Kitsuyumia Posted July 8, 2021 Posted July 8, 2021 This is the biggest part of the ship a large open area which resembles a city. The entire prominade, garden, red light sector, and parts of the engineering sector as well. This subject is more akin to being a generic topic for interaction in this area.
Mysthero Posted July 9, 2021 Posted July 9, 2021 "When did this stop working!?" Travis worked in one of the smaller clinics between the Promenade and the Red Light sector which as can be imagined meant the place was often understaffed and overworked. Right now their portable photosynthesis lamp for emergency treatments was not working. One of the staff believing 'the bulb just burned out' had placed the lamp in the corner of the clinic and left it. Now one of the working florasians from the red light sector was malnourished from working long hours without properly caring for themselves and Travis didn't have a working lamp! His grunts and expletives of frustrations could be heard throughout the clinic as the emitter was fine but it was the power source that had burned itself out from being left on for longer than normal. It took a bit of work and honestly a bit longer than he wanted to get the lamp in working order but it was better he did it than sent a request for repairs which would have taken days to get a response... if at all. Travis rolled the lamp over to one of the nurses. "Get this to room two please, once she feels well enough to leave she needs to go to a photo-genesis chamber and take the rest of the day off work." Sadly this only took up a small portion of his day and by the time his lunch break rolled around he was ready to collapse! His dark blue uniform nearly disheveled and fraying at the edges of the sleeves and hem showed the effects of long term use or rather abuse. Just wanting some fresh air for a few precious minutes, Travis stepped out from the clinic and found a nearby bench overlooking the promenade. Like a weary traveler his legs gave out and caused him to nearly fall into a seated position before resting his face into the palms of his hands. His back, shoulders, arms, legs and oddly enough even his ass ached from the stress of the first half of the day. The medical ward had better equipment and more staff while these clinics were suppose to act more as first aid stations. That wasnt the case as the needs of the patients often superceded the desire to travel to another section of the ship for medical care. There was a loud, audible inhale through his fingers before he lowered his hands and exhaled. Unfortunately he wasnt near one of the parks to actually enjoy 'fresh' air... but at least he wasnt crowded at the moment. There was a brief moment where he allowed himself to consider requesting a transfer to the medical ward. Maybe he would actually have time to try and get a date if he did that? Course, that would require him having the nerve to ask someone. Most of the other kids he grew up with paired off early and it made dating something of a luxury not afforded to the less charismatic. The stomach growling was loud enough for him to hear over the bustle outside the clinic and snapped Travis back to his current reality and problem. "...I forgot my lunch." 1
Harmony Frost Posted July 16, 2021 Posted July 16, 2021 (edited) As one of the most sought after performers in the Red Light district, Marigold didn’t really need money. She sustained herself through her singing and occasional private shows from the wealthy among the ship. Even officers solicited her services and she had acquired a cushy nest egg for herself. But there was only so much indulgence one could take before having some sort of existential crisis. At least where Goldie was concerned. And so to fill that void and hopefully provide relief to the hardworking individuals at the clinics, Marigold volunteered. Whether it was singing to cheer up patients, running errands or even cleaning bedpans, she did so with a smile on her face and a full heart. After all, it took a lot to get her down. Although this particular day was trying to. The little clinic sandwiched between the shops and the Red Light district was as usual crowded and understaffed. Not to mention seriously lacking in working equipment. Goldie was nearing her limit with running back and forth between Florasians and casting her glow upon them when the portable pods were acting faulty. This was not to mention the needy, clinging patients who all demanded her attention never-mind that she wasn’t qualified to look over their ailments in the same capacity as an actual medical aide. She did her best to appease them, but if one more tentacle smacked across her backside she was going to scream. “Mr. Darwin if you keep it up you’ll have to add burns to your list of problems,” she threatened, still smiling sweetly although her eyes were like fire. The blue, tentacled make retracted bashfully making his face a rather violent shade of purple. She smirked inwardly at this, fluffed his pillows and walked briskly out of the room, her short, white volunteers uniform dress swishing slightly from her movements. “Mischa, I’m going on my break!” She called out to the pretty, five armed red haired girl manning the phones. Mischa waved back with one of her hands, the others still focusing on their independent tasks. Marigold went to the back and snatched up her lunchbox making a beeline for the exit lest someone else find her and demand her assistance for “just a few minutes”. Once she was outside, she took a deep, cleansing breath, her hair dimming slightly as she allowed herself to actually feel her exhaustion. That was until she spotted a familiar face. “Trav, is that you?” She greeted joyfully, her hair brightening again. “It seems I’m not the only one who had to escape!” Grinning, she plopped down onto the bench, sitting a bit too close than necessary but she hoped he wouldn’t mind. Honestly he looked too tired to even notice and she wondered if her presence was bothering him. He might’ve come out here to be alone. “I uh, I hope you don’t mind my company. I came out here to have my lunch. It’s gourmet, you can totally have some, I always order way too much!” She offered, smiling sweetly at him. @Mysthero Edited July 19, 2021 by Harmony Frost 1
Mysthero Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 "Oh Marigold!" It wasnt exactly a jump but he did find himself startled when she came up on him! Travis wasnt used to others sharing their break with him, much less offee part of their lunch! He smiled warmly to her before shaking his head politely. "That's very kind of you, but I'm okay!" There was a loud growl from the pit of his stomach as if his whole body rejected his attempt at politeness! Simultaneously color had left his face that was twisting in pain caused by hunger pangs. "...Maybe just a little." He recanted his rejection of her offer before moving over on the bench to give her some room to sit. He did have some water and had been drinking to keep hydrated throughout a very trying day. "How has your day been? Things are never dull with the patients whenever you're around!" Travis smiled at her and mentally checked his clock to make sure he had enough time left of his break to enjoy some food and pleasant conversation for once! It wasnt that Travis was disliked, not really anyway... it was more of the fact that at times he could be a bit of a klutz and his social anxiety forced him to be quiet around anything more than one person, but Marigold had a talent of making him feel comfortable to open up faster than others. 1
Harmony Frost Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 She was just about to insist on sharing when Travis’s stomach gave him away with a loud growl. Goldie giggled, and placed her lunchbox in between them on the bench. She pulled out two forks, almost as if she had been anticipating them eating together like this. That may have been partially true. She did find him rather attractive but he was always so busy at the clinic (as was she) and there was hardly ever any time to sit and talk like this. So this was a rare treat, one she didn’t want to let go to waste. As Marigold divided up the food, using the lid as a plate for Travis—she answered his query, rolling her eyes a bit. “Ah yes, definitely never dull. More like exhausting. And frustrating. My ass stings from it getting pinched by the lecherous guys and a few girls here,” she complained, heaping pasta, meat and veggies onto his plate. “I get enough of that at the club. Actually, sometimes the people at the clinic are less respectful. But I can manage it. Most of our patients truly appreciate what little I can do for them as a volunteer. What about you? How have you been? You’re like one of the hardest working people here,” Marigold praised. “And don’t try to downplay your importance; you always do that,” she pointed out, giving him a knowing smile. Plus he looked tired and they both knew that there was half of a shift left to be worked. What he needed was to relax. At that thought she got an idea, “Hey! You should come see me sing at the club tonight. I’ll let the manager know you’re my guest so you can get in free. It’ll be the perfect way to relax and unwind. How does that sound?” 1
Mysthero Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 He nodded with acknowledgement at her voicing the problems that a brilliantly attractive volunteer would run into in such a clinic. It was at her compliment to him that he began his process of dismissing but she had beaten him to the punch which left his face mildly slack. He didnt really like that he was that predictable, but he couldn't deny that she had him pegged correctly. "I'm alright, honestly." To be honest, there were thoughts he struggled with. As a child born on the ARK, it's easy to imagine exciting new worlds or seeing something other than walls and stars in the vacuum of empty space. As he grew up however there was a realization that they may very realistically never find a home in his lifetime. He was at times worried what that meant was life was just status quo and far less interesting than anything he could have hoped for. This was why he was caught even more off guard when she invited him to his club! It's not that he wasnt tempted to go to the Red Light section at times... especially when the loneliness got really bad! But he had never gone outside of a medical emergency! On hearing the opportunity to hear her sing he nearly blurted out instantly. "Absolutely! That sounds like fun!" 1
Harmony Frost Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 For a moment Marigold wondered if she was being too pushy. Her mothering sometimes got on people’s nerves. But when Travis readily accepted her invitation Goldie grinned, “Wonderful!” She said exuberantly, raising her head slightly to kiss his cheek, her glossy lips landing closer o the corner of his mouth. “It’ll be so nice to have you there. I thought you were going to say no. I don’t think I’ve seen you around the Red Light district outside of work. I’d love to know what you’re like out in the wild,” she teased, swirling her fork in her pasta and taking a big bite. “I’ll make sure Jim puts you in a front row seat tonight. Don’t want you missing any of the action.”
Harmony Frost Posted July 20, 2021 Posted July 20, 2021 For a moment Marigold wondered if she was being too pushy. Her mothering sometimes got on people’s nerves. But when Travis readily accepted her invitation Goldie grinned, “Wonderful!” She said exuberantly, raising her head slightly to kiss his cheek, her glossy lips landing closer o the corner of his mouth. “It’ll be so nice to have you there. I thought you were going to say no. I don’t think I’ve seen you around the Red Light district outside of work. I’d love to know what you’re like out in the wild,” she teased, swirling her fork in her pasta and taking a big bite. “I’ll make sure Jim puts you in a front row seat tonight. Don’t want you missing any of the action.” 1
Mysthero Posted July 21, 2021 Posted July 21, 2021 "I uh, I never been actually... outside of work I mean." He took a few quick bites of his offered share of the lunch. It seemed the invitation alone had return some vitality to Travis now he seemed to eagerly want to refuel the tank so he could look forward to this evening. The kiss did catch him off guard though and there even seemed to be a small flush of color to his cheeks at the show of affection. There were clear signs that he wasn't used to it at all. Quickly he tried to speak to take the attention off his nervousness. "I'm really looking forward to it! Any change to this routine is a good one... especially a change invited by you." Well, the blush returned even stronger, Travis had gone from loner to frantically blushing within a few seconds. 1
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