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[SataiRolePlayingGuy & AirAllie14] Girl School Adventures

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Bianka was feeling it get close, she pushed on though.  That was how they got here.  It would be her second time, she still had to give Beth her first.  She wanted to feel the girl orgasm, while her tongue was inside her.  To be one step closer to the same sort of girl as her roommate, she eagerly looked forward to the rest of night, wondering how much it would be Beth teaching her to be that kind of girl.  She would not let herself orgasm again until Beth had her first one.  Her tongue looked for any untouched spot, went as deep as it could go.  By now Beth probably figured out it was helped by the fact she enjoyed the taste, devouring it like a rare treat.

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Bianks blushed a little as she felt Beth squirt into her.  Going so far as to swallow the portion that went into her mouth.  Her head dropped at that point.  It only took another moment of hearing her soft squealing moans, as she squirmed around, gleefully for what was coming, and then it did.  She let out another long, louder, but still soft moan as her back arched and she reached her second climax.  Her body rested for a second.  But she knew it would be short.  Neither of them were done, both were ready and willing to go all night.

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Bianka wondered about that.  She did not know much about this stuff other than what Beth had already taught her.  Did have much more idea about how two girls had sex.  She wanted any advice she could get in how to be like Beth, but did not want to over do questions after last time.  That and she was not sure what to ask or if it was something that even could be 'taught' like that.  "Is there anything you think I should experience?  Things I might not expect, but that other girls like to do to girls like you...girls like us?"  That seemed the best place to start, practice for anything she might be expecting but might experience more often.

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Beth nodded at Bianka’s question and thought about it. “Let’s see. I’ve taught you the basics but there is still more.” She then rolled off the bed and went to her closet where she pulled out a big box. Inside of the box was a lot of different sex toys. Beth dug through it before she found what she was looking far. “Ah! Here it is!” She then pulled out a strap on and began to slip it on.

”There we are. Some very dominant girls like to wear these strap on. It lets them fuck girl just like if they were a man and the girl feels as if she were being ducked by a man as well. What to try it?”

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Bianka wondered why Beth had it, if her implication was girls like them were usually on the receiving end?  Did she have it in case she brought another girl over, who wanted to use it on her?  She left the question unasked.  Looking at it, seeing the phallic shape, she was definitely turned on.  The idea of Beth fucking her like a man.  The sort of thing, with Beth or other girls was as close as she would get for a few years.  She bit her lip nervously, excitedly and nodded, her legs reflexively inching further apart.  She came here a virgin, this was sex as she imagined it, and she was looking forward to feeling it.

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Bianka took a few deep breaths as Beth approached.  Any girl who offered this would probably an easy time with her.  Well at this point any girl might have an easy time with her, but with that, she might just beg for it.  She closed her eyes as it touched her, another squeal moan as it went inside.  "Please, Beth, more"  She was already begging.  She wanted to feel it go in and out, a sense of what it would be like with a boy.  At this moment she would do absolutely anything Beth said to feel more of it.  She desperately waited for it to really begin.  How much did she remind Beth of herself, she wondered, as she waited.

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Beth blinked and stared in shock as she heard Bianca squeal. She then smirked and grabbed onto her hips and said, “of course.” She then began to move, thrusting in and out, back and forth inside of Bianca. “You like that? Of course you do. You’re just a slut for cock aren’t you? It’s alright. You’ll learn to be a slut for pussy sooner or later. You won’t even think about cock as much as you do now. Just laid there for now and take this you slut!” Beth yelled at the girl, repeating things that other girls often yelled at her.

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Bianka understood, Beth was giving her a taste of what other girls might say to her while doing this.  It turned her on a little more.  She could not deny her words either, she had changed so much so quickly.  How much more would she change, at Beth's hands, or other girls?  "Yes, yes, I'm your slut!  Keep giving me more, please, harder."  It was a reflexive response, that she would probably say to any girl doing this to her, just proving it right.  How long did it take to 'teach' Beth that?  She might when they were done with this part?  Did Beth still crave this sort of thing?  All she knew was it felt so good, to get fucked like this and she wanted more.

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Bianka's mind got hazy as Beth pounded her.  She would be putty in the hands of any girl that did this to her.  She understood most of Beth said now, how so many girls here got so into this sort of thing.  And this was only her first taste.  Imagining being 'popular' like Beth was, she could picture it.  The 'alpha' girls, the arrogant bitches in her class.  They would see it immediately, wouldn't they?  What sort of girl she was?  Would it be as soon as tomorrow, that one or more 'claimed' her?  The part she could not believe until recently, was that it excited her.  She wanted Beth to tell her ways to make it more obvious, that she wanted them to do whatever they wanted to her.  She was imagining Beth as one of those girls.  At the moment she could not say anything, the little she could think was focused on those fantasies, her mouth just let out an endless moan.  She was so grateful to Beth, the same as her, but managing to act like one of the girls they craved, teaching her what life here was like for girls like them.

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Beth continued to pound and duck Bianca, thrusting fast and hard in and out of her. It was nice to see Bianca like this, completely given into pleasure and lust. Part of her was looking forward to seeing what was next for her, who she would end up with and what she would look like days from now. Part of her however also wanted to have lots more sex with her. Part of her had latched onto Bianca since the moment she watched in. She wanted lots more of her. Even though they were both submissive, she wanted to do more with her.

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Bianka felt the same.  Sure, both of them would  regularly end up being used by others, sometimes girls they knew, sometimes strangers.  They would sometime go together to be used at the same time too, either by the same girl, or a group of girls.  She completely understood now, why that sort of thing appealed to Beth.  She wanted it badly too, to experience for real, with an actual dominant girl.  But at the same time, perhaps because they were so similar, and because they were living together for the next few years, she felt a different sort of drawing towards Beth.  One she did not completely understand.  She wanted both to be used together with her, but also more one on one time together.  Plenty of sex, but other things too.  At least a friend.  Yes, a friend.  She was a straight girl after all. 

It would not take much longer.  How could it?  How could something so good take very long to reach orgasm?  Beth could clearly see the signs.  She wondered what it felt like, submissive as she was, to see herself having this effect on another girl?

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Beth continued to thrust fast and hard. She knew that it wouldn’t be long now. She had never been so dominant in her life until today. She wasn’t used to it but a part of her felt good doing this for Bianca. She reached down and cupped one of her cheeks and stared into her eyes. She couldn’t stop staring. She didn’t want to stop fucking Bianca either. She wanted to use her over and over again. She wanted them to have fun together all night. She felt so much lust and passion. She just wanted to be with this girl. She had never felt this way with another girl before. Every other girl she had been with was a one and done and occasional fuck here and there but with Bianca, she wanted to be with her again and again and again. She just wanted to be with her. She couldn’t ask for a better roommate than her.

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Bianka opened her eyes, looked Beth in the eyes, when she touched her cheek.  She did not know why Beth did it but she could not help maintain eye contact.  At least until her eyes rolled back as the orgasm came, more intense than before, making enough noise their neighbors might heard, then her body went momentarily limp again.  She panted heavily as she recovered.  “…You were repeating what other girls said to you, weren’t you?  Were they right?  If they were, how long did it take?”  She was curious to see if the same would happen to her, if so, would the time be the same.

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Beth looked down at Bianca, happy that she was able to make her feel so good, feel so much pleasure and able to help her orgasm. She then blinked as Bianca began to ask questions. Beth frowned as she heard those questions. It took her a moment but then she sighed and began.

”Yeah… I was… repeating things that other girls have told to me… They were right… I told you… I was just like you… straight as a board… all I knew was that a girl was meant to be a boy… the only thing I knew was cock… as for your next question…” Beth then took another breath before answering.

”It took a while… when I came here… I was very quiet… very shy… very submissive…. because if this… and me being straight… I was raped…” Beth paused for a moment and then continued, “I would be raped over and over by other girls who were trying to ‘convert’ me… I was stubborn… I wouldn’t give in… but one day I did… I gave in… I couldn’t take it anymore…” after saying that, Bianca would feel something drip onto her cheek, looking up she would see tears in Beth’s eyes.

“I-I didn’t want the same to happen to you… I’m glad that… I was able to help you… back at the cafeteria… I was so protective because I was trying to protect you from the others… you have actually adapted to this… a lot quicker than most… a lot quicker than me… I can tell you still have some doubts and that you still have some straight thoughts but… I’m glad I could help you to experience this and give you your first steps… better me than… some of the other girls here…”

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Bianka realized she asked a sensitive question as soon as Beth started to answer.  She listened to it all.  She felt really guilty for opening a wound like that.  Seeing her tears, she never would have guessed that based on their earlier conversation.  She sat up and tightly hugged the other girl, not caring they were still naked.  “I’m so sorry, Beth.”  She just held her for a minute silently, then let go, wiping some of the tears from Beth’s eyes.  How many girls here went through that?  Beth made it sound like most did.

”…It’s weird.  You haven’t exactly ‘converted’ me.  I still think I’m straight…but I’m…comfortable doing stuff like this with other girls now.  Thank you. For what you did back there, and here.  I feel a little guilty now, thinking I’m the same as you, wanting to be like you, go out and do those things with you, now that I know what you went through.”  They were very similar, they just ended up the way they were for different reasons.  Was Beth really happy with what she said earlier, about wanting to be just like her?  She nervously waited to find out.

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Beth blinked and stared in shock as she felt Bianca suddenly hug her. It felt nice and comforting. “It’s alright… there was nothing you could do… this is just how some of the girls here are towards new girls…”

She then nodded along and said, “yeah… I figured that much, still, I’m glad you’re more comfortable. If you’re not a full fledged lesbian, maybe you can be more bisexual? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be just like me. You can still be like me, it’s just that, the way I am today.. came because of some horrible things done to me… I like and fuck girls because.. that’s how I was conditioned but you do it much more for experimental reasons. I can understand that. I would be more than happy to help you be like me. It will definitely get you more popular and help you get more experience. You can join me from time to time or anytime really and of course we can keep doing it like this too, together…”

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It was still a little shocking.  Bianka was surprised it was a genuine conversion.  That Beth really liked girls after going through that. “I don’t see anything wrong with being a lesbian, or bi…I just still don’t think it really describes me, hard as it might be to believe after everything we just did.”  Deep down, she just did not really feel like her sexuality changed.

She took Beth’s hand, gripping it.  ”…You were right though. I am submissive too.  I understand that now.  That’s why I want to do those things, together with you, go out to find more dominant girls, see what they do to us…I’m even looking forward to getting seen by girls like that in class…what they might do to me.  I’m sorry for what you went through, but I still look up to you.  Want to be like you.”

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Beth looked at Bianca as she took her hand, blushing a little at her words. She then smiled as she heard this and gave a nod as well. “I’m happy to hear that Bianca. I guess we really are the same in that sense. My submissiveness always makes me feel like that too… never knowing who will approach me and what they will do to me. It turns me on so much… and now I’ll be happy to share it with you. We’ll do this and face it together.”

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“Not tonight, but I hope we can do it soon.  I want to know what it’s like.  Maybe I’ll find out tomorrow.  You think it’s likely one of the girls in class will take me?  Whether or not it does, I want to do it with you as soon we can.”  Tonight was just the two of them, that would remain the case.  But she was clearly getting turned on again, imaging the two of them going through it together.  She hoped they could find time as soon as tomorrow.

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Bianka decided to ask the other question she had on her mind.  She rubbed her other hand up and down the shaft of the strap on.  “You said this was something dominant girls liked to use on girls like us.  Was this normally used on you by girls you brought over?  Am I the first you used it on?”  She was curious.  That was what it sounded like earlier, but maybe Beth had used it before.  “…What other sorts of toys were in that box?”  Was it mostly stuff to be used by visitors on them, or was there variety?

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