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  2. Not guilty, that I'm aware of. Next poster are at a restaurant today.
  3. Guilty. Twice, I think. The next person has been blocked by someone and doesn't know why.
  4. Today
  5. Yesterday
  6. It took Jumi a moment to recover. It was quite the experience. Left sore, as Shinigami suggested earlier, but not enough to bother her too much. She let Shinigami move around, pull out. As she recovered a bit, she was reminded of the wounds. Shinigami had not seemed too bothered by them before. But maybe they over did it some. She softly wrapped an arm around her. A little of the petting, not for reasons connected to the domination, but because Shinigami had seemed to like it before. “…You…did real good…good girl…you will find out how good later.” She added with a smile. She believed she had a good idea of what her second deal woul
  7. guilty, i suppose ? the next person has used the ignore feature on here.
  8. Guilty. I have a classical playlist going because it helps me focus. The next person is the kind of person who will never take the last one.
  9. Guilty. It runs through me like a hot knife through butter, there is no worse sound. The next poster is listening to music right now.
  10. Guilty. I have about 30, but currently it's Adrian Tchaikovsky. Lovecraft being maybe my favorite of all time. Jack Vance is up there... see what I mean? The next poster hates the sound of styrofoam.
  11. I love this idea and if you still have an opening I’d love to be the janitor and play with these girls
  12. Are you a fellow fan of Genshin? And do you especially love their lovable cast of lolis?? ...Well I would assume so, you did click on this thread after all! ^.^ I'm more than willing to play just about any loli, with the only exceptions being Kachina and Iansan as Natlan only came out quite recently. Below you'll find a few ideas I have for each girl, they are smut-focused.. however if you want a more long term and story-focused roleplay I'm very much open to that! Sigewinne: The sweet little head nurse of Fontaine’s underwater prison. Although she isn’t afraid to keep rowdy inmates in check with her trusty tranquil
  13. Not guilty. But now I wonder if I should. I have a feeling it won't taste the way I want it to taste, like a lot of other things I've put in my mouth. The next person has a favorite author.
  14. Not guilty. They aren't ready for my vision. Unless you count playing the part in the cog of the machine. The next poster has gotten curious and sipped vanilla extract
  15. Guilty, at least the region of my country where I live. We get COLD here in the winter. The next person is in an active real life roleplaying game that meets in person.
  16. Shinigami calmed down after a bit but panted heavily nonetheless, still inside Jumi. Realizing the toll she had done on her, she corrected her position gently then pulled the fairy's legs back toward herself slowly and carefully, leaving them her feet against her body to focus on holding her butt. The vixen then pulled herself out from her partner's pussy, knowing the bed would not escape the potential leak of cum coming out of her. Her penis as well had more than enough for one night. Once Jumi was free, even Shinigami would not try to tease her sexually anymore. If anything, she would give her legs a gentle rub before moving backward on the
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