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Princess Lost in Thought

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It was a wonderful spring afternoon at the Capulet estate. Having finished recording a new song, Elie had been dropped off home and to her surprise neither of her parents were home. It was quiet common actually. She walked silently around the estate looking out the window at her favorite mediation spot pass the garden in back of the estate. She took a deep breathe and opened the back door. 

The light spring breeze blew through her hair as she walked down the stone pathway. She could see the flowers in bloom and even some the vegetables her mother and father planted. "Surprising with how busy they are they still have time for gardening." She sighed walking through the maze of flowers to her mediation spot. 

Once there sakura blossom petals danced around her. She smiled feeling at peace stepping closer to the small dock where she'd sit. The small river that ran through the estate looked so crystal and clear today with a hint of pink from the falling sakura petals. She sat down with her bag and took a deep breathe. "It's been calm recently no monsters, demons, aliens, or anything. I wonder if things are finally peacefully." Sadly this was wishful thinking on her behalf. 

Even since her family moved to Japan, Elie had been balancing two lives. One as a famous singer who's shows were always sold out and another as a protecter of the people. She didn't have many friends here but she knew something was special about her since the day her family left Italy after a disaster befell her father's family. "All I can remember is the fire and two red glowing eyes. Before I could so anything, move or speak. I felt a magical warmth engulf me. The next thing I knew I was waking up in here....in our new home." She sighed taking out a deck of cards. 

The cards was beautifully protected in a small lock box. The cards themselves were a beautiful mix of blue and black for the background with a pretty design on back. The edges of the cards were a starry night blue with black making it look like a night sky. "These have helped me so much during those battles. I've grown so attached to them over these past few years." She smiled softly. Her smile could being warmth to a room. She put the cards back carefully before putting them back in her bag.

"I know I have shows this weekend but for now I'm going to relax and take some me time." She said closing her eyes and crossing her legs. Her breathing becoming even as she listened to sound of water running by and the wind lightly breezing pass. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the last couple of hours, the Judge arrived with Elie in his arms. Elie was now in her normal lotus princess kimono as the judge placed her on her bed at her families estate. "I have you my lady. You may rest now. Your concert is over and the event is done. Now rest and replenish your magical energy you did your best." He said softly moving a piece of hair behind her ear. "I do hope the others will be alright? I do hope they visity lady." He said fainting before disappearing.

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As the others fought long and hard against Exzel and the other forces of evil. Elie had woken a few hours later. Her body felt very sore. She listened closely and could only hear the small river and the light wind rustling the trees. "Home alone.....the normal." She sighed struggling to get up a bit as she looked at Tarot Card deck. 

Saddness whemled up in her eyes as she felt a few tears fall down her cheek. "I can't believe fate turned against me. Maybe this is punishment for not doing my own tarot as often....maybe I should give myself a reading." She said reaching for deck but hesitating.

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After a bit of hesitation Elie grabbed her deck and spread the cards out. She took a deep breathe and pulled three cards. She normally did the simple past, present and future spread for herself. To her it brought her a peace of mind.

"Alright first card my past." Elie said claimly before flipping the card and sighing sadly. "The Tower......the same card I always draw for my pass." She said feeling her body becoming tense.


♡ Celestial meaning for Elie's first card:  There was a storm in your past that came with drastic changes that weren't pretty. It could have been a death, bankruptcy, loss of a job, a break up, or even injury that made you crash and burn so badly. That you've never gotten over it. This sudden and drastic change is hard, painful and all consuming. It's felt you scared and unable to heal correctly. 

She looked at the Tower in disgust before shaking her head holding back tears. She flipped the next card. "My present is the ten of swords. So betrayal, backstabbing and painful ending.......great." She said hugging her knees.


♡ Celestial meaning for Elie's second card:

Backstabbing, Betrayal and a painful ending. This card appears when you've hit rock bottom. Whether a relationship ended abruptly or you've been laid off, it seems the world is crumbling around you. Typically if someone betrays you it's more painful then death when this cards appears but it might be for best to surrender in thus situation and know you'll eventually come out of flames of pain and sorrow and be reformed anew.

Elie looked at the last card. "If this final card is bad to then I'll do a outcome. My outcomes have always been wonderful and happy......I just hope this one is. Please fates what will my future hold." She said flopping over her final card hopefully. "The King of Pentacles is my future.....I've never drawn him before." She said before feeling a rush of loving engery. She then heard a older huskier voice. One you'd heard from a older wiser grandpa figure. "My Lady read my card and know all is well." Elie smiled softly holding up the card was she hugged it softly. "Thank you thank you fates."


♡ Celestial meaning for Elie's Third Card:

The King of pentacles is a master of his wealth and skill. He uses his time, wealth, resources and knowledge. With all this combined  he archives his goals and protects his own with a fantastic sense of leadership and devotion. He's the oldest out of King's and his knowledge and wisdom have helped many.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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After Sebastian had picked up Elie from convention she just stared blankly out the window as he drove. Her mind was made up she wasn't going back to convention after that. She had a job to her fans as the Lotus Princess and because of her stupid heart she started to doubt herself.

As they pulled into the estate she looked at her special mediation spot near the river and her flower garden. Once Sebastian opened the door to limo Elie stepped out and walked quitely into the estate. "Sebastian....if anyone comes to see me tell them I don't wish for vistors." She said coldly before going to her bathroom to wash up after everything that happened. 

After her showers she walked into her bedroom looking at two big kitty plushies and the manga collection. She glared her collections edition down darkly. "Giving me false hope....that's all those manga....shows and songs are." She said throwing the plushies the books onto ground before feeling her tarot cards pulsing. "DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH YOU.  YOU SAID MY FATES WOULD BE GOOD AND LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED....." She cried screaming "Alexandrine was right.....what good are the fates......what good are my powers?" She said standing alone in a dark room tears streaming down her face.

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After a minute or two of trashing her room. Elie was huffing. Her anger and guilt eating her as she hid under the blankets crying. She was such a child.....believing she could change others and make.a demon good. She had thrown her tarot cards all over the floor. She felt her eyes grow heavy as she had been crying for a couple hours. She knew she'd pay for it in morning with fever but she couldn't help the feelings racing thought. 

As she drifted to sleep her mind raced with her normal nightmare of the red glowing eyes, screams and fire. She didn't force herself to wake, she wanted to know more and some how this pain made her feel a bit better.

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The next morning Elie was looking outside her window as she sat at the bay window. She hadn't touched her cards since she threw them on floor. She had left her room a mess but she had in her hand a simple back book and a pencil as she wrote down ideas for songs. "I need to release these feelings. I tossed and turned all night. I've read that demons play with multiple partners and normally only mark one but what could I believe based on the books and articles I read. Maybe I was holding Exzel back from her full demon power. Maybe.....maybe she was only being used afterward. I mean who would want a nobody magical girl when they could have the most famous one alive. "

She closed her eyes the words coming to mind as she began to write. " I can't hold onto me...wonder what's wrong with me.....Lithium. I don't wanna lock me up inside.....Lithium. I don't wanna forget how it feels without.....Lithium. I wanna stay in love with my sorrows. ." Elie then paused. "No no no that doesn't feel right....maybe something a bit darker.....more emotion." She said being to write again but this time wasn't reading the lyrics she was singing them.  Her soft voice carried throughout the halls with a bit of errie aftert tone.

"Hold on to me love. You know I can't stay long.All I wanted to say was,I love you and I'm not afraid.Can you hear me?Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath.Safe inside myself. Are all my thoughts of you.Sweet raptured light,it ends here tonight.I'll miss the winter.A world of fragile things.Look for me in the white forest,hiding in a hollow tree (come find me).I know you hear me,I can taste it in your tears.

Holding my last breath.Safe inside myself. Are all my thoughts of you.Sweet raptured light,it ends here tonight.Closing your eyes to disappear.You pray your dreams will leave you here,but still you wake and know the truth -No one's there.Say goodnight, don't be afraid.Calling me, calling me, as you fade to black.

Holding my last breath.(Don't be afraid) Safe inside myself.(Holding me) Are all my thoughts of you?Sweet raptured light,it ends here tonight.Holding my last breath. Safe inside myself.Are all my thoughts of you?Sweet raptured light,it ends here tonight.Holding my last breath " When she finished chills ran down her spine. "This is prefect." She smiled softly hugging her knees feeling the fever coming on.

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Elie after looking at her lyrics sighed as she crawled back into bed. She knew the convention was still going on and the Fujiko would be here with Diamond. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Once I break this fever I'll call manger and talk to them about working on this new song and maybe a new darker lotus maybe black with a royal black layer kimono. I could sing my new song at my next concert maybe.....but I don't know." She yawned her eyes getting heavy. "All I know is I need to clean my room. I had a really bad...what does my father call it temper tantrum. Maybe I'll go out later today to the library or book store to do more research on demons. I didn't think soul searching and healing would be this hard.....fuck me."

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After a couple of hours of rest, Elie woke up a bit still having a low grade fever. She sat up looking around her room. "I guess cleaning my bedroom is first." She coughed a bit getting out of bed. 

She picked up her books and plushies. She picked up the random things she threw and tossed around before she stepped on one of tarot cards. It was Tower but to her surprise the card was blank, no photo at all just the name. Elie picked it up as she looked at it not feeling any magic coming from it. Was she going crazy? Did the fates take away her powers? Had she lost her powers. She quickly picked up the rest of deck and every card was same blank without  a photo just the name. 

Elie felt a great deal of fear kick in as she picked up the last card but this one had a photo and her eyes showed worry, fear and sorrow. "So you're the only one left with me....that's not a good sign." She said looking at the Death Card. She sighed putting her cards in her box and putting them on the desk next to her as she opened her laptop to check emails and video call her Manger.

While checking her emails she didn't notice any of value. So she emailed her Manger asking if they could talk either through email or video call about a new song and kimono she wanted designed and chances to her stage set up. She sent the email and then sighed. "Now it's time to play the waiting game. Maybe I look up more about demons and etc while I wait." She began to research and take notes hoping to find an answer or sign that maybe she wasn't crazy or that her self doubt was the reason for her cards and powers disappearing. She looked over at her deck and only saw death staring her in eyes coldly and lifeless.


*Celestial Meaning-

Attributes: Endings,Rebirth,Change, Transformation and Letting Go

Reversed Attributes: Denial and Resistance to change. 

It can seem frightening to see Death but Death can be a positive card that signifies change: One phase is ending, and now you're entering into a new one. This change can be or feel sudden- it might even be scary ot painful and it may involve grief but remember that Death heralds new beginning too. Growing pains are sign of progress. Leave behind the unnecessary and harmful attachments so you can better embrace the new you.

When Reversed- The Death Card indicates that you're resisting a change that's occurring  and refusing to accept an ending. You may feel stuck or trapped, or that nothing you do results in the desired outcome. Death suggests that this is because you're holding onto the past- perhaps an old way of doing things or an old relationship and that you're reluctant to move on. Only by letting go of the past can you truly take the leap and make the change.

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After a couple of hours of research and a bit work related stuff with her manager everything was set. Her manger was a bit confused with sudden changes but knew it help Elie. 

Elie looked outside her window to see the sakura petals falling to ground below. She stood up slowly from her desk looking at her mediation spot from her bedroom window. "I feel so hollow inside and it's only been less then 12 hours. I.....I didn't think losing faith in one's self would hurt so badly......but who am I kidding my dumb ass started to fall for a demon. A demon.....Diamond warned me and now...and now I'm like this. Hollow inside, broken hearted and have no powers besides Death.....which God...I mean it's ment to be Trump card. It might not even work half the time. I.....I need to go for walk." She sighed wiping away a few tears.

She changed into a elegant black kimono and fixed her hair up into a high ponytail  before washing her face so it was bare. No makeup just her....the real her. She walked down the stairs and into the garden maze at her family's estate. "Well taken care of as it should be. The gardeners Sebastian hired are the best of the best." She said touching the green hedges that lined the maze, a few flowers popping up here and there.


*The kimono she's in and her tarot deck is hidden in slash around her stomach.

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Elie’s research had not gone unnoticed.  This was a world where demons were very real.  Information that could be found online or in books was a mix of quality.  Some of it was quite true, some of it was fake, or partially true.  There were those who watched for hints of people who got dangerously curious.  Or worse, individuals and cults who were genuine demon worshippers.  Some websites were setup by groups that quietly watched for such people.  When possible, they tried to talk the individuals out of their curiosity.  Or do take more drastic action against those who were dangerous about it.

The Shinkawa Temple was one of those such groups.  Hikaru as head of his family, was not just a Knight, but leading the Temple was his civilian life.  They had a site setup to watch for those curious.  With articles about how to summon demons, make deals with them safely, how they interact with humans over the years and the potential danger.  Some of it was intentionally false information, especially about summoning them.  The point was to track anyone checking the site, see if they contact them, try to talk them out of it they could, making sure it was just idle curiosity.  Who it was, and how likely they were to have resources to contact demons, or cause trouble if they did make a deal, especially influential or powerful families, or known Magical Girls or Knights, these were priorities.

When a hit was registered connected to the Capulet estate, that was a red alert.  Something that needed immediate attention.  A family known to have had a number of Knights among their men, and rarely Magical Girls.  And the daughter of the family a popular singer.  They had to look into the reason at least.  Make sure it was harmless.

Hikaru himself chose to make the trip.  A long with one of the priestesses, a cousin.  Every member of the main temple was related to him somehow, though some were rather distant.  The two came to the door.  Hikaru was not transformed yet.  Both wore the robes of the temple.  Hikaru knocked at the door.  In a house like this, he suspected it would not be the one they sought who answered the door.


OOC: Still don’t have a picture for Hikaru.  Sometimes minor characters are easier.  This is an image of the priestess.  Maybe ignore the things by her shoulders, an AI image, putting random things in:


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Sebastian hearing the door walked over and opened the door bowing. "Hello welcome to Capulet estate how may I be of service? " He asked seeing the robes and knew the young Lady of house must have done something. He was the only person who knew about Elie's powers.  

Elie had gotten to center of maze as she looked up the big Sakura blossom tree that blessed their grounds. She touched the tree lightly letting the tears fall. "Oh wise fates why must healing me so hard? Why must given the omen of death? Is it not alright to doubt one's self after such a event?" She said her head resting on the tree as a light breeze sweeped by but no answers where given to her. She took a deep breathe as her new song lyrics came to mind. Hearing them echoing through her head made her feel a bit better.

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Hikaru took the lead, hoping the servant would not be difficult to convince to let them in and lead them where they needed to be.  “I am Hikaru Shinkawa, head of the Shinkawa temple, Umi here is a priestess of the same temple.”  He did not know exactly who in the house had logged into the website, but he knew who to try to reach first.  “Is miss Elie Capulet home at the moment, and could we speak to her, if so?  We believe she seeks advice in, shall we say ‘spiritual’ matters?  We promise not to overstay our welcome.  If she asks, tell her we believe she was looking into online research in areas we are experts in.”  Hopefully she would understand what that meant.  Why they wanted to talk to her, and they would not be hostile unless she had fallen to evil.

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Sebastian sighed and looked at the pair. "Please come in. My Lady just went to garden she hasn't been herself. She's been a my option distance and cold...maybe heartbroken. She was at a convention you see...and I thought she'd stay here overnight with her new friends but she asked me to come get her and she looked like she was ready to cry." He said worried before seeing the family crest. "I see you're like my lady but your a knight." He said opening the back door. "Please follow the maze center. She is most likely here crying or singing. And I apologize if my lady snaps at you. She did asl for no vistors. I will deal with the aftermath after you leave."

Elie felt the words rise in her throat as they came out beautifully but with a tone of sadness and sorrow. Her voice of calm and smooth. "Hold on to me love. You know I can't stay long.All I wanted to say was,I love you and I'm not afraid.Can you hear me?Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath.Safe inside myself. Are all my thoughts of you.Sweet raptured light,it ends here tonight.I'll miss the winter.A world of fragile things.Look for me in the white forest,hiding in a hollow tree (come find me).I know you hear me,I can taste it in your tears." She touched the Sakura tree with the plam of her hand wishing the people who hurt her could hear her now.

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The servant was knowledgeable enough to recognize him as a Knight?  And the girl was a Magical Girl after all?  That made this potentially more dangerous, but it also meant they could be completely honest with her. He nodded.  “We will do our best to help her.”  They slowly made their way into the garden, heard the voice.  They were aware she was a professional singer, but it was still impressive.  Felt like it came from the heart.  They quietly approached.  Let her sing, coming into sight as she finished the last words.  “It is a beautiful song.”  The priestess softly spoke.  Hikaru tried to speak before Elie could snap.  “Forgive us for intruding, we wish to speak you about something that may be troubling you.  We are with the Shinkawa Temple.”  Was she hurt by a demon?  But at the convention?  He had been there yesterday.  No demon had ever dared invade such an event, swarming with their enemies.  “She is Umi, a priestess of the temple.  I am head of the temple, Hikaru.  And also a Knight.  You were troubled by something at our convention yesterday?”  Did someone hurt her, causing her to research demons?  He hoped it was more innocent than that.

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Elie turned around her sapphire blue eyes were the sign of her female family members who were blessed with the gift. She was about snap bit then went quite as Hikaru spoke. Once he finished she glared darkly. "I see so a Knight came to visit me......what happened to me is none of your business. Also Sebastian will be getting a ear full.....I wanted no visitors......Besides......it will be over soon. My powers are gone or least they feel like it....all because I was to stupid to listen to her. I thought I could chance someone no something for the better. Even my cards said so but no....she....she only used me to get to Diamond. I ment nothing....." She said turning away tears streaming down her face. Hikaru could feel how weak her powers where and could feel the weak pulse of her Tarot cards.

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The two looked at the girl in pity, hearing her sadness.  Though the priestess tilted her head, a concern in her eyes.  As if she saw, or sensed something on the girl.  A sign this was worse than they expected.  But Hikaru was concerned by other things.  “Diamond?  The Diamond Sorceress?  Please elaborate.  I consider her an old friend.”  His face, often as stern and plain as Alexandrine showed a bit of pain.  “One of her old teammates was my wife.”  He assumed she knew about the old team now.  Either hearing Alexandrine’s speech, or it sounds like they talked to her later.  “Someone is trying to hurt her?” Umi looked at Elie with sympathy.  Saying something that concerned Hikaru.  “A demon is at the convention?”

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Elie tried to calm herself down wiping away afew tears. "I only meet Alexandrine and her new team a few days ago. They saved me after I was raped...having my virginity taken and marked by demon at my concert. But that demon was gentle....and...and actually cared. It was the only thing to show me any kind of love since I get none here. It was only one to notice me....unlike anyone here. My parents are to busy to care....." She said before turning to them. "I was at the convention yesterday after recording. I transformed into my magical self and I was hoping to get people to notice me. I got a few and they were really sweet. I did a few readings and then listened to Emi and Rin sing and told Alexandrine they had such raw talent and I could help them......but that talk didn't go well. I did a tarot reading for Emi and Rin and the Devil Card appeared.  Those red eyes still haunt me so I left...Alexandrine said my cards or the fates....or hell even my powers weren't good enough....at least that's what it felt like to me. So I started to doubt myself but she stopped me from leaving and then......it...it went down hill from there." Elie said crossing her arms feeling nothing coming from her cards as she sniffles.

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The mark. The priestess had already sensed it.  One of the few with the training to sense such things when they were inactive.  She might have tried to delicately bring it up, if Elie had not first.  But they listened.  Hikaru had of course briefly met Emi as well, but only knew Rin from the speech the three made together.

”Red eyes.”  Hikaru said bitterly.  The same bitterness as Alexandrine.  “While demons do use people, hunt, hurt them.  Demons do not mark casually.”  Umi said softly.  Looking at Elie’s chest, as if she could see it, even latent and covered with clothes.  Elie had not said how far it went.  What she saw and heard Alexandrine do.  They still had reason to hope she overcame the demon, Elie might have left before seeing the end.  “You were researching demons.”  Umi added.  “That is why we came here.  We set up a website you were looking at earlier.  We investigate such things, making sure it harmless or being studied to protect oneself from demons.  Some research such things for less noble reasons than you.  Was there something specific you wanted to learn?”

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Elie looked at Umi sadly tears welling well. "Can a demon really love a person for who they are....you know just for them being them....and can a demon be chanced to the side of good and be team mates. I...I just want this pain to go away. I...I starting to like that demon as a person...and not because of sexual acts. Alexandrine worried be about this and told me it would never work.Before I left the convention.....Alexandrine, myself and.....and Fujiko which was the demon who marked me in disguise. We...we went to have fun but once I called the demon mistress I thought everything was fine but then Diamond said it and.....and something inside me snapped. I grew depressed and heartbroken. I wanted to run away and never return and I did just that. God it doesn't help I got them gifts either.." She said a tear falling to her kimono where the tarot cards rested. A faint light coming from her slash. "Yes red eyes. I remember that and the screams. So much blood and sliver hair....that's all I can remember from the horrible day back when 6 years old. The day before I saw a small black rabbit in our garden at our family estate in Verona ."

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“Black rabbit….Emi’s father…damned Zorn.”. Hikaru spoke in bitterness of old memories.  He assumed she knew about Emi at this point.  Like Alexandrine, not believing Elie was thinking of the same creature.  Old memories and pain were dwelling more on his mind.

”Forgive my cousin, he shares Alexandrine’s pain over that demon, his wife, and the others, who were his friends.”  Umi tried to comfort Elie’s mind, though she was hearing troublesome things.  Alexandrine called the demon mistress?  Very dangerous, concerning. But if she came to her senses quickly enough, it was possible she still overpowered the demon and chased her off.  But she had some bad news to give Elie first, before trying to comfort her.  “Demons do not mark casually, because it cannot be removed.  You will bear her mark the rest of your life.  Most demons can only mark once.  Though more powerful ones may be able to mark a few.”

”If you wish to come to our temple, we have a library.  Centuries of research into demons.  Their ways, their powers, among other things.”  She was delicate.  But she had to be honest with the woman.  “Bearing her mark, having called her mistress.  She has a degree of power over you now, sadly I do not have the power to remove the mark or close that opening in your soul.  Do not be ashamed, but be careful.”

She listened to the explanation of leaving.  Love, with jealousy?  That was the trouble here.  “You love the demon, want her to love you, but fear she already loves or will love Alexandrine.”  She would not judge a woman’s heart.  Though Alexandrine was right, this was dangerous.  She could only pray Alexandrine overcame the demon.  “A demon’s mark is not a sign of love.  But it is not something she would have put on you if Alexandrine was the true target.  She would have tried to bind you in another way, saved the mark for her. Her mark is a sign she sees you as a prize above others, and she wants others to know.”

”I cannot answer your question, I have never known of a demon who genuinely loved a human, was pulled into the light, fought with us.  But if such a thing ever happened, it may be recorded in the temple library.”  There were many records in there.  No one could read all of them.  There might have been some mention buried deep in them.

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Elie seeing Hikaru getting a bit upset went quite before listening to Umi. "So this demon sees me as prize. What kind of prize? I'm not strong like Diamond or famous....what could that demon see in me that is worth anything?" She sighed as one of tarot cards flew out of her slash and slapped her before showing it's self to be the King of Wands. It's image reappeared as a faint illusion appeared. "My Lady not is all as it seems. I'm here to tell you never judge a event ot person just because your hurting in that moment. I know it's hard and I know the fates turned on you but three of us still remain. Two of us have shown yourself so far. I promise the rest will return......but my Lady you need to believe in yourself once more and I know deep down you still do." He turned to the Priestess and Hikaru and bowed. "A pleasure to meet you. Please help my lady regain her powers and give her knowledge to move forward. Also Hikaru you know how rare her powers are and how rare a magical girl is in this family. Please help you regain the means to make her dream come true." He turns back to Elie and smiles kissing the back of her hand. "Never lose your light. There will always be darkness,self doubt and jealously but you will overcome it.

Elie listened to the King as she tires to smile but nothing came. "I....I don't know. Alexandrine words just cut really deep. Having the main magical girl in the world or even city doubting me....that's hard to come back from and yet she warns me not to do something but then does the thing she warned me not to do." She sighed uncrossinv her arms. "Your invitation sounds nice but I just don't know.....how can I do more research or move on if no one believe in me or my goal?"


🌟 Celestial Meaning-

Attributes: Leadership, Knowledge, Vision, Honor and Wisdom

Reversed Attributes: Impulsiveness, Haste and High Expectations 

The King of Wands isn't quick to judge, he wants to connect with others,  understand them and accept them for who they are. All while helping them see their full potential. He's a generous leader and an optimistic mentor who has attained mastery in his feild and is eager to share his hard earned wisdom with everyone. Like his counterpart, the queen, he usually has a vast network of passionate connections to help you on your journey. The King of Wands wants you to step into power and be a leader. The time is now, stop waiting around.

When reversed: The King of Wands  can be a little too controlling, overconfident and hypercompetitive. The King might be advising you to be cautious in wielding your power and to be more thoughtful and considerate in your leadership. Being a leader doesn't mean being bossy, so be careful to remain a mentor and not become a bully.


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“Not love.  But perhaps you appeal to her physically?  Demons sexually attack human women partially to hurt us.  But some genuinely lust for us as well.”  Umi tried to answer the reason for the mark.  But it was only a guess.  Then the more difficult question.  “Some do not want to believe in fate.  I know Alexandrine.  I am certain it was not meant to insult you.  Our family, we believe in higher powers at work though.  Our temple was founded in the belief our powers originated from an ancestor who was the child of a human and a god.  That there is an ancient holiness in our bloodline.  That our divine ancestor still guides and protects us.”  Umi was not bothered or surprised by the presence of the card entity.  She had faith in such things.

”There was a troublesome reading?  She hoped to find a better outcome?  Now you fear she will steal your love too?”  Her face was a little concerned.  “I worry a little that even she called the demon ‘mistress’.  Demons are good at exploiting weaknesses.  Alexandrine has known so much pain.  But if that was last night, the best we can do is pray fate either allowed her to overcome the demon or it set something in motion that will lead to surprise good.”

Hikaru shook his head clear of old memories.  “Do you believe fate has led this demon to mark you?  You believe you can prove not all demons are evil?  I admit, I find it hard to believe.  Everything I have seen.  But if that is what your cards told you, maybe this one is in fact different.  Let me put it this way.  If you believe in your power, perhaps you will find the answer you seek in our libraries faster than anyone else could.  I ask you to believe in yourself.”  He placed his hand on Elie’s chest over the mark.  But not in a sexual way.  “This is a demon’s mark.  I can guess how she gave it to you.  Do you consider it a curse, or something that can become a blessing?”  This girl knew pain like Alexandrine.  Was hurt.  Probably angry at both the demon and Alexandrine.  Jealous of Alexandrine.  This was dangerous.  It could lead to evil.  But maybe.  Just maybe, things were not what they seemed.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Elie looked at Umi and sighed. "I....I don't really know the demon seemed to like me for looks but....but I believe I felt something more warm but not dark from her touches. It's hard to explain. I don't know if I should be jealous or hurt about Alexandrine wanting her.....or if I was just being stupid. I truly believe there's good in everyone." She took a deep breathe.

Feeling Hikaru's hand on her chest she felt a bit warmer as she smile appeared on her face. Tears streaming down. "I do believe in fate and what the fates told me. I believe everyone has a good side and can be redeemed. Even the fated card Judgement says so . Hearing that you a noble Knight and priest with your beautiful Priestess Umi believe in me is a great start. I do believe this mark can be blessing but it will come with trials and pain from time to time." She touched Hikaru's hand as he saw a ghostly image of the most famous Capulet Magical Girl Juliet talking the same time Elie did.

"I do love my enemy and I know it's wrong but I will help you see the light. I am the light to lead to her. I may be jealous and hurt now and need time to get back on my feet but I know one day I prove to people that fate is all powerful and can make things that seem impossible...possible." She said before taking her hand off Hikaru's.

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Umi smiled a little as Hikaru took his hand off Elie’s chest.  Now Umi asked what the next step would be.  “What do you think fate tells you to do then?  If you come to the library with us, you may find old proof for your beliefs.  Previous examples, advice on how to do it, or something else none of us can expect, that might help you.  Or does your heart tell you to seek the demon?  Perhaps Alexandrine?  Whatever did happen after you left, you and Alexandrine probably need a long serious talk.  Find out if you both love the demon.  What you two might do.  Heal the pain between you.  She was being exploited by the demon.  But if she did anything that hurt you, I’m sure she wants to apologize, make it right.  Find out whether she was just confused by the demon’s power or genuinely meant it, has feelings like yours.”  The was also the unspoken matter.  To see if the demon put some spell on her or corrupted her.  Not a mark, but perhaps something else.  Even if the demon could be redeemed, Alexandrine would be extremely dangerous, under a demons influence.  A drastic danger, if truly broken.

”You have a noble heart, even with the mark.  If she shares your feelings, do not let jealously poison or hurt you, stay and tell each other everything.  Find an understanding you two can agree on.”  Umi was certainly fulfilling her role as a priestess, advising this girl.  She would have wished she could remove the mark.  But maybe Elie was right.  A demon’s mark was somehow a blessing in disguise.  Something to even be….proud of?

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