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F4M Looking to be kidnapped and spoiled in exchange for sex

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Hello! I’ve been wanting for quite a while now to fulfill a very special fantasy of mine.

I’m a teen girl walking home from school, so tired after PE that i take a nap on your lawn You take me inside lay me on your bed and wait for me to wake. When i do you explain it was getting breezy out and I’d have gotten sick.

After calming me you start befriending me, and every second makes you a little bit more obsessed with me. You use your charm mixed with a little bit of material gifts to make me comfortable around you, and use gummy edibles to drug me for good measure. Distracting me from going back home, you’d get bolder and bolder, small things like smelling my hair and telling me I’m cute evolving into molesting me and full on rape. 
Of course, you’d be gentle and caring every second of it, making your spell on me so strong that I’d give up my body for you, staying with you forever and letting you abuse me, because i know if I just endure a little bit of daily pain and discomfort I’ll live a life of bliss with you the rest of the time<3

I have many ideas and kinks to incorporate in this (or not)! I hope you liked my idea, thanks for reading this far if you did and if you didn’t (well you clearly did cuz you’re reading this but anyway) still, just message me and we can chat! I’ll be waiting for you~

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