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A Mage's New Problem (FuxF)

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(I do not claim to be good with titles.)

In the Ocaidal Empire, a haven of mages and magic run and operated by the Magic Council, was the home of a number of talented mages and mage knights.  Among them was a woman named Mia.  She had never known her family, as there had been a massive conflict in the Empire around the time she was born, leading to her being taken in by the Magic Council.  While she had a talent for magic, she also began to develop a single minded focus as she got older, leading to her slowly becoming more distant with people.  Once she had gotten old enough to do independent research, she kept herself primarily isolated from others, only interacting when she needed to or something interested her.  With her problem of focus on her studies, she had a nasty habit of forgetting to eat or sleep, leading to the Magic Council assigning an assistant to Mia to keep her from continuing these habits until death.

One day, Mia chanced upon an old book at a library.  Her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she spent several days to decipher the tome's contents.  During her days of study, she had tried one of the spells within on herself as a test.  Due to not completely understanding the spell, it backfired and had an effect on Mia's body.  The aftermath of the spell had caused Mia to grow a dick and with it brought a troublesome desire to have sex with other girls and fill them with her new cock.  Mia would only later find out the book she was trying to decipher was an old tome on sexual magic left behind from the days of the great war, one that was supposed to be outlawed by the Magic Council.  While she tried to focus on finding a way to reverse the spell, the slowly growing desire building up within her was making it difficult to focus.  It was then she thought about her assistant, someone she had usually been generally indifferent about.  The more she thought about it, the more her thoughts filled with thoughts of pushing her assistant down and taking her again and again.  In her hazy mind, Mia recalled a section of the book mentioning that "adequate release" could temporarily relieve the effects of the spell.  There was also the matter of figuring out a way of breaking the spell for good, if such a thing was even possible.


Before continuing, let me preface this by saying I am only seeking female characters for this particular idea.  Someone who could play multiple characters would be a nice bonus, but if not, that is fine.

Now, with that out of the way, hello.  I don't know why or how I came up with this idea, but I did, so here we are.  Yes, I know this idea doesn't sound like the kind of thing I write, but I assure you there is a story here.  It's a partial adventure tale revolving around looking into ruins tied to the grand conflict that took place in the Empire's past, along with the Magic Council's role in it.  Due to the nature of the spell affecting Mia, sex is part of the equation, but not the main focus.

For more information/interest, please consult me via PM or commenting here.

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