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The Wanderers

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The sun was starting to sink towards the horizon on The Shore. It's light bathing the walls of the giant sandcastle in slowly diminishing light. There was only the lightest of breezes bringing the smell of the sea to Exzelcryth as she sat on a balcony overlooking the beach.



Not just a beach, The Shore. A pocket dimension, created long ago by some forgotten elder god. The Shore was a ring dimension, one long shoreline stretching until it circles around back upon itself, the sea one side of the ring, and just a bit of land the other, so as if one were to walk the beach, one could do so perpetually. Heading inland or out to sea too far, the dimension would distort your path and head you back to the shore.

The Sandcastle, was the greatest structure on The Shore. Not a small sandcastle, but a full size castle made of sand. Built over many long decades by Sandarius ("Sandy" to his friends), the resident sand dragon. It was his pride and joy, finely crafted and solidified by ancient dragon magic. Boosted indefinitely by a ley line that ran entire length of, and sustained the ring dimension.

The Sandcastle was the only hub of activity here, the balcony open air gave a magnificent view. Exzelcryth watched others walking below with slight amusement, light elves, shadow elves, a multitude of lesser demons and a few other humanoid wayfarers and dimensional travelers combing the beach. She could feel how thin the dimensional fabric was here. Whoever had made this place, had meant to make it easy to travel into and out of by magical means, she thought to herself.

She had been traveling for many years since her lord, Gyumao the demon general had died fighting over another world far, far away. She had made good her escape as Gyumao's surviving forces splintered and retreated. Slipping away before any of his generals knew what happened. As far as they knew, she was dead along with him. That suited her, it was a big universe, a big multiverse. Being a Nexus Devil, she was a natural traveler, and had been enjoying the freedom for some time. Stumbling upon The Shore in her journeys, and was now quite enjoying her time.

Only... there was only so much and so long one wanted to stay. Sandarius kept a fairly strict order here and one didn't want to end up on his bad side. Not that she wanted to stay here permanently anyways, but this make for a perfect getaway. However, she would need to siphon some energy from mortals eventually, to keep her strength.

Exzelcryth straightened out her thin, black dress and crossed her legs, bare skin showing on the sides with high slits. She picked up her glass and drank the cool alcoholic beverage, and listened. At a table not far away some lesser demons were chatting, something about a downfall of another demon lord on a place called Earth. The way they talked the mortal population there was ripe for exploiting, save only for a few defenders of humanity there.

Interesting. She continued to glean information as she nursed her drink. Yes, things sounded interesting indeed.

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As the sun began to set, Exzelcryth finished her drink, looking out over the sea. The wind had picked up a little and gently blew her pristine silky hair across her face now and then. Ina smooth movement she ran soom fingers through her hair along her head to put it back in place.

She got up running a hand down herself to straighten her dress and walked out of the balcony area, a few eyes following her as she did. Finding this "Earth" was on her mind, it could be hard to find a dimension or planet one has never stepped foot on. She made her way to the top of one part of the Sandcastle keep, and went further down a walkway atop a wall that led out away from the main castle. The walkway led to pyramid shaped structure designed, to focus magical energy, domething that made it very easy for dimensional travel. Also to find one's way back from another realm.

Her footfalls echoed on stone floors as she entered the Pyramid. A fall floor near the top, where the stone ended, the pointed cap of the rest of the Pyramid was thick, solid and clear crystal, which gave a beautiful view of the sky. Stone pillars with ancient runes where aligned in a circle in the middle of the room. Four light elf guards wearing shining scale armor, carrying swords at their hips, were posted at the entrance, but recognized her and did not obstruct her way, bowed slightly as she entered. Though they did look her up and down overtly, partially because it was their job to scrutinize, partially because they liked what they saw.

Near the circle of pillars in the center of the room sat a woman, with dark blue skin, white hair, and yellow eyes, her ears pointed as the elves that guarded the door. As Exzel approached her, the woman spoke with lookong at her, "To what do I owe the pleasure of such a visit?"

Exzel addressed the sitting woman, "Hagitha, I'm seeking a plane called Earth. I thought perhaps..."

"I could help you," Hagitha finished her sentence, as her head turned to look at Exzel. A thin smile crossed her face, and her knowing eyes looked at the demon with a piercing look. "Yes, I know this plane. I take it this means you'll be leaving us?"

"For a time perhaps. The wanderlust is beging to take hold of me once more."

"Lord Ulburnus once claimed Earth realm, but he met his end some time ago by the natives. It's been chaos their ever since. Becareful, you do not meet such an end Lady Exzelcryth."

Exzel sat on the floor facing Hagitha, crossing her legs and taking a pose to meditate. Hagitha reached out and placed a hand over the demon's heart, as they both closed their eyes. Excel reaching out, looking for remnants of Ulburnus' energy, Hagitha guided her search. His energy signature had all but dissipated, but Hagitha remembered well, and eas able to help Exzel zero in. Giving her a clear mental imagine of the place.

The demon's eyes shot open, smiling as Hagitha's hand withdrew from her chest. "Thank you, old friend."

Exzelcryth stood and moved to the very center of the room. Gathering ancient magics and focusing them, she movrd gracefully, the image of Earth in her head still, and opened a portal, cutting a hole in the very fabric of reality, linking two worlds. With a confident stride, she stepped through.

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Exzelcryth emerged from the portal, in a mountainous forest somewhere in Japan. The smell of the sea was replaced with trees and mountain air. She looked around, as the leaves rustled in the breeze. Great branches barely swaying, some with cherry blossoms in full bloom. After a sort distance, she soon spotted a large pond, and accross it, a small fortress with three levels standing tall against it's surroundings.


Exzel walked to the front entrance, and opened the door. It groaned loudly as she pressed it fully open. "Hello?" Her voice echoed in an empty room. The floor was dusty and she left footprints with each step further into the old fortress. After a slow and purposeful inspection, it appeared that it was indeed abandoned. I suppose this will do.

Exzelcryth raised her hands, her eyes began to glow purple as she gathered mystical energies. Reaching out, searching, she could feel residual demon energy. This used to belong to someone, but their power seemed to have long faded. She smiled a devious smile to herself, yes this would do quite well. Sensing lesser auras nearby she spent long minutes zeroing in on them. In the trees, out by the garden. Mazone, tree spirits. What luck!

She placed her hand on the tree, and focused her demon power there, her eyes glowing a bright purple as she did. Awakening a long sleeping entity, the bark on the tree seemed to at first melt, and then change form, until plant being, in the form of a woman stepped out of the tree, then soon after another.

The glow in Exzel's eyes receded as she regarded the re-energized spirits. The Mazone women bowed to Exzelcryth, "You have awoken us, mistress..."


"I am Exzelcryth, and you serve me now. Tell me of this place."

The Mazone looked at each other briefly before turning back to Exzel, beginning to tell her of Earth, and of Japan and their history preying on the populous near by in years long past. Exzel listened intently, gathering information hungrily...

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               *weeks later*

Outside the fortress, her minion, the oni Zef, patrolled the surroundings, requesting himself with the areas after being having been sealed away for too long. Inside the Mazone busied themselves, and finished cleaning the place, as was their mistress' command.

Further inside, standing naked in front of a mirror, Exzelcryth waved a hand up her body and over her face. Changing into human form, her eyes stayed a deep purple, and her hair black, but her skin took on a light human hue, the horns disappeared. She went into the bath, submerging her perfect body and washing herself thoroughly. Afterwards drying herself and putting on a small black dress, with high slits.

She smoothed her little black dress, swayed back and forth checking her curves, her bare hips exposed by the dress. Yes, the fit was perfect, and she felt confident she could pass as human under any scrutiny.

She took her time applying black eyeliner, and purple eyeshadow, to bring out her exoticness even more. Spent time combing out her hair to silky smoothness. Lastly applying her lipstick, a bright purple to finish the look. She was going out with a purpose tonight.

Standing, raising her arms, as purple energy danced around her like electricity, she opened a portal and walked through. Stepping out the other side into the city, in the area of her castle. In a flash she was out and the portal was closed. The city was bustling, bright lights filled the night, people walking everywhere downtown, and cars filling the streets, going about their way. Exzel walked down the wide sidewalks, under the tall buildings. A sly smile crossed her lips as she turned a number of heads as she walked in her heels. The ramen cart street vender, getting ready to close after a long day, wiped his brow. Staring at her when he caught sight of her walking by, she turned and gave him the smallest wink as she went by, his mouth falling open a moment.

Exzel continued to thread her way through the streets, coming to a concert hall. She could feel a great concentration of energy here. When the mortals sexual energy was aroused she found it much easier to both exploit them and drain their energy, and she could feel it in the air here. Entering the concert hall, showing her ticket to the doorman, he let her pass, she felt his eyes upon her as she went in, beging to mingle with the crowd and the show began....



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The weekend had finally arrived and Elie was in her changing room. This room was beautiful with a mixture of blues and golds. She had a small Lotus pound in her meet and greet area on the other side, where two leather couches and two chairs were. A elegant wooden table in middle with flowers. A small table in corner with refreshments and gifts for the VIP's tonight. 

She finished her makeup and looked at herself in the mirror. She had a faint blush pale rose lips, her eyeshadow soft but yet seductive and alluring. She was the perfect image of a princess. She stood up her hair done and her kimono on. She took a deep breathe before leaving the dressing room to head to stage.

The roaring of the fans filled the air as a ripple water background was on stage. Fog started to roll in and soft pink and yellow lights glowed. A small platform arose as a hush fell over the crowd. Just then the lights shined bright as a Lotus blossom bloomed and Elie stepped forth walking down the few steps the platform at to stage below. "Hello everyone are we ready for nice of relaxation, fun and magic." She said happily. Her kimono looked so whimsical dancing around. The different shades of pink that faded into a gradient at her feet. Her hair elegantly done with shimmers of glitter and her signature lotus hairpiece. Her foot steps on stage were slient.

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Exzelcryth looked up at the stage. Saw Elie begin the show, saw her long, shapely leg emerge from the Lotus, then her body shortly after. The singer was beautiful, Exzel's eyes watched her closely, watched the kimono flow around her as she moved. The musician even drew attention away from her as she found her seat near the front. The men looking away from her to the stage, annoyed her a little, and she was surprised she had let that get to her. She had never been so vain before, but found she was enjoying the looks she had been getting more than she would admit.

The fog and lights was a nice effect. She looked around as the fog obscured the audience, and the music started. Crossing her legs, she bumped the leg of the guy sitting next her purposefully. As he looked to her, surprised, then amazed, she grabbed his leg, feigning a conciliatory touch. "Sorry, my mistake."

She could feel his attraction to her, his excitement at her touch.  Using her touch under cover of the fog to siphon just a little bit of energy from him, before letting him go. She didn't risk much, even with the fog, he'd feel nothing more than extra sleepy tomorrow. But the energy was like tasting an appetizer for her hunger. Feeding on mortal energy, sustained her better than anything, and this was a target rich environment. Her gaze turned back from the man, to the stage. Admiring how the human held herself in front of an audience. Her youth, her energy, Exzel lick her lips as she enjoyed the show.


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Elie seemed to float as she sang her songs. She danced graceful and during one song she even floated above crowd. Her eyes coming in contact with Exzel's eyes. She smiled as she landed on stage sparks flying. 

As her last song came up people began to cry a bit. The song was about a girl who had fleed her home because of a enemy family destroying her family. She was taken and hidden away lost to world. But when she came of age she was given a gift to help others. However that gift came with price...she was to never love or grow attached to someone. As the middle of song played lotus petals fell over the crowd as Elie cried. "I love you even though your my enemy." As the song continued it stated the girl had fallen for her enemy the Prince of Darkness and in end she gave her life to heal him and now she was only a memory like the petals flowing in the wind.

As the song came to end the crowd roared and cried as Elie took a bow before seemly disappearing into the dancing petals. A voice came over the speakers. "You'll never be a memory you'll always be in my heart." The voice was dark, husky and had a bit of sorrow behind it. The lights then came on as people began to talk and doors to room opened before another voice spoke. "Any VIP's please follow me."

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The songs were excellent. Exzelcryth had watched her floating over the crowd, felt even a small spark as she caught the singer's eye for a brief moment. Elie's voice was beautiful, soft as smooth as she sang, yet powerful and full of emotion. Exzel had not heard such a voice in at least a hundred years. And feeling thr emotional energy both off the singer and the crowd all focused on this performance was firing her hunger for more. The song held deep meaning, and it even touched her a little as the song went on.

The Prince of Darkness... Was there history in this ballad? It seemed almost familiar somehow.

She savored the sorrow flowing over the crowd as the performance ended. Able to covertly draw off some energy from the crowd as whole all experiencing the same emotion. It was glorious, such an unexpected treat. She had a backstage pass, and went where she was directed as most of the crowd filled out of the building.

Exzelcryth found her way backstage to Elie's blue and gold trimmed changing room. Walking slowly through the door, looking around and wondering if there were any other concert goers who would be showing up.

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Elie was sitting in the VIP lounge as she smiled looking at the young women who entered. "Ah hello young lady please come in and relax. Your my only VIP after the show. The other VIP's came before the show. I have gift for you." She looked radiant sitting there. She looked like her title...a princess of lotus flowers. "I have refreshments and treats for you. You may ask me anything I'm yours for the next 45 minutes." She said smiling. Her smile warming up the room. The heavenly smile of Jasmine, Lotus and Sakura flowers filled her dressing room.

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Alone, perfect, she thought. Exzel noted the floral smell walking further into the room. Her eyes went from the delicate flowers to the singer, she looked positively exquisite. This girl really took care of herself and it showed, not only did she have naturally good looks, she seemed to have class. To the demon's mind this was no mere peasant, this was a lady, and it intrigued her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Elie." Exzel said with a polite bow. She then walked a slow sultry walk in front of Elie to the refreshments, noting a Jasmine tea set out, she poured herself a cup, then poured a second cup. Taking both she sat gracefully, knees together, keeping excellent posture next to Elie, politely offering her the other cup of Jasmine tea.

"That show was really something special. Your voice was beautiful, as beautiful as you, if I may say so." Exzel looked into Elie's eyes directly as she said so. To drive the seriousness of the compliment as well as to gage her reaction. 45 minutes was plenty of time to do what Exzel wanted. Although being in such close proximity to Elie, she could feel the energy of her aura, it wasn't fading after the performance as she expected.

"Your kimono is exceptional, may I?" Exzel asked, but didn't wait for a response, reaching out and touching the kimono, near Elie's knee. The material felt very delicate, so did the knee underneath, as she made a soft caress, while giving Elie a rather intent, seductive look with her exoctic purple eyes. As she looked into Elie's eyes, she marveled at the clear sapphire blue eyes that looked back at her. Very striking. Exzel found herself wanting to possess this girl for herself.

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Elie smiled softly watching this women's movements. Something about this women seemed off but Elie couldn't place it. She took the tea and took a small sip. "Thank you very much. I'm happy you enjoyed the show and your compliments are very sweet. Was there any song you enjoyed more then the others." She said putting down the tea cup.

As this women touched her kimono the fabric was soft and smooth. The design elegantly embroidered in and the colors.... that pretty gradient color scheme of light pink to dark pink. Elie looked into this women's eyes feeling her hand on knee. Part of Elie want to run feeling something pulling her closer to this women. But she relaxed. Her body showing no sign of fear but maybe a bit of arousal. "So how did you find out about my music?" She asked trying to keep her mind at bay. 

Elie's natural sexual scent was sweet but yet magical. She had hidden her tarot cards on her hips under her kimono once she returned to her dressing room after the show. 

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Exzelcryth kept her hand on Elie's knee, moving up just an inch,  hand gripping the girls leg through the kimono.   "The last song, with the Prince of Darkness and the girl loving her enemy. Breathtaking, but please tell me more about that. Where did you find inspiration for such a moving piece?"

She was interested to hear if there was any history to this song, or it was just some kind of coincidence that it sounded familiar to her.

"I had happened to see a flyer around town advertising the concert. There was one outside the local tea shop I had went to. It looked every interesting, and I must say, I'm glad I came." She took a drink draining her tea and set the cup down, keeping her full attention on Elie. That face... she could look at it all day.

"Do all your concerts end with so sorrowful a song?" She was genuinely interested. She was also sensing something off about this girl's aura. What was it? Was it... magic?

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Elie looked down sadly for a second before her smile returned. "That last song as a bit truth to it. My family had to leave our home in Verona Italy...because of a disaster. I only remember a few moments. The screams, the fire, red glowing eyes.....so I used that and put it into a song. I know it's crazy or maybe even stupid but I'd hope maybe it was evil villain who had something against my family. I know weird right. But the prince of darkness I based off a book I read and his voice seemed so clear. It might just be childish dream but I always wished for a dark handsome prince to sweep me off my feet.....even if it ment I was his prisoner for while."

Elie looked so dreamy thinking of that dark prince. "Also not all my concerts end like that. This is just to promote my Love in Dark album which reminds me I have gift for you for being a loyal fan and VIP." She said standing up softly making sure not to hurt Exzel. Elie walked over to small table and garbed the beautiful bag. "Here you go. Inside is the album along with it being signed. Also a Lotus keychain and some candy." She said 

The album cover showed a beautiful princess reaching out to a tall slivered haired, blue eyed with yellow sclera dark elvish prince. The night sky behind them and Lotus petals dancing around them. "I do hope you enjoy it. This album is to release in a couple months but for my VIP's they deserve it." She said bowing to Exzel before walking back to seat and taking a sip of her Jasmine tea.


((The Keychain but at the bottom of lotus is a sapphire blue tear drop gem.))

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Was her family attacked by Demons in her childhood? It certainly sounded like it. The irony to survive all this time inly to tell the story to Exzel. She watched as Elie went to the table, noting how well she looked from the back.

"A prisoner? Do you think you'd manage that well?" Exzel suddenly had flashes of thought about chaining up Elie in her fortress. Yeah, she would look good there.

Exzelcryth got up, took the bag as it was offerd, and reached inside, pulling out the keychain. A Lotus, with a sapphire? Her eyes also glanced over the album cover. It looked like a shadow elf on the cover which surprised her. They must have entered into this world's mythology as well, she thought to herself.

"It's very pretty. Was this desigh your idea?"

Exzel clipped the key chain to the waist of her dress, and walked around to the side of Elie's chair. "What is if told you..." She put a soft hand on Elie's shoulder, "That I've seen someone that looks like the one on your album cover?"

She wondered how she would respond. Laughter? Disbelief? If not one of those, perhaps she really had a run in with a shadow elf before. She watched for her reaction a judge her true belief. Her eyes wandered to Elie's hair, her slender neck, down the front of her kimono.

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Elie thought for a moment. "Well I guess you might have point I wouldn't be good prisoner I'd fight tooth and nail to get free...well that is unless the villain made me obey or used a spell or something. But that is all just fairytales." 

Watching her fan open the gift and seeing her place the keychain on her person made her heart jump for joy. "Ah the design yes I came up with it. Since Lotus flowers have a special meaning....it means to save me. They look pretty but deep down under the water they are tangled and trapped. Just like many of us. I am be beautiful on the outside to some people but deep down I have my own turama and pain......the sapphire blue tear drop is to be symbol it's alright to cry. We've all been strong for way to long." She smiled warmly looking at Exzel.

Elie listened to Exzel speak about the album cover and smiled. "Oh really someone must have be cosplaying Lotor from Voltron. He's so dreamy and so is Keith and Shiro. Sorry...I get invited to alot of conversation as a guests. I do like cosplay to from time to time." She giggled looking at Exzel sweetly.

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She listened, but Exzel on the contrary had finally felt strong recently. In the service of Gyumao, the Demon lord, she had just been a pawn. Moved about as directed, bound in to service against her will. The freedom she had now felt like true strength. However, it made her recall the strength she had needed to get through those days, a different kind of strength. The strength to endure, that seemed to Elie's strength.

"Lotor?" Exzel looked thoughtful and made a mental note to find out who that was. If Elie thought he was dreamy, he must be worth looking into. But now it was time to get to get serious, and make a move, time to siphon some energy.

"You needn't keep all that pain in yourself. You don't have to be strong now."

Exzel walked to the front of the chair and moved her hand from her shoulder to Elie's face. She moved closer standing before Elie and straddling her legs with hers. Leaning down before she could react, Exzelcryth kissed her lips. Soft lips meeting soft lips. When they touched lips to lips she felt a pulse of magic from Elie, like a spark, which caused her to pull back and straighten up suddenly, keychain jingling on her waist, she had not expected anything so strong.

"Wh-what was that? I'm sorry, you just looked to kissable..." She said, caught by surprise. The pulse of magic excited Exzel immensely, as her hand went ro her lips to ponder what she just felt. Whatever that was, there was a powerful reaction between their bodies. She looked to Elie wondering if she felt the jolt of magical energy between them when she had kissed her. Whatever it was it got her blood pumping and heart beating, she wanted to feel it again.

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Elie smiled at Exzel. "That's sweet of you but I need to be strong for my fans and for myself. I.....I can't break down yet. Also yes Lotor his name. He has sliver hair, light purple skin and the eyes that draw you in. Plus he's cocky and a badass." She said.

 Before Elie could speak again the feeling Exzel's lips against hers made her melt. Her eyes widen as feeling how soft her lips were. Exzel had taken her first kiss as a deep red blush rushed across her face but the such rush of magic surprised even Elie.

"Wh....what was that? Is....is that normal for a first kiss?" She asked a bit worried her hand going to hip to rest on it as the box her cards were in unlocked. Elie had to be carefully so she had them at the ready. Her heart was racing as she looked at Exzel for answers to her questions.

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This Lotor did sound really interesting. She shook her head a clear it, that was just a distraction, she had business to attend to!

Exzel raised an eyebrow, questioning, "This was your first kiss? And I stole it eh?" She licked her lips, with a half smile remembering her taste. It did make her feel a bit of a thief stealing the girls first kiss. That means... she's pretty much untouched territory. It made her want to take her even more, a warmth spreading through her body. She pulled at her dress a quick moment as she felt the tingle from her lips go deeper and lower into her body.

"It's not normal. In fact, I don't think I've ever felt that kind of reaction. You're VERY cute when you blush you know?" Her voice became lower, sultry, dripping desire, "I want more." Exzelcryth walked back towards her slowly, raising a hand reaching out for Elie's hand.

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Elie eyes widen hearing the change in her voice. She felt frozen in place as her breathing became uneven. "Wh...what do you mean you want more? I....I don't understand." She said watching this women come closer. She had never felt this way before. "I....I think your time is over Ms. Exzel." She said finally slipping out of her chair and moving to corner of the room. Magic filled the room as she tried to stay control. Elie prayed a bit. Please please don't trasform......I can't let anyone know.

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Exzel put a hand on her hip, and covered her mouth with the other as she laughed, "Oh-ho-ho-ho!"

The air shimmered around Exzelcryth as she let her human disguise fade away. Her skin becoming paler, an unnatural white, horns growing into place on her head, ears becoming pointed, and her canine teeth becoming just bit longer. Her eyes blazed purple with an intent look, a smile still on her face as she stepped closer, "Today is going to be a lot of firsts for you Elie. Our time together, is just beginning. Now bring that magical energy back here to my lips, I got a taste of you and I want more." Her eyes looked the girl up and down hard, with desire, somewhere between lustful and how one would look at a delicious snack. She delighted to she her target shrinking back to the corner as she stepped ever closer, arms open so she could grab the girl when she got close.

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Elie seeing Exzel change knew she couldn't hold back as her tarot cards flew out from under her kimono and circled her. A bright light appeared before Elie was engulfed in a veil darkness that looked at like starry night sky as her tarot cards circled her to protect her. Because of veil of night and starlight only the outline of her naked body could be seen as she transformed.

Once the starry night shadows disappeared Elie seemed to be floating but she looked different. She looked like a celestial goddess. Her hair longer and flowing behind her. A crown off stars and moons on her head. Her back to blue elegant dress with off the shoulder shelves danced around her. Her breasts were pushed up and more full in this outfit. She opened her eyes as her eyes seemed to glow. 

Once she handed the magic grew stronger as the tarot cards circle and danced around her. "What are you really after? If it's my magic I won't just hand it over. Your fate is in my hand now." She said now having transformed into the Princess of Fate.

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Exzel raised a hand to shield her eyes from the starlight, and squinted, watching in surprise as Elie transformed. When she reappeared, Exzel noted Elie's skimpier dress, her mostly bare legs, her pushed up breasts which seemed to have been enhanced by the transformation, or it looked like it anyways. Glancing down quickly at her own chest, then back to Elie's she looked annoyed, that the Princess of Fate looked more well endowed than her now.

"So! This planet does have guardians, I was warned as much. What do I want? A taste of those lips again to start! Join me, I could show you whole new worlds. Or if you want to fight, a guardian chained in my fortress would make a great addition. And then, oh my..." she blushed at the thought of what she'd do with her. "The things I'd do with you!" Exzel found this new form even more attractive in her excited state.

"Hmp!" Exzelcryth lunged at the Princess of Fate, a savage leap aimed right at her, she swiped at her mid air, hoping to follow up with a few blows to test her power.

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Elie glared at Exzel before 5 cards appeared. "The cross spread not bad for your first reading Exzel." She smirked as the tarot cards flowed behind her staying in the layout behind  her. "I will never join the side of evil. I'm here to help those in need and be the light in dark to help people.I may have darkness and doubts in my own heart but I will never let evil win." She said as the using the Fool to create copies of herself. Three more copies of Elie appeared before Exzel.

"I will remain pure till the time someone either takes it from me or I find rightful person." All the copies said  as the real Elie hoped and prayed the next card in her line up was either a sword or the sun so she had something to protect herself. 

One of her copies took the hit as they moves in different paths to confuse Exzel. "You're first card is Fool a fitting card don't you think? You may have tasted my magic once but not again." They all said together as the pulled the next card.


Your spread


Your 1st card

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Exzel wiffed putting her hand through the first double. It disappeared as she did so. She raised fingers to her soft lips a brief second.

"Well, you already had your first kiss stolen by a demon, princess. Your path to the fun side has already started. Don't tell me you didn't feel that."

Exzelcryth jumped after her again, not quite hitting her as she dodged, and her doubled dodged with her.

"Hmp! Not bad for a virgin princess. Try this! Shadow blast!"

Exzelcryth held up her hand, concentrated her dark energy and fired a bolt of shadow magic at Elie, hitting one of her doubles and dispelling it. Her eyes darted between the last two. "I'll take you both on at once, if you like." She smiled deviously, motioned with her hand for the Fate Princess to make a move, while calculating her next move, as had a 50/50 shot at her now.

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Elie seeing her doubles disappearing so quickly felt a strong scene of fear ser in as the next card began to be summoned as the King of Swords appeared protecting the real Elie from the blast and cutting it in two. 

Elie looked up at the King of Swords and smiled softly as he patted her head a sword appearing in her hand. A few cards in her deck saw her as a daughter figure and the King of Swords was one of them. "Your second card the King of Swords. It looks like your in fight." She said as the next card floated behind her ready to be summoned. "I will get the chance to change your fate and leave before either of us get hurt."


Your 2nd card

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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