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I mean, not really. Remember what Shinigami was there for at first. I am not bashing anyone for trying to stop her but Azreal was the most level headed in this situation. Rie telling her a straight no is why she was the prime target of her demonstration. She probably wouldn't have cast anything without her defiance. (And there's a difference between defiance and simply protecting their ground.) And let's be honest, doom is not death. It still doesn't enter the rule of killing character, it would if the thing DOES activate.

If I started discussing what nasty thing I have in mind then we might as well carebear this around with petty magic and skills. I mean, do we also ask permission if we scratch someone's body, wound them, make them bleed? I was not asked permission when Hellhound was shot. I simply reacted to it and if I didn't want my character to die, I found a way so she doesn't die that can be explained in the story. This scene is exactly supposed to demonstrate that some enemies out there will not play nice with you and hug you.

The funniest in this scenario or the scariest is not her but the fact Rie thought provoking her was a good idea. I was baffled myself the first time I saw it. Asking her "What card do you think you hold?" and "Everyone will hunt you?". She made very precise that she doesn't care about that. Rie tried to intimidate her into making her lose her ground and it only increased her will to show you that you're an insect to her. Most demons see it as a suicide to step in the magic girl HQ, SHE sees it like fun. This is what she shows.

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16 minutes ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

I do want to be careful about characters being too overpowered.  I don't think it has crossed lines yet.  I think we can all probably get something good at this, but see where it goes, especially with another character sticking themselves in, any Jumi sharing in spreading the bad temper around, for semi-related reasons.  Though maybe do preplanning with that sort of thing in the future, in how the power is used.  But I don't think at this point changes need to made to her power.

I do understand that. The only power she used so far was doom, which is a typical death boss mechanic anyway. Although, I understand we probably can't resurrect from it as well but I also won't simply thanos everyone. (And for the record, he is technically stronger than she is. XD) What makes you think I did not plan anything, though? 😛 She was intended to be much scarier than this but I definitely lowered the level due to not wanting to bother or involve people not included in this scene.

I was going almost horror with this, a thing you might have noticed from my first post with her before I decided to edit it. So yes, I worked a lot of it already. I also mentioned that the event would pretty much go as planned unless someone derails it. So far, no real derailment. I mean, I expected even Rie's attitude at this point and I knew that Mitsuko's intervention would be 50/50 ignored. Now that I see the outcome of that, I am already working on the consequential post of that current path. 🙂

Edit 1: She was also >sold< as a death focused villain. So I am a little confused about the complaint about her being death focused... (Not joking...)

Edit 2: Azreal's new post is making me change my post a little but I like it. This is getting more interesting. Now, to see where I will be going with it.

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There is no reason to be told anything but no. They're her enemies.

I don't think its carebearing to exercise some courtesy in an rp as simple as not auto-hitting maybe its because I generally am used to a much more rigid structure in rp but generally I allow people to react to things and at best describe the possible result if they do take the hit or anything like that. Its different from like little physical things like hand holding and all that. Its fine if others and you are good with it but for me thats crossing lines. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm not going to hit you with a no in every case or start auto-dodging or anything. I just don't appreciate it, I don't do it to others for a reason.

That still wouldn't stop the gamble and even with that it still wouldn't make sense to start playing nice with her. Its not like they know her and her having the name she does wouldn't exactly prove it to her. Its all whatever though. We can continue onward with what we've learned here.

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Don’t have a problem with it.  Jumi is mad, but she does not intend to do anything, as long as everyone is talking at least.  She does not exactly want to let Shinigami walk around, but she s not going to attack without good reason, and believing it would accomplish anything,

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12 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

There is no reason to be told anything but no. They're her enemies.

I don't think its carebearing to exercise some courtesy in an rp as simple as not auto-hitting maybe its because I generally am used to a much more rigid structure in rp but generally I allow people to react to things and at best describe the possible result if they do take the hit or anything like that. Its different from like little physical things like hand holding and all that. Its fine if others and you are good with it but for me thats crossing lines. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm not going to hit you with a no in every case or start auto-dodging or anything. I just don't appreciate it, I don't do it to others for a reason.

That still wouldn't stop the gamble and even with that it still wouldn't make sense to start playing nice with her. Its not like they know her and her having the name she does wouldn't exactly prove it to her. Its all whatever though. We can continue onward with what we've learned here.

You do realize it's a DOOM, right? And while I hold myself from killing her out of curtesy, this is literally what doom does and it's not a fireball? You were dealt no pain, no damage, no harm... All I learned here is that one character could be the cause of whatever disaster Shinigami could do because she had a loud mouth and a bigger ego and someone's complaining because such action held consequences... YET, I never had the power to kill your character anyway because it's against basic RP rules. You were hit by a story gimmick and you still complained. It's wind. Clearly you didn't like being the target of that move but there's no bias from me with it. It was the consequence of Rie's attitude and nothing else to it...

6 minutes ago, ElieCapulet30 said:

Sorry if my new post upset anyone I can edit it. I do have Azreal being logical and if needed forcefully without harm aka the ice wall.

I mean, He's right. I don't see anything upsetting with it. It's the reality of the situation. Mitsuko herself (and yes, big bias there) seemed baffled to see the good side characters react like this since provoking an enemy never seem to be a good idea to begin with. Jumi's reaction is a little more understandable because it's her teammate who's put at risk and the gamble is pretty high. Story wise, I find it very interesting. The reason his post changes my own is just because it adds a consideration into what I will be doing.

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3 minutes ago, Warning said:

You do realize it's a DOOM, right? And while I hold myself from killing her out of curtesy, this is literally what doom does and it's not a fireball? You were dealt no pain, no damage, no harm... All I learned here is that one character could be the cause of whatever disaster Shinigami could do because she had a loud mouth and a bigger ego and someone's complaining because such action held consequences... YET, I never had the power to kill your character anyway because it's against basic RP rules. You were hit by a story gimmick and you still complained. It's wind. Clearly you didn't like being the target of that move but there's no bias from me with it. It was the consequence of Rie's attitude and nothing else to it...

I said going forward. I ran with it regardless, but I am asking for such things to be discussed going forward. I don't care if its a story gimmick, I'm not comfortable with that sort of thing unless discussed prior. It is a neat story thing in this case. I'm not even complaining, I just explained the situation as I saw it.

Don't see why this is so difficult for you. I'm fine with Rie being hit by it. I ran with it, and still am. I'm saying I'm not okay with being automatically hit by something. I didn't realize that it was just an auto-place because that is wild to me so I didn't forsee it but instead of putting a hold on it I moved with it..which is again was my fault but I'm saying it now.

Its not even just for you, this just happens to be the situation where in the short time I've been here something like it came up.
If anyone else did anything like it we'd be having the discussion still. Its harmless here but its for future reference

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You know what the character is, though. What makes you think this will not happen again? Also, if you're fine with it once then what's the problem? Some things ARE auto hit. It might sound like cheating but I've seen much worse. It's a literal spell being aimed at someone. Do you think you could evade curses if they were cast at you? Just so we're clear (and I realize the very irony of what I'm about to say), but this is not harry potter where wand spell are shot all over the place. Even a healing magic could be auto-hit yet nobody will complain about that because of its life based nature. Until it's cast on a zombie and then it becomes too OP? Seems to me that there's a conflicting basis for what is accepted and what is not? o.O

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What part of discuss with me beforehand isn't registering? Do you not talk story with people beforehand? I do, hence why Rie didn't just barge in until I got the okay. The new guy I introduced didn't just tear down the door.

Its only fine with me cause I register my own mistake in not realizing it before the moment came cause that, again, is wild to me. In my long career of rping this has pretty much never been a thing to worry about cause most people understand just auto-apply something is bad etiquette.
Even the healing Rie did earlier came with the caveat that you agreed that it worked and allowed it. I get its a spell but given its nature yes..I just appreciate these things being discussed it with me beforehand.

There is a conflicting basis here and it seems to be in what you and I are okay with or at least how we prefer them handled.

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Fine fine, I'll make sure to add "Bad Etiquette Warning" to Shinigami's page and make you happy about it. "Warning, this character can doom you.". It's not like this character has death smudged all over her profile anyway. Would be ridiculous. I was 99% sure that people would know that she can use at least doom because I've literally told everyone she can do that. Yes, not exactly in the mood to be annoyed about something I made sure to let everyone know that she can do. But I guess there's always one person... (Yes, sorry, I'm upset)

Granted, we can't please everyone but I was seeing positive reactions so it's my bad for not mind reading the depth of people's thoughts about her. The rest of the ride with her will be wild... But I've liberated Rie of the curse anyway. And since I see the last post only now, I posted again because I felt like Azreal's post definitely required an immediate reaction. I am also wondering if that assumption about her isn't the basis of all the heat that this event gathered so far. (But yeah, this is also why Mitsuko has no response there...) Welp...

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Look I'm not even mad and haven't been. I didn't think the request would bother you that much so.... I'm not gonna discuss this further. I really don't feel the need to defend one of very the few lines I have. If its an issue for you? That's fine. I have a different rp history and the habits and expectations that come with. No worries. I'll be the one keeping it in mind going forward. No harm. No foul. I ran with it for my reason and thought to bring it up then. I did enjoy the story playing out regardless however


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I feel like if I allowed Shinigami to listen to whoever that blu guy is, I'd get nothing much out of it. It's basically a lot of words for "We don't like you, gtfo", and mostly trying to clown/provoke her. (Rie PTSD) XD. It's like he's trying to get the fox girl to kill them despite her original intents. And Mitsuko's sacrifice was a honorable attempt to not make Rie die for not shutting the fuck up (All this for Jumi, mind you, not Rie). This is making me start to regret using this character to begin with, though. Or at least, at this time.

At least it cleared up the relationship value between Mitsuko and Rie... Sigh. It went as I thought it would... If these two are supposed to be in the same team, the fury between them will make Jumi lose her goddamn mind. I don't believe the two are very compatible together. Welp... All of these ideas only to feel depressed about it. I need a break for the night, maybe I'll come and take a peek again tomorrow and see what's going on. Sorry for bitching. I just thought this would be more fun than the tension this received.

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Honestly, I feel like a bad guy type showing up to the convention, and not at least trying to be discreet, like Azreal, would go down almost as well as a goody-good magical girl showing up at Zorn's liar.

In either case it feels like asking for a beat down, or completely dismissing the hordes of adversaries as a credible threat. Just my perspective.


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