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you can be a half harengon/half human if you want to go that route! i would say do whatever you like most, if you want to know my preference i'd have a soft preference for the humanish bunnygirl over the furry bunnygirl, but that doesn't mean i'd be unhappy or unwilling to do those scenes no matter which you choose ^^

Posted (edited)

Alias- Felicity Springwind

Harengon wizard

HP: 7    AC: 13 (16 mage armor)
Stats: Str 8 Dex 16  Con 12 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 13

Skills profs: Arcana, history, investigation, Acrobatics, perception

Tools profs: Playing Cards
Weapon Proficiency: simple

Origin Feat: Lucky (rabbit girl lucky? who would have guessed)

Class features: spellcasting, ritual adept, arcane recovery

Racial Features: Hare Trigger, Lucky footwork, Rabbit hop

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish

55 GP (skipped town after a con went south... at the start she does NOT have proper gear)

Skipping from one town to the next after a little con here or there went south, she arrived in (insert starting town here), seeing the quest to end the death curse she saw a chance to... capitalize on a need in the community, hopefully help some folks... and make out like a bandit in the end, one way or another.

Notable details about the sheet. I have... 7 HP... max... please be gentle.

she's bi, no particular preference, but tends to avoid intimacy... untill she decides she likes you... then she REALLY likes you.

For kinks, she has a particular enjoyment of somnophilia... also known as sleep sex, she rather likes waking up to a dick inside her... as long as the owner of said dick was someone she liked, and someone she talked with about her like of this in the past.

Limits: blood, gore, scat, piss, etc the usual. I also just want things to... make sense? if im getting fucked by a 20 inch cock... I want a logical reason why it wont hurt like hell. if im being raped by a monster, I want some logical reason why the monster would mate with a different species... when things seem too off, it takes me out of the RP

Edited by DreamsnThings

looks good! i would like to get a full google docs sheet from all of you before we start so we can keep track of information as we go.

i also notice that a couple of you mentioned already being in chult in your backstory, sorry if this wasn't clear enough in my primer post where i went into all the detail, but you're being recruited for an expedition to chult, not starting there ^^

2 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

anyone willing to give me a hand transferring my sheet to google drive? surprisingly have not had to use that with an ecchi dreams TTERP quite yet, so a little unsure what to do

Sure thing! 
If you want to use the sheet I have, it's pretty straight forward. 

Sign into your GoogleDrive to make sure it goes where you want. 

Follow this link to a blank sheet. 

Once it's open, go to File -> Make a Copy
That will make a copy in your GoogleDrive. 

Open up the new Copy in your GoogleDrive, then you can rename the file and edit the fields to fill in your character info. 

*Quick note: Some fields will give a pop up like "You're about to edit something that you really shouldn't change on accident! Are you sure you want to change it?" You can go ahead and say yes. (It's mainly the save and attribute mod fields). 

Feel free to message me if you are hitting any snags. 😊

4 minutes ago, WickedCadrach said:

It occurs to me that i may have misunderstood you earlier. Did you mean you've never used GoogleDrive at all?

Bc if you have a character sheet already and just want to upload and share it, I can also help with that.

I have used google drive, just haven't needed to fill out a dnd sheet for it, the fillable sheet solved that, im good, working on it as we speak lol

  • Woohoo 1

looks good to me! the only thing i noticed is the spells are lacking some detials, but all i really need is the names ^^

i mentioned before i'd hope to get all sheets in by friday night with a hope to start saturday, and since i've gotten all the sheets in ill write the first message soon and we can go from there

  • Woohoo 1

hey! just wanted to confirm that @WickedCadrach's post is fine, because if it is i need to take some notes XD I was trying to figure out how to do my intro without using any NPC's well introducing my character adequately, but assuming we can use throw away NPC's I would love to introduce myself in the midst of conning out an npc or two well turning around and giving some of what i stole to a begger or kid...

also, with find familiar, I was wanting a rabbit familiar but it seems that is not there... so ill name my weasel muffin instead

1 hour ago, DreamsnThings said:

hey! just wanted to confirm that @WickedCadrach's post is fine, because if it is i need to take some notes XD I was trying to figure out how to do my intro without using any NPC's well introducing my character adequately, but assuming we can use throw away NPC's I would love to introduce myself in the midst of conning out an npc or two well turning around and giving some of what i stole to a begger or kid...

also, with find familiar, I was wanting a rabbit familiar but it seems that is not there... so ill name my weasel muffin instead

Yeeeeah, I took some liberties with my opening since it's all flavor until we meet at Syndra's. I hope that's OK. 🙏 

Posted (edited)

yeah that's totally fine! as long as it's not anything super lore breaking, im happy for you to include NPCs (especially in an introduction)

the only thing i'd mention from wicked's post is im not sure who they're talking to at syndra's estate as i didn't describe anyone there, it's just the open gate, the garden and then the front door! but i wouldn't recommend interacting with the front door until everyone has narrated their arrival to the front garden, i mentioned interacting with the manor is how you move on and no-one else is there yet ^^

Edited by NewHere
11 minutes ago, NewHere said:

the only thing i'd mention from wicked's post is im not sure who they're talking to at syndra's estate as i didn't describe anyone there, it's just the open gate, the garden and then the front door! but i wouldn't recommend interacting with the front door until everyone has narrated their arrival to the front garden, i mentioned interacting with the manor is how you move on and no-one else is there yet ^^

Gotcha. I assumed an upper city estate like Syndra's would have a gate guard to keep the riff-raff from wandering in. But I can edit if there's no one barring our entrance into the outer garden.

46 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

ok, im a tad confused with what you mean with that last part still... what do you mean by "how you move on" when it comes to interacting with the manor?

what i mean is im going to progress the scene when you decide to enter the manor or knock on the door or decide to sneak in or whatever you collectively do, and until then you can talk among yourselves and introduce yourselves etc.

im telling you the button you push for the story to continue

Just now, DreamsnThings said:

gotcha, so tldr we are converging inside, our intros are being cut when when enter the building, we dont see each other outside?

no, you're all converging in the garden/entrance to the estate. you'll collectively enter the house when you all decide to do that. that's why i recommended not to interact/enter the manor in your first post, as everyone needs to at least arrive first.

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