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  • Senior Staff

It's the Radiant Squad's turn at the high seas! Not much happens in the setup department, just a couple missions to accept. So let's jump right into it!


Wavy Seas [0:16]

This is Radiant's Sea dungeon, unlocked just by viewing the credits. This game knows a dungeon full of Water-types is probably going to be a bit too easy for a squad full of Electric-types, so it decided to make the dungeon more challenging by making it as long as Radiant Summit, and selecting significantly more dangerous enemies to deal with along the way. And I'm pretty confident this dungeon is more aggressive with traps and Monster Houses as you can see by my multitude of failed runs within the first five floors. This dungeon was a rough experience for me in the early floors, though I'm not certain if that's just because of bad luck or by design.

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In particular across these early floors the biggest threats are Luvdisc and Sealeo. Luvdisc has Agility and Attract while Sealeo has Ice Ball. That can be an incredibly deadly combo, especially in a monster house, so watch out. And running from Sealeo isn't always an option either, because it has Aurora Beam! And I could swear these Luvdisc have Forewarn because they were dodging attacks like Hypno! It was actually an incredibly frustrating experience to miss Luvdisc over and over in a Monster House while my HP slowly wittles away.

Anyway, a lot of my lost runs in the beginning weren't technically entirely over or anything, but I feel like stepping on a Grime Trap and losing one of your Apples within the first five floors isn't really worth salvaging, right? Same with dumping tons of PP into enemies that evade all of your attacks, or having to use an Oran Berry or Reviver Seed so early on.

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Starting on the 9th floor [17:29], the atmosphere changes to a tropical theme and you start to run into Dewgong instead of Sealeo. And while I personally prefer Dewgong, you don't want to let your guard down. These guys are still incredibly dangerous with access to Sheer Cold! You'll also want to be careful around Carvanha because Rough Skin enables it to counter-attack if you hit it with a contact attack that doesn't KO it. This can be deadly if you get careless! Finneon are also noteworthy because of Storm Drain nullifying any Water attacks you might try to use.

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On the 17th floor [29:51], it's now a watery swamp. You start to run into Omastar here who has its own set of annoying attacks while Finneon is now Lumineon.


On the 23rd floor [38:45], we reach murkier waters and you'll need to watch for Sharpedo now.

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Of course, in the last stretch, you now have to watch for Lapras on B25F, and Walrein on B26F both to the end of the dungeon, just to give you that extra middle finger if you end up having especially bad luck.


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But if you make it to the 30th floor, then you're rewarded with four Deluxe Boxes, just like... Wildfire's Rippling Seas. To be totally fair, I can't say these boxes have the same selection of items.

The items I got from these are two IQUpper.png IQ Boosters, a Seeds.png Joy Seed, and a Medicine.png Ginseng. The last of which is new and an item I considered might be in the previous batch but didn't suggest because I figured it was notably more powerful than other items I was listing. And yet, here we are. I'm willing to buy that the Ginseng is only available in this dungeon because it's so much longer than Rippling Seas, but the items I got from here are so similar that I think I'm more likely to believe that these are the same item pool. Still, you really can't get much better than this!

Anyway, the last thing to note is that we unlocked Unown Garden at the end of the day since we've reached Platinum Rank already! But that's a dungeon that's gonna go on the backburner for now. Next time, we're going to begin exploring the Enigma dungeons! See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

We now return to the Wildfire Adventure Squad to begin exploring the Enigmatic dungeons, starting with Wildfire's Enigmatic Plains! Once again, there's not much in the setup department, so let's jump right in!


Enigmatic Plains [0:17]

This is a fairly straightforward postgame dungeon. It's only 19 floors with not much particularly dangerous in it.

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The only pokemon that really stood out to me here in terms of danger are Electrode for the same reason as always, and Porygon-Z. Porygon-Z was typically a really dangerous enemy in Explorers because it would typically attack you with the devastating combo of Agility and Discharge. None of them used Discharge against me, so I'm not certain if that's even an option here. But you should certainly be careful around them!


Other than that, there's Wurmple who is pretty unassuming on its own, but its Bug Bite can steal items out of your inventory, so try not to get too close!

On the 8th floor [9:53], the atmosphere changes to a lighter color scheme with a pink floor.

On the 15th floor [23:15], the atmosphere changes again to more of a spring field.

And as we step onto the 16th floor [24:27], we run into a really frustrating experience where the client for one of our rescue missions didn't spawn in. This was something that would occasionally happen during our time in Explorers, I guess it's just a quirk of how the spawning mechanics work in this game, but sometimes the pokemon simply fails to spawn and the job becomes impossible to complete. In this case, it looks like we're gonna have to pass on rescuing Infernape for now.


At 33:21, we reach the 20th floor where we run into the boss of the dungeon: Moltres! Naturally, a boss fight ensues!


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Wildfire Adventure Squad


Cinder (Charmeleon M); Lv. 25


Item: Special Band Garments.png

Ability: Blaze | Moves: SmokeScreen, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Scary Face


Kindle (Eggsecute F); Lv. 28


Item: Zinc Band Garments.png

Ability: Chlorophyll | Moves: Bullet Seed, Light Screen, Sleep Powder, Confusion


Scorch (Entei); Lv. 36


Item: IQ Booster IQUpper.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: Roar, Bite, Fire Blast, Flamethrower


Earth (Groudon); Lv. 43


Item: Insomniscope lSLc4fd.png

Ability: Drought | Moves: Scary Face, AncientPower, Earthquake, Flamethrower



Vs. Moltres [33:30]

And this was probably the boss fight that was the biggest joke yet. I took some time to set up against Moltres, but ultimately I wound up getting so many stat boosts from Earth's AncientPower that none of it proved necessary. Between speed boosts from AncientPower and the initial Scary Face, Moltres couldn't do anything at all to stop us. By the time I'd run out of PP for AncientPower, Moltres had already been KO'd and that was that!

Upon KOing Moltres, she requests to join our squad. That's another legendary recruited! And I'm definitely gonna squeeze Moltres onto our squad in place of Scorch mainly because Moltres has access to Agility, just like Zapdos! Once again, this does mean I'm sacrificing some of the resources invested in Entei. But I already know I'm not getting to any of those especially overpowered IQ skills in this game with my resources split as much as they are and the individual games being so limited. It's okay, I don't think IQ skills are nearly as important as long as you're able to maintain a Stack.

Anyway, that's it for Enigmatic Plains! Yeah, it's not much to really talk about. Don't worry, we're slowly approaching the game's real ultimate challenges. Next time, we'll be checking out Tempest's Enigma dungeon! See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

Alright, it's now time for the Tempest Adventure Squad to take on their Enigma dungeon at Enigmatic Swamp! We've got two rescue missions to complete so let's get on with it!


Enigmatic Swamp [0:33]

This dungeon is similar to Enigmatic Plains, but I found it to be notably tougher. Once again, it's 19 floors of fun before the end of the dungeon.


One thing I should note is that Serebii lists Magmar as being present from floors 1F - 12F, but I'm pretty sure that's accidental and it's supposed to list Jynx. And that's not exactly a fair trade. While I'm not certain Jynx has access to Perish Song, I definitely expect that it does, as Jynx and Smoochum always had this move in Explorers.

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Of course, the real pressure comes from the later floors where there are not one, not two, not even three, but four pokemon with room-wide attacks! Beautifly, Dustox, and Mothim all have Silver Wind while Spiritomb has Ominous Wind. It's a good call to bring items to stun or relocate them from a range.


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Unlike Enigmatic Plains, though, there's no boss at the end of the dungeon. Instead, much like Rippling Seas in Wildfire, this dungeon has four Deluxe Boxes at the end! These contained a Medicine.png Ginseng and three Seeds.png Joy Seeds.

Well, there's not really much else to speak of here. Next time, it's Radiant's turn! See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

We're at the last of the Enigma dungeons! And once again, there isn't much to discuss in the preparation department, so let's dive on in.


Enigmatic Meadow [0:14]

This is Radiant's Enigma dungeon. And yeah, you already pretty much know what to expect. 19 floors with a few tileset changes and a bunch of room-wide attackers by the end. I had a bit of a scare early on with an unexpected encounter with a tall stack, and we were able to recover, but I decided to press on, hoping not to turn this into another multi-hour session of resetting over and over. This unfortunately puts us down an Oran Berry for the majority of the dungeon, however, which definitely bites us as we get to the tougher floors of the dungeon.

At 17:19 we reach the 8th floor where the atmosphere changes to a deep forest.


The 11th floor is where things start to get rough because you begin to run into the relentless Vespiquen who know Attack Order which is another room-wide attack. That seems to be a gimmick of these Enigma dungeons. Not only that, though, they also have Pressure, so use Stack Attacks wisely to eliminate them!

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At 28:33, we reach 13F where the atmosphere changes to a colorful flowery grove, but also now have to deal with both Beautifly and Dustox alongside Vespiquen, these two of course also have their room-wide Silver Wind. We're out of Oran Berries by this point, too, so at this point I'm desperately clinging onto every HP I have and resetting over even just unnecessary damage. Every HP was precious and I didn't want to have to restart now!

We're lucky enough to stumble across an Oran.png Oran Berry to recover some HP and give myself some more breathing room, but this is still a stressful environment you don't wanna catch yourself in.

I eventually start using items like Seeds.png Quick Seeds to evade Vespiquen and similar enemies. On the last floor of the dungeon, I was jumpscared with an especially dangerous-looking room, but a Foe-Hold Orb was all it took to get the hell outta there!


At the end of the dungeon, we're met by another boss fight. This time, it's Celebi! Frankly, a pretty unceremonious location to fight Celebi yet here we are.


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Radiant Adventure Squad


Stars (Psyduck F); Lv. 28


Item: Garments.png Special Band

Abilities: Damp, Cloud Nine | Moves: Tail Whip, Confusion, Water Pulse, Fury Swipes


Mistress (Misdreavus F); Lv. 27


Item: Garments.png Persim Band

Ability: Levitate | Moves: Confuse Ray, ThunderBolt, Shadow Ball, Psybeam


Thunder (Raikou); Lv. 37


Item: lSLc4fd.png Insomniscope

Ability: Pressure | Moves: Roar, Quick Attack, Spark, Reflect


Lightning (Zapdos); Lv. 41


Item: IQUpper.png IQ Booster

Ability: Pressure | Moves: Pluck, Ancient Power, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave



Vs. Celebi [42:56]

And once again, there really isn't anything to discuss with this boss fight. It's solved as easily as throwing an Seeds.png X-Eye Seed and cornering her. From there, it was just a matter of layering on status problems while keeping the DPS on her. Soone nough, Celebi went down and joined our crew. We're rapidly making more and more memories!

Well, once again, that's it! Next time, we move onto the Bizarre dungeons. That sounds eerily similar, so here's hoping we have a good time. See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

We're moving onto the next set of dungeons! These are the Bizarre Dungeons! As always, let's dive right in.


Bizarre Bluff [0:19]

In spite of the name, I can't say there's anything especially "bizarre" about this dungeon. It's pretty standard fare for what we've been dealing with so far. In fact, I'm kinda feeling like a broken record in describing these dungeons. The most peculiar detail about this dungeon is that the dungeon proper only contains 23 floors which is certainly a rather odd number to end on. Why not add one more floor so that the summit is 25F?

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As per usual, the biggest threat in this dungeon is the prevalence of room-wide attackers. Hippowdon also brings Sand if you don't have a pokemon like Groudon to combat it.


Starting on the 7th floor you'll also have to deal with Drifblim and I'm sure I don't need to explain why these guys are annoying as hell.

On the 9th floor [12:29], the terrain changes to a grassy field. 


Bronzong starts appearing on 10F. And these guys, for whatever reason, know Rain Dance which unfortunately does nullify Groudon's Drought ability. They're especially annoying for this particular squad because pokemon with multiple abilities get both of their abilities at the same time, meaning both of Bronzong's weaknesses are covered between Heatproof and Levitate. That also means they're highly resistant to the majority of my squad's attacks, in addition to their innate bulk.

On the 17th floor [30:06], the tileset changes again to a slightly more golden color.


Really deep in the dungeon, at 21F, you can potentially have to deal with Shedinja. Keep a stack of Gravelerocks at the ready because you may need them to pick these assholes off.


On the 24th floor, we come face to face with Regigigas, and you can probably guess from this the common thread that links these three dungeons together. But I suppose I've been wrong about that before.


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Wildfire Adventure Squad


Cinder (Charmeleon M); Lv. 27


Item: Special Band Garments.png

Ability: Blaze | Moves: SmokeScreen, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Scary Face


Kindle (Eggsecute F); Lv. 29


Item: Zinc Band Garments.png

Ability: Chlorophyll | Moves: Bullet Seed, Light Screen, Sleep Powder, Confusion


Earth (Groudon); Lv. 43


Item: Insomniscope lSLc4fd.png

Ability: Drought | Moves: Scary Face, AncientPower, Earthquake, Flamethrower


Ash (Moltres); Lv. 40


Item: IQ Booster IQUpper.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: AncientPower, Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Agility



Vs. Regirock [35:56]

Need I say anything about this fight? Well, one thing I should address is that I actually completely forgot the Legendary Golems have the Clear Body ability, making them immune to stat decreases. Luckily, Smokescreen inflicts a status condition rather than reducing an accuracy stat. Still, I wasted a few rounds trying to layer Scary Face on. But even still, with four layers of Agility up, Regirock is as much of a sitting duck as any other boss. It was just a waiting game until he went down entirely.

Upon his defeat, Regirock of course asks to join our squad. And we all know that something special will probably come your way if you recruit all three of the Legendary Golems, so I highly recommend you agree to this one if you want to see all the content in the game. Granted, you'd be kinda crazy to turn the offer down.


Upon our return to the village, the job we've completed here ended up pushing us over the threshold for the Diamond Rank! With this promotion, we're rewarded with another MystGummi.png Wonder Gummi! Curiously, this rank doesn't seem to unlock a new dungeon like the last few. Frankly, I think that's a bit of a relief. Anyway, next time, it's the Tempest Adventure Squad's job to take on.

By the way, I apologize for the slower updates this week. Last weeked was the Big Big Run in Splatoon 3 and I really wanted to squeeze in as much free time as I could there, meaning I had little time to play and edit PMD gameplay. Anyway, that's it for now! See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

And we're back with Tempest Adventure Squad! As always, we'll jump right into the next dungeon.


Bizarre Rockland [0:17]

This is Tempest's take on the Bizarre Dungeons. 23 more floors. I found this dungeon to be overall easier than Wildfire's Bizarre Bluff.


You can run into Banette from the very start, but I've found that Ghosts don't seem to be as big of a threat in this game, mainly due to the Stack mechanic. But still, I suppose it's a dangerous enough foe that you should be careful while exploring.


Another pokemon you should probably be wary around is Swablu. I'm not certain Swablu has it, but I know it can learn Perish Song. None of them used it on me, but just to play it safe you should probably spend as little time as possible in the room with these guys.


Starting on the 8th floor, you can start to run into Bellossom who know Sunny Day! This isn't too much of a problem in general, but it does conflict with Sea's Drizzle ability. Thankfully, Aurora still knows Rain Dance to correct the weather whenever it's off.

On the 9th floor, the atmosphere changes to a mountainous terrain [19:13]


Snorunt begins to appear on the 10th floor, and while its Powder Snow doesn't do much damage, it can freeze you at some really bad times. 

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Floatzel begins to appear on the 13th floor and it can be dangerous in the rain thanks to the scary combo of Swift Swim and Agility. Try to take them out quick if you're using Kyogre like me! Also starting on the 13th floor is Probopass, an opponent capable of ruining your weather and putting some sand in your shoes. But again, that's why Aurora still has Rain Dance! Altaria can also be found here, and while I didn't run into any notable issues with them, I'd be just as wary around them as Swablu. Perish Song can be a nasty surprise.


Butterfree begins to appear on the 16th floor. Silver Wind is as dangerous as it's always been. Take 'em out quick!

On the 17th floor, the terrain changes again to an icy cave [38:16]


And on the 34th floor, who would we run into but Regice? Yeah, Regirock is found in the bluff, Regice is found in the rockland. Anyway, you know the drill by now. Let's just get into the fight!


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Tempest Adventure Squad


Cubby (Marowak M); Lv. 32


Item: Zinc Band Garments.png

Abilities: Rock Head, LightningRod | Moves: Bone Club, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Bonemerang


Aurora (Suicune); Lv. 37


Item: IQ Booster IQUpper.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: BubbleBeam, Rain Dance, Aurora Beam, Bite


Sea (Kyogre); Lv. 43


Item: Insomniscope lSLc4fd.png

Ability: Drizzle | Moves: Water Pulse, Scary Face, Ice Beam, AncientPower


Rail (Dragonair F); Lv. 33


Item: Special Band Garments.png

Ability: Shed Skin | Moves: Agility, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail



Vs. Regice [51:54]

Regice is the second of the Legendary Golems and another pokemon you're going to want to recruit if you wanna see everything this game has to offer. We load up on Agility and surround it. The rest is history. These standard boss fights are nothing. You really just gotta feel sorry for them. But again, I'm not complaining about that. If this game got as creative as Explorers with the boss fights, then we could find ourselves in some dangerous positions.

Upon defeat, Regice wants to join us, of course. This is another apparent automatic request. And that's all there really is to talk about this time! Next time, we'll be checking out Radiant's contribution to the Bizarre dungeons where you can probably guess by process of elimination just who we might find on the 24th floor there. And I have a feeling the dungeon itself will be pretty similar, too. We'll just have to see. See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

These updates have been slowing down, and I apologize for that. These Mystery Dungeon games are quite a time investment and admittedly not one I enjoy all that much. But we're still moving along, and trudging through even the parts that I don't enjoy too much will only make the project as a whole that much more satisfying to complete! We've got the last of the Bizarre Dungeons today, so let's get to it!


Bizarre Grove [0:20]

This is the third of the Bizarre dungeons. What can I say that I haven't already? It's 23 floors with some fairly scary enemies. Honestly, I do think this is probably the tamest of the three Bizarre dungeons. You're gonna notice in this video that I was abusing saves a bit more aggressively than normal. Honestly, I was pretty tilted. Prior to the start of this video, I'd had some pretty abysmal luck just getting a run going and I really just wanted to get to the end without every little thing going wrong. That said, I really don't think it's as rough as I may have made it look. I was just tired and frustrated through a lot of this.


With a change in venue on the 7th floor [13:07], Abomasnow starts to appear in the grassy forest. If you don't have a pokemon like Psyduck on your squad, you can most certainly expect some Hail on the next few floors.

On the 13th floor [26:28], the venue changes again to a more murky-looking wooded area.


Butterfree begins to appear on the 16th floor. It's the only room-wide attacker I'm aware of in this dungeon. Though in its previous appearances in these dungeons, I've failed to note that it's probably one of the most devastating room-wide attackers between Silver Wind and Tailwind, which works just like Agility in Mystery Dungeon. You'll notice a handful of times where a bad encounter with a Butterfree can lead to a massive snowball effect, especially when they're part of a Stack. There are points where you may as well just put the controller down because their turn isn't gonna end for a while.

On the 19th floor [44:23], the venue changes again to a rocky mountain.


And you've probably already guessed by now that the pokemon we meet at the bottom is none other than Registeel.


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Radiant Adventure Squad


Stars (Psyduck F); Lv. 30


Item: Special Band Garments.png

Abilities: Damp, Cloud Nine | Moves: Tail Whip, Confusion, Water Pulse, Fury Swipes


Mistress (Misdreavus F); Lv. 29


Item: Persim Band Garments.png

Ability: Levitate | Moves: Confuse Ray, ThunderBolt, Shadow Ball, Psybeam


Thunder (Raikou); Lv. 37


Item: Insomniscope lSLc4fd.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: Roar, Quick Attack, Spark, Reflect


Lightning (Zapdos); Lv. 41


Item: IQ Booster IQUpper.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: Pluck, Ancient Power, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave



Vs. Registeel [51:59]

So this boss fight actually turned out to be a lot more complex than I'm really comfortable with. It turns out that Registeel's bulk was far morethan I anticipated going into the fight. A lot of my attacks were doing far less than I'd expected, both Physical and Special. And thanks to Clear Body, there's no reducing those defenses. Still, all we needed to do was maintain consistency. Perhaps a good approach would be to bring a Violent Seed for your DPS to shred through his defenses. The fight lasted rather uncomfortably long compared to the other two, but we eventually overcame.

Registeel was actually kinda cute the way it timidly asked to come along on our adventures. Anyway, just like the others, you're going to want to make sure to recruit Registeel if you wanna see everything in the game. These three dungeons all share a special secret, and you can probably guess already just what that secret is. But we're gonna hold off on exploring that secret probably until the cleanup operation. For now, we're gonna go ahead and move on to the Secret Dungeons! See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

We're moving on to the next set of dungeons today! Let's jump right in and talk about them!


Secret Islands [0:13]

This is the first of the Secret Dungeons! Despite the name, this set of dungeons isn't particularly secretive, they're unlocked just like the majority of postgame dungeons after viewing the credits. These dungeons are 29 floors long, making them the longest dungeons yet! And they're mainly focused on pokemon found within the hub areas of the game as well as their alternative stages of evolution.

For the first several floors, the pokemon are pretty much all pushovers, as you'd probably expect from that initial description. Nothing is particularly dangerous.

On B9F [13:99], the atmosphere changes to a flowery field.


Duskull begins to appear on B10F. Nothing particularly dangerous there, but you will have to watch your back. It can be easy to miss a ghost in the walls in this game, especially in dark hallways.

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At B17F [23:55], you enter a cave.

Slaking and Weavile begin to appear on B19F, and that means Pressure is being applied which can make Monster Houses particularly annoying. Snorlax is a really powerful force capable of dealing some serious damage, and Thick Fat makes it resistant to our Fire attacks, too. Still, on its own, it's not hard to pick off from a distance.

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B21F is where the kid gloves start to come off and things get serious, as Politoed, Slaking, Camerupt, and Dusclops all join the fray here. Politoed brings Perish Song into the equation, of course, though I've recently come to learn that the move Heal Bell is capable of removing the Perish Count from your pokemon, so if you have a pokemon with the move, it probably isn't a bad choice to put them on your squad. Unfortunately, it's quite a rare move, so it's unlikely you'll get it by coincidence. Slaking is really tough. You'll wanna keep your distance as much as possible--don't underestimate it just because of Truant. Then there's Camerupt with its Earth Power and Eruption attacks that can do a real number on your HP. Dusclops brings another pokemon with Pressure into the mix. And remember, Dusclops can walk through walls in Explorers of Sky, so I imagine it can do the same here as well.

On B25F [48:15], it seems we're nearing the summit of a mountain.


Finally, Dusknoir begins to appear on B27F. Once again, it's always surreal to see a prominent pokemon from Explorers show up in this game as a regular enemy. It feels like Dusknoir's presence should be a bigger deal, but I guess it is just a final stage pokemon like any other.


And on the 30th floor [1:03:48], we come face to face with the dungeon's boss: Mewtwo! And as expected, Mewtwo is itching for a fight with a strong foe, so let's give him what he wants!


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Wildfire Adventure Squad


Cinder (Charmeleon M); Lv. 30


Item: Special Band Garments.png

Ability: Blaze | Moves: SmokeScreen, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Scary Face


Kindle (Eggsecute F); Lv. 33


Item: Zinc Band Garments.png

Ability: Chlorophyll | Moves: Bullet Seed, Light Screen, Sleep Powder, Confusion


Earth (Groudon); Lv. 44


Item: Insomniscope lSLc4fd.png

Ability: Drought | Moves: Scary Face, AncientPower, Earthquake, Flamethrower


Ash (Moltres); Lv. 41


Item: IQ Booster IQUpper.png

Ability: Pressure | Moves: AncientPower, Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Agility



Vs. Mewtwo [1:04:03]

In spite of any intimidation factor Mewtwo may get out of status alone, he's vulnerable to a good ol' fashion rushdown. Though I'm realizing we're probably past the point where Kindle's Sleep Powder is doing any good. Regardless, Mewtwo is done for the moment we get our speed set up. There's no way he can survive the onslaught from all different directions.

Upon his defeat, Mewtwo recognizes he's capable of more than just fighting and decides to join with you on your adventures! Hey! Is that... some semblance of a story here? I guess that makes this dungeon a little bit more interesting than anything else we've done since the credits have rolled!



Upon completing the jobs in this dungeon, we've been promoted to the Super Rank! This I believe is the highest rank in the game and is the only rank that doesn't have a direct counterpart in Rescue Team. While Rescue Team does have a rank above Diamond, it's the Lucario Rank which I feel like is a bit silly to use here since Lucario's not really a special pokemon anymore. I've been using Rescue Team sprites for the Ranks since that seems to be what the Adventure Squad badge is based on, so I'll just continue to use the Diamond Rank sprite for this one.

Anyway, this promotion comes with another Seeds.png Joy Seed to stuff our faces with. In addition, we also unlock a new dungeon: Mythic Magma Isle! That... definitely sounds like a scary dungeon.

Anyway, that's it for today! You probably already know what to expect out of the next couple of updates, so we'll just have to wait for those dungeons to come and go. See you soon!

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  • Senior Staff

We return to Tempest Adventure Squad to take on the second of the Secret Dungeons! As always, let's jump right in!


Secret Plateau [0:17]

There's really not much at all to say about this dungeon. Thanks to the gimmick of being focused on pokemon from the game's hub, the majority of the pokemon you find in the dungeon are exactly the same, making this probably the most redundant dungeon between the three games... even moreso as we reach the final floor. Anyway, it's 29 more floors of the same stuff, not too much to discuss in that department. So, instead, I'm just going to focus on some interesting notes that happened during my playthrough.

You might notice this video is notably shorter than my previous one, that's not because I had an easier time or anything. Rather, I'm just starting to cut out my failed attempts entirely. While I'd like to share my genuine experience in the video and only cut out redundant parts, I'm finding the failed attempts increasingly redundant to include since none of it matters anyway. So I'm starting to just cut from wherever I save to wherever I load. Hopefully this makes these videos a bit easier to sit through.

The most significant thing to note here is that, on B2F, I hit a Pitfall trap at 5:12. These traps have never been much of a threat, but, like many traps that used to not matter too much, they are more dangerous here because they'll topple your stack.

On B3F, immediately after, I happen to land in the middle of a Monster House where a Numel gets off a Magnitude attack at 6:06 and demonstrates something that has yet to come up: It knocks out some of its own allies and still gets the evolution bonus!

Perhaps the most bizarre part of this experience is that when I reach B4F, at 6:42, the Monster House music doesn't return to the normal music. Instead, I'm met with an eerie silence. I don't know if this is a bug in the base game or if it's an emulation bug, but either way, it was surreal playing the game without any music in the background for a while. It was waay to quiet. Felt like something out of a creepypasta. At 8:34, I stopped to check my options to see if there was anything related to sound I could toggle to get the music to play again, but nothing was there. I was worried I'd have to go the rest of the dungeon without any music, but once I recruited a new ally and the music changed to the recruitment jingle at 12:18, the music returned to the dungeon. I genuinely don't know what caused that glitch, but it seems that getting a different song to play was the way to fix it. So, it probably would've fixed itself whenever a teammate leveled up or we reached B9F where the music would change.

And on B9F [15:13], the atmosphere changes to a watery forest.

At B17F [24:20], the atmosphere is now changed to a cave.

At 46:59, we arrive at the final floor where we're met with... Deoxys? Darkrai? Mew, maybe? Nope, not quite. Nothing at all, actually.


So, it turns out, this dungeon actually does have a boss! It's just... Mewtwo... again? I guess they don't really expect you to do this dungeon in all three games because, if you've already recruited Mewtwo, he won't spawn as the boss even if you get to his boss chamber in a different dungeon. So, had we played Secret Plateau before Secret Islands in Wildfire, we would be fighting Mewtwo here instead of there. And if I had to guess, Radiant's Secret Dungeon probably also shares this same quirk. Honestly, you could probably argue that I may as well not bother playing Radiant's Secret Dungeon at all, but it's technically a different dungeon and I believe there are some small, subtle differences between these dungeons. If nothing else, I'll be getting some much-needed Exp.


Anyway, that's it for today! A bit of an anticlimactic update, I know, but hey, that's one more dungeon down! At the end of this video, we do unlock Mythic Quagmire. This is due to us reaching Super Rank at the end of the previous session. Up next will be Radiant's Secret Dungeon! See you soon!

On a side note, as a bit of a distraction, recently I've been starting to get into Touhou games! It's a lot of fun and a really great way to break up the monotony of this game if I'm being honest. I'm currently playing Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, my first Touhou game, and I'm enjoying it a lot even though I'm also struggling quite a bit! I'm really disappointed I haven't gotten into this series when I was younger because I was definitely missing out on years of experience!

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