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I've talked a bit to Gard about it already, but I'll need some time to decide whether or not I want to continue in this club. I will say, I very much enjoy the dynamic between Fera, Sybil and Archer. I'm also a bit sad I never got to use Ao properly.

I'll think about it, see what happens with the club and make a decision then. I just hope no one gets upset if I ultimately pull out.

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You gotta do what makes ya happy I say. I've enjoyed it greatly (Both Beach, and Therapy group) but as things have gone I don't think you could be blamed. Losing such a cool runner is a harsh blow to the mood. I'm willing to stick it out though because I've enjoyed the character interactions so much, hope you are as well but the choice is yours.


Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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For starters, lemme wash up for a bit, then get a needed post elsewhere, then I'll try to start wracking my brain for how to handle things here. 

And like Blood said, Dio, do what you gotta. : ) There will be no hard feelings from me, but I will do what I can to get things floating here, one way or another. ^^

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I won't be online for too much longer tonight, but in addition to figuring out a direction for the story, I will probably have to work with people to adjust their characters in the coming days. 

For better or worse, I may not be the most firm GM when it comes to enforcing certain aspects, but as this wasn't my game to begin with and it's suddenly changing into my hands, I would like to give people a chancr to figure out how they want to redesign or implement their characters.

I can try to speak about it more at-length tomorrow if any details are needed. But for now there is a lot more that requires thinking on. 

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I had some time to ruminate on this, and as much as I wouldn't mind adjusting the idea to be something a bit easier to work inside of, I believe that wouldn't be the right way to go about it.

I know I got the tag for the forum yesterday, but with no knowledge of the future of the game or its various plot twists, it would have meant I needed to pull apart aspects of the idea I either felt did not work or needed adjustments to add things I feel could have picked the game up. But that would honestly also be a violation of the GM's idea, and that would feel more than a little disrespectful. 

With that in mind, I'm afraid I must step back from attempting to restructure the prison. As much as I would have liked to work with it a bit to see if I could make something a tad different from the current direction, a guilty conscience makes it so that I wouldn't be able to do it without feeling bad, to say the least.

Perhaps in the hopefully not so distant future, I can try to create something more fantasy leaning to make up for the game and interactions I lost out on in the wake of this. >.<

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It was a lot you were left with and it can be difficult trying to carry on the idea as it was. Its a shame but thats just how things work out! Whether you do something with this place regardless though thats fine even if it means a complete restructuring so you're more comfortable rather than trying to interpret whats left.

Gonna miss the trio(s) at least lol. Those really were fun but who knows maybe it can work with something else going forward depending on what you choose to make of it.

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I appreciate the kind words, Blood. : )

So many fun moments and opportunities I'll miss from this game, and especially meeting different folks I hadn't known from before. At least in my head canon, Archer, Sybil, and Fera escaped trouble and can probably make the most of their island survival in the interim. Del, Luc, and Cele doing their best to keep oldies from going suicidal was nice, to say nothing of the fight. I'm quite glad I got to write one cool fight scene in this game. : p 

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Yeah I generally enjoy getting to write with new people!

Two people in pain and their large cat just living on an island lol It would had been entertaining to have them all grow closer together, learning just how damaged they are and healing from that as much as possible while avoiding the grip of the mad fox. Potentially scaring them when Sybil inevitably decided to go "hunting" if we got a scene for that.

Lucas and Del becoming fire forged potential duo. It would have been cool to see how their friendship, even tense, might have developed if the story continued! I definitely enjoyed that fight scene lol cool seeing the difference in how Lucas and Del handled business plus it had been awhile since I wrote someone as mundane as Del physically. Sometimes a good scrap in the absence of powers is all ya need lol
One side might throw fireballs...the other makes do with throwing hands!

A lot of potential for really cool, sweet, maybe some heart-breaking stuff but alas, things don't always work out.
You, Dio, and Kissa (Hope she finds a place she can really have fun) have been a treat and really made the game something to look forward to. Hopefully, in some way, we can do that again.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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