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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2021 in all areas

  1. Random thought: If we lay Akiho down and chant the limbo song thing then Akio and Takuya could play a new version of 'How low can you go' on Akiho's gaymer fuel dispenser
    2 points
  2. Did I Konami code with Akiho's dick then call out a Pokemon Chibi attack? Yes. Yes I did. And it was super effective.
    2 points
  3. Oh hell no, Takeo did NOT- Yep, she totally did. xD Well, it would seem Takuya is boned! Figuratively and quite possibly literally soon.
    2 points
  4. @Gardsorm @Bluenails @Chiyako Armed and dangerous with the armor of chibiness and wielding the +5 plank of pounding, Takeo was certainly well armed as the questions came out and at least Takuya was into the spirit of things! It was important to maintain the right mood when giving such dramatic and emotional speeches after all. "Indeed, this booty is mine now! Honor among pirates lasts only as long as the barrel of your cannon and I've got the larger one here." She grinned, with another hip bump to make said plank cannon thing wag at Takuya. "With this thing already cocked and loaded I think I've got the skills." Takeo had to be careful w
    2 points
  5. *Pats* It's alright. I can be the spontaneous, silly sort, for better or worse. ^^; I just kind of try to tailor it to individual encounters. >.>
    1 point
  6. There are things here... i dont understand... so much so that im not even sure about what i dont understand...
    1 point
  7. To be honest, I've always wanted the preferences to be more than what they currently are. However we are pretty limited in what we can actually do. I have actually started a more expansive list of things we have missed out, including a bit more of a clear separation in regards to sub/dom. So I am certainly leaning towards agreement to this. I'll have to look at the work I've already done on this and talk to @Novaer about it. Seeing as he wants to talk to me about it, we can sit and have a nice discussion... maybe over some tea and crumpets xP
    1 point
  8. Alright. You've both made some convincing points. I will certainly think about it, but I'm not going to make any promises. I will discuss it with @Neptune who usually deals with these sections as well.
    1 point
  9. "Whoa there! Careful with that thing...yah might end up blowing off yah own head there, pardner! Now...yah seem rather puzzled there. Yah never seen a spirit befor'? My name's Jacy, who are yah?", he asks, rather calmly and without any hint of fear or confusion in his voice. He then rises to stand on her shoulder, supported by his feet, then wandering over to check out the gun."Ohhh yeah. That will blast a mighty hole in stuff allright! Sooooo...have yah considered having a partner? Particularly one able to do...fun stuff?", he asks before conjuring a minor lump of gold which he hands her."I am sure we can both have a great time teaming up".
    1 point
  10. Claire reacted immediately to the voice, whipping one of her revolvers from its holster and bringing it up to point towards the creature on her shoulder. She froze just short of pulling the trigger as a frown of confusion creased her eyebrows at the sight of a small coyote on her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed, "What the hell?" She asked to herself. Because that surely wasn't the animal talking. That was impossible. She switched her attention to include the surroundsing, however she couldn't see anything.
    1 point
  11. After a short while with the trio standing there and exchanging words, do the two guards finally arrive on the scene. They look pretty calm and with their weapons still sheated."What is this commotion in the middle of the night? Why are you up at this time of night?", one of them speaks to them. Nothing about the guards really seem to stick out or give reason for alarm either. It is as if these screams were possibly not heard by them, judging from their lack of reaction or drawn weapons. Instead, they seem more concerned with the blacksmiths and two strangers out here in the open at the middle of the night.
    1 point
  12. Winchester frowned as he listened to the blacksmiths rambling words, drinking in the information that he was providing. Clearly there was something causing trouble out there and it wasn't too much of a stretch to assume that the trouble he was talking about, was related to the screaming that had woken him up. To the offer to take a bigger sword, Winchester merely shook his head. His longsword was perfectly capable, and he had many years experience weilding the weapon. It was what he was comfortable using, and picking up another weapon was likely to unbalance him. It was a weapon he trusted, and thus it was what he was going to continue using,
    1 point
  13. Yea. Sorry for disappearing. I've been super busy. I happy to see you guys are still here. I'm sorry for making you wait.
    1 point
  14. It's alright, Dreams! If you want, Rin can still do unintentionally voyeuristic things and snap pictures of the four of them from afar. =p At the least, I give permission on my part. Fun way to feel like you're in the scene without being dragged into the chaos, and makes for fun conversation later if Rin talks with any of them involved in it. o=
    1 point
  15. ...im really wishing i had more time irl so rin could have been a part of this... interesting situation... -///-
    1 point
  16. Don't worry about it. There is no harm done, after all ^^
    1 point
  17. @Bluenails @Chiyako @SakuraT It wasn't very often that Takuya's attention found itself taken by something else that wasn't his partner in the moment, but something felt... Off. Amidst the proverbial (and not so proverbial) bump and grind, Takuya's head lifted. 'Something doesn't feel right... Like a predator is watching me. Now what trickery is- OH SHI-' The male pinkette had thankfully internalized his thoughts, feeling a wave of trouble approaching as he showed a deft case of evasive wonder, grinding against Akiho's cock amidst his slide off before he found the split second needed to kiss Aiko's cheek (At this point, he was either
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. @Lollipop You’re back!!
    1 point
  20. It was so depraved, so wrong, and yet it all just felt so natural. Sophia had no idea how much she could really blame on the supernatural influence over her life. This felt like fate, like destiny running its course. Surrendering every ounce of shame left in her body to this man she'd only just met an hour or two ago. With every intention to fuck the other two, as well... For the first time since she'd lost her sister, Sophia felt not only alive, but alive with a purpose. The intense moans of furious pleasure she coaxed from the man's voice as he slammed his cock deep into her throat. She sucked with intense focus, hanging her tongue out
    1 point
  21. Helian listen to their banter, claiming that the sounds they heard could possibly harm them. One said its firecracker and other one is gunshot. She wasn't sure herself if that sounds is really coming from here. From what she remember, she was forced to run because her mind told her to, not because there's an apparent danger before her eyes. Those sounds drive her instinct to run and that's it. No special occasion. As if its just part of her habit. There's no clear indication that she had to run because she scared of the noise, or fear of getting harmed. The unpleasant feeling just...exist inside her. But that can wait. Realizing there's
    1 point
  22. The sudden shout certainly caught the wolf's attention, ears perking up as she turned to look towards the other two. Firecrackers? Is that what they called the noises? She knew not what they were. Fire she understood. Crack, like the noise? Fire that made loud noises. Or perhaps it meant something else in their language. Either way she could already tell that being closer might hurt her ears. More than that, it worried the other two. Perhaps investigating it now wasn't the right course of action. After a moment of consideration she turned, quickly moving on all fours over to the other two. The man-, Trish's injury would slow them down. P
    1 point
  23. "Firecrackers definitely weren't what I was thinking..." Trent responded. It was clearly the concern on both of their minds. It's entirely possible the sound wasn't gunfire, but he wasn't about to stand around waiting to find out. He saw the wolf girl slowly creeping toward the sound and immediately felt his whole body tense up. The last thing he wanted was to see the poor girl get shot after poking her head around the corner. "Hey! Trust me, whatever that sound is, you don't want anything to do with it. Come with us! We need to get away, quickly!" There wasn't any time to theorize, but the thought did cross his mind that the presence of
    1 point
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