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It depends where they are in the building.  There is certainly a crowd present, but not covering every inch of the building.  There are a few areas, the private rooms and a few other places the random people would not be wandering around.

Most of the active human are somewhere in the building at the moment, but depending on how quiet it is, they might not be pulled in.

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The only real wide effect is the (short) effect of dread and eeriness. But that wasn't planned to be permanent anyway. The events will happen mostly around those who see. So yeah, I don't believe that those not around would even be affected. I did that mostly to leave an impression. STILL, if Rie wants to be involved then she could. Nobody else seemed to be in the hall. Also, I need to say that the convention is the only opportunity I have to do this right anyway, to present this the way I want to present it. (Can't explain in ooc)

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I can always change the effects I tried to give off and make it more tame. Of course they would still be alerted by Nall's detection anyway. Or by whatever noise people would make around what is happening. There are many ideas to make this work, I am just not sure right now what I leave be and what I change. I will see if I can improve things.

2 minutes ago, ElieCapulet30 said:

Also Azreal isn't up to anything at the current moment. He's at the convention.

Oh dang. Well, he can always participate. I believe everyone is welcome. (It would not change much in whatever I had planned anyway. 🙂 ) At first, it was an attempt to re-include some people waiting. (Such as Rie) So yeah. I have nothing against anyone wanting a part into what is going on with what I've started. It's all for the fun part of it.

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Alright, so I changed the post in order to make it less problematic regarding uninvolved parties. Those who are doing private things can keep doing their things without being bothered, thanks to the vibe change of the post. Those who want to involve themselves can as well. I think I made it better now and less cursed. I sometimes get into things too much.

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3 hours ago, Warning said:

Alright, so I changed the post in order to make it less problematic regarding uninvolved parties. Those who are doing private things can keep doing their things without being bothered, thanks to the vibe change of the post. Those who want to involve themselves can as well. I think I made it better now and less cursed. I sometimes get into things too much.

Since I have been away for a bit. Could you fill me in what is happening and hie Azreal could help.

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12 minutes ago, ElieCapulet30 said:

Since I have been away for a bit. Could you fill me in what is happening and hie Azreal could help.

Certainly. Azreal would not necessarily be of help though but if he is at the convention, he can be a witness of what is going to happen and may act however he likes. My "event" will be going regardless, assuming nobody does anything too out of control to throw it off. So far, nothing special had happened but good times between Mitsuko, Jumi and a bit with Rie. Where we are now, if you read the latest posts (no need to read all of them), something is about to happen that is related to this page: ነⶴጎክጎጮልፏጎ.


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We’ll see if anyone else gets involved.  Maybe Rin.  Others who are there currently are Emi, up on the roof, potentially getting some fun soon and Alexandrine, who is still keeping to herself.  Her talk with Hikaru was later in the day.  He is not there yet, and she will likely stay hidden in the earlier day.  Still figuring out just how corrupted she might be.

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I love how Mitsuko at least tried to de-escalate but Rie only adds more. XD Like, if there was not any rules for not killing characters, she'd be dead without real consequences. In fact, their behavior is proving Shinigami right and it just makes me giggle. Azreal seems to have understood the assignment, at the very least. Rie is putting a "please kill me" sign on her forehead.

Edit: The pictures loaded to me because I still had the loaded cache. I fixed them now and I don't know why they pictures actually changed. You can view them now... x.x

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I mean I really don't know what Shinigami is trying here. Invading a place full of her enemies, not hiding her presence, and then expecting them to just kinda roll over and say "Sure just go ahead and walk around." seems...odd. Rie is definitely just kinda daring her for it cause...Rie isn't corrupted. She has pretty much no reason to just let that happen. She is, very much, actually dedicated to her job so she kinda had to stay firm on that.

I dunno they just refuse to load for me no matter what I do, even on other browsers. They worked before but just broke one day.
Its why you aren't seeing too many physical descriptions on my posts here...I forgotten what she looks and I can't check. I dunno why its like that.

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You can see her now. And yeah, I understand what Rie "wishes" to do in nature but she seems to lack all senses of self-preservation. So much that even Mitsuko had to step in to try and stop her from killing herself. And yeah, while they're trying to warn her of the threat of a thousand magical girl, she also doesn't show a single hint of backing out of that, just wanting to be there anyway. XD The only reason they pulled their weapon is because of the doom threat on Rie but SHE will single handed get everyone killed.

Just consider that in any real story (As warned by Shinigami), if there was no rule of no character kill, Rie would have been killed right off for her defiance and inability to shut the hell up. Mitsuko knows a bit too well but it wasn't too bad when it was just them. A "god of death" as Azreal put it though is a little hot to play with. The whole "What cards do you think you hold" was a big oof to throw at someone who literally holds your life in the palm of her hand. She is currently saved by RP rules plotarmor, nothing else.

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New character is up.  See  what happens with him.

Jumi does not want to provoke things, but she is very reluctant to let something like that go free.  Being a friend of sorts of Alexandrine makes her very tense about the idea of any team members dying, and potential threats to them.

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There, I can see them now.

Heeey another scientist! Nice.

Rie is less concerned about herself across the board as opposed to others and has her own history to factor in. Rie is talker for sure, but the defiance is kind of required given the situation. Wouldn't exactly be the first person to threaten her, plus she only pulled her weapon cause the fox escalated first She actually barely exchanged words with Shinigami before Shinigami put the death curse on her other than telling her they wouldn't show her around and that she wasn't welcome lol cause otherwise she was talking to Azrael more which I don't think was actually all that odd given what he said.

It doesn't really help that the only other suggestion was to just kinda trust the demon who just appeared to not cause trouble for the "lower lifeforms" and maybe you'll gain something out of it. That seems a bit of a risk to ask of a non-corrupted magical girl and not expect no push-back. They don't know Shinigami, don't know if she's a real death god. Demon's boast.
The whole Hold no Cards things was more or less an attempt to speak logic to the demoness who showed up in a place full of magical protectors so whether she killed Rie or not it would, logically, be trouble.

I will say though that while I am fine with the character concept I think being able to just automatically, apparently just with no counter and as an auto-hit, put a death curse on someone without giving them a proper heads-up is a little worrying. That should really only be something you do to your own character and frankly if it had been done to Mitsuko then Rie absolutely would have begrudgingly backed down. I'll be honest I wasn't expecting that and it'd be a bit of a betrayal of Rie's character to suddenly have her back down in fear. I figured something would interrupt that but just decided to kinda run with it I guess which was a mistake on my part but I just tend to run with things.

If Shinigami is mad that she's being talked back to and not trusted....yeah? Rie would die regardless in that event. I mean kind of a damned if you do / damned if you don't situation realistically.

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It's worrying yes. But so is any enemy capable of inflicting doom in any situation anyway. Some have power through strength, some through magic. She has power through death. And note, I am not being seen cheating or breaking the RP rules. Rie was never meant to actually "die", hence the fun thing about turning around it to make the tense situation I'm looking for. But I will simply say "it's funny you mention that". That said, remember that Shinigami escalated it slowly because Rie is, well, Rie. And she kept being Rie. XD

Because of that, however, that opened to me a new direction in what I want to do. But yeah, she is more or less inevitable. How many seemingly hopeless enemies ever existed anyhow and all managed to find defeat at one point or another. The irony is that I went at first with just fun in mind until out-of-control escalation happened. To this point, again, they only managed to prove Shinigami right. The world savers are, for some of them, irrational and pretending to protect while being themselves the cause of their demise.

"I thought your kind would be more judicious..." -Shinigami

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I wouldn't say Shinigami escalated it slowly. She was told no twice, and then someone next to her had his logic refuted and then she put doom on her at that point it was rapid but it was the only way to go. There was simply no logical reason for her enemies to be okay with her leaving out, and Rie is Rie. Rie doesn't fear death, she fears for the health of others and is not corrupted.
Like I said it was damned if you do / damned if you don't type of situation.

I get that, and while thats an intense amount of power if Saitai is fine with it then that is what it is. I think, however, that doesn't justify the auto-hitting at least to me. I get with the rules as is it couldn't be executed to its fullest but I will say I am not comfortable with that going forward. If you want to inflict Doom on any of my characters then that should at least be discussed with me beforehand please. I'm fine running with it in this situation for the flow of things.

It kind of a bit too late anyhow lol

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I do want to be careful about characters being too overpowered.  I don't think it has crossed lines yet.  I think we can all probably get something good at this, but see where it goes, especially with another character sticking themselves in, any Jumi sharing in spreading the bad temper around, for semi-related reasons.  Though maybe do preplanning with that sort of thing in the future, in how the power is used.  But I don't think at this point changes need to made to her power.

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