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Rebuilding From Scratch

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A knight who lived out of town in a large gated home. If he hadn't been a knight she might have wondered if she had stolen from him before. It was unlikely that a knight would have allowed that. He would want her to fight. She would be perfectly fine with that, after all it wasn't as though she wasn't already fighting on her own. That he was a traditionalist didn't mean much to her either as she didn't really understand what that entailed. Then came the part that might have broken the deal completely.

His wife?

Blue eyes widened a bit and just the faintest hint of pink was cast across her face, hood lifting with her ears. She had to be willing to become his wife. And sure, this woman said that he wouldn't try to control her, but was that really the truth? She had placed her trust in Alexandrine thus far, and she had done well with that, but could she trust some lonely knight? Would she be forced to do the same sorts of things that her mother did to survive? That was what being a wife really meant, right?

Why would he willingly take this corrupted blood into his family? No, he probably would care. But then I only need to be willing to become his wife, right? I don't have to become his wife. Just be an option. Maybe? Or would we get married immediately?

Her gaze dropped to the floor.

I could see what he is like. Wash up. Leave if I don't like it. I doubt she lives there too. It would only be one knight. But he might be strong too. However he might also decide upon seeing me that he wants me captured, or worse. Then I would have two of them to deal with.

Emi's eyes lifted again up to meet with the woman's. Perhaps she didn't know? He wouldn't want to be with a Demon regardless, right?

"My father was a Demon. Zorn. He would not want that blood in his children. What if they became like me?"

Her lips shifted again, a slight frown. "I would not wish what I have had to endure upon another."

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Alexandrine froze, a brief emptiness her eyes.  A punch in the gut.  That name.  “…Zorn…”. She whispered shakily.  So many memories filled her head, she felt like she might be sick.  But she forced them back.  Zorn was dead.  She killed him, killed them all.  She avenged the others.  She did not see the body, but he could not have survived the slaughter she performed in that place.  She took a few breaths to calm herself.  “Forgive me.  That name…He is one who has hurt both of us.”

”…Do not blame yourself for your father.  Your mother was not the first or last to be violated by the enemy.  Not the first to be given a child by it.  You have demon blood, but you are not a demon.”  She left it unsaid, but she had felt the first half it too.  Had monsters force themselves on her on few times, though she never had a child.

She returned to the plan.  “At least talk to him.  Consider it.  I will come with you.  Whether or not you agree, I promise he won’t hurt you.”  She hoped Emi would agree after talking to him.  He was a good man, not always a warm one.  But he would accept her, give her some peace, maybe even happiness.


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When Alexandrine froze up, when her expression changed, Emi knew. This woman was familiar with her father. It was so obvious. Either he had done the same to her, or perhaps people she knew. A wave of guilt washed over her, gaze and head lowered. She wasn't him, hadn't done what he had done, but part of him was within her. That was reason enough. It had been all others had needed to hunt her, after all. They wouldn't all be after her if it wasn't at least partially true. He was a monster and, at least to some extent, so was she.

It was even more reason why she should at the very least try to reform herself. To make something better of her life. Become someone else. It all came down to how he might react and whether or not she was willing to endure the same things that her mother had. Would it be wrong of her if she wasn't ready for that? If she ran away?

Regardless, they seemed to be on the same page here. At least talk to him. Consider it. She didn't need to agree. And so with a hesitant nod she lifted her gaze once more.


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Alexandrine pulled out her phone.  She had to give him a hint of what was coming with this surprise visit.  “…Yes, it’s me..it has been a long time…”. Questions about why she called, if she was prepared to fight again, or if not, if she wanted to be the one to become his new wife.  Not the first time he had asked her that.  She had briefly considered it in the past, but felt she was in no condition to do it.  “You’re right, I have sat in the shadows for too long…”

”…No, I must still decline.  But that is why I have called you.  I want to introduce you to someone.  A possible bride.  A girl I just found today.  She is at least willing to meet you and consider it…”. He found the idea interesting.  Alexandrine, attempting to play matchmaker, bring him a potential bride.  She did not mention the demon blood, knew he would not care.  “We will be there soon.”  She said and hung up.  Turning to Emi.  “Follow me.  I will take you to my van, drive you there.  Meet him with you.”  She turned and walked towards the door.

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Emi's ears weren't just for show. Sure, she still had them beneath her hood but at this distance she could more or less pick out the words on the other side of the phone. A proposition to join the man in his fight. Also one to be his wife. That one, she assumed, was the one that she had declined.

The idea of being someone's bride caused her heart to skip a beat, the flustering to return to her cheeks. It wasn't just the marrying part. She would be expected to do certain things. To be with him.

What if he wishes to inspect me? To see me? Naked even?!

Her cheeks gradually heated up further until the woman snapped her out of such thoughts with an order to follow her out to a van. With any other person that might have been a dangerous request. But Alexandrine thus far had proven herself to be at least a little trustworthy, and Emi was the one person who could escape from most any situation, provided she was okay with transforming. And so with hopefully nothing to lose she followed the woman out of the shop and into her van.

What would the knight be like? Was this some elaborate trap? If it was then it was certainly working.

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Alexandrine led Emi down the streets again, back to the unassuming van, parked where she had started the chase.  It was just driver seat, passenger seat and an empty back.  “Sit in front or back, whichever you are more comfortable with.”  She offered as she got into the driver seat, waited for her to get in and started it up.  “It will not be a long drive.  His place is a little outside of town, but on this side.”  Had the girl ever even been in a vehicle?  Very recently?  With her background, it did not seem impossible, though she had experienced it while her mother was still around.  She drove fairly fast, not exceptionally.  But she did not want to take her time with something like this.

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A quick peek in the back and Emi knew where she wanted to sit. The empty back looked uncomfortable. At least the front had a proper seat, even if it meant being closer to someone she didn't know and didn't fully trust yet. So she took her seat up front, wiggling a bit to get comfortable. It was difficult to be completely comfortable in any closed back seat thanks to her tail, but there was at least enough fluff that it cushioned things.

It was the first time that she remembered riding in a vehicle. Of course it probably wasn't her first time. She had been captured once or twice before. They probably had her in a vehicle while she was unconscious. But then did that really count if she didn't remember? Besides this was, so far, a more pleasant memory to set as her first.

When the vehicle started to move she gripped a hand upon the door handle. It was strange to ride in something else that moved for her. For much of the ride her gaze was cast out the window, watching while the scenery passed before her. Of course she sometimes did remember to check back in on Alexandrine, to make sure she hadn't gone anywhere or hadn't been doing anything unusual.

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It was a quiet drive.  Alexandrine was not much for small talk in recent days.  Though at some point the two of them would probably get to know each better.  Seeing how new it was to Emi, she took turns easier than she might have otherwise, but besides that drove normally.

They left the town eventually.  A few minutes through open fields.  Then she turned down a road leading into a wooded and hilly area. She watched for any animals in the road, but otherwise. kept going until they reached the gate.  Old ornate.  As the van they opened, let her drive in a closed behind them. It was a bit of a complex inside, one large building in the center, a few smaller ones around it.  The center building was clearly old.  A number of statues, spires and various decorations.  It kind of had the feel of a temple.  “This is it.  His family home.  They lived here a long time.”  There was a reason for the look.  Emi would learn as she met her potential husband.

Alexandrine stepped out walked to the side, opened Emi’s door, waited to see if she needed any help getting out or regaining her footing.

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They were, as it turned out, somewhat similar. Neither spoke much, not unless it was needed. Or perhaps they were simply awkward because they had only just met one another. Regardless Emi did her best to map out the route back to her home. A departure from town. Open fields. A road. Woods. Hills. A metal gate which opened up on its own. Getting back was going to be difficult on foot, although not impossible.

Multiple smaller buildings dotted the premises, surrounded a larger central structure. A very old home but well kept. Statues. Spires. Well kept hedges. This place was very fancy. Whoever lived here probably had a lot of money.

Maybe I could work instead as some sort of maid? They get to wear cute outfits. But I suppose he would have even more control over me then.

When her door was opened Emi hopped out, wobbling a slight bit as she regained her foothold upon a world which didn't feel as though it were moving. Thankfully she had a very good sense of balance and didn't simply fall over. That would have been embarrassing. Her attention drifted across the property in front of her but, ultimately, settled upon Alexandrine once more.

"Why didn't you become his wife?" she asked, quite curious not just about Alexandrine but also as to why somebody might reject the man she was to face herself.

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She had heard that question?  Well it was not that surprising and she was not bothered by the asking.  It was a sensitive question though.  Connected to the pain Emi was already a little aware of.  “I’m not suited to be anyone’s wife right now.  Even if this is a marriage where love is not required.”  Had he asked when she was younger, she might have said yes.  But right now, her heart and body were closed to such things.

She opened the door and led Emi down dimly lit halls.  She knew where she was going, where the meeting would occur.  “He already had a wife, last time I might have considered saying yes.”  He needed a new wife, not a first wife.  Another connection to the tragedy that Alexandrine and Emi were somewhat linked by.

The nature of the building perhaps, made her a little more open.  “I have not fought in several years now.  Not transformed. I used to be part of a team.  Now I am alone…”

”Your father was indirectly responsible.  Though the real blame was on the demon he served.  Your father was one of several generals.  We stormed their realm.  Their fortress.  My last fight.  They were defeated.  But only I left those walls.”  She was holding a lot in.  This was intensely painful to say.  “One of those girls.  My friends…and my sister.  Was his wife at the time.”

She turned into a larger hall leading towards large golden doors, their ultimate destination.  “Do not let any of this make you scared or guilty.  You are not your father.  I understand that and so will he.”  They were part of a different sort of world.  Maybe some others had been stupidly hostile with Emi.  But they wanted to help her.  Saw her as one of them, not a demon.  Not even being Zorn’s daughter changed that.

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Her answer came as a bit of a surprise to Emi, causing the bunny's head to tilt slightly and one of her ears to peek out from her hood briefly until she corrected it. Why was she not suited to be someone's wife? She looked perfectly healthy. Also, and this seemed to be a prerequisite for a lot of shows she'd glimpsed, pretty. Perhaps it was some sort of internal damage. There were only a few reasons she could think of as to why somebody would get married. To gain more wealth, for the sake of creating children, or for love.

However as they ventured through the halls and she continued to explain it became more and more obvious why. As guilt piled onto her shoulders Emi started to really regret asking in the first place. He had been married to her sister. Her sister and her friends had fought against her father and other Demons, including the one they served. She had been the only one to escape with her life.

Fear, of course, was something she had to deal with most days, including this day. Heck, she was scared walking in here without knowing all that, even if she did a very good job of concealing that fear. But to learn that other Demons, her father even, had been responsible for so much evil? How could she not feel guilt over that? Was all of this just karma trying to correct itself?

It was also possibly a trap, of course. Maybe he knew already, and this had all been planned, either as some way in which to gain vengeance upon her father or, perhaps, to lure him out. Her heart hammered away more swiftly within her little chest. Eyes darted about more cautiously as they walked the halls.

But then she had also just said that they were defeated. Perhaps her own quest had been for naught? Maybe she was chasing a ghost. Was settling down the right option then? It didn't feel like it. A punishment, but also not a punishment. That's what getting married would feel like, she imagined.

It was all very confusing.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, gaze set forward upon the golden doors. "For what he did. And thankful that you have slain him. I had been seeking him out to do the same."

Sort of. A partial lie. She did want to put an end to him. Get revenge for her mother. But deep down some part of her also wanted to know more about him. Maybe why he did what he did. See if he could be somehow redeemed. He was, after all, still her father. But then did that make her a bad person? Probably, right?

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Alexandrine did not feel she could get especially close to anyone right now.  Since that day, her heart had grown cold.  She could have done what she needed to physically as a wife.  But she did not feel right doing that as she was.  Now she felt Emi deserved it more.  Alexandrine had known peace and happiness in her past.  This girl had not, even her bond with her mother just softened the cruelty of her life.

She gave the girl a soft pat on the head, a slightly strange feeling with the hidden ears there.  “You have nothing to apologize for to either of us.  You might have a demon’s blood, but you do not have their heart.”  With that she stepped forward.  Pushed the doors open and led her into a wider room, pillars on each side.  Windows showing the victories of centuries past.  Down a carpeted center and eventually up steps.

A man sat there, on the floor, cross legged.  He wore a fancy dark red robe with several small golden emblems.  “Alexandrine.”  He said with a nod, she nodded back and he turned to the girl at her side.  “Welcome to the home of the Shinkawa family.  I am its current head, Hikaru.  I would welcome you into the family.  But please sit.  Let’s talk a little.  Whether you become my bride or not will be your choice.”  He wanted her to be comfortable, at ease.  But there was going to be no romance here.  Maybe love would come later, it would be nice, but it was not a requirement.  Whether it did or not, he intended to treat her well, if she chose to marry him.  The ceremony could be tonight, if she was willing.

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The bunny tensed slightly as a hand settled upon the hood of her cloak. Then she relaxed. Much of it was blocked by the hood and her hat, and even partially by her ears, but it still brought back feelings she hadn't experienced in a very long time. Feelings of comfort, and peace, and love. Their sudden appearance made her feel even more on edge, for they had been used against her before. Still, she could not help but to relax from it either, at least not once the initial shock wore off.

Perhaps this woman didn't know. Didn't know that she had killed someone. She wasn't herself when she did, and she certainly hadn't started things, but she had the capacity to do so within her never the less. A true monster, just as her father had been. Would she be acting differently had she known?

Entering the next room had Emi stopping for a moment, pausing to take in the enormity of the space. There were pillars. Paintings. It looked more like what she saw in a museum. And then sat the man they had come here to meet. He was gowned in attire befitting someone of noble birth, and yet he sat without a chair. That was a little strange to her.

She followed Alexandrine forward, more cautious now that they were in the presence of another. Emi came to a stop when the woman did, remained quiet as she was addressed. Then the man's attention focused upon her. An introduction. A request to sit, to speak, to decide upon whether or not they were going to be married. It was all a bit quick for her liking, but she had come here to at least hear him out. Both were taking a chance on her just as much as she was on them. Perhaps it was only fair then that she be a little more open with them both, especially given their past with her family.

Emi settled down, seated upon her knees. Sitting with legs crossed made it more difficult to flee at a moment's notice. From her knees she could actually get an explosive start, should it be needed. Just like with a rabbit her legs were far stronger than her arms. But then their arms were just front legs, were they not?

Focusing away from her wandering thoughts Emi reached up to grip at her hood, tugging it down to finally and fully reveal her face, and her red hat, and most importantly the long white fluffy bunny ears. Certainly not a serious revelation for anyone who didn't know about the existence of Demons, and even generally not too off-putting for many of their kind. Too cute really for most to take seriously. It had been to her advantage more than once, but also occasionally a disadvantage, and especially so for anyone who actually knew how dangerous Demons were. Not that she was one of those sorts.

At least she tried not to be.


Her voice was quiet and, for a moment, tinged with some anxiety. There was so much going on here, so many ways it could go. Also she just generally didn't get the chance to interact with people. All of this was so very foreign to her.

"I am Emi Ueno" she started, pausing to glance towards Alexandrine. It was only right that he knew. That is, if he didn't already. This wasn't just her decision to make, after all, if it was even that much to begin with. Blue orbs returned to gaze into the eyes of the man sat before her. "My father was the Demon Zorn."

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Hikaru glanced at the girl as she put her hood down.  Taking note she was not entirely human, but he was not bothered by it.  He understood what it meant, and that it was not her choice.  No sudden movements or strange reactions.  He nodded at her offering her name.  Then was silent for a moment as she explained her origins.

”I know both those names.  Ueno and Zorn.  I fought alongside your mother in the past.  Against your father.  I am grateful for your honesty.”  There was no anger or disgust in his voice.  “For you to tell me that, Alexandrine must have explained the past.  Do not be afraid.  I have mourned my wife.  Alexandrine gave all the vengeance I need.”

He decided to explain the situation for him a little more.  “Many families of Magical Girls and Knights are very old. Including g mine.  We have a pride in our history.  Our traditions.  Family legend says our power started with the child of a god and human.”  He shrugged.  “I can not say if it is true for sure, but we take pride in our family either way.”

”I may be a few years past my prime.  But I am not an old man either.  I am still young enough, that I should marry again.  I would still take you as my bride, if willing.  But please, ask me anything you wish before making your decision.  Myself, my family, the marriage, anything you wish to know or talk about.”

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Emi's eyes widened and, for a moment, her ears lifted. He had known her mother. Fought alongside her against her father. She wondered if Alexandrine had done the same or if, perhaps, her mother was from a group prior. But he had known her mother.

Fingers tightened against the fabric of her cloak. She was curious, of course. Curious about what it was like, about what her mother was like when she still had a life and a future. What her father was like. But more than the curiosity was the feeling of pain. Perhaps even anger.

He had known her and yet he hadn't been there to help her?

She bit her tongue, kept her words to herself in that moment. There had to be a good reason for it, right? Any number of reasons. She wondered if her mother was ever put into the same position she was in now. Was she also from an old family? Would it matter for her now?

Indeed, he did seem much older than she was. Not old enough that he couldn't be with someone, but she felt like the difference was enough to be at the very least concerning. But then she also remembered seeing this sort of thing in some of the old samurai flicks she'd picked up through other people's windows. Something which was probably more common in the past. A tradition focused family would undoubtedly continue that sort of practice.

"Why would you accept me as a bride? Any children we might bear would likely contain the blood of a monster."

Shoulders slumped slightly, as did her ears. "We were chased from our home and we had nobody to help us. What would make this any different? Why put this life on the shoulders of another?"

Emi tensed slightly, bit her tongue again. She had to behave here. No outbursts, not that she liked them anyways as they only drew attention to her, and she really did not care for that sort of thing.

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Hikaru sensed the unease.  Her unspoken question, in her reactions.  “Just as I mourn my wife.  I miss your mother too, as a friend and ally.  I do not know everything that happened, can only guess.”  He paused to consider how to cover the next subject.  “I did not know Zorn did that to her.  It is something I can only understand to a degree.  Our enemies have learned to hurt our women that way.  Partially for their own pleasure, partially to hurt the women.  Every Magical Girl is aware of the danger.  Teammates try to protect each other when possible.  Sometimes they get isolated, there have been occasions a whole team was over powered and taken by the enemy at the same time.”

”I do not know what your mother was thinking when she found out she was pregnant.  But I have not seen her for years.  Did not know where she was.  But she sent no message saying she was in danger.  And some just get overwhelmed and lose the will to fight.”  He glanced at Alexandrine, without judgement.  He was not going to risk insulting Emi, making random guesses at what her mother thought.  “Meeting you, I regret I did not try to find and help both of you sooner.”

”You are not the first Magical Girl to be the child or descendant of a demon, or other non-human creature.  I cannot say with certainty it is not already in my blood.”

”You have had a hard life.  I cannot blame you for being uneasy.  I offer you comfort, peace, at my side.  You would have freedom to come and go as you please.  But this would be your home, your family.  A place you do not have to hide yourself, to be able to relax.  All I ask is for you to consider this your home your family.  To spend at least some nights with me.”  Yes.  She would be his wife.  Sex was expected, and yes hopefully she would bear his children.  But if she found love elsewhere, he would not stop her.  He offered a place to belong, peace.  He would not be forceful about it, not expect it constantly.  As long she gave him a reasonable amount, and felt she was part of the family he would let her do what she wanted most of the time.

”It is not a fairly tale wedding, I realize.  It might not be what you dreamed of.  I cannot promise you romantic love, but do not rule it out with time either.  What I do promise, is I accept you completely for what you are.  Would feel no shame with you at my side.  With Alexandrine’s help as well, we can offer you a chance to experience things you never have.  To not be seen as a monster.  To be seen as a hero like your mother.”

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Emi winced, tensed up as a question she hadn't asked was answered. Was this his power? Could have already transformed? Or was she just that obvious? It was hard to tell. She didn't have much experience around other people.

In his eyes her mother had simply gone missing. He hadn't known about what had happened to her. It was something potentially common in their line of work. Would the same thing happen to her? It already almost had a few times. She had experienced a few things she should not have needed to. Perhaps not as far as her mother had, but close. Being a magical girl was a terrifying experience. Terrifying, but necessary.

Maybe another girl or another boy was forcing her to be quiet? Or chased her off? Maybe it was Zorn. Or some other monster. He could be lying too. I don't know, but I don't have my father to hunt anymore either. Maybe I should look into that.

Could the blood of a Demon already reside within this man's lineage? Certainly. But more wouldn't help if that were the case, right? Would her children not have to suffer through the same things she had? But then maybe the circumstances were different. Maybe he just had more influence, and money, and power. He had the second at the very least, and that went far even within their circles. It was hard to do this sort of thing without being paid for it, after all.

A tinge of pink befell her otherwise pale face when the man mentioned sharing nights with him, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her seated position. Being by somebody else's side was fine. Helping others. Growing close to people. Fighting against monsters. She could do all of that easily enough. Being married to someone however was a huge commitment. And sleeping with someone? Well, that was a big ask.

It wasn't as though she was completely new to sex. Some had tried to force it upon her. Others had forced it upon her mother. Her mother had sold herself willingly just to put food in their mouths on multiple occasions. But willingly sitting with someone and actually going completely through with it? Was she actually ready for that?

And what would her mother think? She had sacrificed herself so many times just to keep Emi from having to do the same. Wasn't this just the same? Would it not be tarnishing her mother's sacrifice? Was it worth more than simply living as she was already?

Her gaze briefly darted towards Alexandrine. When they had met and first spoken it had been made clear to her that she couldn't simply let Emi go. Not that Emi could blame her for it either. She stole, she got into fights with magical girls and knights who hunted her, she was a risk to some extent, and after all she still did carry the blood of a Demon. No, even Emi wouldn't trust herself being out there if she were in their shoes. Maybe this man wouldn't stop her from leaving, but would Alexandrine? She needed more time to consider her options. Might as well get it out of the way.

"What happens if I say no?"

A dream of fancy weddings and romance was something which had eluded Emi for as long as she could remember. It simply wasn't something she imagined ever being allowed for her. That wasn't an issue. The issue was being forced into doing this sort of thing, of being locked to someone she didn't know. Or perhaps that was the secret part of her that actually desired something with more romance? She didn't really know. All of this was just confusing.

Trade freedom and a few nights of her body, her dignity, and everything her mother had tried to protect in exchange for comforts which had long eluded her, for pleasant experiences and peace, perhaps even for a chance to become a magical girl who wasn't simply hunted down.

What would mom choose?

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Hikaru showed no immediate reaction to her question.  “I told you.  You will only be my bride if you choose to.  I do hope I can convince you.  But I will not force you, or pressure you to do so.  I will not be angry if you leave.  Let me put the question to you then.  Is there anything I can do that would make it more appealing to you?  To make you want it?”  He did not want her to feel any obligation to do this.  He wanted to help her, to show her there was happiness to be found here.  He did hope there was something he could to warm her up to it.

”This is your choice.”  Alexandrine repeated.  “I do believe you can find happiness here.  But neither of us want you to do it unless you want to.”  She had made this suggestion for a reason. But she told Emi just to consider it.  She could understand the girl’s reluctance.

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For Hikaru she was clear to leave. No, none of this had been set up. Probably. He hadn't known about her, he was simply a kind older gentleman searching for a wife. It didn't even have to be her. A chance meeting set up by Alexandrine in her attempt to assist them both. That was probably all it was, and that at least allowed her to relax somewhat.

He hoped to know what could be done to make the offer more appealing. The question made her feel weird, as though it were some negotiation for her giving herself over to him, even though she knew it wasn't like that. But then everyone she'd ever really met before who wasn't her mother had been sort of like that. Could she be blamed for feeling that here too?

The least she could do here was consider his offer. His question. When she took the time to think about it Hikaru was already being very fair. Come and go as she pleased. Enjoy her life here with him and whoever else decided to live here. Would it be an open arrangement? Clearly he only really desired her for her ability to procreate. Fair and honest.

But having children was a big issue for her, even bigger than offering her body, and that would be the main reason why they would be getting married. It wasn't simply a matter of protecting some future child from the life she had endured. No, there were selfish aspects to it as well. She hadn't had the chance to really live her life, to enjoy it, to be with people she loved. Having a child meant having to care for another, to give up a lot of things for another. It also meant being confident that she could in fact care for another creature like that.

She could spend all day considering what things might make it work, but the truth of it was that she just didn't feel ready for that responsibility. Already she had wasted enough of the man's time by coming here. It didn't feel fair to him.

"I'm sorry" the rabbit finally spoke, briefly in a whisper although raising quickly to at least be heard, head lowering like she'd seen in movies before, albeit with a pair of fluffy bunny ears to further conceal her face. "I just don't think that I am ready for that. For children. I don't know if I ever will be. It would be rude to waste your time any further. Thank you for seeing me. For offering me what you have offered. But I would not be able to provide what it is you would seek from me."

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Hikaru stood, nodded.  “I understand.  If you ever change your mind, the offer remains open.  I will happily talk to you again, if you are ready for it.”  He wanted to help her.  But there were ways things were done, in a family like his.  He might still support her indirectly.  But unfortunately for Emi, marriage was the only option if she wanted to live here.  It was true, he was not angry, or upset.  But if she was unwilling, there was nothing else to discuss.  He would return to his chambers for the night.  There was something about her.  He was willing to wait some time for her.

Alexandrine watched him walk towards the back door.  She would wait at least until he left the room, see if Emi changed her mind, before leaving.  “That’s just the way he’s always been.  He looks at many things his own way.  That was the ‘easiest’ solution.  Something else can probably figured out, if you are sure about this.  Unfortunately you aren’t going to convince to live here any other way.”  She was not really surprised at this result, but she had thought there was a chance, it was right to offer it to Emi.

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The offer remained. Would she take it up after some thought? Probably not. But it was a kindness none the less. She wouldn't forget about it. Perhaps the two of them really could be trusted? When Hikaru stood she sat up, nodding once in the man's direction.

I hope he finds someone capable of giving him what he wants.

Only once he had departed did she finally stand to her feet and turn, following Alexandrine out. He and his family were tied to their traditions. It was understandable. She didn't hate them for it, but it didn't mean that she was ready to give herself over to it either. Of course she had to agree that it certainly was an easy solution to her problem. Well, easy in certain ways, not so much in others.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for wasting your time too."

She had to decide whether she was skipping town or relocating to a new area within it. Steal something to bring her data with her. But then did she even really need most of it now? Her father was dead, after all. There was no need to hunt for him. Other monsters, sure, but she could start over fresh again on that if need be. Then again it might be good to have something like that regardless.

Also a shower would be nice. I wonder what it might have been like here.

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Alexandrine was sure he would patiently wait for a while.  She could see it.  He appreciated something about her.  Certainly had no fear about 'tainting' his bloodline.  But she was not going to say anything that might be seen as pushing her to choose him.  It was enough she knew the option was still available, if she ever wanted it.  "The old ways.  Supposedly all the families were like that, arranged marriages between Magical Girls and Knights, years ago.  Most gradually changed, his still takes pride in tradition."  She walked back towards the van.  She still had no intention of abandoning the girl.  "You did not waste either of times though."  She opened the door to the building and stepped outside.  "I can't just leave you back there.  You already knew how harsh the world is.  Now you have a better idea.  That one batch of demons is gone, but there is always more out there.  Demons, monsters, aliens, other strange creatures.  If you aren't alone, those who fight them will stop confusing you for one of them."  That was definitely something he could have protected her from.  Something Alexandrine wanted to protect her from somehow.  She also wanted to protect from being prey of another sort.

"...I have no children...Zorn himself never touched me like that.  But I have some idea what your mother went through...You should never experience that."  There was another fear.  Her damaged trust, hard life, demon blood...she had to protect this girl from being 'broken'.  She had to figure out some way to keep watch, protect this girl.

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So it really was like the swordsman flicks she had seen. Arranged marriages. Few probably still practiced that, but then she thought that the arranged marriages were generally between nobles, not random girls found in the street. It only really meant that she was still far too ignorant about the world she'd been trying to operate within. Then again her mother generally only talked about the good parts whenever Emi had asked about them. Those memories that gave her comfort. Nostalgia. She couldn't really be blamed for it either given what their day to day was like.

To her it felt like she'd wasted their time. It would have been easier to simply say 'no' from the start, but she had been unsure. Still, she wasn't going to argue it. That would have definitely been a waste of time.

Her gaze lifted to the woman as she continued. She had a pretty good idea. If she fought alongside other magical girls and knights then perhaps she would eventually be treated like one. Maybe people would stop hunting her. There were at least two people she felt as though she'd be willing to trust, provided they actually operated together.

She is lucky. Father didn't get to her like that. But someone else might have?

A hand reached out, gently patting against the woman's arm. An offer of trust, in a way, but more so of comfort. She was too short to pat the woman's head and, well, she didn't really know that much about comforting others, only that physical contact was often the best method for it.

"You are really kind. I think. . .maybe I can trust you. And maybe even Mister Hikaru."


"I think you have a good idea too."

Moving would make it more difficult. She couldn't move then. It would be a lot more risky but perhaps this is what she needed to do all along. Just dig in and resist anyone who might come for her. Do the work. Help people.

"I won't leave. If you want then I will help you fight."

Oh how close she was to being broken. Still was, of course, but now she actually had at least one positive thing going for her! Well, actually, a few. It was more than she'd had in a very long time. Although she was still going to need to sneak in to the gym to take a shower. At least it was usually safe there.

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Alexandrine was comforted a little by Emi's touch.  Those were not her worst memories, but another things she did not like to remember.  The question was what to do.  This had been her only easy long term solution.  She needed more time to consider one.  As they got back to the van she looked at it nostalgically.  "This thing might not look like much.  But in my early days, me and the girls used it as a base of sorts.  Somewhere to plan or camp as we made our way between battles.  Also for more casual things."  She was considering something.  "Moving you into the apartment would be...difficult.  Either officially or secretly. I need more time to think of another long term solution.  But I have a short term idea.  Hopefully not more than a few days.  I can get some things from my apartment, put them in back here.  At least give you a place to sleep."  Some bedding, a light, a few other things.  Maybe she could give the girl a little bit of the comfort she had been offered without the strings attached.

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As the van was mentioned Emi's attention turned towards it. Using it as a mobile base was smart, especially if they just shared a bed. Sure, it might be a little weird if a knight joined too but it wouldn't be too terrible either, right? It's not as if they were all going to be naked or having sex or anything crazy like that!

Although I suppose it could have happened. Would mom have done that?

What was proposed was not something she'd been expecting. An offer to live within the van for the short term! It actually wasn't a bad idea if she was planning on helping Alexandrine out. This way she could be right there if something came up. Also she could keep her original home as something of a backup base! And it wasn't like she needed much either. Really just the clothes on her back.

"I would be grateful for that. I am used to living with very little. I don't need too much to be comfortable."

Still a shower at the gym though.

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