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OK. It's been 4 years since anyone posted anything here, so I'm going to put a stake in this monster's heart and repurpose it for a new game.

This will become an Expanse game. For fans of the show or books, watch this space for a new RP based on the Green Ronin RPG. It will use a very trimmed down resolution mechanic and no experience with it, or any other table top RPG, is neccessary.

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Hey there! I watched the first season of the Expanse and liked it. I’m going to want to review the technology in the setting, but I’m not sure how strictly you want to keep to the canon. I can definitely see catching up for it.


I’ll have more details later, but I want my character to be a woman in her 30-40’s who is an engineer and can keep together sub-par systems. She’d look like Madame Octopus from the Spiderverse movies. She’s be very protective of the ship and sometimes people would call her Mrs. (Ship’s Name). She doesn’t mind this, really. I can see her being in a polycule, for sure.

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A woman in her 30's to 40's is fine. Madam Oc's cybernetics aren't really a thing in the Expanse, although I don't see why they couldn't be. Clarissa Mao has implants (granted they're more biological than electro-mechanical) that she can activate to become a deadly combatant, Josep gets regrowth therapy for his severed arm and when the Cant is attacked we hear about prosthetics - so all the underlying technologies exist.

@IsabellaRose, do you have any thoughts? I'm inclined to say, "Why not?" I think we need to limit the quantity of servo arms and make any kind of fine manipulation subject to some kind of check, but everything to create that kind of technology exists. The mental capacity to really control them is the hard science fiction limit on it, in my opinion.

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I wasn’t necessarily seeing her as having the Octo arms. I meant more along how she looks, which I really like. Kind of a messy-hot science lady.

I was going to ask about cybernetics, because I know that it’s sort of possible, but not explicitly there. I wouldn’t want full-fledged robots, but advanced drones seem possible.

I could also see her having a prosthetic arm that she can maintain with hard work and money. There could be some reason that it couldn’t be regrown. I think that the arm could be used as a weapon, but she would only do this in emergencies, because it’s expensive to fix. It would be an obvious, metal prosthetic.

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41 minutes ago, BrokenButterfly said:

Kind of a messy-hot science lady.

Madam Oc reminds me a lot of Miss Frizzle from The Magic School bus...

Our freighter probably doesn't have a huge supply of drones - maybe a cargo lifter to move larger containers and a security drone or two to surveil the barge-shuttles. A prosthetic seems completely sensible. Do the others know what happened to your arm?

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Yes. She got splashed with highly corrosive chemicals in an industrial accident or maybe a skirmish (actually, its sort of both) and the arm couldn’t be saved or regrown. I’m not sure if anyone would want graphic details, but it was bad. She had to do it herself because things were desperate. I’d be willing to RP it. If you’d like, she could tell the story to a newer crewman. It would be a bit of a horror story.


Yeah, she has big frizzle energy. She’s going to be pretty neurotic and awkward, but also fiercely loyal and protective of her ship and crew.

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The rough idea at this point is most of the crew know each other already. Siobhan, Jan and the pilot all worked together on their last ship. The current ship is tentatively owned by an affluent Earther (well, her dad's company, technically)who hired the other three on Vesta.

Do you think your engineer came with the ship? Is she, maybe, torn between her company paycheck and the promise of a life beyond the Ring?

It's a thought - not even a suggestion - just an idea that kinda fits with the ideas that are already bouncing around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While @IsabellaRose is on hiatus she's asked me to get things started here.

As it is her character who actually owns the ship we'll be taking through the ring, I'd like to run a little prequel on Vesta.

My tentative set up for this is Siobhan and Jan have just left their last ship, Ruby of Karur, They had been happy members of that crew for several years and in a long relationship with the pilot. When their lover and the ship's captain were moved to another ship by the owners and replaced with much more abusive and difficult crew, the pair left and have been eking by on the docks of Vesta, hoping for another opportunity.

Have they met anyone interesting on the docks - and what kind of shady things are we all doing to get by?

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While I work my way through Siobhan and Jan being poor and desperate, does anyone have thoughts about what we want to do to define characters? I used the official Expanse RPG but it may not be the best tool for this kind of play-by-post environment.

Cypher? PDQ? Something else?

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@Nile 20 I see you joined us after the name change. Welcome.

Most of the members are from a few years ago when this club began as a pirate game. There's a half baked plan to run an Expanse game, but it hadn't gotten a lot of traction. There is an ad campaign getting ready to start, so we have the opportunity to build something fun, creative and hopefully interesting.

If not The Expanse - which I still hold out secret hope for - what ideas have you got? It needn't be an actual RPG a setting, group of characters or storyline is a place to start.

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