current rp slots: 0/15
hello there! ♡
my name is galacticmud(21), but please call me mud! i use she & they pronouns and i've been roleplaying for around eleven years. it's such a pleasure to make your online acquaintance! i adore roleplaying and have been doing so since the ripe age of ten! i am only interested in writing and roleplaying, so i would prefer if you didn't flirt or call me pet names outside of the roleplay. (but i'm also happy to just chat if you'd like to become friends!
i am a pretty descriptive writer, and i categorize myself as an advanced literate to novella literate writer! my replies are typically six to eight paragraphs long, five sentences each. i am looking for writers who can write at least five to six paragraphs. i only roleplay in third person, so please don't pm if you only do first - apologies! although i am a switch, i am currently interested in roleplaying against dominant writers currently while i play submissive. i have many plot ideas based off of drawn photos, which i will be linking. i only have a few plots where i will be playing as dominant, they will be listed!
anyways, here's some ideas i've been craving! (all photos listed in my plots are NSFW so please be warned!)
the class of sin | mxf | i don't particularly have a set idea for this, but based off the profile i was thinking of this being set within the ages of 1900-1909. sex is still a very taboo subject, but there's still the expectation of a woman being able to please her husband. mc would be a young woman who is being introduced into the dating scene and has been signed up for classes that teach young women how to please their husband. yc would be someone who participates in the class to hell these women learn, and begins to form a sexual and romantic bond towards mc. (i play submissive f)
orc and elf | futaxf | again, i don't have much of a plot for this one since there comic it's based off of is pretty straight forward - elf princess explores her sex drive and faux innocence with her new futa orc bodyguard. i'd love the help of someone else to bounce ideas around and form this into a full plot! (i play submissive f)
after service | mxf | mc is a married woman, a loving mother and a christian woman. she is devoted to god and loved going to church, however she seems to have a problem with her church's new priest. yc, her churches new priest, is also a pornstar/camworker. mc is very familiar with yc due to her own dirty secrets, and goes to confront yc after service only to be put in her place by a much more experienced man that her husband. (i play submissive f)
the witch | mxfuta or futaxf | mc is a witch who's lived within arms reach of the daughter/son of a farmer, yc, watching from afar. it isn't until one night when her lust magic backfires on her, mc decides that she's done watching and sneaks up on yc (who's innocently picking herbs and berries from the woods), enticing yc to come to her home for tea and sweets only to feast upon them the second the door closes. (i play dominant futa)
the retired orc | mxfuta or futaxf | mc is a renowned orc general who's just retired into a simple farm life, relocating in the mountains to live a simple and happy life. because she served her kingdom so well, the king of the orcs decide to bestow her a forced wife/husband - a kidnapped elf (yc) who is now mc's new spouse. mc is very soft with yc, not forcing them to do anything until yc catches mc pleasuring herself and becomes curious of their supposed relationship. (i play dominant futa)
lovers of sin | mxfxfuta | this will require my partner to play two characters - so unless you're comfortable with play two characters please disregard this plot. / mc is a demon who's forced her way into a church in a small town and has made it her new home, tainting the once holy place with her presence. the townspeople, tired of the demon, contact local exorcists to drive mc out of their town. ycs, the exorcists - one new, one experienced - do not believe the rumors of the demon being there and are taken off guard when the demon seduced them into sin. (i play submissive female)
the human queen and elven king | futaxm | elves and humans have ravaged war for eons, however with a new king and new queen in charge the two decide it is best to put their differences aside to create peace. the human queen, yc, and the elven king, mc, decide to go on a walk throughout the elven kingdoms gardens to discuss their treaty and with the elves lack of belief in clothing - things take a turn neither of them expected. (i play submissive m)
that's all i have for now, ecchitext me if you are interested in any of my plots, or have a plot you think might interest me! when texting, please please please put effort into your messages! first impressions matter to me, and if get just a simple "wanna rp?" message it'll seriously turn me off from wanting to roleplay with you - actually put effort into plotting with me please!
i look forward to roleplaying with you!
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