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Elena And Her Thoughts Out There

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  • Community Administrator
40 minutes ago, Elena Ichinomiya said:

14th November 2024

And I say, for their sake, I'll stay. I have no say in this, but I'll be fine. There's one promise I made here that still not yet broken. I'll be okay. Until i see you again.

It's a bit much playing the martyr, Elena. You had plenty of say - that's what landed you in that trouble.

I will not tolerate abuse against my staff, or myself.

Edited by Novaer
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Novaer, if you don't get the message, could you at least, kindly, ask what am i even talking about? 

The post I made above are meant for my RP partner to wait just a bit longer because of this fiasco and assure them they're my only reason to come back to. And bear in mind your concept of abuse to land me the restriction is questionable in itself. Look...

  • Why you call it abuse violation when all I did is questioning? Bear in mind I didn't ping every single moderator in spammy way nor DM them in harassing way. None.
  • You know all you had to do is telling me to stop if I cross the line as warning shot; it's not my first ride being muted for talking too much for the record. But instead you calling me having chip on my shoulder and keep double down on it before choosing ban me off Discord rather than mute. Are you truly consider that warning shots? It felt like abuse of power to me.
  • You do know all this fiasco can be avoided if you (or any mods really) just answer the question regarding the VIP channel, even if the answer is "I don't know"? 
  • I find it hilarious enough hearing you saying I have chip on my shoulder and need to calm down, and yet in that one single conversation we had, it seems like you're being one. Even when I ask you kindly in support section, you sound so chippy and seems like losing lid yourself if not reluctant to answer my inquiry. I didn't curse or even saying slurs on that inquiry, what's getting into you?
  • My opinion still stood Novaer, its not my fault to speak in such manner when you done it yourself. You're mods, I expect you to do better than putting more insulting words than actual solution in your answer. Forgive me to compare but Tem do it better than you do and somehow I get his message and we go on our ways. Never once we had this kind of headbutt ever despite stepping on each other foot more than once.

The real kick to me personally is...

  • The way you pushing the TOS section about mods abuse is rather off putting to me if not overkill considering I didn't go that far to earn that. It sounds to me that I was forced to love what mods are doing, simply because they're volunteer. That won't do Novaer and let me tell you one thing...

    If Tem still at the position as admin and he made a feature that's broken, you bet I'll criticize it the way I did about VIP channel. "Oh but those are made by volunteer! You should love it!", well too bad, fix the feature Tem.

    You can't expect people not to throw a bone toward any feature despite it was made by volunteer and expect them to just shut up and love it. If you don't believe it you should ask around about the time when EcchiChat feature was pulled. Even when Tem explain why, there's still people criticizing him for that move. Or when the poke feature were pulled, or when Ecchibank no longer give interest.
  • To ban me indefinitely from Discord doesn't change the fact what I say about ED server management are. And you prove it even more by not letting me have any say and just outright ban. Forgive me again for keep comparing you but at least Tem would send warning shot by muting me and I get the message. I know you're not Tem and you work in your own way but do you even think if your method gonna deliver your message?
  • So yes, I personally think I'm being moderated simply because you don't like being criticized. Do not blame me for having that impression about you, it's your own doing.

Look here Novaer, I don't know you. I don't know how you operate, how you moderate thing in the past, how to approach you, what kind of conversation you like, what kind of joke you prefer. I don't know a thing. To see our first direct conversation goes this way is honestly left me humiliated if not insecure as if my days is numbered because I end up fearing of angering you for posting as we speak. Feel free to doubt all I said so far, but believe me in this one...


I don't believe you're bad guy despite what you did, I would love to believe you just had bad hair day at the time.

That's all. Oh and if you prefer to keep this message in moderation that's fine. I'll just move along and leave it at that. Just...leave me alone Novaer, I just want to mind my RP at this point once the restriction is lifted.

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  • Community Administrator
6 hours ago, Elena Ichinomiya said:

Novaer, if you don't get the message, could you at least, kindly, ask what am i even talking about? 

I understood your message perfectly, Elena, thank you. There's no need to imply otherwise. We’re both aware of what’s happening on November 14th, even if others aren’t. That’s the day your content screening ends. You also said, and I quote:

On 15/09/2024 at 23:06, Elena Ichinomiya said:

And I say, for their sake, I'll stay. I have no say in this, but I'll be fine. There's one promise I made here that still not yet broken. I'll be okay. Until i see you again.

My response is entirely reasonable, given what you said. In fact, you confirmed that this is what you were referring to: "The post I made above is meant for my RP partner to wait a bit longer because of this fiasco and assure them they're my only reason to come back." And yes, the "fiasco" you mentioned is one that you caused.

6 hours ago, Elena Ichinomiya said:

The post I made above are meant for my RP partner to wait just a bit longer because of this fiasco and assure them they're my only reason to come back to. And bear in mind your concept of abuse to land me the restriction is questionable in itself. Look...

  • Why you call it abuse violation when all I did is questioning? Bear in mind I didn't ping every single moderator in spammy way nor DM them in harassing way. None.
  • You know all you had to do is telling me to stop if I cross the line as warning shot; it's not my first ride being muted for talking too much for the record. But instead you calling me having chip on my shoulder and keep double down on it before choosing ban me off Discord rather than mute. Are you truly consider that warning shots? It felt like abuse of power to me.
  • You do know all this fiasco can be avoided if you (or any mods really) just answer the question regarding the VIP channel, even if the answer is "I don't know"? 
  • I find it hilarious enough hearing you saying I have chip on my shoulder and need to calm down, and yet in that one single conversation we had, it seems like you're being one. Even when I ask you kindly in support section, you sound so chippy and seems like losing lid yourself if not reluctant to answer my inquiry. I didn't curse or even saying slurs on that inquiry, what's getting into you?
  • My opinion still stood Novaer, its not my fault to speak in such manner when you done it yourself. You're mods, I expect you to do better than putting more insulting words than actual solution in your answer. Forgive me to compare but Tem do it better than you do and somehow I get his message and we go on our ways. Never once we had this kind of headbutt ever despite stepping on each other foot more than once.

If you felt that way, you could have easily followed the suggestion in the warning and filed an appeal here: https://ecchidreams.com/help/support/infraction-appeal/ As the one who issued the warning, I can provide my side of the story, explain why I made that decision, and outline the actions I took. However, another staff member would review it, consider the evidence, and apply the Terms of Service. The staff member that warns the Dreamer, can't be decider in the appeal... For obvious reasons. I’m not immune to making mistakes just because I’m the community administrator. Like you, I’m human and can make errors.

If you’d prefer a discussion, I’m open to that as well. I'd be happy to provide the context behind my reasoning afterward because I believe it's important to clarify.

Q: "Why you call it abuse violation when all I did is questioning? Bear in mind I didn't ping every single moderator in spammy way nor DM them in harassing way. None."

A: That wasn't all you did. The issue wasn’t the questions themselves but the openly hostile tone you used, especially regarding something that was self-evident. There’s a polite way to ask questions, and then there’s the way you approached it.


I did nudge this part of the server in my thread. I don't know how to manage server alright, but even I would dare to say this is just waste of space given what Magi said is pretty much true. Hilariously enough, we lost access to news instead... (edited)

I mean, if ED had downtime and we had no clue, where do we turn to now?

I responded:


I have no idea what you're driving at but it's staying where it is, thank you very much.

Also ⁠📰┊ecchidreams-news is still there.

I simply stated that the channel would stay where it was and thanked you for your feedback. I can see how my response might have been read as sarcastic, but that wasn’t my intention, and even if it was, it didn't warrant the kind of response you gave it.

I also clarified that the news channel hadn’t gone anywhere, and there had been no changes made to the Discord server. It was exactly as Tem had left it. If Discord had made changes to its mobile app, I wasn't aware of it. Personally, I don’t particularly like Discord, and this situation is a good example of why. But, I digress.

Q: You know all you had to do is telling me to stop if I cross the line as warning shot; it's not my first ride being muted for talking too much for the record. But instead you calling me having chip on my shoulder and keep double down on it before choosing ban me off Discord rather than mute. Are you truly consider that warning shots? It felt like abuse of power to me.

A: I shouldn't have to spell out when you're being hostile; as an adult, you should recognize when your tone crosses a line. I did tell you to calm down, and that was all the warning you needed after the way you spoke to Manni and myself, along with the comments you made about the staff in general. It did seem like you had a chip on your shoulder, especially since you reacted as though my refusal to change the channel setup was a personal slight. I wasn’t sure why you were reacting so strongly, but yes, you were being spammy about it. While I agree that "Abuse of Staff" can seem vague, it exists in our Terms of Service for a very good reason, and I am enforcing it for the sake of the community. I'll explain why in detail below.

Q: You do know all this fiasco can be avoided if you (or any mods really) just answer the question regarding the VIP channel, even if the answer is "I don't know"? 

A: The answer was self-evident, and you didn’t ask about it until much later. You said, “I ask for an explanation, kindly. If you can't provide any, I won't judge.” By then, the damage had already been done. My response was, “I don't have to provide one. It’s just a place where Premium Members can chat with other premium members. You don’t need to use it. Also, you're not in any position to talk about 'false assumptions' considering the many you’ve made. Instead of being combative, actually read what I said: the channel is staying where it is, thanks very much. You’re triggered for some reason."

I didn’t feel the need to explain further because it should have been clear from the start. You didn’t need to use the channel, yet you acted as though its very existence was offensive. I also called out your hypocrisy for accusing us of making false assumptions when you were the one rapidly firing them off. To be absolutely clear: at no point before this did you ask why the VIP channel existed. You only did so after causing a fuss and attacking the staff publicly for reasons I can’t speculate on. That’s not my fault, and no, Elena, that's not how any of this works.

Q: I find it hilarious enough hearing you saying I have chip on my shoulder and need to calm down, and yet in that one single conversation we had, it seems like you're being one. Even when I ask you kindly in support section, you sound so chippy and seems like losing lid yourself if not reluctant to answer my inquiry. I didn't curse or even saying slurs on that inquiry, what's getting into you?

A: I didn't have a chip on my shoulder, but I became increasingly frustrated by how you were conducting yourself and your hostility toward the staff. As for the support section, I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I stuck to the facts, and there was no indication of me "losing my lid." Here's the exact content of your support request:


I just get to the point. Since i'm being moderated, what are things that I get restricted to? Ecchitext seems to be a no-no since I don't see the button. Also...

In the notification, it said the restriction is ended at 2024, but the infraction window at my profile said 2025? Which one was the right one?

Also...today is 15 09 2024. Perhaps it's placed on the ED timezone? It's already 15 09 2024 here, I'm confused. 

To which I responded:

On 15/09/2024 at 18:33, Novaer said:

I'm not sure what you're really saying. The information I'm seeing is correct. Content moderation and the points are independent of each other and they have to different expiry dates. 

The current penalties against your account is the following:

  • You have 25 infraction points (Halved from 50, originally) that expire on 15th September 2025
  • You are content moderated for 1 month and 30 days, or 14th November 2024 at 23:59hrs UTC. 
    • During this time EcchiTexts is disabled.
  • You have been indefinitely banned from the EcchiDreams Discord.

I hope that clarifies things. To further this, understand: I have no time nor tolerance for abusive behavior towards staff. None what so ever.

I outlined your penalties clearly and highlighted the important information. The statement about not tolerating abusive behavior wasn’t "losing my lid"; it was a factual reminder of where things stand. After what happened with Tem, who was arguably one of the best things to happen to this community, I won’t tolerate any abuse toward staff. Be respectful, and we’ll be respectful in return. Start acting hostile, and we’ll have a problem. This is not "an abuse of power"; it’s ensuring that our staff are treated with basic respect.

There was absolutely no reluctance in my response. I replied within 40 minutes, half of which I spent verifying the information to ensure accuracy. I have no idea where this idea that I was being "chippy," "losing my lid," or "reluctant" comes from, and frankly, I find that notion ridiculous.

Q: My opinion still stood Novaer, its not my fault to speak in such manner when you done it yourself. You're mods, I expect you to do better than putting more insulting words than actual solution in your answer. Forgive me to compare but Tem do it better than you do and somehow I get his message and we go on our ways. Never once we had this kind of headbutt ever despite stepping on each other foot more than once.

A: Let’s be clear—I’m not here to be liked. I’m here to run a community. At no point was I insulting you. The harshest thing I said was that you weren't the center of the universe, and that was only after asking you to calm down and seeing your overreaction to what was a straightforward situation.

6 hours ago, Elena Ichinomiya said:

The real kick to me personally is...

  • The way you pushing the TOS section about mods abuse is rather off putting to me if not overkill considering I didn't go that far to earn that. It sounds to me that I was forced to love what mods are doing, simply because they're volunteer. That won't do Novaer and let me tell you one thing...

    If Tem still at the position as admin and he made a feature that's broken, you bet I'll criticize it the way I did about VIP channel. "Oh but those are made by volunteer! You should love it!", well too bad, fix the feature Tem.

    You can't expect people not to throw a bone toward any feature despite it was made by volunteer and expect them to just shut up and love it. If you don't believe it you should ask around about the time when EcchiChat feature was pulled. Even when Tem explain why, there's still people criticizing him for that move. Or when the poke feature were pulled, or when Ecchibank no longer give interest.
  • To ban me indefinitely from Discord doesn't change the fact what I say about ED server management are. And you prove it even more by not letting me have any say and just outright ban. Forgive me again for keep comparing you but at least Tem would send warning shot by muting me and I get the message. I know you're not Tem and you work in your own way but do you even think if your method gonna deliver your message?
  • So yes, I personally think I'm being moderated simply because you don't like being criticized. Do not blame me for having that impression about you, it's your own doing.

Look here Novaer, I don't know you. I don't know how you operate, how you moderate thing in the past, how to approach you, what kind of conversation you like, what kind of joke you prefer. I don't know a thing. To see our first direct conversation goes this way is honestly left me humiliated if not insecure as if my days is numbered because I end up fearing of angering you for posting as we speak. Feel free to doubt all I said so far, but believe me in this one...


I don't believe you're bad guy despite what you did, I would love to believe you just had bad hair day at the time.

That's all. Oh and if you prefer to keep this message in moderation that's fine. I'll just move along and leave it at that. Just...leave me alone Novaer, I just want to mind my RP at this point once the restriction is lifted.

Okay lets unpack this then shall we?

Assertion: The way you pushing the TOS section about mods abuse is rather off putting to me if not overkill considering I didn't go that far to earn that. It sounds to me that I was forced to love what mods are doing, simply because they're volunteer. That won't do Novaer and let me tell you one thing... If Tem still at the position as admin and he made a feature that's broken, you bet I'll criticize it the way I did about VIP channel. "Oh but those are made by volunteer! You should love it!", well too bad, fix the feature Tem. You can't expect people not to throw a bone toward any feature despite it was made by volunteer and expect them to just shut up and love it. If you don't believe it you should ask around about the time when EcchiChat feature was pulled. Even when Tem explain why, there's still people criticizing him for that move. Or when the poke feature were pulled, or when Ecchibank no longer give interest.

Response: Abuse can take many forms. It doesn’t have to be extreme insults or threats. Hostility, gaslighting, or aggressive behavior toward staff also qualifies. The majority of our community members engage with staff respectfully, but for those who can’t manage that, they’re put on notice: I will not tolerate abuse of any kind.

Conflating the VIP channel with a "broken feature" doesn’t apply here. The channel serves its intended purpose. If you had reported an actual broken feature, I’d have addressed it promptly. No one told you to “love it or shut up”; in fact, you were told, "You don’t need to use it." Criticism is welcome, but your behavior went beyond criticism—it became abusive.

So this was a choice: You escalated a situation over an optional Discord channel, and now you’re painting me as the unreasonable one. That's something to consider.

Assertion: To ban me indefinitely from Discord doesn't change the fact what I say about ED server management are. And you prove it even more by not letting me have any say and just outright ban. Forgive me again for keep comparing you but at least Tem would send warning shot by muting me and I get the message. I know you're not Tem and you work in your own way but do you even think if your method gonna deliver your message?

Response: You had plenty to say—far more than enough. That’s why you were banned from the Discord Server. You’re still free to share your thoughts here, and nothing’s been censored. I’m not trying to “send a message” through my actions; I’m enforcing a standard where abuse and toxicity toward staff and other members won’t be tolerated.

As for Tem, he may have handled things differently, but my approach is firm when it comes to protecting our community’s atmosphere. I have no patience for behavior that undermines that.

Assertion: So yes, I personally think I'm being moderated simply because you don't like being criticized. Do not blame me for having that impression about you, it's your own doing. I don't believe you're bad guy despite what you did, I would love to believe you just had bad hair day at the time.

Response: That’s your opinion, and you’re entitled to it. If you believe this was unfair, you’re free to appeal the decision with another staff member. They’ll review the evidence and make their own judgment.

This isn't about criticism—it’s about your conduct. Your behavior crossed a line, and that’s why moderation was applied. Whether I was having a bad day or not is irrelevant, just as it would be irrelevant if you were. Communication broke down, and rather than stepping back, you doubled down on hostility. That’s what led us here.

6 hours ago, Elena Ichinomiya said:

That's all. Oh and if you prefer to keep this message in moderation that's fine. I'll just move along and leave it at that. Just...leave me alone Novaer, I just want to mind my RP at this point once the restriction is lifted.

Under Section 10 of the TOS, staff contacting you in the course of their duties does not constitute harassment or cyberstalking. Replying to a public post(s) in context isn’t harassment either. I won’t keep your message in moderation—it doesn’t violate the TOS, and censoring it would indeed be an abuse of power.

I’m open to a civil conversation about this. In fact, I’m willing to lift your restriction on EcchiTexts (It was automatically disabled with content moderation), and if you want to communicate more constructively there, you’re welcome to. Proper communication is key, and I'm here for that.

For now, unless something arises within my duties or that I need to respond to, I’ll respect your request and leave you alone.

So the question that's probably burning in everyone's minds right now: 

Why do you have such a hard on for enforcing the Abuse of Staff rule?

I've had the chance to see firsthand how some members of this community, though a small minority, have treated the staff—especially Tem—and frankly, it’s been appalling. The abusive messages and treatment Tem had to endure were completely unacceptable. After reviewing reports, posts, and archives, I can confidently say that the behavior directed at him and other staff went far beyond what anyone should have to tolerate.

Let’s not forget that EcchiDreams is a completely free platform, offering far more freedom than many others out there. We mainly choose to ban content that is outright illegal, allowing a vast range of expression. Yet, despite this, staff abuse became a real problem. Tem didn’t want to enforce stricter actions because he feared being seen as too harsh. He was also under the utterly misguided belief that as the owner of the site he should have to put up with it and "Grow a thicker skin". However, I don’t have those reservations or viewpoints. I will not allow any form of mistreatment toward staff, whether it's directed at me or anyone else on the team.

In your case, while your actions weren’t as severe as some of the more extreme cases, it still crossed a line. That’s why you received the lowest possible infraction points (even before they were halved). You didn’t resort to swearing or extreme hostility, but your behavior was still inappropriate.

The staff here volunteer their time to keep this community running smoothly. They aren’t paid for the effort they put in, and they certainly don’t deserve to be mistreated for it. They’ve worked hard to refine the Terms of Service to ensure it’s fair for everyone, and they constantly address new challenges that arise. Any kind of abuse—no matter how mild—toward them is unacceptable in my view. The staff are the most harassed and the most abused on this platform. The majority of people who are banned for legitimate harassment are people who were harassing and being abusive towards staff. That is not acceptable.

If there’s any message I’m sending, it’s this: the staff have someone watching out for them now. And that’s me. If you don't like it? Tough.

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Very well. Although I don't see the need to fill the appeal for infraction knowing who am I against and possible retaliation that would come at me and the risk that follows. 

You made your point clear where your stand are. There's no point fighting a losing game. Have a good day, admin.

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  • Community Administrator

I understand your concerns, but I want to be clear: the appeals process is designed to be impartial and is handled by staff members who were not involved in the initial decision, precisely to ensure that there is no bias or retaliation. Our focus is on fairness, and the system is in place to give everyone a chance to present their side in a neutral setting.

As I mentioned before, you're welcome to appeal if you believe the decision was incorrect. I can assure you that any claims or concerns will be handled professionally, and no one will face retaliation for using the proper channels.

Ultimately, the goal here is to ensure a respectful and positive environment for all members of the community. If you're ready to move on and focus on your RP, I have no intention of engaging further unless necessary, as we all want to maintain a harmonious space.

Have a good day, and I hope we can both move forward from this constructively.

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1 minute ago, Novaer said:

As I mentioned before, you're welcome to appeal if you believe the decision was incorrect. I can assure you that any claims or concerns will be handled professionally, and no one will face retaliation for using the proper channels.

I know. It's just that I find it a losing game to appeal when I'm not exactly/mostly on the right either. It's like mining gold on a coal mine and ask why there's no gold despite being in a caves. Maybe if I did feel like I owe less than half of the fault, I will appeal.

But maybe deep down, I just so done being inconvenienced so many times since July which cause my long hiatus, and want to get this over with quickly which is (maybe) why I decide to not to appeal myself - I just want to focus on returning sooner.


6 minutes ago, Novaer said:

Have a good day, and I hope we can both move forward from this constructively.

Won't argue with that,

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