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So, what do I say here?

I'm not a man on a mission, but perhaps you could say quest?

I want to find someone who wants more than just to be 'blacked'. I know my assets but I am sick of women thinking/assuming I'm going to be down to just do/say the most vile shit to them off of how their kinks and my looks intersect.

I want someone who wants me for all I can provide. Daddies and Doms (bbc packing or otherwise) are not there just to pump and dump. I mean, if you want that kind of play or that kind of scene, sure. But I want after care, I want softness, I want love.

To be clear I am **NOT** looking for a relationship. That shit is way too hard to make work over Internet and I've learned my lesson. 

But I want to love you. I want to kiss you, I want to make you feel safe and hear about your day. I want to play with your body gently, then push you further and further until you think you can't handle anymore, and then teach you all you >can< handle.

Actual/play age does not matter to me, I have had littles older than me before (though at 30+ now I am sure that will only become more rare) with zero issue, and when it comes toplay there is no lower limit that will make you any less beautiful or valid in my eyes.

If you want love and gentleness in your kink but don't want to worry about some dude catching feelings just cause you're writing together, hit me up.

I want to make good memories and then leave them in the past where they shine brightest.

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