Forum Games
This is where you can play forums games such as "Say something about the person above" or "I'm banning you because..." If you have your own forum game to play, feel free to post it with the rules of the game.
131 topics in this forum
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- 2.9k replies
Hello this forum game is pretty simple. The first poster would guess something about the next poster. Then the next poster would reply with a Guilty or Not Guilty with the reason being optional. The next poster must include what he would like to guess about the next poster. Rules: The guess can be any. From wholesome to lewd guesses. Just avoid offensive or insensitive content and abide to the site rules. Do not break the chain by posting after yourself. If you feel like replying to a guess other than the post above you, please quote the statement and make a guess for the next poster. Please follow instructions and order or else it won't continue. Exam…
Last reply by Rexyon , -
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This game is pretty simple. Someone (I guess me) starts with two words: Bacon Sex Then the next poster replaces one of the words for another. A good example: Awesome Sex "Rules": The word you replace must remain in the same place the word you replaced it with. For example: Bacon Eating or Awesome Sex are correct. Cramming Bacon or Sex Pest are incorrect. Multiple Posting in quick succession is not accepted by site rules. To Start This Off: Bait Mate
Last reply by LeSane , -
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- 219 replies
This forum game requires a little imagination. Basically I will start this thread off with an example while explaining what to do. Because I am shit-awful at explaining concepts. xD I post: Ice Cream. The next user posts (Using their imagination a possible question for the last persons post): Then the next user posts their question and answer to be questioned, and so on and so forth. So lets start with the last reply. Name a really awesome hentai and roleplaying site? xP Cockgobblers.
Last reply by Rob4ix , -
First Word Game [What's the first thing that came into mind after seeing the word?] 1 2 3 4 8
by adonia- 17 followers
- 194 replies
Another simple game. I will say 1 word, then then next person replies the first thing they think of when seeing my word. Then the next person to post writes the 1st word they think of to that reply, and so on and so forth. A word can be proper names such as name of a person, name of a band, movie and etc. For example: I will post Movie The next person can post the first movie that came into mind. Lord of the Rings. Then the next person will post the first word that came into mind after seeing Lord of the Rings, then so on and so forth Rule: Don't post after yourself. I will start. The first word for this game. Sex
Last reply by Rob4ix , -
- 1.3k replies
As the tile says. Since im technically the poster above me I would have to go with killing myself.
Last reply by Nutcracker , -
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So after a bit of a joke on the EcchiDreams Unofficial Discord server, where we were speaking about a horror story of writing a really long descriptive sex post only to have the person who replied just post "*moans*", and similar stories found. I revealed that for me, writing a post that short would actually be a pain in the arse, and a challanging one at that. Then I thought about turning it into a forum game... With some tweaking to the idea from @XenoSera who suggested it should be three words, the idea was a done deal... And thus:- Three Word Replies Roleplay... is born. This "roleplay" (This is not a serious roleplay) has three simple rules: You hav…
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
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- 2.2k replies
A forum game based on the Whose Line is it Anyway game, questions only. The point of the game is communicate only in questions. Not many rules needed other than only ask a question and try not to repeat and ask the same question back. I'll start! Why are you here?
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
- 1k replies
What would you do if the above person enters your bedroom, give remarks and reasons. (Oh and to prevent arguments and such, this is a LIGHT hearted thread, and should be considered if you were both single or promiscuous, or whatever you want to use to justify a joke. I don't want people going "I'd fuck you." and then someone else posting "NO YOU WON'T HE'S MY BOYFRIEND ROXOR!?!/1!!!!11111!!" so... Take it in to the spirit of things, and not so seriously.) I can't really answer... There's no one above me. So let's use me. I think I'd tell myself off for evidently going back in time and crossing my own timeline. Naughty me.
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
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- 697 replies
Self-explanatory. What did you saw before you login on ED today? It could be TV show, it could be game streaming, it could be porn, it could be food on table, heck it could be your neighbor being banana for no reason before you login. Me? I was watching Dead By Daylight livestream on YT before login
Last reply by IsabellaRose , -
- 3 replies
Write a short (1 paragraph-ish) RP using the prior tool listed on the prior poster in a sexual way (humor is encouraged but optional). Then post a new tool that you consent to have the next poster use on you! <skipping para first post!> A small rabbit fur (real or synthetic)
Last reply by Gidgy , -
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- 84 replies
A slight variation of Yes, No, Maybe. This game revolves around the basic idea of "Would you ______, if ______?" or "Would you ______, but ______?" More specifically, there exists a hypothetical button. If you were to push this button, x would be granted to you, but y would happen as a result. For example: "Would you want the power to fly, but everybody hates you?" In fact, let's take my example as the first scenario. Take it away, ED.
Last reply by IsabellaRose , -
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- 371 replies
...IN MY PANTS! I decided this game was fun and it must be given a second chance, and perhaps a fresh new start. Basically you say a sentence, any sentence, or anything and add ", in my pants." after it. For example: I went to Tesco's, in my pants. I love cucumbers, in my pants. xD I need to fuck someone, in my pants. See, easy! One per post, no double posting, have fun! Starting with: I dunno what it is but I wanna bunga bunga, in my pants!
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
- 559 replies
This game is simple. Simply post one thing that one shouldn't say in the act of fucking or just after having sex. ^_^ It can be written from either perspective. Oh and no repeats. xD Example: You weren't that bad but your mum was better.
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
- 30 replies
Basically, the person about you asks a Would you rather question, then you respond with either option one or two, then you write your own Would you rather question *no limits~* Would you rather have the most breedable body OR have the body of someone who FUCKS breedable bodys?
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
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Welcome to the Dark Corner of EcchiDreams. The sinful area filled with dark perversion and mayhem. This game is simple. Corrupt, pervert, the dream or wish of the poster above, and post your own dream or wish. (It doesn't have to be a real dream/wish) For Example: "I wish I had a horse." "You get a horse, however it's from the depths of hell. It fucks you every night and is plotting to over take the world." I guess would be a good one. "I wish I had a waffle iron" "You are turned into a waffle iron." "I dream of a day where there is no wars." "Earth is destroyed and/or enslaved. Congratulations. We're at peace." And so on. I hope that explai…
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
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- 125 replies
Bastardise that Acronym! If you're easily triggered then please fuck off, and learn what a joke is. also, this is covered under (Section 15). I want to test EcchiDreams' commitment on this. This game is pretty simple folks, in the style of @SMFoxy's games, such as Scenes We'd Like to See. every month (or so) I will change the acronym to something new. Your job will be to make it offensive or funny or don't have to be related, but if it is, then bonus points. But please one per post, thank you. For example: PoC - People of Colour:- Power Obsessed Cunts Pieces of Crap Packets of Crisps Potatoes on Corn Puppies ov…
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
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I’m surprised that this game haven’t been up yet, but I’m breaking its cherry now. Anything goes as long its within EcchiDreams rules. It can be about anything and everything that your perverted mind can make up. From the members to our characters in the role-playing sections (as long the Character ID is active of course), and everything in between. The whole thing does not have to be a novel, unless you guys want to do so. EXAMPLE 1st Poster: I once went 2nd Poster: down to the 3rd Poster: slave shop to 4th Poster: sell my sister 5th Poster: to some horny 6th Poster: group of orcs. Remember this all about fun. ;) Darkness brought perversion
Last reply by Cash Money Chad , -
- Community Administrator
- 398 replies
Just like the other "What was the last [insert thing here]" games here, the title says it all. Simply post the full title and the artist of the song that you have listened on repeat, or has become an earworm you can't get out of your head. If you want others to try out the song that you can't get enough of, maybe consider adding a YouTube, SoundCloud or Spotify link to your post. If the song can only be found in a compilation like a complete album release, try adding the time mark of the song's start. I'll begin: Jake Hill - London on my Mind. I can't stop humming to it as I'm swinging from side to side.
Last reply by Dozle The Crusader , -
- 53 replies
I'm interested to see what happens if we change the game just a little. Rules are the same as Keep/Change but you may, instead of changing a word, add one. No limit to how long it can get. Just for grins, adding, changing or deleting one punctuation mark can be part of either a change or addition, but must immediately precede or follow the word changed or added. Think monkeys and typewriters... Just to keep things clean, I'll start in the next post. Damn it Ecchia, don't help. Dreams
Last reply by Christopher Lazarus , -
- 225 replies
Another easy game for you all to dive into. Each post will have two parts: 1) your "completed" sentence from the second part of the last post. 2) Your next sentence with one or more blank spots to fill out. Use whatever words you feel for. I will of course start us off: "I went to the (blank) to have my (blank) looked at".
Last reply by Huginn Blue , -
The Edit Game 1 2
by Mysthero-
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- 44 replies
This is a fun writing practice I used to do to try and improve my writing skills. If anyone wants to participate, I would love to see what you can do! Here's how it works we start with a 3 word sentence. Each person can add 1 word and edit 1 word. You then list your changes beneath the new version. Example A: The cat ran Example B: The fast cat runs Added fast, changed ran to runs. Whatever you edit a word to be it, it has to be similar to it's original form. Example C : Ran-Run-Runs-Running The end goal is to tell a story. You can theoretically end up with dozens of paragraphs if enough is added. What naughty story can we come…
Last reply by IsabellaRose , -
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In a similar vein to Corrupt a Wish, in this game one person suggests a super power they could have, and the next person gives a condition for it's use, before giving their own power for the next person, and so on. For example (you're welcome to use the examples in the thread for a 'proper' response): P1: Invisibility P2: Can only turn invisible when nobody is looking. Able to cure any illness. So let's continue from the example I gave.
Last reply by Jtcookie , -
- 7 replies
Simple game, Poster must post two truths and lie about themselves! Whoever guesses the lie, gets to go next! Hello! I'm Myst 1. I swam with dolphins in mexico before getting kidnapped by two drunk women when I was six years old. 2. I successfully evaded police after skinny dipping at night, only to go to the police station the next day to report my wallet was stolen. 3. I worked as a private investigator during my career, specializing bailbonds and cheating spouses.
Last reply by Mysthero , -
- 202 replies
I everyone i remember playing this game as child and later on a larger scale on facebook as teen, so i thought i would try to replicate it here! Basically someone says a short sentence describing an action and the next person says "and then" followed by what they do next. Ex.: i open the door>(nextdreamer): And then i checked the mail>(nextdreamer): And the i noticed a letter from my mom>.... And so on! I'll start! I was driving to work!
Last reply by bumpnrun , -
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- 0 replies
Tell us a true embarrassing story without really telling what happened, but still implying it. I'll start. When i was a child i was a dbz fanatic. And I had a set of marbles that looked like the dragon balls. But i would always get my toys and games stolen by other kids, and couldn't let that happen with these special marbles. The next thing i know I'm at the hospital stitting on a toilet holding my mom's hand with the doctor telling me to "just push"...
Last reply by Roxy Love ,
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