Comments & Suggestions
Constructive Comments, Suggestions, Feedback and so on about EcchiDreams is welcome here. If something sucks, explain why you think it sucks and how you think it can be improved. It is best to try and be as detailed, and specific as you can so that we can better understand your comment, or suggestion. Being vague might not get you anywhere, because we might not be able to understand what you're trying to say sometimes.
95 topics in this forum
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When you take <3 and turn it into ❤️, or take :) and turn it into 🙂... do you realize what you've just done? There's a reason people prefer old-fashion emoticons over pictograms sometimes, you know... A) Some of the designs genuinely just don't convey the same emotion. 😎 Sometimes they interfere with actual text ("B)" doesn't actually become the sunglasses emoji on this forum, but it does on many others, and it can be a big obstruction of text flow). In order to manually correct things back to normal, you've gotta use a custom unicode character called a zero width space to keep them digitally separate without any visual difference to humans. Many ol…
Last reply by TheShyestGuy , -
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Hello and thanks for having this forum to allow our, sometimes, good suggestions and questions. As you probably know, I run several clubs myself and most often they are quite comprehensive in scope and thus needs to be flexible to accomodate how I choose to set things up so my members are able to find what they need easy and quickly. However, even owners of the clubs are not able to move topics around, delete topics and do the more large scale functions. Thus we need to ask staff members to do these tasks for us. I would like to see club owners having more freedom in how they arrange and set up things.
Last reply by IsabellaRose , -
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Sometimes someone will leave a conversation and then want back in. It isn’t possible to invite them back in. Is there another way to do it??
Last reply by Carpet , -
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I would love for Ecchi Texts to open to the most recent unread message or the last read one. Currently if you open a thread with 30 pages of responses it defaults to page 1. I get that it’s only one click to get to the last page, but I’d prefer to not have to do that forever if it’s possible to fix! Thanks!
Last reply by Novaer , -
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- 12 replies
Look, I get it, you don't want people deleting stuff willy-nilly. If they could, I'm sure people would purge entire conversations. Might I suggest going the route that Messenger did, and only allowing people to delete a message within maybe a day or so after it was sent? I forever live through the pain of people sending a new message in a private roleplay instead of just editing the old one. It shuffles the entire dynamic and makes me confused on who actually started the conversation without manually jumping all the way back to page one. Pls fix, thx.
Last reply by Gidgy , -
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As a new person on the site, this happened to me. Do you see the EcchiText icon at the bottom right? Yes, that tiny screen, where text can be lost with a single missclick. At the top of the page there's an option to have EcchiText in a larger window (the two speech bubbles). Which is much more helpful. So what's the problem, you might wonder. The problem is that I'm not seeing a way to go from the bottom right EcchiText to a large open window. Since the bottom right EcchiText is standing out more, it can throw people off. I think having an option to expand into a larger EcchiText Window, when using the bottom right EcchiText, would be helpful. In other word…
Last reply by Taramafor , -
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I tried to use the ignore feature on two seperate profiles that blow up the un-read feed with images I dont really care for. I’m still seeing their new post updates with images despite hitting ignore on everything and submitting it for those profiles. What gives? Am I using the feature wrong and there’s something else I should be doing?
Last reply by Novaer , -
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Is there a limit to how long after a post is made that you can edit it? I can’t edit some of my posts now and the way my partner and I do our writing is we post it first and edit it as we go because our posts take so long to write since they’re generally pretty big and detailed. It could just be because I’m on mobile but now I’m worried? Update: I can’t edit ANY posts. I’m on mobile on safari, but had no issues yesterday doing so. Tried logging out and back in, not fixed. Cleared history and cache and everything on safari, not fixed. Not sure what to do?
Last reply by Novaer , -
- 2 replies
not really a concern at the moment but like if theres a club and the owners account is suddenly deactivated or banned, what happens to the club? like is it like a free for all, does it get deleted, can someone else claim ownership of it. like whats the protocal... or does it just slowly get forgotten like am abandon ship in a ship-graveyard...
Last reply by inkylore , -
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I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this but I wasn't sure where else to ask. So I've been rather inactive due to real life problems, but I keep meaning to get back into roleplaying again. Today I tried to log in multiple times, and the page took forever to load. I just couldn't log in no matter how long I waited or how often I refreshed the page. However, as soon as I used a VPN and changed my location to another country, it seemed to work completely fine. Now the pages load very quick and everything is working. Is there some sort of issue with ecchidreams being blocked or ISPs in the UK making it load slow? Anyone else had this problem? Also, …
Last reply by spectacular_silver , -
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I can't see the option to indent paragraphs in the text editor anymore. I find that quite useful for phone messages and other stuff, and I hope you can bring it back!
Last reply by Novaer , -
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Did we switch to a new browser or is this website still good on Chrome? If so I'm unsure how to get the app back to chrome....
Last reply by Axel Banned , -
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Similar to how roleplay requests work with having to search for roleplay or not looking currently, what about adding a feature like this to people's profiles? So when people visit their profiles, they can have a status that says 'Open to roleplays'. 'Limited Roleplay spots open', 'Not open anymore Roleplays currently'. I think it would be a neat QOL feature since not everyone makes a post and just browses whenever someone else posts something, and when random people visit their profile, it shows if the person is available.
Last reply by BigBadWolf , -
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Is there a solution for if someone wants to upload images related to a specific RP(such as schematics/blueprints of the location it takes place) but doesn't want to have to link to an external site that requires an account to upload? I was uploading them to an album in the gallery until I noticed that it was against policy to upload anything but character images.
Last reply by ThomDagger , -
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New people generally finds the place to post their preferences but it can take em a week or more to link it to their profile and it’s definitely not intuitive. it would be great if this was automated! I dunno what options you have with the softwares, but one way might be to remove the new button from the preferences forum and only haves it on the profile screen. Then it can auto-attach and you can prevents posting multiple preferences.
Last reply by Gidgy , -
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How is the Ecchi bank gonna attracts new customers if it no pay better interest than thats?!
Last reply by Gidgy , -
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When I respond to status updates in either chrome (on mac) or chrome (iOS) usually the component freeze on saving. Note that the response does save, it just doesn’t refreshes the component to show that it saves.
Last reply by Novaer , -
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So I've been away from the site for a while. I have a constant notification that I have a new request received, however when I click it there is nothing there. I Imagine the person who sent it got banned or deactivated their account or something.
Last reply by Novaer , -
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I been havin some troubles with the texts and hopin that there are either answers to fix it now or it can be added someday maybe! It really hard to tells which messages are new. I mean the threads with new messages are bold but they're only BARELY bold so it's really hard to see specially on a mobiles. Could maybe changes the color as well as the bold or prefixes wiff "(New)" in the title or something? It hard to tells which threads have been responded last by somebody else. So like for RPs it would mean "hey Gidgy, it your turn so pay attentions!" Maybe an icon added to the list view indicating "U" or "Not-U" having posted lasts. I started puttin thin…
Last reply by Novaer , -
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Now, I understand this might not be "needed" or ever suggested by anyone before but there is a first time for everything. To best explain what I will go on about, see my album of characters. The point: I think we should have a setting when we create albums (Or edit them) to mark a character as available or not and maybe a between option for "waiting for confirmation", "in standby" or the likes. When a roleplayer would check the characters (albums) of a potential partner, they would therefore know if a character is available to be requested or not in a roleplay. I do believe it would make things slightly better and it would be a fun and useful settings to have around…
Last reply by Warning , -
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Please, for the love of heavens, allow us to manually sort images within albums. While I understand that albums are now made for only a single characters, this exactly increased the priority of this suggestion. Most people may not require that their images hold a certain sorting order but I kinda do. Images that I uploaded the first time (that I use as main images) should not be kicked back with new images being uploaded, when they are supposed to be secondary images to support the first one. I know that I can make an image THE main image of the album but this isn't the issue. I want my images to be in order so the most important ones are first and the least importan…
Last reply by Warning , -
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I am speaking on behalf of a friend on here who wishes for their visits to remain private. They have activated the privacy option, but from what I understand, people can still spot them on the users list: They, and I am sure others, would appreciate if their online status be 100% hidden.
Last reply by Novaer , -
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Hi there! Maybe it's just me, but I keep seeing someone's avatar, check their profile and I realize that I've checked them already at least two times (that very day), and then maybe I already either followed them (because I thought they are great folks) or decided we wouldn't click (but they are still great folks, so I don't want to ignore them). Would that be a huge problem to add an overlay tags to avatars, seen only by a particular user; say I would mark someone "interesting", "not a match" (or "followed" created by following someone) and then the next time I would see them in a list of users I wouldn't scare them with yet another visit to their profile?
Last reply by Novaer , -
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I'm seeing a ton of people either getting deactivated or banned, one of them being a roleplayer that I was having a fun time writing with. Is the purge happening or somethin?
Last reply by Eliteeric , -
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For Ecchitexts, it would be great if you could pin a conversation to the top of the inbox. Make it so the ones you want to keep an eye on don't get buried when you get a bunch coming in.
Last reply by Novaer , -
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