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[SataiRolePlayingGuy & AirAllie14] Girl School Adventures

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Eventually the shaking drew Bianka out of sleep.  To a degree, she was still half asleep as she rubbed her eyes clear.  She pushed herself out of bed slowly.  "...morning..."  She mumbled in her tired voice.  At this point she assumed Beth was back to her more submissive side.  She slowly made her way over to the shower to clean up from the long night, unsure if she was going to be joined or not.  She had to take a little time but knew she had to go a little faster than she would prefer.  She kept the water hot, too.  As much as it might have helped her wake up, she hated the idea of taking a cold shower.  She wanted to enjoy it a little.

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“Good morning,” Beth smiled at her roommate and watched as she made her way over to the bathroom. Beth them looked down at her body and realized she had to go get ready as well. She needed to shower as well however, maybe they could save some time if they used it together.

As Bianka began to shower, she would soon get a surprise as Beth entered the shower with her asking, “you don’t mind if I join you, do you?”

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Bianka was not that surprised she was joined.  She shifted to the side to try to make room, though it was a little crowded.  The shower had clearly not been designed to have a lot of room for two people, but with the time that was left it made sense for both of them to try to do at the same time.  "Mmm, no...don't mind..."  She said, still not quite fully awake, as she waited to see what Beth preferred for how they positioned each other.  After everything they had gone though together, she was not bothered by anything she might see here, but the positions they took were likely to be more about the room they had than anything.

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Beth smiled at Bianka’s response and began to wash her body with the soap. She could see that Bianka was still half awake, part of her wondered if she could jolt her awake somehow, maybe tease her a little? She smiled a little at the thought and seeing Bianka vulnerable she spoke, “hey, want me to wash your back?”

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Bianka did not guess what was on Beth's mind.  "...That would be nice..."  She mumbled and turned.  It was nice to have someone to help wash her back.  Maybe they should take showers together regularly.  That was the sort of thing she was thinking as she waited.  Other ways to take advantage of the new situation.  More than roommates now, probably friends.  Lovers did not seem right, especially with her lingering uncertainties.  Though they did seem to be something more now, it was just hard to figure out exactly what they were.

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Beth smiled as Bianka accepted her offer. As she turned her back, Beth lathered up her hands with the soap and began to rub her hands against her back, making sure to get them nice and soapy and clean. She did not stop at her back however as she would move down to Bianka’s hips and then to her ass. She would rub, caress and playfully squeeze her ass cheeks before suddenly she wrapped her arms around Bianka and pressed her body up against her roommate’s. Her hands now to the front of Bianka began to trail down between her legs, soon finding her pussy. She would rub at her lower lips gently before inserting her fingers inside of her and beginning to finger her.

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Bianka relaxed at first, as Beth cleaned her.  It was nice, comfortable.  She might have started falling back to sleep, until the hands wandered further.  At first she did not think too much of it.  It was just places Beth had to wash anyways, even if it was a little extra exciting.  She did not think anything unusual was happening, until Beth wrapped her arms around her and pressed against her.  Her body twitched, she was suddenly much more awake.  She waited to see what the other girl was going to do.  Just how far did she plan to go with this.

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Beth continued to finger Bianka’s pussy and with her other hand she moved it up and began to grope and squeeze Bianka’s breast, teasing and playing with it and her nipple. She looked over at Bianka, smiling and asking, “are you a little more awake now, or are you still feeling sleepy?”

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"Ah..." Bianka yelped as the hands touched her.  "I'm awake now."  She doubted this would go too far or too long.  They did not have a lot of extra time, they could not mess around too much.  But she waited to see how much fun Beth decided to have as they washed.  The fact she still had to wash herself as well was another factor that would limit how much they did.  Was Beth just going to be a little playful while washing her, or would she go a little further?  She waited to see, or if she was going to stop that part, now that Bianka had woke up.

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Beth smiled as she heard Bianka’s response, she would not stop however. Her fingers continued to thrust in and out of Bianka’s pussy while her another hand continues to play with her breasts and nipples. She pressed herself up against Bianka a bit more as well, letting the girl’s Burt press against her crotch and letting her breasts press against Bianka’s back. She continued this for a while before finally pulling her fingers out and moved back a bit with a smile. “Good. Now hurry up, we don’t have much time.”

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Bianka just let it happen, surprised to even get this much out of it.  Another attempt to let Beth try to teach her, change her.  Like before, it felt a little strange, but more good than strange.  Her body still trying to decide how much she loved it.   Moaning a little as she was touched, reflexively pressing back against her.  It was not enough to compare to last night, but it was enjoyable.  When it was over she got back to work, continuing to work on finishing cleaning herself up, trying to give Beth room to do the same.  She might have offered to wash Beth's back as well but doubted there was time.

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Beth decided to stop short, both because they were short on time but also as a way to leave Bianka hanging and wanting more from her. She then resumed cleaning herself until soon enough she finished up and stepped out of the shower and dried herself with a towel.

Walking back to her room, Beth would begin to get dressed in her school uniform and once ready, she waited for Bianka so they could leave together.

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Bianka did not take too much longer to finish, quickly get dried off and get dressed.  There were strange lingering feelings.  Though after yesterday, she would not be too surprised if she found more of that in class.  She had certainly left the impression on the class, already managing to follow in Beth’s footsteps, becoming a pet of her own teacher.  “Do you have any plans, about the stuff you and Rebecca talked about last night?”  Would she already have plans, a specific girl or girls to lead to Rebecca?  A step to making their currently little gang a little bigger?

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Beth soon left her room with Bianka and looked over at her as she spoke. Beth did not have any concrete plans as of yet but wondered if Bianka would be able to help her out a little. “Hmmm, I had an idea. Being in the grade me and Rebecca are in, we don’t really have the liberty of meeting new girls. The only way I met you was because you became my roommate. You in the other hand are around new students all the time. I want you to scope out some girls in your class today that you think would benefit our cause and what we’re trying to do. Find the straightest girls you can, like yourself,” she said giving Bianka her orders.

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While she understood Beth could not meet new girls in class, Bianka had wondered if there was still anyone she had in mind in her own class.  Granted they were probably already 'converted' but there was still probably potential for bringing some into the group, make the obedient to Rebecca, if not Beth too.  But she understood the point of starting with other girls like her.  "I still don't really know anyone in class yet, but I can try to get an idea, see if there are any that stand out."  Statistically, it was probably a safe bet most of them considered themselves straight at this point.  She had most of the class to choose from.  For now she just had to figure out which was the best it sounded like.  It would be another day before they decided the next step with whichever girls seemed best.

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It was a little early for Bianka to be repeating the cycle.  Beth still had to do her part there.  But maybe it was possible.  She tried to picture the girls of her class, tried to think of which ones might appeal to Beth and Rebecca, for now it was about the gang more than her.  She did not really have preferences in that area yet.  “Do you think there is a chance of anything like yesterday happening again if we get breakfast?”  All this happened because they happened to run into Rebecca yesterday by chance.  She had to wonder if there was a chance of anything like that happening again, either something Beth might have an idea about or a complete surprise.

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Beth looked over at Bianka and gave her a nod saying, “yeah. There is the possibility that something like that will happen again, if you’re up for it. I don’t mind it at all, plus I’m hungry,” she told her. “You can come if you want or do anything you want till classes start.”

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Bianka had been curious if Beth knew of anything else that might happen.  It looked like she had nothing specific she was expecting, but it would be interesting to see if they ran into any surprises.  "I'll go with you."  She answered with a small smile.  She was hungry too, and it looked like they would generally be going out to eat.  She got the impression they would doing relatively little eating in their room.  Going out certainly made things interesting.  Maybe nothing would happen this time, but there was a little excitement as she followed Beth, wondering whether they would just eat or something else would happen.

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Beth smiled at Bianka and gave her a nod saying, “alright, come on.” With that she then began to walk with her roommate to the cafeteria where there were various other students there. She then grabbed a tray with some food and sat down at a table with Bianka and began to eat breakfast.

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There was no immediate sign of anyone else being interested in them this time, so Bianka peacefully began eating.  She wondered what they looked like to the random watchers, how much of the strange relationship of a sort they had developed was visible.  She probably did not stand out as much as she did before.  She was still new but had adjusted a lot to the place, felt more comfortable.  She was not nervously watching those around them, wondering if they would make a move on either of them.  Since it seemed quiet, she decided to make small talk.  "Did you have any plans for the weekend?"  That was something she had to get used to, living on campus like this.  Figuring out what to do on weekends and breaks.  She was sure there would be some of what they had already been doing, but probably other things too.

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Beth continued to eat her breakfast and was not paying attention as Bianka was. She felt more on edge while Beth stayed cool and calm. She had been through this numerous times. If someone approached her or if no one did, she did not mind at all. She was used to it and whatever happened she was ready for. She then looked over at Bianka as she began to talk to her and answered, “no not really but who knows. I’ve no plans as of now.”

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"Do you go out very often, or is it more likely we will sit around the room...maybe or maybe not with someone new?"  Whether or not Bianka found someone else in her class and who she was might have some impact on it.  She certainly did not mind sitting around some, relaxing in their room, though eventually it would be nice to experience some of those other things on campus.  Maybe not always with Beth, but at least a lot of the time.  She was in no rush to make firm plans though, she just wondered if Beth had any habits or things she did fairly often.  They could wait until then to make their choice.  It was possible Rebecca would drag them into something too.

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Beth shrugged and said, “it’s either or. Most of the time I hang out in the dorm and most of the time it’s with someone else. Sometimes there are occasions where some other students will invite me out or to their room and sometimes Rebecca drags me off to have a good time whether I like it or now, on campus and off,” she explained to her current roommate. “Who knows, maybe you’ll get invited to a party.”

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Bianka could only imagine what a party was like in a place like this.  Probably a whole lot of the stuff she had already experienced.  It did not seem too unlikely either, with her new position in class.  She was expecting to be popular from here on.  She even wondered if that would help her other goal, Beth had given her.  Now that her class was starting to get a sense of how things worked here, she could see some of the more curious girls setting up a party partially to experiment.  "I'll have to see how often my teacher wants to see me outside of class too."  Beth probably could not give her too much advice there. They were in the same position, but with different teachers and it probably varied some with each.

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