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Island Beach, Night [Open]

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Tough fists but didn't seem to be very focused at least compared to the people Delmar was used to fighting and Delmar was trained to take some pain. Oh he's be in pain that was for sure but one thing was to just aim for beating, the other was to go for a knockout. Delmar was doing thats, hits aside he had no desire to just cause pain....that was just a benefit. He continued trading blows until he felt the lizard getting weaker and weaker. He kept punching until he was sure the lizard was out and he managed to stop before going too far. He would take a deep breath looking towards the back of the bus. He didn't have time to check on her.

Blood on his knuckles, bruises and scratches...it was a regular fight night and they weren't even halfway done yet. Yet!

Hopefully she stayed hidden but Del would get up and take a deep breath to steady himself. He looked at the bodies of the fallen Lizards before he moved to pick them up and bring them out to drop them on the sand.  He didn't need them waking up and going after Celestine. Stretching his body he'd assess the situation with Lucas, the dogs, and and the last lizard. They were armed and it looked like there were scorch marks around.

Guess he was in charge of the leather cause for the moment so he targeted Scarface, running across the stands to aim a crash into the lizard and take him down to the ground to give Red a little more breathing room.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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'Three on one isn't good odds, and these guys aren't sloppy like the prison riffraff were on my way out. Still, fighting in tandem just to make up for their individual weaknesses... Acceptable strategy, but now it's up to me to figure out how to turn that to my advantage.' Lucas grunted, disappointed his strike didn't have the intended effect, but if this was going to be an easy encounter, then there would have been no points to getting Del to thin out their numbers. He spared a quick glance to the enemy coming up behind him.

Too late to try to dodge the whole thing, he grit his teeth and shifted his position, moving his head out of harm's way, but taking a heavy strike to his shoulder, complete with the sound of a cracking noise within. A low, pained groan escaped his lips, before he moved his hand to grab the tip of the baton to hold it.

'Gotta aim for a disarm...!' Lucas paced his breathing as he put his weight on his right foot, lifting his left and thrusting it back to try to kick at the vulpeculan's face. The issue, however, came when he realized one of those brutish reptiles were still around... And there was no time to avoid a strike while he was trying to disarm this one... Fortunately, Delmar had decided to go three for three on lizard kills, earning an amused chuckle from Maxwell.

"Welcome to the party, pal. Thanks for giving us enough time to make them impatient enough to kick all this off. Was getting tired of all the feigned diplomacy."

Edited by Gardsorm
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The happy scarface was about to hit Lucas again like he was a breathing pinata, but Delmar charged from the darkness, taking him by surprise. There was a surprised yelp and the baton fell from his hand when the dark skinned human tackled the reptilian to the ground with force enough to knock air out of his lungs. He was gasping for air and as he was unable to defend himself with brute force, he did something else. Sharp bone spikes pushed through the scaly skin and prison clothes. Suddenly the scarface became a humanoid cactus.

Delmar took care of the last remaining lizard, but the fluffy tail boys were keeping Maxwell busy enough. His kick scratched the side of vulpeculan’s face, as he managed to dodge just enough to take the worst brunt of the hit off. It didn't distract him enough to make him lose the grip of the baton he was holding, so Lucas didn't manage to grab the beating weapon out of his hand. The kick made Lucas’ body tilt forward and the man with the stunner took advantage of that, grabbing with his free hand of the long red hair, yanking forward, which sent the human on his face to the sand. He could hear the sound of electricity before the criminal stabbed the stunner pole towards his back.

Delmar might notice movement in his peripheral vision. Remy moved, circling around him. The long riot baton stroked through the air as he put his strength behind his hit, aimed at the back of Delmar’s head.

Edited by Kissa
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Del was glad to have made it on time "Last lizard put up way more of a fight than expected!" Almost as an explanation for his lateness as if Lucas was owed one! He kept the lizard pinned and reared back to deal a heavy blow when all of a sudden he found him skin pierced. Nothing too series but damn did it hurt! Del would grunt in pain and move back preparing to shift when another figure caught his attention. 

He moved quick again, shifting sideways, blocking the baton with his forearm. It stung like he'll but he'd shift his grip to grab and and pull as he kicking outward. 

He figured he might as well share the pain with the annoying pooch so if Remy did nothing he'd land right on his pal.

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"They always do. Belligerent and bellicose to the last."  Lucas remarked, huffing in mild annoyance as he failed to disarm the vulpeculan behind him. Nimble little bastards, he wanted to peel every strand of fur from their tails for all the frustration they were putting him through right now. Unfortunately, he couldn't right himself in time before the one in front grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him to the sandy floor.

Big mistake, forgetting the redhead's ire for a moment, his hearing allowed him to hear the crackling sound as his hand grasped a handful of the offensive grains. This wasn't a fair fight... So far be it from him to fight fair either.

Once he heard the stunner, he rolled over, causing it to stab the ground harmlessly while he swung his hand out violently, throwing a heavy cloud of sand toward the face of the vulpeculan with the stunner. If he wanted to put his face in the sand, Lucas was going to make sure the fox felt it on his.

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The thin spikes began retracting soon after appearing and the pin cushion lizard started to look like a normal one again. Remy looked surprised when Delmar managed to get a grip of his forearm. He was quick with his moves and with a swift sidestep moved out of the kick’s way, spinning to Delmar’s side and offering his elbow towards the man’s ribs. That’s when the scarface tried to do something, and swept his leg on the sand, aiming to kick the dark fighter off of his feet. He almost did it to Remy. The cooperation of these two didn’t work in any capacity.

^You fuck…!^ Rein cursed when he got a handful of sand on his face, and in his eyes. He instinctively stepped back and blinked furiously. As soon as Lucas had used his dirty trick, the remaining vulpeculan jumped down, with a knee first at the redhead’s belly, ready to straddle him and beat his head with the baton. 

The situation was kind of even now. Rein heard something from behind her and just as he turned to look he got hit in the face with a shovel. The stunned fox staggered back, barely remaining standing. The old folks had been looking for long enough and had decided to make their move now. They were armed with simple tools and branches of wood… and Rein was the first one to feel their ire, that had been building up for years and now had a perfect excuse to come out.

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Delmar couldn't avoid that elbow, grunting perhaps...a little louder than expected for a single elbow to the ribs. He didn't lose focused however hooking his arm with the canine's to keep him locked in and managed to steady himself long enough to avoid the lizard's sweep. These two definitely weren't friend but it at least meant Del was fighting two people rather than a cohesive pair. That was part of the danger in fights, but it made things a little simpler to deal with. Two out of tune fighters was dangerous, but less so than 2 in tune fighters.

Del would start lashing out with fists, focused on the canines abdomen, chin, nose, and throat. He was going for maximum pain knowing the sooner he could eliminate these two idiots the sooner they could leave before their friends showed up if...they went looking.

It looked like the old-timers had joined in and were quite ready to jump Rein. Hopefully none of them got hurt, but it only increased his urgency.

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Lucas gave a little mirthful chuckle as Rein venomously spat his words at the redhead. If the poor fox didn't want sand thrown in his face, then he should treat have tried yanking him face first into the sand. At least Lucas had the momentary warning to close his eyes before he got the face full of it... Still, for every one successful dirty trick, another was waiting to try and get turned on him.

Which was just what happened when the third Vulpeculan leapt toward him with a knee. Lucas nearly coughed up from the sudden force of a knee to his gut, but he couldn't afford to let his focus slip. His foe has tried to go for the schoolyard scrap approach to beating up on Lucas.

The problem being, he should have used his fists. Lucas crossed his arms over his head to catch the descending baton, before using the outermost limb to push it away, guiding his other fist up toward the chin of the vulpeculan atop him. He heard the echoing this of the shovel hitting Rein a short distance away, but he had to hurry and get rid of this chump to take the other one down before he turned his ire on the older people.

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Unlike the previous two opponents, Remy wasn’t just brute force. He didn’t possess the same strengths as his temporary scaly comrades, but he was far better trained and knew how to use his body in a fight. The situation between Delmar and Remy seemed quite even as both received and handed out punches. 

Rein was completely surprised by the pack of pensioners. He lost the stun baton quickly without managing to even land a solid hit on someone. ^The fuck are you people?! Get the fuck away from me! Hey! Get lost you grey goose!^ He kicked one away, but there was someone else taking his place almost instantly. No matter where he looked, there was someone swinging at him with something. 

The third vulpeculan took the hit to the chin like a champ. He and Lucas were stuck in a very similar exchange of blows that Delmar and one of the reptilians had had just moment ago in the bus.

The scarface grumbled and got back on his feet. He looked around and spotted the baton he had lost. After snatching it back, the tall reptilian locked his eyes to Delmar, who was the bigger threat out of these two… twenty something now. Remy took care that the human fighter didn’t have enough time to pay attention to what the others were doing, so he took this opportunity to aim well before smacking the baton at the man’s head.

^Delmar, watch out!^ Some cried a warning from the middle of beating the downed vulpeculan.

Remy leaped back and took some steps to create distance between himself and Delmar at this point.

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Better trained and able to take a hit but the fox didn't seem to be going for the kill like Delmar was. The foxes really were smarter than their lizard counterparts. Del was going to be tired as all hell! Still though with the call out he realized he needed to look behind him and moved fast enough to just avoid the baton and allow it to carry down. He brought his foot up and slammed it downward aiming at the crux of the lizards arm in order to break it following by a powerful right and left to hopefully and finally put the lizard out of his misery.

He was about done with the lizards...

The dog demanded the rest of his attention though he'd have to make sure to take one of the old-timers for the heads up later because that saved his bacon right there.

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For a race of creatures that prized their facial appearances, he had to hand it to this opponent. He was doing a decent job of going blow for blow with Lucas. Every time the baton risked coming down, Lucas made sure to use his offhand to catch and redirect the impact, ideally hold the weapon to keep it from swinging. That would leave them with one arm each to try to beat the stuffing out of one another with 

However, the pained mumblings of Rein drew his attention, and he realized one of them had finally lost their weapon. It was a prime opportunity in Lucas' eyes, as he tried to worm his legs under the third Vulpeculan to try to roll them over. It would have been too soon to just run for the fallen weapon, so he balled a fist and tried to ring the vulpeculans' bell with it by living a nice, heavy strike up with the side of his head.

If he was lucky, it would dizzy the fox long enough for him to go and retrieve the weapon. 

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Remy estimated the situation. One geezer wasn’t any more dangerous than teaching some manners to a kid, but just like piranhas, they were dangerous in a large group. The scale had tipped in their unfavor. 

There was a nasty sound of breaking bone when Delmar hit the scarface’s arm. The lizard howled from pain and before he gathered himself enough for some kind of counter attack, the human had finished his opponent, who slumped on the dirt. 

Very near them Lucas rolled over, topping the fox he was dealing with. He prepared to use his magic, but concentration to do that took too much in this kind of situation, so before he was ready the redhead had delivered the finishing blow.

Just when they thought the fight was over and they were victorious, they could hear the sound of a car engine. Remy had taken advantage of the chaos of the situation and dashed to the two cars. He made an exemplary three point turn. Before they could reach the car or do something to stop it, the vulpeculan had already sped into the night. Rein was the one with the radio, so unless he has another one, he couldn’t just radio the situation to others once he was inside the reach, but he would have to actually go to where the others were. 

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Well that was that then but unfortunately the other fox had run away and that meant, for sure, they had to leave. Del took a deep breath as he could finally feel the pain of the fight he was in. Didn't go as well as he'd hoped but they were alive. He would take a deep breath and look over to Lucas with a nod before he made his way over to the bus and poke his head in "Come on out now Celestine." he called to her.

Work to do...search the downed bodies, tie them up, and get the fuck out of there. He already figured he would be in charge of the hard part so he started dragging the downed bodies to lay them in the same areas "Thanks for the assist earlier you guys." he called the old timers. He doubted the lizards would have a key but he searched them anyway.

Hopefully they weren't caught up again. Del was not going to be in good shape for another fight for at least a day or two after that.

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"Ugh... You Vanlith scumbags are not worth the trouble. I should just execute the lot of you, but you're more useful alive than dead. Unlike the lizards." Lucas sighed, shaking his head and catching his breath, before the start of the car drew his attention. Of course Remy had been smart enough to get in the car and drive off. It also occured to him that the bus was still missing its key. With any luck, one of these people had it on them, otherwise Remy had been playing them about not having the key.

Standing upright, he moved to reclaim both batons from Rein and the other Vulpeculan, pocketing the weapons for now, before he looked the two goes over. He wasted little time in picking them up one by one, bringing them near the carcasses of the fallen reptiles, before he hummed.

"We should make sure we bind their hands behind them. If they have any magic, they won't be in a hurry to use it in such close proximity to them. I'd like to question them too, but they may not be so willing to talk without a bit of encouragement." Lucas grunted as he rummages through Rein and the other Vulpeculans' belongings. The radio was definitely theirs now, any keys were likewise theirs... The body armor as well. 

He looked to the collected older people, humming. "I agree with Del, truly fine work all of you... Reckless, but fine work. Should we use the ropes or the chains to hold them all together?"

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Celestine felt herself useless as she simply hid and all she could do was listen to the sounds coming from outside and guess what was happening there. She hoped for the best and feared the worst. When Delmar came to tell her she could finally come out, he looked like everything wasn’t fine at all. Celestine stood up, and holding tightly to the stun baton she stepped out of the bus.

“I heard a car…” When she looked in the direction of where the two cars had been and now there was only one, it was the answer she had been looking for. They left? The white fox looked around. One, two, three, four, five… Oh. They hadn’t left. Just one had run away. 

^It was nothing.^

^It looked like you guys could need a hand.^ The old timers answered.

^I think this one isn’t breathing…^ That comment was like a call for Celes to come and take a look.

Saying he didn’t breathe was an understatement. Just one glance and the fox knew trying to resuscitate was pointless. No one could bring this man back to life. His face and good part of his skull were smashed in. The sight was absolutely horrendous. Celestine swallowed and turned to look elsewhere.

The radio was still intact. The scarface has something they had been hoping to find, a small specially shaped key that fit the collar locks. Other loot they could get from the gangsters were four shivs, cigarettes, matches, two doses of crack and some weed joints.

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Del clicked his tongue and stood proud for a moment "I had it. Thanks though." somewhat of a joke but he had gotten 3 and he was pretty sure he could have at least taken Remy out. Del looked to Celestine "One got away. We gotta go." he said continuing the search and luckily they found some stuff but one of them was dead. Del grimaced a bit but he hadn't killed him so he was....not happy but it was what it was.

Del looked over the key they had found " We can finally be done with this shit." although Del looked like he had gotten out of quite the match. He would sit down for a moment. Bleeding, bruises, cuts yeah he had just gotten into a fight but the foxes seemed like the biggest threat...at that moment anyhow.

He looked to Lucas "Chains. Ropes are more useful to keep." he said.

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"Chains it is, then." Lucas moved toward the bus to fetch the chains they had found earlier from the shed. He moved quickly to bring the chains back out, approaching the others while Celestine went to work checking the others over.

"I don't think you're going to get any life signs out of the reptiles. I would say save your time and efforts on the foxes. If they know anything about Anjira's activities elsewhere on the island, they'll be the ones to share anything. It'll also help us know where to avoid in moving around the island until we're ready." Lucas spoke as he looked at the medical fox surveying the fallen.

Looking at Del first, before the old timers, he nodded. "I wish I had the audacity to make a claim like Del, but I'll be the first to admit I definitely did need the help, so thank you. Even though you don't owe me anything after my earlier rude behaviors. Still, I appreciate the assist, and you were probably the deciding factor in my surviving here."

Looking at the collected haul, he spotted the key among the collection, before he looked to Del. "Safe to say you've earned it. I don't know how the keys work, but you get first claim. I'll get to work on trying these clowns together " Lucas spoke, moving to bind Rein and the other vulpeculan male together. 

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There was a certain kind of freedom of guilt when no one knew for certain who had done the fatal blow on Rein. Those who had taken part in the pummeling of the fox were all just as guilty and at the same just as innocent. Realizing that one of the gangsters truly was dead made the old timers quiet. There was some mumbling among them, but no visible regret. Definitely no one was shedding tears for the fallen vulpeculan.

“Do you two need help? I mean, do you need medical assistance?” Celestine asked from the young men. “What are we going to do after you have tied them? You are going to interrogate them?” 

^It sure sounded like they are a part of a larger group.^

^They are going to come here after hearing what happened here… It would be wise to be somewhere else then.^

^But where? We don’t even know where they are now.^ Inga sounded worried.

^We know they aren’t at the prison based on what the black fox said.^

^There aren’t that many places where they could have gone, unless they are going to camp under the open sky for the night. The factories, the farm, the employee apartments, wherever they are…^

^We should start packing up so we can leave as soon as possible…^ 

^Maybe we should head to the wilderness and hope they won’t follow us there.^

Celestine looked at how Lucas tied the unconscious vulpeculan to the deceased. That was the kind of cruelty she couldn’t understand…

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Del nodded his head to Lucas and took the key to unlock his collar, doing it right there to finally get it off his neck before he'd toss it to Lucas, or Celestine depending on which one was open. He didn't really answer her question but given the blood and various wounds on his body it didn't really need to be answered but Del just moved past it to help Lucas tie up the bodies.

Del looked back to the ground "We can do some questioning but we're definitely going to leave them." she said but they asked good question. They could either go back to the prison or find those apartments. They just needed to not be here because no doubt this...group would be pissed. He sighed "Actually....think you can handle the questioning Red?" since Lucas seemed to have obvious questions on his mind.

He helped bind the two vulpeculan together though he didn't feel great about the dead one being included "Maybe just....leave this one." he said but the living fox and the dumb lizards? Absolutely. No point though it was too much. Once they were bound though Del would go back to the bus...maybe the key had fallen but he'd also relax a bit. He was still coming down a bit off the adrenaline.


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"I'll live, save the help for whoever else needs it." Lucas was too proud to admit he definitely incurred some injuries, but after telling her earlier he wouldn't seek the medical help a second time after the struggles he had earlier with the older people, he wasn't going to trouble her for assistance a second time so soon. "Yes, I'm going to do the questioning. I need to find out what Anjira and the rest of her forces are up to. She doesn't strike me as the sort to just chill on the island. She'll be looking for a way off at her earliest convenience." 

Lucas spoke now as if he was familiar of a person he seemingly hadn't heard of before this point. All the way down to knowing her gender when no one else unveiled it.

"I can make guesses, but they're nothing but guesses. This one can always answer that, but I get the feeling he won't give the information up willingly." He insisted, drawing his shiv. "So I'll need to see how long it takes to make him break."

Maybe he was going a little too extremely, strapping the dead fox to the live one, but it was just the kind of sick, demented thing their enemy would do if she had a choice. "I can't say I share the same sentimentality you do... But I've been in solitary long enough to lose my sense of care for people I hate. If you want to treat him better than I would, then feel free to bury him." Lucas shrugged, undoing the chains to release Rein's corpse from the bindings, before simply binding the third himself.

"Assume the prison complex is the safest place to be right now until we know where we can go safely... Oh, before I forget. Does anyone here have the bus key? We lost track of it when these thugs showed up."

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Questioning sounded more like torture with some questions at this point. Celestine didn’t like it. It was barbaric and inhumane. “Can they give us some answers that are worth the… questioning? This Anjira person likely won’t be happy about what we have done to his people. Especially to that one.” She nodded towards Rein. “In light of that, do you think she is going to take us with her out of the island if she finds a way to leave? If she is the kind of person who follows the path of revenge easily, she is going to come here, so we already know her next step. Do we really have time to wait for them to come to it and start asking questions?” 

Lucas' question about the key got people to look at one another and test their pockets. With these people there was a real chance they had simply forgotten having it because of old age memory problems. No one had it. ^Could it be Elias kept it…?^ The crocodile wondered and looked at the sea. 

^I will take a look inside the office. Maybe it was dropped there.^

While many of the oldies were carrying their modest possessions inside the bus, there was a group that was talking about something among themselves quietly. 

“No one has the key. How are you feeling, Delmar? If your life isn’t in danger, I would like to wait till we are back on the road before taking a look at.. those.” The vulpeculan stood near the door of the bus, moving every time she got in the way of someone passing by.

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"I don't think this questioning is about any manner of friendship but its good to know what we're dealing with." of course they could likely wake them up early. It was best to do so anyway since being out too long meant trouble. It was up to Lucas though and he could relay the information he learned later if he got anything useful.

Delmar couldn't find a key though and that made him worried. It appeared that they had likely sent the key out to sea. That meant they'd have to walk, or they'd have to hotwire the bus and that meant they couldn't use it again if no one was an expert in that sort of thing. Maybe it was in the office, Elias could have dropped it.

Del just sat there looking up at Celestine as she approached "Same as always after a fight. Sore, few bruises, holes but thats what happens when you fight a cactus." he said and he toss something her way. The collar key since Lucas didn't seem to take it "You might as well take that off. Pass it around."

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"One way or another, it will be worth it." Lucas insisted. Celestine was far too sheltered to know how the real world worked, and right now it was shining through. He folded his arms and sighed, not wanting to scare her or the others... But they needed to know the truth. "I can't sugarcoat it: Anjira is capricious but brutal. She'll never take you off the island out of the goodness of her heart, but if you're useful to her somehow, she might contemplate protecting you to that point and beyond... But make no mistake, she would be liable to execute you for disobedience and mutiny. She's like every other mobster criminal I've had to deal with: They'll act friendly to make you lower your guard, but they'll use mind games to try to coerce you."

He looked toward where the vehicle had driven away. "That guy, Remy, he has all the textbook traits of crooks from the Vanlith Family. Faux geniality and kindness, only as long as they believe you have secrets to spill. He was trying to play us from minute one. As for our next move... Yes, we should go. I don't think she'll drop everything to come for revenge, but she'll probably send more people to make an example of us. It doesn't matter who did it, we'll all be punished for open defiance."

He looked to the old people, before shaking his head. "Don't let what happened bother you. It was you or him, better you prioritize your lives over his." 

The next issue was about the key, before Lucas frowned. "Let's disregard the question of who has the key then. Who were the people in charge of tending to his body and wrapped him up before I took him out to sea? Then we'll know who to question about the whereabouts of the key. I'll make a sweep of the bus to make sure it didn't just fall out."

At least, that was the plan. However, as he prepared to move, a separate group of people didn't seem to be perturbed by the current moment, carrying on a conversation of their own quietly. He partly considered asking Celestine to listen in on them, but she was busy talking to Del. For now, he decided to delay searching the bus to subtly approach the group conversing among themselves, curious about what they were discussing between each other rather than the group as a whole. 

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“One might learn after the first ordeal it’s not wise to pick a fight with a cactus…” Celestine said softly. She didn’t see too well what was flying in her direction, so she moved the baton swiftly to block and the key fell with a small clink to the floor. “Ah… I’m going to take this to others so they can get rid of their collars too. Thank you.” The fox was quick to release herself from the collar. She left the anti magic device on an empty seat before returning outside to put the key circle among themselves. 

^I can start the car without the key. Can even fiddle it so we can start it with a flat head screwdriver.^ An old man offered after hearing the dilemma with the bus and the missing key. He didn’t waste time climbing in the bus and setting a flashlight so he could start working on getting the vehicle back in business.


^We don’t even have any necessary supplies.^

^It doesn’t matter. The prison is worse than a jungle right now. There is no one keeping the savages under control. Every place worth going is going to be occupied by those brutes, if they aren’t already. I know our chances aren’t great, but they won’t be good no matter where we go.^

^I must admit, I agree with him. We aren’t young anymore. We can’t fight against them. Not many of them anyway. It doesn’t require much imagination to guess what they are going to do to us, just for fun or because they are bored.^

^I guess there is no other way around it… We must try our luck in the wilderness.^

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"Well unfortunately this Cactus had legs, a mean disposition, and was really ugly. There are probably a few more of them." he was sure that was probably a racial sort of thing that the lizard types could do in certain instances. He watched her block the key and have to pick it up. He would not "Yeah do what you gotta do, maybe someone has some useful magic." he said though he had no idea. It was nice to not have the collars on either way. He rubbed his neck as she relaxed.

Del was keeping the anti-magic devices though with the rest of the stuff. They could, perhaps, be used to help tame any particularly troublesome figures if they managed to get them on them like if they decided to take any prisoners or just...as an emergency. He was looking forward to getting away from the beach though. This Anjira person sounded like she would be hell to deal with.

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