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  1. Past hour
  2. Of course she did not care. Ranna would not have said that if thought it was very likely that she did. She also did not care this old line of questioning. Was this studying going to accomplish anything or go through questions that others had already asked? It was an honest answer as far as she was concerned. Though Kara had burned a few bridges herself, Ranna was not likely to tell her anything deep inside her, that no one else had heard. Not that there was anything like that with this question. But the deeper she probed the more a trust that was not there was required. "This is a lot of work, to just repeat questions Reiko and others
  3. "They both do, hm?" Rin had certainly been much more eager about it than Emi. Maybe two sides of her earlier self? Fear and excitement? "You think they have potential then?" Elie would be much more qualified to judge. Possibly the sort of person Rin called out for, to help them take a step into that world. "We can find a place to talk about that. And any questions you two have." She addressed Elie and Mitsuko. Before leading them towards the back area that Emi and Rin had wandered off to. That was a somewhat private area, but there were better options. "You did a good job!" Rin congratulated Emi, rubbing her head as the two o
  4. Today
  5. Not guilty. I won't elaborate on which part. The next poster has taken vengeance on someone who wronged them or a loved one
  6. Guilty. In drag no less and photographed. I don't know if I could still carry it off, but a lace camisole and panties suited me pretty well, although white was not an ideal color. The next poster has never been tied up but wants to be.
  7. Did we switch to a new browser or is this website still good on Chrome? If so I'm unsure how to get the app back to chrome....
  8. Alexandrine watched the two creatures. This new one was different. Dangerous, but perhaps not cruel. There was something lingering in the air she did not like. A trace of something much more unpleasant. Too faint to try to identify. A third one, who escaped when the portal opened? She was unlikely to be able to trace it now. She kept Ryan behind behind her. "I am only here to retrieve my friends. I intend to keep my word." The new creature made this much more unpredictable. She was unsure if it was going to attack. Hopefully Emi did not attack recklessly. She did not know with any certainty where they were. How easy it would be
  9. Would you do it again?
  10. Yesterday
  11. Elie could see the fear in Emi face and in her voice as she sang. She looked at Alexandrine and smiled.."I wish to talk to them as my civilian self and magical girl self. If they wish to go professional I can help them. They have so much raw talent." She said looking at them. "They remind me....oh me at that age." She seemed to say dreamly looking off into the distance.
  12. For Emi it felt as though an hour had passed. The singing! The dancing! The being in everyone's view! It was only slightly physically taxing, but the mental anguish was beyond belief. In reality it only lasted a few minutes, and by the time it had finished Emi at least appeared to be more confident, although given her state at the start that really wasn't saying very much. It's over? Oh gosh it's over! It's finally over! The clapping and cheering didn't help. It only meant that they were still watching, still focusing upon the two of them. Nor did the many loud noises help. Her senses were hyper focused in that moment, an unconsciou
  13. They were only singing one song. Only on stage for a few minutes. Even if it felt longer. Rin let go of Emi for the final lines of the song, but stood at her side. Then the song ended and the cheering began. Alexandrine of course was not that expressive. But clapped along with the audience, smiling. A few louder cheers came from the audience. A random voice or two saying how much they loved the song, or the singers. Rin waved at the crowd. Winked at a few who appeared extra enthusiastic, her other arm wrapped around Emi’s shoulder. They had to wait a moment to step down.
  14. Guilty. Fucking eggplant. I hated it until I tried it at this little Italian place locally. Whatever they did to it, covered in their marinara sauce with cheese on bread... mmm... it was delicious. The next person has been tied up.
  15. would you want me to be gentle?
  16. Guilty. Fucking eggplant. I have put uncounted questionable things in my mouth and every single time I have tried eggplant I have regretted it. Babaganoush? Foul. Soak, salt, rinse? Doesn't help. Roasted. Still gross. I have literally wrung out a bar rag and drunk it and it was not a gross as eggplant. Next poster was surprised to find they liked a food that they expected to hate.
  17. You’re not gonna hurt me, are you?
  18. Guilty. I finally finished the Wheel of Time series. Then next person has a type of food that they simply cannot stand.
  19. Guilty. We've all been babies. We've all gone wee wee. The next poster finished reading a book recently
  20. Not guilty. The dark is my ally, my friend, the place I feel most comfortable. I probably should have been goth. The next person has wet themselves in public.
  21. Absolutely not guilty. I'm not afraid to speak my mind anywhere. If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything. The next poster gets an uneasy feeling in the dark, when the air is still and silent.
  22. I have a lot of ideas, all the time, and almost never have time to do anything with them. I have flashes of inspiration, then end up just... Getting busy, being exhausted or a big cup of double shot depresso. I want to make this club more active with new ideas and new variety, horror in general is pretty niche and sometimes hard to write/make work, but I'm going to try my best to have some things active before October. I'm gonna write up a bit of a prologue to X before too long, and I'm toying with the idea of a story in the vain of Once Upon a Time, but instead with horror properties. Dunno how well it would do, but we can try.
  23. Guilty but with mitigating circumstances - I box at a gym and still do some light sparring with pads and headgear, so yes but not quite in the way you meant. I've been in fist fights and I'd throw again if I had to but I suspect it'd go bad for me. The next poster is afraid to speak their mind at home.
  24. What if you look under the bed and find me?
  25. Guilty. I had my hand along the top of the door, pulled the door closed, didn't get my hand down in time. The door latched. I stared for a minute before I felt it, then had to reach across my body with my other hand to open the door. All four fingers swollen up like sausages. No idea how I didn't break anything. The next person wants to fist fight someone.
  26. "Does that include both your male and female forms?" Kara elaborated, annoyed with herself for not having been specific enough the first time. A lot of things had been lost during the Great Cataclysm and Great Upheaval, and the knowledge and wisdom of the past had been one of the main casualties. Lost, but not forgotten. Studying the science of the past through the new lens of this new magical world that they now all lived in, they had been able to gain a new understanding and avoid total annihilation. "Do you act and feel the exact same way you do as a girl when you are a boy?" Kara pressed, not satisfied with the girl's, in
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