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Aging, Time, and Kink

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I'm pretty sure this is an alright spot for this particular post. I'm more interested in opinions than anything else.

I'm turning 30 this summer, which is something I'm both dreading and anticipating. I've been roleplaying since my early teens, including ERP, and as of late I've found my tastes shifting. I've noticed that either the older I get, or the more time I've spent roleplaying - I'm not sure which -  that my tastes are becoming more and more tame.

This doesn't bother me necessarily, aside from when I list my interests. I'll write, 'Oh, I'm into kinks a, b, c, and d,' which is accurate because I've spent years writing scenes that included a, b, c, and d. Naturally, I proceed to write scenes involving what I've said I like, and I find myself disenchanted. I'm not repulsed by any means, but I'm just less interested than I used to be.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

Long story short, I'm finding myself more interested in vanilla, more tame sexual themes in my writing. More romance, more slice of life, what have you. In the past, my tastes were more extreme (which I don't feel the need to list here). I'm not upset, I just think it's interesting, I suppose?

So, all that having been said, what's your experience? Have your tastes and desires in ERP (or IRL, whichever you're comfortable discussing) grown more extreme over time, less so like me, or have they not changed at all?

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Sounds a little like overstimulation, too much of certain things.

I'm in a similar boat. I feel like more vanilla stories offer more of a chance to stimulate my imagination and allow me to tell a story, without the dirty parts getting too much in the way. Bondage bores me at this point because of my over exposure to it, etc.

I've never role played for kink's sake, but I can get real bored real quick.

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I used to play some kinks maybe just to experience the idea of things... or what it might be like to experience that kink. I used to play some real life kinks because it was safer to play them online than in real life. But I've experienced the same thing. I have next to no interest in playing out lewd scenes anymore. I might get there with a character, but I'm more likely to gloss over the act and the kink and just describe the emotional impact either had on the character, what drove them to those particular kinks, etc.

I think once you do a thing a few times it just gets... bleh. You have to keep going bigger, and then eventually you've pushed all the limits you can push and it gets boring. Anything you do over and over will lose it's charm eventually.

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At the end of the day there are only so many ways to describe a sex scene. But the lead up to that scene is the real foreplay, a necessity in roleplaying or real life. The thing about the build up is that there are so many ways to go about it that it becomes the story by itself. The sex scene become secondary. I hope that makes sense.

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