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  2. I'm searching for someone open to engaging in a fandom roleplay. Below are some fandoms that pique my interest for the roleplay. I prefer the dynamic of an original character paired with a canon character (oc x cc), but I'm also open to doubling up if someone is interested in connecting with a character (for context. A double up means that I play your love interest while you play mine). I mainly play as a male but I can play as a female too in double ups as well. If you're familiar with any of the listed fandoms and are intrigued, feel free to direct message me, and we can discuss the details. For information about my preferences, you can ref
  3. fuck because bored and horny sounds like a good reason to me
  4. Elie seeing Exzel's emotions change made her want to break down she took a deep breathe and looked at her with all courage she had. "Your Romeo and I Juliet. We are different but the same. You....you gave me something I haven't had in so long...love and attention even of it was forced. I still felt something.....and...and when I called you mistress it felt right. But my jealously took over when Daimond said it. I....I felt like my world was crumbling down. I felt like what I worked so hard for ment nothing...here in my estate my parents are to busy for me...so I don't get much attention or love." She sniffles looking at Exzel still. She was s
  5. Exzel looked around the hall, noting it ambiancé. It reminded her of many demon halls she had seen through the years. Not grand in a sweeping breathtaking way, but still great in it's own unique way. There were quite a few soldiers about their business. He was definitely gearing up for something. That just reinforcements her view that being friendly with the local powers was preferable to (open) conflict. "I do wish it, I should very much like to see this secret weapon." The weapon was why she was here after all. Although Zorn did seem to have interest in her body. That was usually a good first step in cementing a friendship. She l
  6. Today
  7. I'd be into roleplaying. My messages are open!
  8. "I see." The slight smile faded from Exzelcryth's face, as she concentrated on looking at Elie. Seeing the emotional pain on her. She had never really cared how someone she had taken before felt, be she did care now. It was her nature, their first meeting, see heard something in her singing, saw something she wanted, and went for it. She didn't necessarily regret it now. Taking by conquest was the demon way, though it pained her now to see the pain on Elie's face. It made her feel conflicted, and she didn't care for the feeling. "I have... done what I needed to do with Daimond." She looked deep into Elie's eyes with her exotic, purple de
  9. "Yes yes just like that My Little Star. Move those beautiful hips enjoy your Knight's cock." He growled thrusting up again and again into her sweet body before massaging her breasts. Pinching and flicking Rin's nipples playfully before sucking on the right one. His tongue circling around the tender nub as he used his fingers to pull the other the other nipple playfully.
  10. Am I the only one getting hungry?
  11. Hello there! I'm back at it again with my usal taboo or close to/fully limitless ideas. So if you don't mind please take some time to read through them, I do have more as always so feel free to message me whenever you wanna discuss an idea or learn about the others! A new way of taming. This idea is based around ark survival evolved/ascended where my character would be a new survivor in the harsh Dino world. However something goes wrong with the pod he was placed into this simulation, instead of the dinos trying to kill him all the time some are...questionably attracted to the human, even some of the humans from other tribe
  12. Hellhound would find his little trophy, his secret weapon, interesting. Though she would not be able to play with it. Not in every way she might want to at least. But with a nod, he led them through the portal. Back to the hall where he and Hellohound met. ”I do not keep as elegant a home as you. Though if you wish to spend the night, I can offer you the comfort of my chambers.” Why beat around the bush anymore. In the end, it would be up to Exzel, if she accepted the offer or not, knowing what he was implying. He would be pleased if she said yes, attractive as she was. But he would not be upset if she declined. It was stil
  13. Elie seeing Exzel felt her chest tighten part of her wanted to run away but she knew that wasn't a option. She let the hug happen but Elie seemed a bit distance unsure what do. Once she backed up Elie took a deep breathe before speaking. "I'm better now then I once was but I thought you'd be with her......with Diamond." She said her tone cold a bit still unsure how she felt about Alexandrine and whole event that happened. "I...I've learned some things about myself....my family....and about you and kind." She said looking into Exzel's eyes her own were full of pain, sorrow, and emotional unbalance. "I....I....I have so much I wish to say
  14. Can we add coco and cookies?
  15. Fuck because bored and horny, and apparently I can’t get married since I’m not a pedo
  16. Welcome to ecchi! I hope you find everything you're looking for!
  17. Exzelcryth finished the song, as Elie rounded the corner. She looked at her with a gentle gaze, stood slowly and turned toward her, unable to supress a smile at seeing her, looking her over in the beautiful dress she wore. Exzel walked up to Elie, looking rathing seductive in her bikini, hugged her, one arm behind her waist, the other going around her back. Pressing against her chest to chest. She held her in the warm embrace for about 20 seconds, "I have longed to see you, since your departure. That dress! Mmmmmm. Beautiful." She didn't go in for a kiss, not wanting to seem as forcefully as she had been to see how this played out, without he
  18. "I look forward to seeing the results of your training." Exzel walked a short distance to the large waystone in the garden, and put her hand on it, the runes glowing. "The portal was recently enough, and close enough I should be able to trace it's origin." She closed her eyes, and concentrated, seeking the portal through the twists of space and reality for long minutes, before suddenly opening her purple eyes. "Got it." With a turn and a gathering of energy, she opened a portal to where Zorn had originally came for. "This should be it." She indicated the portal with a hand, "By all means, after you."
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