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[SataiRolePlayingGuy & AirAllie14] Girl School Adventures

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Amy stood up walked up to Beth’s face.  The old her was in her showed n her stance.  A girl who loved to fight, break, steal.  A punk, delinquent, criminal.  She leaned over and whispered in her ear.  “Lunch.  Take me to your room, show me you are serious enough, strong enough, to make me your gang’s.  I don’t want to see the teacher’s pet.  I want to see the bitch gang member you think you are.  We’ll skip class after lunch probably too.”  She wanted to see this other side Beth was hinting at.  Beth was not the head of the gang, she was clearly supposed to be a leader of sorts.  If she was, she had to prove to Amy she was good enough.

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Well, maybe this would be a little interesting after all.  The girl looked serious at least, but whether she really had it in her was another question.  They would find out in a few hours.  She took her seat as well.  The shell went back up.  Only a little of what she told Beth could be seen in her now.  Beth was the only girl in class who now knew exactly what she used be.  It was Beth’s job now, to use her other side later, not make Amy submissive in general, but submissive to her and Rebecca.  Make Amy an attack dog of the gang.

The other girls began coming into class, no idea what happened.  Though most gave Beth various looks, thinking back to yesterday.  She had pleased them well and they repeatedly pleased her.

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Beth watched the other girls as they came into class and gave her looks. She would blush a little as she thought back to yesterday. Sadly none of the girls would get a chance to use her today for lunch like yesterday. She had plans that she intended on keeping. She got out her books and got ready though her mind raced. She had to do her best. This would be the first time she showed a girl other than Rebecca and Bianka her other side.

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There were always other days.  None of those girls had any idea either of course.  But if Beth disappeared later, they would just assume she was getting lunch or meeting some other girl for fun.  They would have another chance later.

As class approached.  Miya finally came in.  That was the interesting test, Amy thought.  Beth had two loyalties, whichever girl was trying to form this gang, and the teacher.  She could not completely blame Beth for being a pet.  They had a very attractive teacher.  Amy would not mind spending a little intimate time with her as well.  If they skipped class later though, Beth was going to be punished by her.  How much would she tell the teacher?  Just how loyal was she to her?  Was it purely sexual, or something more?  Amy was tempted to make them miss afternoon class just to find out.  Make Beth face the punishment, see the results.  Miya had no idea yet though.  She simply went through the usual class preparations.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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As class began, Beth tried to push all the thought from her head and focus on class for now. She hoped that Miya did not want anything of her today but knew that she would went she finds out that she had skipped class. She was preparing herself for the punishment that would come but for now she did her best not to think about it. Class came first and soon enough she began to take her notes like a good little student.

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Amy could only imagine how it would go.  The special punishment a pet would get for disappointing her teacher.  It was unlikely to break the relationship, but Miya might be focused on discipline for a while.  A teacher’s pet but also a gang lieutenant at the same time.  Amy would probably be punished as well, maybe in a different way.

These gangs were part of the school culture.  Every student and teacher was aware of them.  The sexual aspect was not as issue, which kept them surviving as groups.  The fighting, other rules they broke…crimes they committed…that got members in trouble.  Amy, Beth, Rebecca, maybe Bianka, depending on what she did.  They might all be punished sooner or later.

Miya had no plan for Beth yet.  After yesterday, she had done well enough.  She would let Beth find some fun on her own.  She noticed something slightly different about her today though.  She knew her pet well.  That was why she chose Beth.  Maybe they would talk after school.  For now though, she just began class.  Finally getting Amy to bring her materials out, though she was not very into it, doing the minimum not to get lectured.

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Beth did her best to concentrate on class yet she could feel Miya’s eyes on her. They were always on her, she was her pet after all. She obeyed her and followed all of her rules and demands. If she needed something, she would do it for her.

Class went on like normal until soon enough the bell rang to signal lunchtime. Beth picked up her things and quickly exited the classroom before anyone could ask her for anything. She waited for Amy outside to take her to her room, not wanting anyone in class to see the two together and get suspicious. Especially not Miya.

Edited by AirAllie14
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Amy usually left class at lunch.  There was nothing suspicious about that.  Though she did not follow Beth too directly, giving her a very short head start out of the room.  She caught up with Beth and began following her.  “Ready for your after school spanking?  Neither of come back, she will realize why.  But that is something to worry about later.  We are only skipping class if you are good enough to make me yours and your boss’”.  She had not found a girl here yet who could do that.  Usually she was the more dominant one.  She was curious to see if Beth could do it.

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Beth frowned a little as she heard the words but again she would worry about her teacher when the time came for it. For now, she walked with Amy and told her, “I’ll show you how dominant I can get…”

Soon enough, they would reach her room and Beth would enter and welcome Amy in. She looked around and saw that Bianka wasn’t here either. She then lead Amy over to her bedroom and instructed her. “Strip!” She said in a rather commanding voice as she began to remove her clothes as well.

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Amy followed Beth in looking over the place. Hints of a roommate.  She wondered if that was the boss, or if they would meet her later.  After they got into the bedroom, she had amused smirk at the command.  It was not forced, maybe the pet had another side after all.  Just maybe she could do it.  “Good start.  But you will need to go further to get me to do more than that.”  She said as she casually got all her clothes off, watching Beth as she stripped.  Much less shy than in class yesterday, with a body she did not mind staring at.

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Beth looked o er at Amy, watching her strip down. She had a nice body as well, it made her blush to see it but she couldn’t stare for too long. She was trying to be serious here. Once both were naked, she then approached Amy and pushed her down onto her head roughly. She then got over her body and leaned in to her ear whispering, “I’ll show you my other side…. My roommate loved this side of me…. I’ll try to make you enjoy it too.” She then looked down at Amy and leaned in, beginning to kiss her roughly. One of her hands moved down her body to her breast, playing, squeezing and kneading it, with her fingers rubbing at her nipples. Her other hand would move down to between her legs where she found her pussy lips. Her fingers would rub along her lips, inspecting every part of her before finding her clit and beginning to rub around it in circles, wanting to tease it.

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This was much more aggressive than Amy would have ever expected Beth to be.  Maybe they were more similar than she thought.  But they were not here to make friends.  For the strongest girls here there was competition, to determine who was the strongest, the best.  It was common for the aggressive dominant girls to still be submissive around one or two specific girls. If Beth succeeded, Amy would be like that around her.  Still aggressive and independent, but obedient to Beth.  Doing what she told her to do.

It was a secret desire.  Many girls like Amy were turned on by the idea.  Submitting to someone even stronger.  But the other girl had to prove herself, truly dominate her, prove she was better.  Amy was a little excited.  Beth just might be that girl for her.  There was potential, but it was too soon to be sure.

”Don’t hold back…”. Amy said between the kissing.  “Your roommate is probably much easier to dominate than me…Be rough with me…I had plenty of rough boys before coming here…”. Though she was pleased with Beth’s touches, a girl who was taking what she wanted.  She moaned and squirmed a little at the hands claiming her breast and clit.  If this was just some casual sex, she would already be very pleased.  But Beth had to keep going, show Amy that she wanted to make Amy hers.  To make Amy know Beth was better than her deep down.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Beth looked down at Amy as she gave her tips. She was grateful but couldn’t show it just yet. She would reside her hand and then slapped Amy across the face saying, “shut up! Don’t tell me what to do bitch!”

She then lowered her head down to her breast, taking one of her nipples into her mouth, beginning to suck on it hard while her tongue licked and circled it, her hand would pinch and squeeze her other nipple and tug on it hard.

Her other hand would rub her clit a couple more time before moving down, two fingers soon sliding into Amy’s pussy as she began to finger her fast and hard, being rough from the start while her thumb continued to rub at her clit.

”How do you like that you whore?”

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That was it.  The slap and talking to her like that just made a lot of progress.  That was the sort of thing Beth needed to do.  Keep that up and she might succeed.  For someone like Amy, for two would be gang members, Beth needed to show a little violence when called for.  No girl had treated Amy like this before, she wanted more.

For the moment she was obedient, but Beth had to keep it up to make it real and lasting.  “…More…more…”. She pleaded in a tone previously reserved for boys.  She stopped pretending she was straight long ago.  But she had been waiting for a girl who could please her like they had.

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Beth looked down at Amy, shocked to see the other girl like this. She had not expected to see her like this ever but it was a good sight.

With a smirk, she rose her hand from Amy’s breast to her throat and began to squeeze at it while her mouth continued to suck on and nibble her nipple and her other hand continued to thrust her fingers in and out of her, while rubbing at her clit, all fingers moving faster, harder and deeper. 

“Yeah. You like that don’t you? You’re just a whore like the rest of us!”

Beth wanted to fuck Amy but she would wait. She wanted to make her cum first with her fingers, want her to crave more from her first.

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Amy never pretended she was not a whore, slut, whatever word you wanted to use.  She slept around enough to know that described her well.  Still she enjoyed people calling her out like that.  Beth deserved to call her anything she wanted after this over.  “…Yes…yes…”. She bit her lip as Beth continued.  She knew what many girls had here, hoped Beth had some of that.  The fingers were doing well.  “…Please…tell me what you want to do to me…what you want to make me….”  This side of Beth was turning her on.  She had some idea of the end goal.  All the gang stuff, but she wanted to hear Beth tell her what she wanted out of this personally.  After this was over, she was likely to Beth’s girl, to be used how Beth wanted.  To show off in class, or elsewhere.  Did Beth already have a plan for her, outside of gang activities?  If not, she could at least think about this.  Beth was taking a step into a side of campus life she probably never expected to, to have girls submit to her.  It was similar, but not the same as what Beth had with Bianka.



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Beth continued to pleasure Bianka and would look at her as she spoke. At her questions, she would continue to smirk and soon answered her saying, “I’m gonna fuck your brains out until you submit to me, submit to our gangs. I don’t care how long it takes, how many classes we miss. I’ll keep going until you are mine. I want you to me mine. My little slut who is there for me and my gang. To help us convert more girls and make them submit just like you,” she told her.

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Amy thought Beth had a real chance.  Though it would likely take most of the lunch to make her completely give in.  “Do whatever you want to me…Make me your little bitch.”. She squirmed at the movement of Beth’s fingers.  Different, but good.  “…Will you show me off…?  Show girls you like to use as much be used?  Your better than me?”  If she gave in completely, she did not mind being Beth’s trophy.  To show other girls this side of her.  If Beth was that strong, the idea turned her on a little.  As a pet, they might hide that a little in class.  Beth’s submissive side might show more  there.  In more public places, Amy did not mind the idea of Beth showing others she was hers’.  She did not know for sure if it would happen yet…but she wanted it, and was starting to give in.  She was almost begging Beth to pull it off.

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Beth nodded and said, “yeah! I’ll do whatever the hell I want to you.” She then blinked when she heard Amy’s other questions. She softened up a little saying, “I-I don’t know how much I want to show others this side… unless I have too… I want to keep being submissive to others but… I will… I’ll show you off whenever I get the chance. It will be a good bargaining chip for getting people on our side, showing them that I tamed someone like you,” she smirked and her grip tightened and became rough once more.

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Amy had a little more hint of the real Beth.  This was not the real her that she kept hidden.  Or maybe, more accurately, both sides of her were real.  She needed the right circumstances to bring out this side of her.  “You want a gang?  You need to show more of this side of yourself.”  She tempting a slap again, but that was not a bad thing.  She wanted this side of Beth.  The sort of girl she could submit herself to, be obedient to.

Imagining herself being showed off.  Honestly hoping Beth made it a little humiliating, so she could show just how obedient she was, it was turning her on more.  She was getting close.  “…Show me how far you will go…make me yours.  Humiliate me, after you do, just to prove it…”  She was more confident it would happen now, but Beth still had to do it.  Make Amy really feel.  Beth had her submissive side too, so Amy thought she must understand how she felt.  What she wanted.  They both were dominant and submissive at the same time, for the right people.

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Beth looked down at Amy, frowned and the slapped her once more hard. “I’ll show you.” She then got up, stopped pleasuring Amy, took her hand off of her and reached under her bed for her box of toys. She then pulled out and attached her strap on. “I’m going to fuck your brains out now and force you to submit.”

She then crawled back over Amy and forcefully thrusted the strap on inside of her and then began to thrust roughly. Hard and deep. “Take it bitch!”

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Amy whimpered softly at the slap.  But it was not unwelcome.  She wanted to be corrected whenever she displeased Beth.  That was the bond they were forming. 

Beth could have finished her off with the fingers if she wanted to, but she welcomed what Beth pulled out, exactly what she hoped for.  An ideal tool for a girl like Amy.  She squealed as it plunged into her.  Close as she was.  It did not take long for her to climax.  Wrapping her legs around Beth, reflexively as with the boys.

Things were moving fast, but this was the sort of girl Amy had been desperately waiting for.  Beth was making fast progress.  “…Keep going…please…you can do it…I need a girl like you…”. She was not quite there.  But she was begging for it, for Beth to make Amy hers.

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Beth felt as Amy’s walls squeezed around the dildo and felt as her legs wrapped around her tightly. She could tell that the girl had just climaxed but smirked as she and Amy were eager to continue. She continued to thrusted in and out of her fast, hard and deep. She wanted Amy to moan for her, wanted to hear more of her begs to make her, her own. She continued to choke and slap her across the face more, not as punishment but just because she wanted to.

”Yeah, you like that slut?  Like being fucked and dominated by me? I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t want to be with anyone other than me. Your mine! All mine!!!”

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Yes.  This girl could handle being a gang member.  At least the sort of gangs this school had.  She took the abuse as an initiation of sorts.  They would both need to fight at times.  It was good to let Beth get used to this sort of thing.  She also enjoyed as an attempt to claim her.

If Beth just kept going like this.  Especially if she gave her several more climaxes...  “…Keep going…until classes are done.  Into the night.  I’ll do anything you want.  I need you…”.  The process was potentially complete.  But the more they kept going the stronger it would be.  “…Your bitch, that’s what I am…”.  She wanted more of this.  Did not know if she could find another girl like this.  That was what motivated her, allowed such fast progress.  She wanted more, to see what Beth would do to her.  In bed and out.

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