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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Mitsuko remained by herself for a bit but still listened. She was not exactly liking half of what she heard, despite giving an effort to get along with them. For one, it sounded a lot like she might be forced to accept certain behaviors and she was not sure if she was up to it. There was a lot she liked and was ready to adapt to with Jumi but for Rie, it was another story. She had not expected for things to turn that way. Mitsuko liked the kind and open side of Jumi but the strict lecturing nature of Rie was going to be difficult.

For now, she thought best to remain quiet. She had said enough and speaking more would only make it worse. Her wings seemed to respond to her emotions as they slowly vanished as well. Mitsuko closed her eyes for now, focusing entirely on her shower. At least until Jumi, for reasons, came toward her. Her encouragement always made her smile but she looked away, finishing and making sure everything was done and clean, especially lower. "I don't know if I will able to... I will try for you, though...", she replied...

Her voice didn't really seem as motivated as her words. If Jumi was capable of handling Rie then that was one thing less to worry about. For now, Mitsuko wanted to focus on her own self, starting with food and then better understanding her magical form and the sword hanging to her neck. Turning around, she quietly left the room and simply picked a towel to cover herself with. It was good enough to cover both her chest and below. She felt clean and fresh and that was good enough for her, for the time being, at least.

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"World would be more peaceful if they were I'm sure."

Rie could recognize, clearly, that Jumi was about the only person Mitsuko wanted to be around right then. Rie just watched her walk off, scratching at her cheek until she was out of the room "Ah....." she hummed a little looking to Jumi "She hates me. Haven't made an impression that bad since mom tried to set me up for that marriage interview. Er, the fourth one." hate probably wasn't the right word but Rie's tendency to by hyperbolic was just another aspect of her jokes usually. She hummed and tapped her foot on the ground. Rie had no intention of being anything but herself really but it was clear her relationship with Mitsuko was going to be....strange for the time being.

Rie did recognize her fault in it of course especially with how she reacted to Mitsuko's statement of course, but this definitely wasn't an easy first run. Rie was still sure Mitsuko was going to be a great addition to the team but she'd also leave the bath too  turning off her transformation before she stepped out of the door so she was just her normal human self though. She was tempted to follow them around if only not to leave this encounter of such a negative note but she was sure there were things  Mitsuko wanted to explore with just Jumi as her guide and not the wrecking ball of a nurse around.

She would simply wave three fingers "I'm gonna go change and then maybe wrestle with a few otaku for a limited edition figure I know is being sold here." she said "I'll see you later! And if not...I got arrested probably."  looking in the direction Mitsuko went before she ran off to her room. She'd likely see them soon but a bit of time was fine right?

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That did not go as well as it could have.  But Jumi thought she prevented it from going seriously bad.  The two would hopefully figure each other out  and get on better terms with each other.  Now it was just the two of them again. Jumi went back to her shower.  Following Mitsuko’s example, her wings faded away.  No sense showing hers, if Mitsuko would not do the same.  She left the hair untouched, finishing up the rest, a last chance for Mitsuko to do that.

”She’s rather blunt.  Aggressive in ways, but there is a good girl underneath all that, as I’m sure you will see.  Maybe I should have joined in, but was trying to give you two a chance to get to know each other.”  That was part of it.  If she had not just watched, maybe they would all still be having fun now.  But she was not bothered by Rie leaving, she was sure it would all work out soon enough.

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Mitsuko was going along with Jumi, patiently listening but still troubled somewhat. Being explained how Rie was would be one thing and she was ready to give her a chance but it unexpectedly had turned a bit sour. Still... It didn't change the way she had behaved and how Mitsuko felt a certain disapproval with it. "Maybe... But... The way she put it did not feel right. She has it wrong... I don't have to get used to her and the way she is. I've wanted to be in your team because I felt like this may be a great step for me to learn. But..."

She bit her lip, not wanting to speak too out of line. "It's probably best that you did not... You and her seem to get along well and I was ready to leave you be if you needed some time together. It's just...", she paused for a moment then continued, "I do not know if I have what it takes to be in your team. My world and yours are very different. Now that I was almost killed by... I am not sure who that was... I am forced to get stronger before she comes back. She was fearsome and maybe I should not put you in danger for my sake."

Mitsuko had gained this sword for a reason, perhaps ultimately to fight Lenneth, and she was slowly feeling bad feeling this much for a stranger she had just met. She would not be much of a protector if this girl showed up now. Rie was a problem for another day but it didn't help her mood thinking about what was awaiting her. What had shattered what courage she thought she had. She looked annoyed and anxious but as she thought about what more she could say, her hunger was making her feel worse at the moment...

Sighing softly, Mitsuko just continued her way in the hope she could find food somewhere. Even if she wanted, she would not be capable of transforming right now so her magical clothes were out of question. She had to find something to bite on in order to gain her strength back. Healing was nice but it didn't help with that. Healing. Mitsuko sighed again, thinking about what had happened so far. She also tried to remember what Ellie had told her before. She had to remain strong but she also had to challenge herself somehow.

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Rin mentioned the room number.  Directions thankfully were not really needed beyond that.  It was a straight hall, the shower on one end, the entry to hall at the other.  A number of rooms in between.  It somehow felt both natural and strange at the same time to be held like this.  The whole night essentially proving that what she thought was Alexandrine and Emi’s incorrect assumption may have been right after all.  It would take more time to be sure, but she really felt like she was more girl than boy now.  That it would influence her civilian life as well.  And a man carrying her like this, it was…comforting?

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Without another word, Jumi turned, silently embraced Mitsuko tightly.  Held her.  This had all started with a little fun last night.  But it had become some more, even if she did not know exactly what it had become.  Another girl she had to stop from running away.  From possibly ending the plans they made last night.

”Don’t.  This life is very dangerous solitary…I want you on the team.”  There was more.  Mitsuko said she would have given her and Rie time, but it looked like it was best if they had time.  Maybe a mix of one on one and the three of them.  “Rie does not always put things the best way.  But I don’t intend to leave you to fight whatever that was alone.  She will help too I’m sure.  The whole team will.  I don’t intend…to leave you without a home.”  She did not let go.  Whatever this was between them, she did not want to lose it so quickly.

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Mitsuko was going to walk away, simply. She did not know where exactly she wanted to go but she would have went to practice her new powers after finding something to eat, probably. Yet... The embrace she felt made her freeze, a bit of it in surprise and another, in having no idea how to react to it. Her eyes stared into the abyss for a moment before they simply shifted their gaze down. Mitsuko had felt a lot of positive emotions but she had disregarded her negative ones and it slowly was catching up to her, at that moment...

And yet... Jumi was the one protecting her now. Something Mitsuko hoped to turn around sometimes. Something she would not be able to do until she properly handled the blade she was gifted by gods, or so she thought of it that way. "I...", She started but went silent, looking down still as she tried not to lose control of her emotions. The last part felt stronger on her. She knew however that her mother would be alright. But Jumi was giving her a place to stay... A place for her to feel accepted for who she was or who she became...

The hunger went quiet for the moment as Mitsuko was focused on the girl trying to hold her from doing a mistake that could cost her life. Her hand slowly moved to touch hers before she turned around, her eyes slightly wet although she tried to hide it. She simply nodded to her, putting on a smile for her. "A-alright... I trust you... Thank you, Jumi...", she said softly, staying there as long as Jumi wanted. Her wings formed once more, seemingly a little longer again as they surrounded the both of them. Mitsuko was feeling at peace.

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Jumi, feeling the wings wrap around her, let hers form again.  It just felt right.  If one had theirs out, both of them should.  A symbol of that hard to describe partnership that had formed between them.  “We’re together forever now, one way or another.”  Teammates, roommates, whatever they exactly were, while Jumi was reluctant to consider the word ‘girlfriend’, it was getting more serious.  She had something with all the members of the team, this was similar, yet different.

”Thank you, though.”  The trust meant a lot to her.  That was especially important here.  She held the embrace for another moment.  Then let go.  “We should go look for food soon.  But…”. She had a softer smile before.  Almost a slight bit of shyness, something she rarely felt.  “I’m almost done here…but I’ve been saving the hair, for you to wash.”

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Azreal carried to her to her room before putting her down lightly on her feet. "Here you go my little star. Here are your clothes as well. You have a wonderful night and rest well. Sweet dreams see you tomorrow at the convention." He kisses her forehead before walking to his own room smirking. Dark thoughts running through his head. He had to tell his master what he found out 

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Mitsuko blinked, having forgotten about the hair entirely. "W-what? But we... I mean... We can go back if you wish...", she blushed a little, by the turn of this event. But as she felt like she had to do something, she opened her eyes, finally noticing and controlling them. For now, however, She wanted to do this for her, as thanks for what help she brought her. Mitsuko held her hand and returned to the showers, dropping her towel again for this then brought Jumi to prepare her hair to be washed. Then she picked up the shampoo.

For once, with all that had happened, Mitsuko seemed to have retrieved her calm as she enjoyed treating Jumi's hair and lathering them with shampoo. She treated them like it was her own, making sure that all of it was clean. Her hands would also be gentle on her head and as she handled her hair. It took a good moment, considering Jumi's amount of hair, to get it all but once she was done, Mitsuko would gently rinse her hair afterwards. All of her movements were delicate and careful for her. Soon enough, she finished and moved away.

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Rin nodded, her eyes already heavy, mostly closed.  Tomorrow, huh? Well, that was not surprising.  Though she assumed that was not the day he intended to take her both ways.  That she had a little more time for that.  It would be interesting to see if she was alone as well.   Emi seemed to have stepped out, but the bed looked like she was going to return.

It was not long before she fell asleep.  It was a deep sleep.  She might have briefly woke up a little, when Emi returned to the bed, but was too tired to react, and fell back to sleep.  Eventually the morning came, Emi was gone again.  Apparently decided to get up early.  Maybe looked for food?   Something else?  She was not bothered by the two of them doing their own thing for a little.

She redressed herself in her Magical Girl clothes.  Went out into the crowd, by herself for the first time.  Though it was still earlier enough it was not as crowded as it would be later.  She went looking for clothes, wondering if she would find Emi.  She hoped her friend was comfortable in the crowd now, at least reasonably so.

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Azreal got to his room as he locked the door and smirked taking a red and black crystal. He looked into it hoping disaster wasn't to busy. " I do hope master answers. I have a few questions for him." His eyes narrowing a bit wanting to give the information he found out but also know why one of his family members and a girl none the less was still alive. Seeing as his master didn't answer he sighed hiding the crystal once more before heading bed.

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It was natural they had to go back.  The end with her Rie and Mitsuko had been pretty chaotic.  Jumi had been waiting for this, but then had to move fast, when Mitsuko left the showers unexpectedly.  Now they were back.  Her towel dropped again, the room’s lighting slightly shifted by the faint pink light of her wings.  “Don’t worry about accidentally touching them.  You can touch them if you want.  Nothing you do to them would hurt me.”  She explained as Mitsuko washed her fair.  It felt nice, relaxing.  A quiet moment to calm the recent tensions.

She could feel it if something touched the wings, but she guessed it was quite different from what touching Mitsuko’s wings might feel like.  They were part of her body, but rather magical.  Thin, but not that fragile.  Even if they were damaged, it did not hurt, the feeling of being touched was much duller than touching skin as well.  Sort of like touching numb skin.

Once Mitsuko was done, she picked up another towel, began drying the hair, standing in front of Mitsuko, letting her see whatever she wanted.  “My wings will show when yours do.  Disappear when yours does.”  She explained the idea she already decided on.  Did it mean anything?  Maybe, maybe not, but it felt right.

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Mitsuko went along with what she was told... Her wings looked special but just as much as hers were. Only, in a different manner. She didn't quite understand her own wings but they felt natural. Like they were connected to her will or feelings somehow. Maybe she would have some control over them soon... For now, if she touched Jumi's wings, she still proceeded carefully but out of curiosity. Her own were all feathery in comparison. Like an angel... Mitsuko didn't know if that fit her well but she liked Jumi's wings and their colors.

Once done, she let Jumi go and dry off, relaxing a little on her side to prepare for doing the same but her eyes quickly noticed the girl standing there for her eyes. The one who she had played games with so closely the night before, in full sight in front of her from a short distance. It made her blush but she kept a satisfied, graceful smile. Mitsuko enjoyed the sight for now while listening to her. "I'm afraid I don't know how my wings work yet... I think they respond to the way I feel and I think they're honest at it, too...", she replied to her.

Moving closer, she focused a little more on her idle wings but they did not do much for her. Maybe they were not exactly part of the form but were more like a magical power of hers. She probably was not ready to go this far yet, which was fine. She still had much to learn. A question still floated on her mind as she looked at Jumi. "Can you fly with yours...?", Mitsuko asked, thinking it made sense to ask. But afterwards, there was more to think about as well. "And... Would you come with me for training? After we have eaten.", she queried.

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“A little.  Hovering is easier.  I can fly a little, but can’t stay in the air very long.  I’m no bird.”  Jumi mostly went in the air to attack from a safe distance.  It was too difficult to travel much with her wings, though she could use them to get over obstacles or pass over a little short rough terrain.  She doubted it was something she improve much at this point, it was just not a power that could be used for long terms for Jumi.

As for the other offer.  “…Well…”.  It was not exactly the time she would choose for training.  “We will definitively get plenty of training of training in together over time.  Though my plan was to wait until after this was over.  These sort of things are some of the only times I really relax.”  These conventions were like a holiday to Jumi.  Some of the only times she really relaxed.  No fighting, training or anything like that.

She finished drying the hair, began working on the rest of her body.  “Though there is a chance you can do a little training of sorts here, at least using your wings, maybe some other things.”  She could think of a few activities done here, that were more like games, or friendly competitions between the Magical Girls/Knights, but could also be training to a degree.

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Mitsuko gave a little smile in response to Jumi telling her that she was not a bird. It was a funny question but an interesting one nonetheless. Maybe her own wings would allow her to do more. She moved to go dry herself as well. The part she was told about the training was understandable but she nonetheless had concerns she had fears about. If she could not be minimally prepared, what would be the worst that she would do to her... Or to anyone now close to her...? After all, she was in her room in the midst of the night.

"Maybe it's best I tell you more about her...", Mitsuko said as she grabbed a towel. What had happened was so fast but at the same time, the little information she had may still be a decent warning for Jumi and the others. "The one who is after me named herself Lenneth... She was half of my size but the strength she had was monstrous. I'm still surprised that she did not kill me. She was dressed a little strange, though... In blue, a little like her hair. Oh, and she had furred ears. And a tail. But she looked like a magical girl herself."

The last part probably came as most surprising. Or not, depending on what Jumi knew of all kinds of magical girls. Mitsuko continued, trying to remember the details of what being knocked through a wall didn't erase. "I could not really sense anything in her but she did not give any hints of being a demon... Though I'm no expert. If she is one, I could have been fooled to believe she was one of us... She said that she wanted the sword. I did not see any weapons so perhaps it really is hers. I don't know why it chose me."

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The night could be a busy time, even for a demon.  Zorn now had at least two distractions that could have kept him busy a given night.  Though he was not aware that one of them had spent that night seducing his enemy, the sister of the other one who sometimes occupied his nights.  He was aware though, that the Knight tried to contact him.  When the morning came, the crystal glowed dimly, let out a soft unearthly hum, letting Azreal know he was ready for whatever the Knight tried to contact him about.

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Jumi listened, but the information was only so useful.  Not all their enemies were demons.  Some demons also did look a lot more human than others.  Then there were the Broken Girls.  In the end, the main use of this information was Jumi might not be surprised by seeing her without realizing it.

Not fighting to kill was a good sign, but did not by itself rule anything out.  As she finished drying, focused on her ring, making her Magical Girl outfit reappear, she shook her head.  “Unfortunately that isn’t enough to say for sure what she is or is not.  Like I said last night, can try to check some foreign teams, see if they have any idea.  But I can’t say much about what she is.”

But there was a priority to take care of before anything else.  “Once you are ready, let’s get that breakfast.  I can tell you what I meant about training of a sort here.”

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Mitsuko looked slightly bothered but she figured that maybe nobody else had met with her yet. When she thought about it, she didn't really know much about her opponent at all herself. Clearly, she got involved into something pretty important or so it seemed. "I see... I understand.", she replied. At least she was letting Jumi know so if she saw her, she would know who is after her. For now, there was more important to think about, as long as Lenneth did not show herself up randomly like she did in her bedroom...

Jumi appeared to have the same thought when she mentioned breakfast. Mitsuko required it more and more. Her body was starting to beg her for food. There was not much for her to get ready with, though. A towel to hide her body, although her wings made that difficult to manage. It was a miracle that her towel had held for so long before. Trying to focus her mind on them, she tried to wish for them to be gone somehow. As if they responded to her wish, they soon vanished, making her smile in the process.

Now, Mitsuko tightened a long towel around her body, adjusted her hair then nodded to Jumi. "I will be alright like this... For now...", she told her. It was odd to simply go along with being mostly naked but she was more comfortable with it around her, anyway. It was not anything new in general. The circumstances made it more strange than usual but she tried not to be too bothered by it. As she was done, she left the bathroom but waited for Jumi to lead her wherever she preferred. She'd finally manage to eat.

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Azreal the next morning awoke to hear the crystal humming. He looked over at it and sighed. "Finally....he was probably busy with his whore." He rolled his eyes before getting out of bed shirtless. He walked over picking up the crystal and walking to the bathroom in his room. He chating a bit as the crystal opened a portal or mirror of sorts. "Good morning my Lord. I have a great amount of details and information to tell you. Plus a question I have to ask you." He said his voice cold and strict like the first harsh winter wind.

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“…We do need to get you some new clothes too.”  It was probably technically fine to go out like that.  It was going to be a pain with the crowd though.  No one would do anything too drastic out in the open, but a girl just wearing a towel was not going to be ignored either.  “Well, if anyone tries to grope you, let me know, I’ll do something about it.”  That was the worst anyone would probably do, most would try to make it seem accidental too.  “Honestly, if you want to dress like me, someone is probably selling an imitation of what I’m wearing.”  There were no ordinary clothes for sale here, but there was a variety in the style of Magical Girls.  Either imitations of existing girls, or original stuff.

For now though, she took Mitsuko’s hand, led her down the hall and towards the open area.  They could decide whether food or clothes came first.

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Mitsuko blinked as she eyed down at herself. The idea that anyone would try to touch her made her blush but she simply nodded to Jumi. "Alright... It's true that I did not think about what I would look in front of everyone. I thought we would stay where no one can see us... I would not mind having a dress like yours for the time being, though.", she admitted, presuming they were of her size. Realistically, it would not be a good idea to step in public being so under dressed. She was alright with Jumi but it still was risky to proceed.

Squeezing her hand gently, Mitsuko looked at her friend. "Um... Maybe it's best I wait here... I don't think I want everyone to see me like this... You're free to pick anything you like for me, though.", she told her with a smile, trusting Jumi to make the right choice for her. She would be waiting in the hall meanwhile where barely anyone can see her. It was best like that for now and food would come right after so she remained motivated for it, for now. Mitsuko had worse pain than a stomach pain that could wait a moment longer.

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That was probably for the best.  Jumi did not want to keep Mitsuko back here too long, while there was a little food available back here, it was best to go out and get a proper meal.  But clothes were needed before that.

”Alright, go back to the room we were in last night.  I’ll find a few options for you.  It won’t take long.  I already have a good idea of what to buy.”  She did not mind spending a little extra for a few options.  She was rather quick about it too.  Made her way to the shopping area, found a few good options.  A mix of options, some Mitsuko would recognize and one or two ‘original’ ones that might surprise her.  They could go out in matching outfits, but Mitsuko had a few options, but Jumi had a feeling it would be down to one or two.  As she began walking back to the room, her hands had quite a pile in them.

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Mitsuko took a good look at Jumi, wondering if that was the best solution but she did not argue. Simply nodding, she made it back to the room and waited there, hearing and feeling her stomach being in pain more and more. "I am fated to suffer for eternity...", she muttered, only really complaining about how hungry she was. Comically, situations kept coming up that always pushed her away from the chance of eating something but realistically, she knew it was for a greater good. Eat early but naked or later but safely dressed.

She waited and waited, until she finally saw Jumi come back but with a pile of clothes. Her eyes widened as she saw the effort her friend had put to get something she could possibly like. "Y-you went all out... You didn't have to do so much, Jumi...", she told her, staring at the pile she had brought. At the same time, there were many good looking options in there. Some of which had colors of the Fairy's own dress. "The only problem now is I don't know what to choose... What would you recommend...?", she asked Jumi, looking lost.

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