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  3. Howdy, I'm Mike Smith and I'm new to the site, I have been rping since I was 12, but it mainly began on a game called Unturned, I am still rping but on Telegram, Diacord, Pony Town, Ashes Town, etc. until I get my laptop charger fixed
  4. This is a right place. The Private RP bulletin is another right place - not everyone is comfortable in the public clubs.
  5. Okay good idea- if I am posting in the wrong place that will not help! thank you
  6. It can be. Might be worth a post in the Private Roleplay Bulletin forum too. Maybe throw in some suggested parings or set ups too.
  7. Nall seemed to understand the answer well, smiling at the fact that Jumi was an acquaintance of Mitsuko. Although, it seemed a little awkward even for him, trying to figure who was in the surrounding of Mitsuko. It was hard to say what he knew or what he didn't know of what had happened so far. Already him being there was strange enough. "I hope I did not interrupt anything... Waking up after so long is rough.", he told Jumi, a little embarrassed and soon stretching his body on all of its length. Nall was definitely more innocent than Rie was and it was not surprising as he was just a cat in appearance. An odd fur pattern but a small win
  8. It seemed like as good a time and place as any to ask, but Jumi dropped it, if Mitsuko did not want ask. It was probably safe to wait a while. She just watched the creature eat. Then that question came up again. She was sure Nall meant it innocently enough. But it was still a little awkward. “Oh, yes. Very good friends. We hit it off very well, after meeting.” It was true. Them living together, having sex, did not change that. If the creature followed Rie’s example, it might get a little more awkward, but she could honestly answer the question as asked. She seemed unbothered by Nall eating her food. She had had enough to avoid im
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hey! The names Luna, and I had an idea in mind for an ERP that I wanted to try out The basic idea is that you are absolutely obsessed with me. Whether it be due to me being a celebrity, us being classmates, or any other relation, youre completely and utterly infatuated. The exact relation is up to you, but it would be one where I have very little knowledge on who you are, but you know everything about me, but you just want to get closer. We can discuss more spesifically how you will try to do that, thats very up to you, same with the setting, if you have any preferences between something more realistic, fantasy, sci fi, etc. This is
  11. Of course Andi was scared being approached by multiple, strong men, but she couldn’t exactly run away. She knew that the best thing was for her to stand her ground and not seem completely helpless. She swallowed as she felt the faulty pepper spray can in her pocket, even though she knew that it wouldn’t be effective against more than two guys. Her heart was racing as those motorcycles circled her and her car, their powerful vibrations rumbling from her sandaled feet, all the way up to her pussy. Honestly, it seemed like they could be fun to ride around on. Maybe she could bum a ride. She swallowed hard and tried to put on a brave fr
  12. Rye had been riding behind a couple of the younger guys, content to let the young buck whoop and shout down the empty, sun bleached highway. The old bored and stroked shovelhead rumbled through his guts like a comforting massage as he rested his forearms on his handle bars. When he saw the girl on the side of the road,with her car's hood up, he gunned the powerful engine to life and swung past his outriders, giving the boys the circle up signal and pointing to the car. He didn't bother to say anything, they knew what the signal meant. He revved the engine higher, grabbing another gear well aware that the old bike's power curve was f
  13. Currently looking for someone or a few people to indulge me in a few darker roleplay ideas. ❧ Male Slave x Mistress | Pitch x Elsa/Rapunzel/both (RotG x Disney) Might be willing to do Pitch x Your OC, if the OC is interesting enough. This could either be a prisoner of war set up, or some kind of auction dealing in spirits, into with Pitch has been dragged after being captured. Or maybe this could be an AU wherein Pitch is a supernatural/magical creature of some other kind that is being trafficked. FC would buy Pitch out of intrigue and try to break him in and tame him, not really seeing anything wrong with this initially. However, as t
  14. I set it ip over here with the first post. I’ve sent out a few invites. I’m good with anyone joining who wants to.
  15. PART 1: The Side of the Road Andi was convinced that her day just couldn’t get any worse. She had taken the scenic route on her trip down to her new college and her car, which seemed perfectly fine this morning, decided to break down without much warning. Of course she was in the middle of absolutely nowhere. She had tried her phone, but the signal was basically non-existant. The battery got sucked up as she tried to call her Daddy, her boyfriend or roadside assistance. Perfect. It was a hot day. Not too bad if you’re not out in it, but she was stuck out in it. A few cars passed her by, but they were too busy to sto
  16. Nall hesitantly made sure that Jumi was fine with it before grabbing a bite of food and stepping back then sitting again. Mitsuko could only stare for a bit more before Jumi brought her back to reality. "I... Maybe later... I am sorry, I didn't know it would..." She stopped for a bit, not wanting to hurt the cat like thing on their table. "I mean, hello... Your name is Nall?", she asked. The white cat turned around and smiled after swallowing his bite. "Yes. And your name is? I have been sleeping for a while.", He replied to her. Mitsuko quickly figured that this creature probably was not what communicated with her. Not if he slept withi
  17. This will be a gangrape scenario involving my character who is 18 year old girl whose car broke down during a solo road trip. She can’t get any signal out here and her phone is dying. Things get worse for her when some rough and tumble bikers come by and decide to have some fun with our poor young woman. I will be playing resistant to willing. She’ll break over time, but her body will react with pleasure to the rough treatment. I’m good with anyone joining in on the fun. I want her to be kidnapped and kept somewhere as a fuck toy to be used at the leisure of these tough men. I am a frequent poster and I like detail, but I don’t
  18. You need to click on it. It works for me, still. The question mark is there totally on purpose because I needed to add some... mysteryyy...
  19. Did you click on it or is Furaffinity just not linking for you?
  20. Emiri felt her cheeks get warmer, her face getting a little color as Canata praised her for the work she was starting to do. Emiri slowly let go of Canata’s nipple, hearing a soft pop as she pulled back. She smiled up at her and moved her mouth to her other nipple, slowly letting her tongue move around the nipple, getting it nice and hard. Emiri slowly and very softly placed her nipple in between her teeth and gently bit down before going back to sucking on her nipple. It was one thing that Emiri loved when her breasts were being sucked on, the soft sting of a bite, followed by soothing sucking. She hoped it made Canata feel just as good. She
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