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Hello there I see you've clicked on my thread, now you must go through a mandatory probing secession and I'll make sure to check every nook and cranny ;)


Yes that me I'm bubbles the one who often comes up with quirky little jokes just ask....I actually don't know what her username is on here...but she is the one to blame for infecting your perfect little world with my madness. 


So a bit about my rping style I suppose:

*I have no boundaries... well I mean maybe I haven't found them yet but so far..nope. I'll atleast try something once before I decide I don't like it. 

*I play more the submissive role but they tend to be more feisty and bold rather than shy unless they're a bit of a tsundere. I Do enjoy playing a dom role in dude smuts sometimes I'll also have times when I'll play a chick smut dom but I don't play M's for MxF simply because I'm not good at it and often people make female characters that just piss me off.

*I like to have 1-3 paragraphs of writing (excluding intro posts) now this is simply because I think too little shows you put in no effort and too much can often let down on proper character interaction. I will in fact shoot anyone in da face with imaginary bullets if you dare give me a one-liner. 

*I'm not tough on grammar because I don't really pay enough attention to it myself, as long as I can understand what you're saying I'll be a happy lil panda. 

* It really gets my goad when I'm the only one propelling the story forward and it leads to slow replies and frankly a very grumpy bubz. 



<-- just thought i'd make it big so I didn't scare anyone off with those guidelines. 


Anyway I rather like talking to people instead of just being one of those rpers who just posts so don't be afraid to say hi, ask me questions. Let me give you quirky lines and also I have freshly baked cookies, how can you resist? 


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Hiya Bubbles :)


Welcome to the forums!

Technically I joined after you did, but there's no need to fuss over such technicalities... right?


You didn't sound grumpy at all with your rules, in fact I agree with them so much I was nearly tempted to copy/paste them into my own introduction since I'm basically the same. Especially when it comes to the length of posts.


Since you offered to answer any questions, I have one!

What's the origin or your username? :P

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Thanks Neppy ^_^


@EvilDragon you better keep me entertained otherwise I'll have to get the rainbow unicorns!


@Arsha thanks ^^ well to answer your question it comes from bubbly like a bubbly attitude and the reason I use it as a username is because I've used it on nearly every website I've rp'd on, just so i'm easy to recognise! 

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Just noticed you were in AU too. So if you're on daily I'll probably be seeing you around a fair bit since I'm the same.

(Referencing from the status message).

I agree that it's a bit disheartening to see the place so quiet, and possibly even harder finding good RP partners, but I think it'll get better over time. I mean the staff seem pretty comitted xD


Bubbly personality huh, that's cute <3

.... But considering the types of people I've been hanging around with recently, anything that's not gloomy and tragic will probably catch me attention xD

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Yes I am on the computer alot so I'll no doubt drop by now and then throughout the day. I'm an aussie girl for sure best to be! and thanks ^^ I just don't let the gloomy get me down! 


PS. a good thing about it is when it gets popular you can say you made it happen with your exuberant personality! lols.

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  • Community Administrator

Hello, thanks for registering and welcome to EcchiDreams. Bubbles. EcchiDreams considering its size and budget is pretty feature rich, so do take your time, by all means, and it'd seem you have just the personality that's welcome here with open arms. Likewise however if you have any problems, concerns or questions don't hesitate in contacting me; as I said in Arsha's welcome thread, I'd prefer to be aware of the problem than people to suffer it quietly. 


I mean the staff seem pretty comitted xD

Oh hell yeah we are, in our own little unique ways. 


That and actually members who refused to back down when it got grim, and people who weren't afraid to give it go. People who aren't afraid to throw themselves at it all. It's really good to see so many new faces, that want to stay. Kinda heart warming actually. 



So I absolutely look forward to seeing you around, and again; welcome. 

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