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Broken? Demon? Tormented? Tormentor?

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It was like a dream.  Maybe it was a dream.  Hazy.  Two women stood in a hellish dungeon cell.  They looked almost like twins.  Perhaps a trick, one imitating the others.  Another figure observed from the shadows.  There were screams, pain, tears.  Starving.  Lack of sleep.  That shadowy figure’s desire for pleasure?  How long had the one girl been here?  Who was she?  No answers came.  The observer?  The observer was one of these women.  But which?  She could not say.  She could only watch.  It seemed like a memory, but whose memory?

This scene had played out so many times.  The wretched girl on the floor, in chains, she had been abandoned.  No one was coming to save her.  She had been taught the power of the demons, of the figure in back.  He was strong.  Was she looking at herself?  Or the figure standing over her, with a smug face?  A knowing smile.  That the other was cracking?  So many tools of pain and powers had been used on her.  She resisted so bravely at first.  Swore death before breaking.

How long had it been?  No one to save that one?  Day after day of it.  Eventually she was put to a test.  The demons took her out to fight one of their enemies.  Non human at first.  To test if she would kill for them.  She did.  She did not attempt to run away.  She went out of her way to do better than the demons she was fighting with.  She wanted the pain the end.  But there was something else.  A bitterness over being abandoned.  But a genuine…respect? For the strength of her captors.

Maybe they were right after all?  Humanity would understand.  They just needed to be taught, taught like this girl had been.  Like she had been?  Or like she had taught the other to be?  It was so confusing.  Trying to remember who she was.  How much of this had already happened or might happen later.  What would she wake up to?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where did it start?  A few years ago.  The aftermath of Alexandrine’s last battle.  The death of the demon lord Ulburnus and end of his empire.  Quiet, darkness.  That was all that remained.  The supposed only survivor, Alexandrine, had already left.  Blood, bodies, ruins.  That was all that remained.  Or was it.

In her rage, Alexandrine’s power had been incredibly impressing.  Her team gone, she was enraged, slaughtering any demon she could see.  Ripping them apart, burning them, crushing them.  Zorn found it almost inspiring.  More so, if he had not been one of the victims.  Pierced and cut by her diamonds repeatedly.  He thought he felt death come.  The fading.

But he clung to life, barely.  That was enough.  His body put itself back together much faster than any human could, even a Magical Girl or Knight.  Eventually, his eyes opened.  He looked around.  The Diamond Sorceress, gone.  So many dead.  His lord, the other generals who had not been killed in earlier battles.  So many soldiers.  Then he looked for his enemies.

The team leader, Ruby Pixi, dead.  Left on the ground, arms crossed.  Had she smiled in the end?  Perhaps she had last words with the Sorceress?  Pieces of the Silver Soldier laid around.  An impressive final act from his lord, her body could not take that attack.  The Holy Storm, gutted by Zorn’s own blade.  There was one more.  The Jade Guardian. He had seen her, struck in the head, by one of the other generals.  Fell.  He searched.  Eventually, finding her body near the wall of the chambers they fought.

He looked down at her, was about to leave.  But then he saw it.  Faint movements.  She was breathing.  She lived.  Dark thoughts filled his mind.  Someday, someday he would face the Sorceress again.  But she was incredibly powerful.  Even alone, she might win again.  But what if…

What if he could make this one his?  Broken Girls, the humans called them.  Magical Girls who betrayed humanity.  Fought for demons, with genuine loyalty.  Would die for them.  There were several approaches.  Zorn was likely to take the much crueler one.

Should he mark her?  This was special enough to consider it.  But something told him not to.  Someone else out there deserved it more.  But he placed his hand on her chest.  Poured power into it.  Not to corrupt her…yet.  But to keep unconscious until he was ready.  Of course he did not yet know just how valuable thesis girl was.  He would learn later, she was actually the Diamond Sorceress’ sister.

He found a few more survivors among the demons.  Nearly deads who recovered, like him.  They had to find a new home.  Slowly rebuild, before they were ready to strike again.  To make this woman his.  The challenge excite him.  To make a bitter enemy choose to serve him.  Hate turning to loyalty, lust, love?

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The battle—the battle they had prepared for, the one they all knew would come with sacrifices. Upon starting the fight, Emiri hoped her entire team would survive. However, that hope was quickly crushed by the defeat of one of her friends. Emiri watched as, one by one, her teammates were taken out, but not without taking a handful of demons with them. Soon, it was only Emiri and her sister left in the fight.

Emiri had just finished killing off a demon to protect her sister, but out of her eyes, she saw a demon come for her. Using her shield made of Jade, she blocked the first attack before she was struck in the head and sent flying. She closed her eyes and hit the ground; her last two thoughts before everything went dark were of Alexandrine and Hikaru... Goodbye, my loves.

There are no more sounds; it is peacefully quiet. Is this what the afterlife sounds like? Wait... what is that smell? It smells like smoke and blood. So much blood. Wait... I'm not dead. Emiri felt her body move a little bit as someone touched her. A small amount of power poured into her body, but it did not feel pure. The power was keeping her from slipping away to the afterlife. Was it her sister? Was it someone else? Emiri tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. Her body hurt, her head hurt... Please make the hurt stop.

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They needed to find a new place to rebuild.  Someday, Zorn might reclaim this place.  But he had to start somewhere new.  Somewhere he would not be noticed.  It was not a particularly long walk though.  He was capable of teleporting short distances.  He had a few scouts out looking too.  They had hoped to win that battle.  But precautions were taken, just in case they needed to find somewhere new.

One of them reported on a promising location.  Deep underground.  No easy surface access.  Connected to old routes dug by various monsters.  Once a nest of some underground swarm.  He led his few remaining forces.  The last of his master’s soldiers down to their new sanctuary.  It would be seen if this was short term, or long term.

An improvised prison was set up for his prize.  Chains built of a hellish metal, that not even a girl like this could break.  It might even diminish her power.  Though he did not have the skill to completely suppress it.  To make her his.  It might be violent for a time, but he was confident he could wear her down, turn her.  Small cracks would grow, she would slowly find her drawn to him.  Want him more than others.

Wrists, ankles, neck.  All were bound by chain.  A ragged cloth placed under her, for sleep.  Two bowls, that would filled as needed.  And as earned.  He had some ideas.  Help he could draw on.  But it would wait.  For now, a seat was brought.  He sat at the other end of the room and waited, for her to eventually wake up.

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It's cold. So cold. Where am I? If my sister saved me why haven't I woken up yet? How long has it been?

Emiri's eyes started to flutter open, although it was not fully easy to tell because her face was still slightly swollen from the hit. She stayed still for a second, trying to take in her surroundings. She was somewhere slightly dark and cold. She didn't move but she could feel something heavy on her wrists, on her ankles, and on her neck. With whatever strength she could muster, she attempted to lift her head to see around her.

"H...hello?" She called out. Her eyes couldn't focus very well, the hit to the head making it harder. She thought she could see a figure sitting away from her. "Where am I?" She said her voice barely a whisper.

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Zorn let the girl cry out for a moment.  Leave her in the silence.  Scared?  Alone.  Get her used to her new home.  She might be here for a while.  He did not know how long this would take.  Then he spoke up.  “Just you and me, Guardian.  Both left for dead.  Oh, Diamond Sorceress was quite impressive.  Never seen her like that.  But she left you behind.  Got a little sloppy.  Did not make sure I was dead either.”

”Lord Ulburnus is gone.  I’m left picking up the pieces.  Pieces that include you.”  The Sorceress did not know this one was still alive.  He was sure of that.  He had all the time in the world, to wear her down.  Make her his.  It would be slow.  A challenge.  But that made it so much more worth it.

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Who... Who was talking to her?

Emiri tried to move again, using her strength to pull against the chains attached to her wrists. "My sister... she would never have abandoned me..." She whispered, realizing she could not move against the chain. Maybe her body was still weak. That had to be the reason for it. "The Diamond Sorceress is stronger than you could ever imagine. I am sure she is coming up with a plan to save me and kill you... whoever you are" She said softly.

"Lord Ulburnus... I remember the fight now. I was hit in the head, I should be dead. Why have you not killed me yet?" She said at the mysterious man who was in the room with her. She felt a bit of fear creep into her spine. There was no way she was here other than for a horrible plan this demon had.

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“You don’t recognize my voice, hmm?”  He stepped forward.  Demonic rabbit like form shifting a little out of the shadows, though he could see the damage, that she still might not see him.  “I suppose I never talked to you as much as some of the others, Zorn, last of his generals.”  He laughed softly.  “Sister, hmm?  Never would have guessed.  Hit to your head screwed with your head a little? Or just underestimated my hearing?”  It was not the biggest secret that could be revealed, not by itself.  But it was something.  Made her much more valuable than he guessed.

“Ruby Pixi, Silver Soldier, Holy Storm.  You saw it didn’t you?  All three are dead, just like my lord, the other generals, so many soldiers.  You are right though.  The Sorceress is incredibly powerful.  Even by herself.”  But, they were here because the Diamond Sorceress had no idea either of them were still alive.  Keep that secret, she never would come.

”That’s why I have not killed you.  You are much more valuable to me alive.  I will make you into a weapon against her.  The only one she could never fight.”  She must have understood.  While not common, Broken Girls were a concept all Magical Girls and Knights were aware of.  She would have other uses to him as well.

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Emiri closed her eyes as she listened to his voice. She recognized it, but she couldn't put a name to it. Her body tensed up the moment he said his name. "Zorn... you... you didn't die?" She asked; obviously, he had not because he was standing in the room with her. He was the one who had chained her up. The moment she repeated that the Diamond Sorceress was her sister, she knew she just admitted to a secret she should have kept. Not many knew they were sisters, let alone twins. Emiri tried again to move her head, but between the pain and the chain around her neck, she couldn't. Emiri let a small whimper of pain pass her lips.

Her team was all dead; only she and her sister were left. Her sister had to know that she was still alive, right? Emiri felt a tear roll down her cheek, the grief hitting her.

More valuable? A weapon. Emiri's eyes opened wide. "You... I refuse to be used against my sister. You will have to kill me before I let you turn me." Emiri was strong; she could fight him. She wouldn't be turned into a Broken Girl. She was a strong holy paladin, after all.

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“Oh, I’m sure you won’t be convinced quickly or easily.  But that will make it so much better when you do.”  He paced backed and forth.  It was going to be a many level attack.  There would be conventional pain of course.  Isolation.  Lack of food and water.  Sex eventually.  But not today.  Build it up, all together, and over an extended period of time, eventually she would fall.  Not to end the pain.  But because she wanted to.  That was the tick.  True loyalty.  Not just fear of pain.

”You will be here for a long time.  We will get to know each other.  But go ahead, pray to whatever gods you worship.  Be the holy paladin.  See if they will save you.”  There were certainly ‘higher’ beings out there.  Some quite hostile to demons.  But gods?  In the way humans worshipped them?  There was little evidence of such things.  Other than stories that at some of the Magical Girls or Knights got their power from them.

”So many things I am going to do to you.  But maybe it will best to leave you wondering for now.  Imagining what they might be.”  He had no direct experience with this.  And true Broken Girls were rare.  Usually they did die first, or were saved.  But Zorn felt he could pull this off, with enough time.

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Emiri felt the tears run down her face, onto the cloth that her head was resting on. Her energy levels were drained completely, and right now she had no fight inside of her. "I'll take death than thank you very much" She said softly. She was afraid of dying, and honestly she really didn't want too. She would fight him on this another day. At this moment she wasn't sure what she was more afraid of though, Zorn's secret plans or dying.

Emiri closed her eyes and took in a deep, painful breath. Every inch of her hurt, and she couldn't control the soft cries she made when she tried to move. "They'll save me... I am.. Guardian" She said, the words hurt to say. What was going to come of her if she wasn't saved though. She had to have faith that the Gods wouldn't abandon her either.

"What... what are you going to do to me?" She asked softly.

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“Oh so many things.  So many things.  But I need to gather tools.  Maybe a ‘friend’ or two to join in.”  Random demon soldiers might have a part to play.  He did not exactly have ‘friends’ either.  But Zorn had an idea of one or two people to invite.  One who already served him, but had been out doing other things during the battle.  The other was a ‘specialist’, who he was aware of and would have to try to summon and talk into it.  But he was sure she could be convinced to join.  “The surprise is part of the fun though.  Let you imagine the specifics.”  He walked back to the chair and sat.  He did not intend to keep her company all night.  Nor would serious work begin tonight.  But this was part of the process.


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"I won't break... I can't break." Emira repeated to herself, over and over again. "Tools? Friends...? Please no..." She muttered to herself.

Emira kept her eyes closed and felt herself drifting off to sleep again. However, the sleep was anything but restful. Her dreams were filled with nightmares about what could become of her. She could see herself tied up. She could see Zorn on using weapons on her. She could see mysterious figures around her.

Emiri woke up in a feverish sweat. "Please let me survive this. Please let someone save me" She whispered to the dark.

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Dreams.  Dreams would be a weapon used against her soon.  After Emiri fell asleep, he walked to another room.  There was some he had heard of, who could be very useful here.  He etched a circle into the floor.  Filled with his power.  As well as some blood gathered from the remains in the previous battle.  The circle ignited.  A bright intense red.  A figure appeared in the middle hovering in the air.  First shadow, then body, then clothes.  A woman.  A very attractive one.  That appeared human even, if one did not know better.  “The succubus, Canata, hears your summons, Zorn, general of lord Ulburnus.”

The figure lowered to the ground.  Brushed herself off, her body, pose, emitted raw sexual energy.  It was her nature after all.  “Well, it’s a pity about lord Ulburnus.  Should I call you lord Zorn now?”  Zorn shook his head.  “I am not yet worthy of his title.  Though I intend to rebuild what was lost.”  He continued as it appeared Canata was about to undress.  “Surprising as it might be, I did not summon you for my own fun.  I want you to help with a project.”

”Project?”  She was a little curious.

”One the two survivors of the team that killed my lord.  She is my prisoner.  Tell me, have you ever created a ‘Broken Girl’?”  That question gave the succubus a wide eager smile.  The two would have much to talk about over the night.  And would likely leave Emiri alone for a while.  Leaving her alone, wondering about her fate, after waking up.  Though over the course of the night, a little water and simple food was left in the bowls next to her.  Hunger would be used against her, but for now at least, she had a little to eat.

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Whether it was the darkness of the room she was kept in, the chains that he had bound her with, or the pain her body was in, Emiri kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Her dreams would start out as a memory.

Emiri and Alexandrine were usually found together. However, they had very different personalities. Emiri was quiet; she found her strength in prayers and meditation. She loved all things nature. Emiri must have been around 6 when she first felt the divine power. On this day, she had been outside, sitting near a cluster of trees, praying to the Gods. Being the smaller of the sisters, she had been praying for some sign that she would become powerful. A white light surrounded her and warmed her with a sense of strength.

However, it would not last long. These small, peaceful memories would soon turn into nightmares.

The warm light turned into a dark, searing pain. The strength she felt pierced her, the pain radiating all over her body. Emiri was being hung upside down, her entire body bound by chains and what felt like a magic grip. All her clothing had been removed. Underneath her was a bucket of water. A faceless figure laughed wickedly. "Renounce the light! Come to the dark!" Emiri struggled to scream, shaking her head.

The figure growled, dropping her body into the ice-cold water below her. She was held there for a few minutes before being brought up. Emiri cried out from the pain, her body burning. The moment she was out of the water, Emiri felt a substantial whip crack on her back while someone entered her body.

Almost like it was happening to her, Emiri woke from that nightmare screaming.

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There were eyes in her dreams.  A figure watching.  Almost part of her dreams.  But an invader.  So far it just watched.  More steps needed to be taken before it could influence the dreams directly.  After one of Emiri’s awakenings, the figure stood over her.  A dark, satisfied smile.  Zorn was nowhere in sight though.  “Yes, scream.  Let it all out.  Dreams are a window into the mind and soul.  The real you.  I’ve seen it so many times.  You humans hide yourselves so desperately.”

She knelt down.  “I am Canata.  A succubus.  I do not serve the general, but he has asked for my assistance with you.”  She reached down, put her hand on the girl’s cheek.  How many ways would she work on this girl.  A succubus had obvious implications.  Not just dreams.  But her other specialty was more usually focused on men.  She had to judge if the girl would be receptive or not.  “Your aura is so bright.  Makes a demon uncomfortable…but is it the real you?”  Yes, this one was going to be a quite a challenge.  That just made it more appealing.

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Emiri screamed out until she could no longer scream. She felt her heart racing as she tried to get the images out of her head. What was going on? The voice sounded feminine, it was not Zorn. Was she watching her dreams? Where those her eyes?

Emiri looked at Canata. "A... a succubus... What? Why does he want your help?" She said, her voice strained from the screams and her body shaking. The smile Canata gave to her sent chills down her spine. She had heard of succubus' before, however she didn't know what exactly they would want with her.

Emiri nodded "It is my true nature... I am one of the light. Nothing you guys can do will break me" Emiri whispered. She was strong. She had to protect herself and her sister.

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“Because you are such a challenge, silly.”  Canata replied to what she considered an obvious question.  “He isn’t here right now.  Just the two of us.  Though he will join in at some point.”  She looked over the room.  Nothing but the cloth under her for cushioning or warmth.  The two bowls, with a little to eat and drink, and the chains.  “I’m going to be keeping you company.  Someone you can…will reveal your deepest secrets to.  Maybe keep you company in other ways later.”  Like Zorn, she was not going to rush sex.  Partially because she was not sure what Emiri thought about other women.  But the goal was to be seen as a ‘good cop’, potential friend.  Someone she could talk to.  “I’ll be joining you in your dreams every night.  Maybe I’ll protect you from the nightmares.  Explore other things in your dreams.  But, even as a succubus, I can only watch, until you let me in.”  If it was a man, a single session of sex would be enough to let her in.  Women needed another trick.  One she could maybe force, but was much more effective if willing.

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Emiri's body was slowly starting to heal itself, although the chains significantly reduced the effects her magic. She stared at the succubus, who was claiming to want to keep her company, trying to determine how Zorn planned to use her. Emiri knew that Zorn was going to try to break her. She knew that the best thing she could do right now was keep her secrets to herself. "I won't reveal my secrets to you... I can't do that. If I do, I'll be letting my sister down. I'll be..." Emiri stopped talking. She slowly moved her had to grab a small bit of food. She had lived on less food before.

Emiri had to wonder what she meant by letting her in. "What does that actually mean? Letting you in?" She said softly. "I don't want the nightmares... they feel too real, like my brain is preparing me for what might happen to me" Her voice wasn't more than a whisper. Emiri might not be willing to tell her secrets, but she could admit to her fears. She was to weak at the moment to fight them anyway.

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A glowing pink symbol appeared above Canata’s shoulder.  “Are you familiar with a demon’s mark?  Most can only put one on a person at a time.  It tends to be rather special.  A degree of a link between the marker and markee.  Well it is a little different for me.  I can mark a few at a time.”

”I can watch anyone’s dreams with ease.  But to have control, I need a link.”  She leaned forward, almost in Emiri’s face.  “Unfortunately I am a succubus, not an incubus.  If you were a man, or I was an incubus, I could just have sex with you, one time.  That would be enough.  There are so many men in the world I can shift the dreams of.  But for women…”

The mark image shifted to Emiri’s face.  “I would need to mark you.  I could try to force it on you.  Just maybe succeed.  But it is so much easier if you are willing.  There are only a few minor side effects.”  Letting a demon control her dreams.  Side effects, not yet elaborated on.  This was the offer to save her from the nightmares.  Maybe give her pleasant dreams.  If she could be trusted.  If she would not just give different nightmares.  Canata did not care if she agreed now or not.  Now that she knew, maybe she would accept later, if not now.

OOC: See the symbol on her picture in the profile, the symbol by her crotch.  Figure that is what the mark looks like.

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Emiri lifted her head as much as she could to look at the symbol that started to appear near Canata's shoulder. A demon's mark? Emiri remembered having been told about them before. Someone who she could not remember had told her about the powers a demon's mark might have and what it could do. But Canata wasn't a demon, she was a succubus.

Emiri looked into her eyes and gave a soft nod. She wasn't sure if she trusted Canata, but if she could stop the nightmares, than maybe this was something Emiri needed to do. It was not like this was Zorn doing it to her. Closing her eyes, the dream she had earlier flooded her memories. She remembered the feeling of someone violating her. She shook her head, opening her eyes.

"What do I need to do to let you mark me?" Emiri's voice quivered with a mix of fear and desperation. The nightmares were haunting her, and she was willing to take a leap of faith to make them stop. Emiri had always been the one to trust people more readily than her sister and her team. She believed in her ability to sense true emotions, and now, she was going to trust herself. "I… I want them gone."

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She was not going to ask about the side effects?  Well, that was not Canata’s fault.  She warned there would be some.  “It enough that you want it.”  Emiri did have to do anything special to be marked.  Her willingness just eroded and natural resistances she might have had.  “I am a succubus though.  It is going to go in the most appropriate spot.”  Emiri could feel a strong heat, though not painful, the mark ‘burning’ itself into the skin above her womb.  “Lucky you.  From most demons this would be irreversible, you would live your whole life with the mark.  I can remove my own…will I though?  We’ll see.”

The biggest side effect was the most uncertain one though.  Canata was curious if Emiri would feel it.  “The mark will glow when I am near.  Be dull, but still visible when I am not.  I can feel your feelings now.  Sense where you are, not that you will be moving soon…but do you feel the last side effect though?…I’ll know soon…”.  Succubus or not, the mark made the markee lust strongly for the demon that marked them, when the demon was near enough for the mark to glow.  It only strongly intensified natural lust though.  If Emiri was completely straight, she would not feel it.  But if she had a desire for other women, even if it was so deep and faint she never knew, it would not be long before the mark made Emiri crave the succubus.  Perhaps the first woman she looked at in such a way.  Canata, now able to feel Emiri’s feelings, would know if it was happening or not.

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It only occurred to Emiri after the mark had been put over her womb that she never asked about the side effects that Canata mentioned. Realizing that it was too late to stop them, she still decided to ask, “I know it’s kind of late, but what are the side effects that you are talking about?” She said watching the succubus place her mark on her. She listened to how the mark could be removed, however Emiri had a feeling she would be stuck with it for a while. There was part of her that was starting to realize that maybe this was all a trap, but there was no way to go back now. 

Emiri looked down at her mark now, seeing the glowing that she was talking about. Emiri started to feel a little bit scared knowing that Canata could feel her emotions. However, there was this feeling inside of Emiri that was starting to grow. Her heart started to race a little bit as a strong form of lust came over her, for the succubus in front of her. The feeling freaked out Emiri, her whole body starting to shake as she couldn’t figure out how she could want the girl in front of her. She had only ever been with males, she didn’t like woman right? Emiri started to breath deeply and starred at Canata. 

Emiri’s eyes turned lustful, “I shouldn’t want you… but I do… “ 

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Canata had just explained all the side effects.  Things other demons might care more about when placing their marks, but were just little bonuses for her.  The main point for her was that she now had complete control over the girl’s dreams.  Could use them to explore other aspects of Emiri’s mind, when she was asleep.  Memories, fears, her deepest secrets and desires.  Things that could eventually twist the girl.  No human was as pure as this one pretended.  She had a dark side, no matter how small or hidden it was.  Canata would help her discover it.

She could feel it, the desire growing in Emiri.  The first proof she could teach the girl who she really was.  ”Hmm shouldn’t because I’m a demon?…or a woman?”  This was going to be fun.  Tease her, tempt her, make her admit the truth.  “I might be a demon, but I can’t create those desires out of nowhere.  If you want me, deep down, you have always been interested in other women, you just needed to find the right one…look at me.  Look at everything.  Tell me what you feel.”  The mark glowed brightly.  Fueling Emiri’s feelings.  But Canata did not lie here.  The mark was making them more intense, but amplifying feelings she always had.  Maybe she preferred men, Canata could certainly understand that, but the right woman might have always brought out these desires, even without the mark.

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Emiri listened to Canata say the words. Can’t create those desires, always been interested in other women… Emiri was not sure that she could believe that. Has she always been interested in other women? Had she ever experienced the surge of lust that she was feeling towards the demon in front of her? Emiri shook her head, “Both… you are a demon, and you are a woman… How could I have been interested in another woman and never known about it?” She asked and closed her eyes, trying to think clearly as she was starting to feel overwhelmed with the desire to be touched by the demon. To feel the demon’s lips on hers.

Emiri closed her eyes as she let her feelings take over her mind. The last time she had felt lust like this was for Hikaru a long time ago, but that was less intense than this feeling. Emiri shook at the sudden feelings. “I… I feel an intense need to be touched by you. I want to taste you and feel what it feels like to be near your body… I want you, but I don’t know how I want you… I don’t understand how I could feel this intense about you… a woman. But I do. I want to kiss you, touch you, and feel you!” Emiri struggled with the words she was saying. Fighting to make sure they conveyed her feelings. The strange, intense, and genuine emotions. She was confused, but her body slowly showed signs that she was turned on.

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