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Farm - Late Night [Closed]

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Archer watched as Fera moved to communicate their current circumstances to Sybil, who seemed to catch the drift as she moved. To Archer, it was almost like watching a vengeful revenant stalk forward in the relative darkness of the night to find her target. A moment of concern hit him as he was afraid she would kill one or both of them. He could see the reprisal from Anjira if she would have done the deed, the vixen wouldn't have left any of them alive if she found them, no matter how useful they were. Fortunately, whatever happened, the vulpeculan woman was taken out quietly and without lethality, it seemed. Archer was impressed, but he couldn't stop here. He quietly set down the toolchest and darted forward once the other vulpeculan noticed.

'Never thought the training they gave me would come in handy like this, but there's a lot of factors in this. For starters, I'm not trying to kill anyone this time... Need to adjust the grip strength, the use of force, counterweight... You're not taking a life this time, Reid. Even if they deserve it ' Archer had to remind himself, his prison fatigues replaced with a more militaristic, dirty green outfit with body armor, an 'H.R.F' insignia on his shoulder, and a full helmet with reflective visors over the eyes, before he shook the image off and went to work.

The girl was going to be absolutely furious once she noticed what was happening, and as much as Archer wouldn't have minded blugeoning her, he wanted to avoid doing something that might endanger her life if he was careless. Fortunately she had a perfect tool. "A pretty face like that using such foul language outside the bedroom is unbecoming." Archer whispered as he moved his hand to seize the vulpeculans wrist, moving his other hand to grab the base of the baton and drag the tip toward the side of her head to try to zap her into unconsciousness. He threw his weight back a bit to try to yank her off her feet, leaving her no stability to try to defend. How well this worked out depended on how fierce a fighter this vulpeculan was... 


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Fera watched when Sybil suddenly moved closer to one of the guards. One strike, and just like that, the vulpecean fell down and went to sleep. What was this? Were they fighting? Were they fleeing? Did they notice what Fera had been trying to tell them? Good. Great! When the second guard turned to Sybil with her weapon, Fera glared sharply and hissed. Archer was taking care of it though. His motions were trained, although Fera could not really tell the difference. She was ready to jump in if there was a need, but otherwise was trying not to interfere. As much as she believed she could use her body as a shield for them, she'd been told that they didn't want this...so it left her with a dilemma. What could she do for them?

Staying out of it for the time being was potentially the best course of action the Tinorian could actually take though. Energetic as she was, she was still bleeding and pushing through the pain. She would be able to move, even run, but would she be okay in a fight? She tried to steady her breathing. At the very least, breathe slow, calm, so that Sybil doesn't get worried, she thought. If she couldn't fight, she could at least try to figure some stuff out, right? She was looking around, wondering how they would do this. Were they climbing the fence? There were a lot of the boss lady's friends by the gate and Fera had a feeling they wouldn't be nice enough to let them go even if she said please. What if they used one of those big metal animals (vehicules) to get out? She was trying to spot them, a car without any mobsters around it, or some sort of tractor, anything.

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Sybil turned her head towards the sound of the angry voice but her face had no reaction. The crackling, the shifting, the anger....she was sure in a moment she would be struck and as a result she might violate her oath a again with the sharp tool she held up her sleeves. A swift strike and the doctor would prove her foolishness. God forgive her, though he hadn't before. She was stopped by the sound of Mr. Archer's voice briefly. She took a deep breath, thankful for his aid and quick maneuvering. One down, breathing slowed, unconscious...but alive.

The ghost listened next for Fera, distant, but still hurt. The blood was still so heavy. Archer appeared to have some interesting lines for the fox. So like a hero, he even had interesting one-liner though its content were more lewd than she recalled from the programs she was afforded.


She followed as best she could in hopes to grip the other arm of the fox in the event that she was more ferocious than her companion and make it easier to either Fera or Archer to render her as unconscious as her friend. If they were gone then...they could escape. If would be best for them to escape. She had no doubt that Anjira's fury would be swift, brutal, and leave poor Mr. Reid alone were they unable to make their way away. 

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All the vehicles that the criminals had driven here from the prison were near the group of the buildings, which placed them relatively near the gate and concentration of the people. Those who had been working on the farm knew there were other vehicles here, but as they were nowhere to be seen, it was likely they were stored in a garage for the night. If they were lucky, the gangsters were too distracted by the loud sound and not knowing what was its origin that they didn’t pay too much attention to the side buildings right now. 

If the vulpeculan decided to shout, she would draw the attention of others to them and their escape plan would fail before it even began. Right now the fox was going on full offensive, showing them just why she was accepting in this group of criminals. She didn’t lose her footing. Instead she went along with the momentum Archer gave her. The fox leaped forward, using the human’s body as her stepping stone and her body moved like she was liquid. Her long legs wrapped around Archer’s neck. He could feel her yank. It was an attempt at snapping his neck, but it failed. Her position wasn’t as good as she had wished. So she started squeezing with her thighs, like an anaconda wanting to choke its prey.

During this quick attack her grip of the baton didn’t loosen. Her free hand grabbed the baton next to Archer’s hand and she switched the position of her other hand. Now Archer had one hand on the baton and she had both hands on it. The fox saw movement in the corner of her eye as Sybil approached. As she reached for the crook’s hand, she growled like an animal and Archer could feel how he was about to lose his grip when the woman channeled more strength than someone like he should have. The baton was shoved again towards Sybil with the business end first, crackling with electricity.

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"Oh, wh-" That did NOT go according to plan at all. Archer had expected to try and silence the fox and throw her off balance to render her unconscious through air deprivation. I stead, he was the one at risk of being deprived of air as she now essentially mounted his upper torso and tried to choke the life out of him. Archer was both confused, on high alert, and not the least a little erect much to his shame, but he counted in the fact that it was dark and he could face away to avoid any awkward moments from... Well, not Sybil, maybe she couldn't see it. But he didn't need Fera asking if he put something in his pants...

'Why is your first thought what the innnocent tiger girl thinks of you, Reid?! Gods above, you truly do belong in this place.' Archer berated himself mentally as he kept a solid hand on the baton. However, she got her second hand on it, and once again control was in her hands... Why was she so strong yet limber?! Archer was no slouch... But maybe two hands really were better than one at handling poles- 'Oh Christ, she's squeezing tighter...!'

This wasn't good. Joy aside, there was a serious risk of her potentially depriving him of any oxygen, nevermind the fact that this was way more embarrassing than he wanted it to be. He couldn't even see if Sybil or Fera were nearby, but judging by how much power the vulpeculan was putting into trying to yank the baton forward, she must have been trying to attack one of them. It was all he could do to jerk himself wildly while yanking on the baton, trying to divert the attack away from whoever was the target. Options... He could lick... Or bite, if he was feeling malicious, but he didn't want to do either. Instead he reached up with his free hand, grabbing a handful of her top, and throwing himself at the mesh fence nearby. He tried to speak with what air he could, dropping to his knees to make the vulpeculan and easier target. 

"Knock her out...!"

Edited by Gardsorm
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It was likely somewhat of a boon for Archer that Sybil was blinder than a bat. She could only hear him struggle, not aware of what was being done to place him in that position nor that he was currently close to expiring in the way most men tend to dream. Sybil was more focused on the sound of crackling again. That furious sound that she could identify quite easily as a danger to her. She would tell it was focused at the certain point so moved to grab just behind it "Mr. Reid! Are you alright!?" he asked hearing him struggle. It sounded like his breathing was labored, constrained as though he was being strangled. The sound of metal shifting with weight though it pulled Sybil forward as well. If this woman had hurt Mr. Reid....

She was worried, hearing his breathing still struggling though he kept hold of the baton, careful of its tip and her body to avoid the furious crackle of electricity. He was tempted to end it swiftly...and permanently but Archer's voice finally came out with a simple request.

Click! Click! Click!

Sybil show her hand outward aiming to press her fingers against the woman's radial nerve to weaken the grip she held on her weapon though she knew if this woman was trained well enough it would perhaps work far less. If it did work however Sybil would take the weapon and work her hand to find the mechanism herself and stab it towards her as a small reversal that would hopefully work.

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Fera had been struggling to keep still. She watched as the second fox countered Archer, climbed on him, pinned him down. Fera thought that that was certainly a very strange way to hug someone...but Archer's struggling let the tigress know that he wasn't really enjoying it. She wanted to run in and just tackle this woman despite her being armed, but she was hesitating. She wasn't afraid of getting hurt more, but if she did, how would Archer and Sybil feel? If she did nothing, then what would happen to Archer though? The longer it went on, the more impatient Fera would get. 

Thankfully though, Sybil took care of it. Fera watched in awe as the doctor moved in and handle things, taking out the fox in another swift strike. "Ohhhh you're like a ninja~" she commented in her excitement, but then ran over to Archer, probably moving faster than she should with her injuries, but she didn't care right now. She reached down to grab his wrist and help him up on his feet, then suddenly latched onto him and hugged him tightly. "Stupid..stupid stupid stupid" she insulted him while hugging him. He made the Tinorian worry way too much! Her body was soft...but more importantly, right now it was a bit cold, and she couldn't hug him quite as tightly as she wanted. The injuries did a number on her. She let go of him with a pout, a bit teary eyed after seeing him get hurt, and huffed as though she didn't want to talk to him because of it. Still, she took his hand, and then Sybil's to start heading to the side where the moonlight wouldn't reach them as much and they'd be better hidden "Fera doesn't think the bad guys are gonna let us walk out even if we say please...What do we do?"

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Truthfully? Archer was probably close to getting asphyxiated, so the moment he heard Sybil call out for him, he was not able to vocalize anything approaching a confirmation. However, he did manage to raise a thumbs up in the moment. After all, if he did manage to die in the moment, it truly wouldn't have been the worst way to go. Ideally he would have wanted to know the name of his executor, but the odds of getting that were as likely as him getting off of this island alive to go back to normal life among civilization. Frankly though, as much as his inner youth enjoyed the audacity of the situation, his current self understood the urgency. He could only hope that-

Oh, her thighs were going slack. Finally, Archer could breathe again as he moved his hands to hold the unconscious fox woman, guiding her down so she didn't carelessly fall on the ground. He doubted any of these crooks would ever show them anything approaching the same kind of care, but he didn't need their accidental fatalities on his or any of their consciences. Taking a deep breath, he rolled his head around and nodded. "Fwoo, glad you two were around... Nice job on the knockouts. Sorry I slacked there... Didn't realize just how skilled and strong she might have been. I guess the Vanlith Family didn't exactly recruit a bunch of lightweights." He got up a bit woozy, but quickly found himself pulled to his feet as Fera hugged him without warning, reminding him to riip his hips back in time. "What the... Fera, what happened?"

She was really that worried about him? He wanted to say it was weird... But was it any different from them standing up for her to Anjira? She called him stupid... "Hey, I think stupid is a little strong, I..." Nearly got choked to death by a woman's thighs and would have considered that fine, disregarding the fact both Sybil and Fera were here and needed to escape. No, he wasn't just stupid, but maybe that thought was a bit selfish too. Fera was absolutely right.l to call him that. She was berating him like a little sibling or even a kid, but he understood that he had her worried... Maybe Sybil too, if her concern earlier was any indication. His hand came up, pattinf her back gently. "I'm sorry, Fera, I know... Oh." And now she was pouting and ignoring him.

Gods, did he ever do anything like that to his parents? He started to understand how much of a handful Fera could be... But she was their handful now. Hopefully he could make it up to her later.

"Trying to look for a vehicle to break through the fence would be a lot of work, and more dangerous. Being in this shaded part, we can probably avoid detection for a little while. Hm... I wonder, the ground around here might be a little loose. It's not exactly the most dignified, but we could probably just dig out way out from under the gate. I'll start digging, Fera you fetch my toolchest. Sybil, if you can, get the weapons from our resting captors. Check them for any other useful objects, like keys for your collars or anything like that." Archer suggested, working on digging his hands into the ground just under the fence. There was no telling how useful this approach was, but it was safe enough to do rather than risking going to the front of the farm.

Edited by Gardsorm
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Slowed breath. Quiet breathing. Good....they were out. Sybil had ignored the voice in her head. These people did not deserve to live, but so too did her companions not deserve to see them die if they did not want them dead. It was merely for them that the Doctor stayed her hand. She took stood there and waited. Mr. Reid, however, sounded fine if more exasperated "It alright Mr. Reid. I-...." she shook her head "Thank you." though what she was thanking him for she could not elaborate on. Fera ran and from the sounds of it had hugged Archer. Good though he words made it clear that perhaps Archer had been in more trouble than Sybil realized.

"As long as you are alright Mr. Reid. I would like to check over you once I've....gotten Fera taken care of." she sad but found her hand being taken and being lead away "I'm sorry." she apologized again knowing that it was a burden for Fera to be her eyes. How would they escape? Sybil opened her mouth to ask them to describe things as best they could. Sybil could create a map of sorts of sounds but the exact nature of things were lost to her.

Sybil nodded her head at Archer's request though as with Anjira she did not look at him "I will try." she stated and moved away from Fera so she could do as asked of her. Sybil moved to the ground, crawling and all the while clicking around the fallen forms...feeling around probably more than Archer expected with such a request. There was lack of assured to Sybil as she picked up weapons though the one she held earlier was familiar enough. She would palm the bodies and look around attempting to be careful not to wake them.

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Fera decided to give Archer a hug, so when he suddenly pulled his hips back, the tigress stubbornly lowered her arms behind his back to pull them back in and against her. Surely he wasn't going to make the injured girl struggle just to give him a hug, right? Of course she insulted him too. He told her not to get hurt, yet he had the right to do so? If it was true that her pain made them sad, could he not understand how his would make her feel? He was stupid! Especially if Fera of all people could see it, then there was no denying it. When he pat her back, she loosened up a little, even nuzzled her face gently against his shoulder. 

It was good that he apologized, but she'd still pout about it. It was a start at least, and now Sybil was apologizing too, making Fera shake her head even though the blind woman couldn't see it "It's fine, you didn't get hurt...only Aries needs to apologize" she explained, not realizing what Sybil was even apologizing for. Fera had happily taken the role of her guide of her own volition. She also trusted the woman. She knew what the word doctor meant, so she wasn't even worried about the cuts on her own body, believing she would be in good hands. They'd only met today, but the girl trusted easily, and got attached quickly.

After Archer asked her to do something, Fera was a bit enthusiastic about being helpful, so she moved a bit too quickly at first, causing her to stop and hold around her waist for a moment. Ouch! She then did what was asked of her though, bringing Archer his toolchest before digging her hands into the hole he'd started to make "Fera can do it faster" she told him, and it wasn't about her rushing either. The girl could dig faster than him simply because she didn't have to worry about hurting her hands either, easily digging them deeper into the ground to scoop out more dirt every time. Her skin was tough, so she'd be fine even stabbing her hands into the dirt.

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"I think I'm okay for now, but if you're sure you really want to check me for injuries after all of this, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Truthfully, I didn't even think I'd manage to get this far... Probably wouldn't if it was just me. But having people to worry about really puts things in perspective." Archer sighed quietly as he tried to dig copious handfuls of dirt and other material out of the way to try to start freeing up space under the fence. "You and Fera being here were huge boons. Otherwise I fear I would have just been intimidated into staying with this group for the rest of my stay, probably until they executed me once I outlived my usefulness. After all, if someone could turn the generators back on, they wouldn't want someone running around who could turn them back off."

Archer felt like he had seen how everything would play out from the start until the end of things. Given how willingly they acted to harm them to keep them in line, there was nothing stopping them from being maimed once their use was up. Fera was the most in danger; In the eyes of the others, she had no direct her, and the vixen's ideas of Fera's helpfulness... Well, there were reasons both he and Sybil were ready to blow this joint.

"You've got this, Sybil. We bought plenty of time for now, we can hopefully get this opened up before anything happens." Archer spoke softly, still unaware of just how functionally blind Sybil was. His rude awakening had yet to arrive for now, but once Fera arrived with his tools, he smiled. "Good girl, maybe I can use some of these to scrape... Huh? You want to dig? Well... Okay, don't hurt yourself, but if you say you can do it fast...er. Uh, okay..." It didn't take long for Archer to realize the helpful tigress truly could dig far faster than he could. He expected to do something like that with his tools, but her strength seemed to make the job much easier for her.

"Now I feel like the useless one, hah..." He chuckled quietly, before moving toward Sybil. There was a noticeable delay in how quickly she was rummaging through the two girls, but Archer chalked it up to her not being accustomed to walking in this kind of environment at night. "Any luck? Hm... I'll take this." He reached for one of the batons, collapsing it to make it easier to store, before he frowned. "No keys? Tch... Maybe Anjira didn't trust her underlings to carry them when they were done with them. We'll hopefully find some another time... Not for me, at least, I have no magical talent, but maybe you or Fera can use it. Shivs... I'm not really keen on taking lives again if I can avoid it, but I know sooner or later I'm not going to get the chance to avoid it. Still, I'll use one, might be sharp enough to use for other things." He spoke quietly, also taking a shiv.

"While Fera is digging over there... I should warn you, once we leave here, I'll have no real idea where I'm going. If we're lucky enough to find somewhere nearby to go, we have to make sure it isn't a notable landmark, or else that'll be the first place they look. I didn't want to concern Fera with this, but... I'm flying by the seat of my pants for a lot of this. She might not understand too much, but I didn't want to lead you into something that might get you killed. So after this, if you want to take Fera and run somewhere, I'll accompany you as far as getting you to safety. But I'm not sure I can really leave the island."

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"Of course Mr. Reid, better when we are not staring down the barrel of a gun." which was a funny sentence coming from a woman who couldn't do that even if she was unlucky enough to have to.

"That would be unfortunate Mr. Reid, but I'm glad we can give you some level of motivation." Sybil spoke softly but truthfully she understood all too well what it was like being used and then discarded. She didn't wish that fate upon someone like Archer who seemed too good. Sybil was tainted since birth, but for him to be stuck in such a situation was cruel. They weren't safe yet however and even Sybil felt a desire to keep the other two safe, especially Fera who was the most innocent of those she had met on the island thus far. She wanted nothing to befall them but she couldn't promise, at least yet, that they would be entirely safe...in fact they may have just doomed themselves more than anyone else there.

She didn't know exactly what obstacle was in the way only that that there was talks of digging.

"I have not felt anything particularly useful just the weapons from before Mr. Reid." and something knew. It had a point end which she guessed was another weapon. She would hold onto the electric baton. It wasn't as useful to her as a needle but in the event of defense she could perhaps keep herself from...scaring her companions. Another option instead of doing everything...her way. She listened to Archer speak though did not elaborate on whether she had useful magic or not. She didn't think she did....at least likely not in the way he imaged. Her gifts were....as tainted as herself.

"I have every desire to ensure your safety as well Mr. Reid and I don't believe Fera would appreciate the attempted parting." she stood up and nodded to him "I don't know what past you have, but I do know you are good. I cannot see you, but I know that you have shown Fera....and myself nothing but a true kindness. I can hear it as you speak, unlike her you speak with a ready truth. Mo j'suis déjà mort, ça fait un bout de temps so I desire the best for you as I do for her. If we can leave...you will. Both of you." and that was a promise she was making to herself for as long as she could keep it. God's hatred of her could rage for all eternity but she would see these two souls set free from this hell. She'd kill anyone she had to do it too but for now they needed to escape. She made her way over to Fera, clicking all the while. She listened for any approaching in hopes that they got away in time.

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Somehow they managed to find a spot where the ground was loose and soft enough to dig without the fence pillars collapsing on their own. It still took some time to create a tunnel big enough for them to squeeze through, but it was doable and eventually the other side of the tunnel would emerge on the other side of the fence. 

They could take what they had with them or leave it behind. If the lights had been on, someone might have spotted them, but now it was enough they were quiet as they crossed the open area by the fence and disappeared in the cover of the woods. 




Those who wandered near the prison would know what was the cause of the loud sound and earth shaking force. The helicopter in the hangar outside the prison had exploded. The building itself was still intact and the fire seemed to die on its own, but those unfortunate souls that had gone inside the hangar were now gone and the helicopter was beyond repair.



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