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Artificial Island (Working Title)

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Come join me, and other Ecchi enthusiasts, in a light-hearted, fun, and sexy survival game where Humans & Androids must work together in order to survive a mysterious new planet.


Hello everyone. I'm a sucker for perversely unique experiences and, after thumbing through the website here, have been struck with the inspiration to create this game! It would be my first Roleplaying experience here on Ecchi Dreams, so I offer my cherry to you all. In this game, I think it would be interesting if characters could play both Humans & Androids, and experiment with different sexual situations in a science-fiction environment. While I do have a plot in mind and will be working to push the "story" elements forward, I would like nothing more than for this to be a fun, laid-back, and sexy experience for everyone involved. If you are still interested, I've prepared some lore & information to entice your creativity.


Artificial Island is a Roleplay in which a crew of Humans crash land on a mysterious planet, where they discover a colony of Hyper-advanced androids, and must now work together with them in order to survive or escape. 

Players are able to role-play as both Human and Android characters.

The Humans: Normal, ordinary Humans whose origins trace back to the original Earth. They have sense left home in search of a new planet to lay down roots. Humans, through the implementation of science and technology, have the knowledge and capacity to brave new frontiers and conquer many challenges that stand before them. Humans are incredibly diverse, but are still vulnerable bags of meat desperately trying to keep their insides… inside. They are smart, adaptable, versatile, and thoughtful. There is a vast difference between a mercenary and a simple medic, but they all share a common way of life.

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The Androids: These machines are a fabrication of technologies and materials far more advanced than the mind can possibly conceive. In some way or another, these highly sexualized creations possess their own unique, yet anatomically correct design, functionality, and personality. They are almost just as Human as you and I. What sets them apart is that their functionality and personalities are incredibly focused, leaving little flexibility for other tasks or schools of thought. As a failsafe to ensure servitude and obedience, these androids have been made completely dependent upon the commands of Humans. While in the presence of Humans, they respond to and function off commands and the will of those around them. An android specialized in art or craft will not act unless instructed to do so. While in the presence of a Human, it will follow commands to the best of its ability, but will maintain its default personality whilst doing so. Androids, while also in the presence of Humans, will simulate Free Will, making them appear more as companions rather than tools. An artisan Android may stop for conversation, read a book, or take a walk, so long as those actions are within the range of its default personality and have not been forbidden by a Human.

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All Androids, without command, are programmed to follow the Three Laws of Robotics. These laws are the soul of all Androids and, while they can be flexible, cannot be broken

1) A Robot may not injure a Human being or, through inaction, allow a Human being to come to harm.

2) A Robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3) A Robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Seconds Laws.

All Androids have a foundational power supply that is fueled by Human sexual fluids, both male and female. They are able to convert these fluids into energy that powers their superior designs. All Androids have a secondary functional of creating renewable energy through the employment of friction. In this way, in the absence of Humans for extended periods of time, these Androids can rub and press their bodies against one-another in a sensual embrace that extends their usability by a marginal amount. As an android's power supply runs low, they begin power-saving protocols to extend their life. In varying stages, they shut down unnecessary functions and systems; ensuring they keep enough functionality to refuel with a Human once they are able. As a final fail safe, Androids will enter a Hibernation Mode, where they shut off all systems, except that which would allow them to detect and respond to the presence of a Human. Upon awakening, they become highly sexual and will do everything in their power to refuel itself, so long as its actions do not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Human/Android Interactions:

While maintaining a dominant artificial personality, Androids are ultimately submissive toward their Human counterparts. They are fundamentally built to serve and hardly deviate from this path as it is their only true means for survival. When interacting with Humans, they do so with their personality at the foremost. Androids do not exclusively respond to verbal commands. Through programmed empathy they can respond to a Human’s very presence and simulate Free Will, performing tasks without being directly commanded in order to appear as Humanlike as possible. Inevitably, Androids are driven by two core objectives: to serve the Humans closest to them and to maintain optimal fueling as frequently and as often as possible.

Humans are able to verbally program their android companions. With both verbal and nonverbal commands, they can will their robotic partner to do whatever is in their range of capabilities, so long as these commands adhere to the Three Laws of Robotics. While primarily in control, some Humans enjoy when their partners are free to act and express themselves, and usually limit the amount of direct commands. Some Humans can become wary, or even uneasy around androids. Due to their demanding sexual nature, some Humans find difficulty in keeping up with these intelligent machines. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of Humans to guide, care for, and refuel their mechanical counterparts to the best of their own ability.


Some inspiration if interested in making an Android:



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