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[SataiRolePlayingGuy & AirAllie14] Girl School Adventures

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Bianka supposed she had to be ready for that.  Either her getting called out, of Beth by her teacher.  Beth had warned her earlier that she would not be home every night.  She was sure she could find a way to occupy herself on those nights, though her first few nights alone might be a little weird.  "That would probably be the only reason you might not see me tonight."  For the most part she was just going to do what Beth wanted.  There might be occasionally things like parties, but her teacher was the one whose instructions would take priority over Beth's.  Well Rebecca's might technically, but she and Beth were likely to always be in agreement with how things were between those two.

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Beth nodded at Bianka saying, “I see, well if I really don’t see you tonight, I hope you have fun. It’s alright, I’ve been alone plenty of night before you showed up, I’ll find someway to occupy myself and who knows, another girl may want to spend time with me too.” She told her roommate with a reassuring smile.

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Bianka would not be bothered if Beth found someone new.  They were not in a relationship like that.  “I’ll be fine if I’m alone too.  Might be a little weird the first night or two alone, but I’ll probably get used to it pretty quick.”  It was something she had to get used to someday.  She just had a chance to get used to it a little earlier than most people.  “It will probably be at least a few days before I bring anyone to the room.”  She was thinking in general, as a friend, maybe for Beth and Rebecca’s idea too.  She suspected it would be longer, if ever before she invited anyone over for ‘fun’.

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  • 2 months later...

Beth nodded at Bianka and gave a small smile saying, “just know that you are always welcomed too. There might be time when I bring home girl as well, there might even be instances were be both have girls over at the same time. Just know that I’m glad to see you embracing the school more.”

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To both have girls over at the same time.  It would be interesting.  Who knew how it would go, partners would probably get switched around at times, or they would all mix up.  Bianka could only imagine how it might go.  “If it is just one of us involved with a…friend, the other would probably get invited.”  That was her guess at least, though Beth would have a better idea if it was true.  It might depend on the other girl as well.  The guest was most likely to be more dominant than either of them, and the one who would make the decision.  “I’m going to be living here for a few years…should be open minded.”  The question of her sexuality was still open, but she was trying to get used to this place.

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Bianka was wondering where this would all go.  Sex was mixed into everything here.  She was looking forward to other things.  Any friends she met, in class or elsewhere on campus.  Would there be anything more?  There was a little uncertainty of what she and Beth were.  Not lovers, but friends did not seem to quite describe it either.  Then there was the question of Rebecca’s gang and how that went.

”I’m glad you are getting more comfortable with your other side.  I like this side you too, but I think the other brought us closer and will continue to so.  Make the gang stronger.”  She smiled awkwardly as she said it.  “I never thought I would join any sort of gang…but hearing Rebecca talk about it.  It sounds exciting actually.”

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Beth blushed a little as she heard this response from Bianka saying, “oh um… thanks I guess… that side of me… I’m glad you like it… I never imagined myself being like that…. I was never that type of person but… I’m glad that you like it… and yeah, you’re right, it will help the gang in the long run. I just hope I can maintain it. I never imagined joining one either but, Rebecca knows what she is doing. If anyone knows her it’s me. We’re in good hands with her.”

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It was still a little unclear what being a gang here really meant.  They obviously were not going to get into the worst of things some gangs out in streets did, but it seemed the word was chosen for a reason and not just a bunch of friends or unofficial club.  "We're joining the dark side of the school I suppose.  Sounds like you may be part of our muscle.  It's a little...exciting maybe?  Imaging you doing that sort of thing."  Fight with other gangs, smuggling forbidden materials onto campus.  Claiming territory/girls for Rebecca.  She tried to think of things a 'gang' might do in a place like this.  She said she had not imagined it...but now that she was part of it she did not really regret it or feel much fear.  She was on a lower tier, but she was a founder too.  If anything, she wanted to help Rebecca, be proud of being one of her girls.  She might do things that would not make her parents proud if they found out, but she was more of a rebellious teen than she realized.

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Beth blushed a little at Bianka’s words and and she too began to imagine doing things to other girls. Things like what she had done to Bianka. Could she really do it? She would try her best. She then looked down at Bianka and gave a small smile saying, “in the future, once you embrace who you are more, you might take my position,” she told her with a light chuckle.

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Beth’s position as muscle was probably more than sexual.  Protecting Rebecca, defending territory.  She could see there being fights.  Gang wars, to extent that could happen between gangs of teen girls on a closed campus.  Real fights, but probably limited to fists and limited improvised weapons.  People would get hurt, but not severely injured or worse.  That was Bianka’s guess at least.

As for taking Beth’s place.  Well, the two of them it turned out were very alike.  She could not rule out she had a side like that, deep inside her, though she found it hard to believe.  “…If we take the seriously.  Really make it a gang, make it an impressive one.  Who knows, those sorts of things might make me more like that.”  She reached over, put her hand on Beth’s.  “Let’s not hold back.  Go as far we need to, to make Rebecca the most powerful girl on campus.  Beat her rivals.”  This was not a game, or just a popularity contest.  If they were going to do this, they had to be very serious about it.  They had to start small, but eventually they could do bigger things.

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Beth looked at Bianka, blushing a little as she placed her hand on her own. She gave a small nod and smile saying, “I agree. Let’s go it. We are Rebecca’s, we’ll fight and do whatever she needs, whatever this gang needs. Together. I will do everything in my power to convert you further as well and all of the other girls that we bring in.”

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Yes.  Maybe there was a more aggressive/dominant side deep in Bianka.  But Beth and Rebecca still needed to draw out the more submissive side.  That was her place for now, to belong to the other two girls.  Become what they wanted her to be.  Just maybe convert her into genuine lesbianism as well.  But they would have to wait and see about that.  How far would they go?  They might have to push each other.  "Two little teacher's pets.  And now gang member delinquents.  Don't worry, if you are feeling a little hesitation, to give into that side, to get your hands dirty.  I'll do whatever you need to encourage you."  To be the little devil on Beth's shoulder.  A temptress.  That was the best thing she could do, other than look for other members in class.

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It was getting about time to finish eating and head to class.  "I'll look to see if there are any girls in class who might fit in the gang.  Rebellious, troublemakers...plain bitches, to put it bluntly.  That you and and Rebecca can train to focus their impulses for us."  That was the sort of girl they needed to start with.  The sort who would think joining a gang sounded fun, wanted to cause trouble.  They would have to be trained to know their place.  Take Rebecca or Beth's orders.  But other than that, they would be ideal.  She could offer them benefits to join, the potential to further corrupt a teacher's pet who was already a little twisted after all.

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"I should be fine.  Curious to see if anything happens as I walk by myself. Though if you can think of any girls like that in your class, you should probably try to recruit them as well.  Or if we have any dorm neighbors like that, who you know about."  In Beth's class there was no one who needed to be converted anymore.  But there might be girls they needed for the gang.  If they could both even find one or two each, that would be a good start.  Bianka was sure Rebecca was considering potential members in the girls she knew as well.  They did not need a huge number, not for the non-sexual side at least.  Bianka really doubted any gang that relied on membership from a single school was very large.  If they built up a strong core quickly, they could shift.  Start doing things to make a name for themselves.

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Beth nodded and said, “I’ll keep my eyes open. I’ll see you back at the dorm,” she told Bianka and soon left her. As she walked to class, she wondered if she would find any new members. She also wondered as she did everyday if anyone would want to have any fun with her. Students like yesterday, maybe her teacher, maybe others students from outside of her class. It was always exciting to think about.

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Many classes had girls like that, if you dug deep enough.  Some were obvious about it, some kept it right beneath the surface.  There was at least one such girl hiding under Beth's nose the whole time.  Amy had been, as Bianka put it, a bitch back home.  Constantly skipping school.  Getting into fights, hanging out with girls like her.  Sleeping around with boys.  She had been sent here, to try to discipline her, bring some control to her life.  Just beneath the surface it was still there.  There was a hint of it in her cold eyes, distant attitude.  She did not have friends in the class.  Though she did sometimes have fun with some of the girls.  It did not take that long to decide to just sleep with girls, if no boys were around.

She had never talked much to Beth before.  Why would a girl like her want anything to do with a teacher's pet.  The girl was more likely to tattle on her than anything.  That was her thought process.  Sitting at her seat in the back, gazing ahead in boredom, not taking any of her class materials out.  She always waited until the last second for that.

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As Beth entered the classroom, she would notice Amy in the back. When she saw her, she would feel the gears beginning to turn in her head. She would be perfect for the gang though, would she agree to be in a gang with her? Would she think it was some soft gang?

Despite the questions in her head, Beth rested her bag at her desk and began to walk over to Amy’s.

”Hey, Amy. Can I talk to you? I was wondering if, you would like to be a part of a new gang at school.”

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Amy softly rolled her eyes and sighed as Beth approached.  What did she want.  Well she had made herself the class slut yesterday, that was pretty interesting.  Her body was nice enough.  She was not complete useless.  If she wanted to be used, Amy supposed it would not be a bad way to pass the time.

Her eyes twitched when she heard what the girl said.  That did not make any sense.  “…What did you just say, pet?  I don’t think you could have possibly said what I just think you did.”  She was partially serious, but she wanted to hear it again.  Was this trick from the teacher, to try to get her in trouble?  Their teacher knew about her past, why she was here.  It was not impossible.

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Beth frowned a little. She expected a response like this. “I’m serious…, I am the founding member of a new gang and I thought you would be a perfect fit… we could use a tough person like yourself as an enforcer… our gang goals are you convert innocent little straight girls into becoming what they are truly meant to me, lesbians… you would be a perfect fit to help with our task…” she told Amy.

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Amy had an amused smirk.  “…Look, I’m a better fit than you have any idea.  I’m here because that was my life back home.  I’m a criminal, have a record, been involved in that sort of thing.”  The classroom was still empty, so she did not bother whispering.  “One of THOSE gangs, they have here.  Make a harem of girls for your leader.  That’s what you want me to join.  Yeah, I’ve seen them.  They are cute.  Don’t go nearly as far as a real gang…but this isn’t a game either.  Do you have any idea what you are getting into?  Are you willing to become like me, pet?  If you get caught doing some of things they do, you are facing real trouble.”  She paid close attention to Beth’s reactions.  See if that scared her off, looked for hints she was serious.

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Beth looked at Amy as she spoke to her. She backed up a little out of fear as she spoke with her bit once she was done, Beth clutched her hands and looked serious at Amy saying, “I know… and I understand the risks… I know what it could do for my reputation as a pet but… I don’t care. This gang was created by someone who I know and care about dearly. I would do anything for her, including joining her down this road…” she told Amy.

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