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[SataiRolePlayingGuy & AirAllie14] Girl School Adventures

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“…She really is addicted to sex.”  The first said, with some amusement.  All of the girls here had become part of the system.  Most of them were drawn to girls like Beth, but there were few, if any quite like her.  “Some day I might just tie her up and force her to watch me masturbate, see her squirm and beg.”  The third girl said, but stopped fingering herself and stepped closer.  “Alright you sex starved little slut, show me how good you are.  The three of us almost out of time for our turn, so you better get to work…if you don’t get me off, I’ll punish you later.”  Maybe she would do that, the denial stuff she talked about, maybe something else.  Either way, she Beth under pressure.

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Beth blushed as she thought about what the third girl was suggesting doing to her. She could imagine how agonizing it would be for her, still she was finally happy when the girl agreed to let her pleasure her pussy. As she leaned in, Beth gave her a nod and immediately leaned in and went to work, letting her tongue play with her clit and wiggle around her insides.

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"She's been trained well.  Hard to believe she used to pretend to hate this.  Pretended she only wanted boys."  The second girl said, watching the tongue go to work and the third immediately start moaning.  The second was not as responsible as someone like Rebecca, but she had been invited to play with Beth one of those early times, knew how much the girl had changed and now gleefully watched as her fist worked it's way up Beth's ass.  "This feels better, doesn't it, Beth?  You would never want to do it with a boy now, would you?  That was just you being stupid and in denial."  The second added.  This sort of talk would never end while she was here.  Whatever Beth's sexuality was deep down, they were manipulating her, almost brainwashing her, to the point sex or a relationship with a boy after graduation would just feel wrong.  Some had done it intentionally, but for girls like this it was more about getting Beth into it, encouraging her to love doing it with all girls.

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Beth continued to moan louder and louder as the girls continued to pump their finish in and out of her ass. Her tongue continued to work on the third girl’s pussy as her occasional moans added to the pleasure by sending some vibrations through her. As the second girl spoke, Beth blushed at the words and nodded and answered, “y-yes…! Yes it feels good…! I-I would never do it with a boy… never! I-I was being stupid…. I was in denial…! I’ll never do it with a boy! I-I love girls!”

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It was turning some of the girls on, including in the audience, seeing how the girl had been changed, possibly permanently.  Though if several men put her through similar ‘training’ after graduation, it was interested to think if it would work.  “You probably wouldn’t even feel anything having sex with a boy anymore, you love it big like this, don’t you?”  The first girl asked, loving how they were stretching her holes, manipulating her further.  “If you saw a naked boy, it would disgust you, wouldn’t it?  That body, having one of those little things squirming in you,”. She was having fun, was trying to manipulate Beth further.  The idea of someone’s sexuality being genuinely changed was supposed to be impossible, but Beth had seemingly genuinely changed.  She wanted reinforce it even more, make the thought of a boy’s body, different from her own, actually disgust her.  Make her repulsed by the idea of sex with a boy.

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Beth listened to the first girl and nodded at her questions. “Yes… I-I like it big.., I like it like this…! Yes, it would disgust me if I saw a boy naked! I would never be satisfied with a boy! Girls, I only want girls! I can only feel pleasure from a girl! I love this! I love being used by girls! I-use me more… please! I’m a slut for girls! I crave girls! I love girls!!!”

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"You should be getting close by now, shouldn't you.  Would be rather disappointing it we had to give you up before you were done."  The first girl noted.  She wondered if Beth saying a lot of this stuff just to please them, to say whatever they wanted her to say.  It did seem genuine though.  They were curious to see if this was any different from the sort of orgasms she had had before or that any of them had seen before with others.  This was new to Beth, but none of the other girls had seen anything quite like this either.  All watching, all looking for a sign to see just how good it really felt for Beth.  They all wanted a piece of her now, but they wanted to see what sort of climax this girls would give her.  They were focused now, trying to make sure they saw it before their turn ended.

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Beth nodded saying, “y-yes… I-I’m getting… r-really close… I-I’m… gonna cum soon!” She told the girls as she felt it building inside of her. She wanted to experience it as well, just what kind of intense orgasm she would have being fisted by two girls at once. As this continued, she also began to pleasure the thrust girl with her tongue more intensely as well as she too wanted the girl to cum for her before the time was up.

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Beth had at least a lot of practice and skill in the area.  The third girl consider this at least close to one of her best times.  It felt so good and watching what the other two were doing and Beth's reactions only made it better.  She was having a hard time standing now, but forced herself to stay up.  She was not able to say anything anymore.  There was no danger of her threatened punishment at least, though she was still considering doing it for fun at some point.  It only took her another moment, a loud moan as she climaxed, her legs gave out, she fell to the floor, but was unhurt, just resting as the other two aggressively worked to finish,

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Beth smiled happily as she listens to the girl moan out and watched as she fell to the floor after climaxing. As the two other continued to pump away at her holes, Beth couldn’t take much more. She screamed out loudly and her body shook. Her own legs could barely stand and she found herself falling into her desk for support. Her holes tightened around the two fists as she began to orgasm hard, so intense that it caused her to pee, making streams of pee and her juices leak down the first girl’s arm and her own legs. The second girl wasn’t left entirely with nothing as she could feel a little something pressing against her fist as well. This was hands down by far the most intense orgasm Beth had ever had.

Edited by AirAllie14
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“Beth may be anything you can think of.  But let’s keep the classroom clean.”  Miya called out, with a small smile.  Some of that could not be avoided as a side effect of what they were doing, but it was one thing Miya did not want to be over done.

The two girls behind Beth pulled their arms out and presented them to Beth.  “Wash our hands.”  The first girl said.  The rest of the class was figuring out who would be next and what they would do.  They thought that was all very interesting, but wanted some variety in what was next.

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Things kept going for a while, one group after another.  Some more focused on doing things to Beth, others on telling Beth to do things to them.  But eventually the whole class had a turn with her, likely wearing her down.  Possibly giving her a hard time focusing on the rest of the days classes.  She would have some time to rest though, to recover before having to find Bianka and Rebecca.  Miya was unlikely to bother her over the rest of the day.  She was willing to reward Beth for her show.

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As everything continued on, Beth came lots more times and she helped others orgasm as well. By the end after everyone had a turn, Beth laid there on the floor panting heavily, completely exhausted as she was given a chance to rest. It felt incredible, she had never had a group play like that before. She laid there, her legs dripping with her juices, her clothes were a mess as well and her face was stained with other girl’s juices. She had almost forgotten about about Bianca and Rebecca and wondered if she would have the energy to pleasure Rebecca. She knew she would most like hear about what she had gotten up to and tease her about it though wondered if knowing about it would make her go easier on her or harder. She would see when the class ended, when the time came. For now though she just rested.

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Miya would let Beth lay on the floor, if she wanted.  She had earned that for today.  The classes just continued, occasionally one girl or another looking down at her, studying her.  But otherwise it was a normal day, normal as things were in this school.  The day went on until eventually the bell rang.  The other girls began making their way out of class.  Miya waited though, to see if Beth would get up on her own, would wait until the classroom was empty before she left.

Bianka had certainly had an experience of her own.  Not the same, but certainly significant.  She had not done anything with her classmates yet, but she had got the attention of her teacher.  She had followed Beth's footsteps, was already the Teacher's Pet of her class, with a time taken for the teacher to teach the class what that meant.  Part of it being Bianka taking some time to please the teacher and be pleased by her, while the class watched.  There was also some explanation of the non-sexual aspects.  She was likely to get attention from here on in class.  For now though, she was looking forward to meeting up with Beth, and that Rebecca girl, see what happened with the three of them.

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Beth heard the bell signaling the end of classes and heard as the other girl all packed up and got up and left the classroom. As they left, Beth continued to laid there for a little moment before finally getting up herself. She found her soaked panties laying next to her and pulled them up her legs with a sigh. She then packed her her things as well and began to make her way out. She gave a small wave at Miya, thankful that she didn’t want to have a session today, she didn’t know if she would be able to function if she had to deal with the class Rebecca and Miya all in once day.

Beth stumbled tiredly out of the classroom and made her way out of the classroom to go find Bianca. As she walked down the halls, her juices dropped down her legs though it wasn’t a rare sigh for her or other students to see or be in this position. She didn’t both to clean herself at this point, everyone already knew her and her reputation. As she walked, she could see people looking at her and heard whispers, word already likely spreading about what she had done in class.

She continued on and soon found Bianca, smiling softly. “H-hey… r-ready to go to Rebecca’s….?” 

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Bianka had not surprised Beth had some fun in class, but it looked like she had even more than the had expected.  Bianka did not show nearly as many signs, but she was not sure if someone as experienced as Beth might notice something.  “Y, yeah.  Let’s go.”  She would follow Beth there, looking forward to it, how a girl like that might treat both of them.  She just hoped it was not too much, Beth looked tired than she was after their all nighter.  She could see the girls talking about Beth, but was not sure if it was about something new or not, and could not hear what they were saying.  “…It looks like my teacher likes me as much as yours like you.”  She let Beth know about the progress she made, while they walked to Rebecca’s room.

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Beth nodded and began to lead Bianca to Rebecca’s room. As she did, she did not mind the girl staring and talking about her, some of which even looked like they wanted a piece of her as well. She was silent, trying to converge her energy a little and then blinked as Bianca spoke. “Oh…? Really…? First day and you’re already a teacher’s pet huh?” She chuckled softly a little. “Good for you… do you have any gun today…?”

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“I think she was mostly impressed I already knew about it, and was doing things to get her attention.”  She was happy about being chosen.  Surprised she was used to give the others a lesson.  “She used me to teach the others what it meant.  An idea of what they can expect here, kind of like how you taught me last night.  Though I haven’t done anything with any of the other girls in class yet.”  They all looked at her a little different after that.  Though she was not sure exactly in what ways yet.  Powerful yet submissive, almost an assistant to the teacher, but likely to let others do what they wanted to her otherwise.

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Beth nodded and smiled softly saying, “well I’m happy for you..,” she said as they continued on. She wondered if Bianca had heard anything about what she had done today but considering she didn’t bring it up she probably hadn’t.

As they continued on, she soon arrived at a room. Beth took a breath and then gave it a knock uttering, “Rebecca…? It’s me.. Beth… and my roommate Bianca…”

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Word was not spreading quite that fast.  Bianka would surely hear it eventually, though she had not yet.  She was more focused on her own progress, what happened in class today, what might happen later, but also what was about to happen.  Rebecca had mentioned the possibility of inviting a friend, she wondered if that had happened.

It was quiet for a moment, then the door unlocked and opened.  Rebecca seemed to be alone, and she was partially ‘dressed’ for the occasion, only wearing underwear.  She looked over the two girls.  She knew Beth’s body quite well of course, Bianka was a new treat though.  “You know where my bed is, Beth.  Take your new friend over.  We’re going to have a lot of fun.”  She was looking forward to putting Bianka through some of what Beth had gone through, curious to see how similar the reactions would be.

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Beth nodded softly and took Bianca’s hand and began to lead her off to Rebecca’s bedroom with her. Once there, Beth began to undress and uttered, “you should probably strip down to your underwear too…” she wondered what Rebecca had in mind for them. Wondered if she could break Bianca like she had done with her.

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Bianka nodded after following Beth to the room.  She was a little more comfortable with this now, but was not completely used to doing it for a girl she did not really know, like Rebecca.  But she partially undressed as she waited.

A moment later Rebecca came in, looked over both girls.  “…She’s a lot like you, Beth, isn’t she?”  Rebecca asked Beth about Bianka, seeing some similarity, just in their presence.  “I wonder if she would enjoy my lessons as much as you did.”  As much as she liked doing Beth, the idea of going through the early process again, with another girl, appealed to her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beth watched as Bianca obediently stripped down like she had instructed. Beth then sat there in the bed and waited for Rebecca to join then which she did after a short while.

As she spoke, Beth found herself blushing. She looked up at Rebecca nodding and replying, “yes…. She is like me… I tried my best to try and teach her like you had me but… I’m just not as good as you… I think she would really enjoy it with you… you can teach her in the ways I cannot….”

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Bianka found the response from Beth interesting.  After the breakdown she saw the previous night, she was unsure how upset Beth was about everything.  Was she happy with the results, but somewhat traumatized by the methods?  Or was it something else?  She realized there was a chance even Beth was not completely sure.

”Well, it took you a while to learn.  And it was not just me…”. Rebecca did want to emotionally play with Beth some more.  “Percentage wise, how much was I responsible, compared to other girls.  Was it me or someone that convinced you you are what you are?”  Was she most responsible for making Beth into a slut?  Into considering herself a lesbian?  She was curious.  “Be honest now, I won’t punish you, if others were more responsible.”

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