating as I have made the same mistake… again. I am so very sorry that the last announcement was way back in April of 2020 (over two years ago!) I assure you - again - that this wasn’t intentional, at least mostly. We’ve still not gone anywhere either, so there is a plus. We’re still busy as ever. The only thing that I have done a better job of compared to the last announcement is trying harder to keep everyone in the loop, which I’ve done via Status updates. This announcement will cover: A message from our Community Administrators Term9 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, Every now and again, I release some statistics for EcchiDreams. For 2020, I got a bit of a large one. If you'd like to see more of these every year or so, please let me know in the comments below. If any of the pictures are too small, and you can't see the text, please try opening them in a new tab. You might be able to see them better. I will improve on the graphs next time. But before I get into it, there is a few things I wanted to mention. There is an article I am planning in relation to a rising phenomenon that we've seen on EcchiDreams called "Ghosting" of which I am neutral on the subject (as in I eithe9 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, This article aims to dispel some misunderstandings and myths surrounding our gallery feature and our guidelines for posting images and media on our site. In this comprehensive yet concise piece, we will address three common misconceptions that we have come across: the acceptability of Safe for Work Images of Drawn or Rendered Minors (Lolicon/Shotacon), the assumption that any images complying with our Terms of Service can be posted, and the permissibility of AI-generated porn as it involves non-real people. Our goal in publishing this article is to promote transparency and clarity among our community members. W8 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, In a previous announcement, we addressed some of the most common misconceptions about our gallery. If you haven't already, I highly recommend giving it a read. Subsequently, we introduced a new definition under Section 18 of our Terms of Service: As you may have noticed, we have been diligently working on enhancing our gallery policies, striving to make them more robust and less prone to misinterpretation (I will delve into the reasons behind avoiding vague rules later on). With that in mind, we are ready to unveil our most significant gallery policy change since the introduction of the "Character Only" gall7 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, Quite a few updates have been made since our last announcement from just over two weeks ago, that we wanted to go over here. Table of Contents: A message from our Community Administrators Events in the United Kingdom More changes to the Terms of Service Section 14 Changes Section 18 Changes Section 19 Changes EcchiMates Loading Bar/Client-Server Comms Bar Roleplay Advertising Changes Roleplayer Preference Changes Discord Server Changes Other Small Changes A message from our Community Administrato7 points
We have made wide-sweeping changes of the Terms of Service, to the point that you may have been asked to re-accept the new Terms of Service when coming onto the site today. The majority of these changes have been to clarify certain things, to change some of the language to be less vague or fixed nonsensical, grammatically incorrect sentences. But there have been a number of substantive changes as well that take effect as of today. In an effort to be transparent about the changes that have taken place; I will lay down what they are here and explain about why these changes have been made. If something you posted in the past is in violatio7 points
Hello fellow Dreamers, Before I get stuck into this, there's an apology in order. I'm sorry that the last update news was way back in March of last year. I assure you that this isn't intentional, and we've not really gone anywhere either. We're still as busy as ever. But I'm going to try harder to keep everyone in the loop about everything that is going on here. I've decided to present these as newsletters, that I want to start releasing more frequently perhaps, I don't know. It's a new format I'm trying out. This announcement will cover: A message from the Community Administrators to everyone about the current pandemic7 points
Article Update (26th June 2019): There has been some more news that has come out in the last week or so that suggests that the law has been delayed (For a third time), and thus will no longer be implemented on July 15th 2019. Multiple sources have suggested that it's been delayed for 6 months, others say indefinitely and a few of them are saying it's been withdrawn. I will be leaving this article up however for prosperity, and in case it does come back. As usual, I will keep you all updated. - @Temaelrin on 26th June 2019 @ 22:00hrs Article Update (17th October 2019): After repeated delays to implement this; the UK government has decide6 points
Mega Announcement: The Big Update! Article Image Credit: 米倉ちき。 This announcement contains a brief overview of the information about the big update; including revealing to you all what our secret updates were. There are a lot of areas and sub-areas to cover, so much in fact that I will include a list and get straight to it. We would love to hear what you think, your feedback, any comments and questions, there is no such thing as a stupid question, seriously. This topic is very picture heavy, so it might take a while to load on slower connections. I can confirm that Project: EcchiDreams 2014 - was the intermediary between the much o1 point
Image Artist Credit: Liru by 春夏冬工. Greetings, fellow Dreamers! Following up from our massive update, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes during this Beta period to bring most of our functionality back online. In many ways, EcchiDreams has evolved considerably during this phase. Now we’re starting to look at bringing certain sections up-to-date. These past few months now, we’ve been working on the The Roleplaying Suite but this is finally coming to an end as the Roleplay Suite Overhaul is nearing completion. We’ve made changes to how the Private Roleplay topics are displayed; as such we will message everyone with their Pr1 point
Greetings, fellow Dreamers! Following up from our massive update, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes during this Beta period to bring most of our functionality back online. In many ways, EcchiDreams has evolved considerably during this phase. Now we’re starting to look at bringing certain sections up-to-date. These past few weeks we’ve been working on the The Roleplaying Suite. Over the years, our Roleplay section has expanded and changed to update itself to the demands of the Roleplayers on EcchiDreams. It started as a single small, pre-determined scenario driven roleplay. Thorndown University; which went on to include other1 point