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Princess Lost in Thought

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“If that is what you wish.”  Hikaru was not bothered by either.  The temple was out of town, but not so far that the distance was likely to be an issue.  “I’m sure you will be careful.”  There were not strict rules on it.  In some cases he would be uneasy with food or drink near such old books.  But he was sure Elie would be careful.  “I may join you for the studies tomorrow, if you come back, and depending on what I find at the convention.”

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Elie nods. "Thank you for your blessing Hikaru and please be careful that the convention. I....I do hope no one notices or cares I'm not there." She said as Sebastian cleaned the table. "I will get your drinks ready my lady. Please dress comfortably. I want you to be comfortable while studying." He said a bit worried. Elie looked at Umi and Hikaru. "Don't worry Sebastian, Umi will take care of me and I'll call you once I'm finished to come home."

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“I will not underestimate a demon that would infiltrate such a place. I have faith in Alexandrine, but I will look for any hint of things done to her.”  Hikaru thought it was better not to say he would resist any attempts to seduce him.  Since she was already sensitive about Alexandrine.  Better not to worry her about the demon potentially trying to have sex with him.  He and Umi stood.  “We will meet you at the car, when you are ready. Take your time, gather everything you want to bring.”  The two turned and walked off, so she could prepare.

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Elie nodded as she walked upstairs to room to gather her book notes and pencils which were in a pencil bag. She looked at her tarot cards and sighed packing them. She even packed a blanket hoodie in case she got cold. 

Once down stairs Sebastian had a a small cooler of her favorite drinks. "Here you go my lady. Study hard and I hope you'll find the answers you seek." Sebastian hugged her before Elie left and walked out to car where Umi and Hikaru said they would be waiting.

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It was a fairly simple but comfortable car.  Large enough to easily hold everything.  It was a quiet and fairly short drive, out of town, through a wooded and hilly area, to gates, that opened on their own and let them in.  Umi stepped out and gave any help Elie wanted, getting things out, before Hikaru drove off.

Umi looked towards the main building.  “The library is in the basement.  But you wished to show respects?  Make an offering or prayer to my holy ancestor?”  Elie said earlier, she wished to ‘pay respect’.  Umi would allow her to do that, if she wished.


OOC:  There was a bit of description of the temple.  The outside and inside, more inside, on page 2 of Rebuilding From Scratch.

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Elie looked at the beautiful layout of the shrine and nodded. "Yes I would very much like to pay respects and give a offering." She said bowing. She felt at peace here and understand why this would be good place for Emi. She took a deep breathe and felt all her pain that had surface seem to disappear for the time being. 

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Umi led Elie inside.  Through the halls.  Not to the room where Emi had met Hikaru a few days before.  But to a room more special in a way.  Through the halls, to a pair of large silver doors, covered in gems.  She put her hand on it, as a priestess of the temple, the gems glowed and the doors opened.  At the end of the room were three statues, with a gold altar in front.  “The figure in the middle is my ancestor, Maxim.”  It was figure in elaborate armor, long hair, holding a sword, the blade tip, touching the floor.  “The figures on his right and left are his parents.  A human woman, Aisuka.  His father, a god, Vanorus.  The temple is dedicated to Maxim.  Hikaru’s name as a Knight, it the Sword of Maxim.  But of course we do not forget his holy father.”

This origin was in recent years considered more of a legend.  Not the certain origin of their family.  Yet the temple as whole, and especially this room had a feel of some power.  A pure one.  Warm. Holy perhaps.  Almost as if a presence really was there.  “I hope you do not feel uncomfortable.  That the room is not causing discomfort with your mark.  But Maxim may understand.  You are marked by a demon, but have pure intentions.”

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Elie looked up at the statues shivering a bit. Her chest didn't hurt at moment as she looked at Umi. "They look beautiful. May I pray?" She asked bowing holding her hands. "Great Lord Maxim and family. I wish to give you respect and thank you for allowing me inside your beautiful home and temple. For sharing your knowledge. I wish to learn about my family and about the demon that marked me. I.....I wish to regain faith in myself so my powers may return to full strenght. I offer you my faith in the fates and stars above. I may not have much but that is all I have to give." She whispered hoping she would feel something or hear from spirits or fates tied to this place 

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Umi bowered her head, closed her eyes.  Joined the girl, in prayer to her ancestor.  There was not going to be an immediate or blatant reaction.  If there was, it would have been more than a legend.  But then maybe something big like this would be different.

It was.  A reaction.  Elie’s mark briefly ‘activated’, but not in the way it did when Exzel was around.  Umi felt it too.  A genuine, but happy, surprise.  She dropped to her knees.  Continuing her silent prayer, and offering thanks.

It was small, short.  It made no effort to destroy the mark.  If this power was what it seemed, it was a power that just might have been able to, if it chose.  But instead it ‘spoke’ to Elie through the mark.  Rather than making her horny, filling her with a comforting warmth.  She had not been abandoned.  She would find answers that would help her in the library.  Though it was up to her to do the work to save the demon.

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Feeling the warmth coursing throught her she knew she had her answer. She smiled after her pray looking up at statues. "Your ancestors really are amazing Umi. I feel so at peace and warm thanks to them. I believe I'll find the answers I seek today. You, Hikaru and your ancestors really have alot of me. I do to repay your kindness I'm the future." She said standing up unfolding her hands.

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Umi stood, smiling.  “It has been a very long time since such a clear message was sent.  I believe he believes in your goal and wishes to help.  As much as we might love for you to join the family, we hope more that you do not have to.  If you succeed in your dream, this could change many things.”  If one demon could change, others might too.  She was sure there would still be many like Zorn.  Only a fraction changing.  But even that would be a miracle.

She stepped towards the door.  “I will show you to the library.”  She led Elie down curving halls.  Eventually to another gem covered door.  A lock only a member of the family could open.  Her hand placed on it, the gems glowed again, revealing a long wide staircase.  “I will remain with you until you are done.  See if I can find anything too.”  They slowly walked down the stairs, to a vast room, rows after rows of shelves, covered in old books, some scrolls.  A few tables, with chairs, spread around for reading.  Umi watched to see if Elie tried to follow her heart, to any specific spot.

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Elie's eyes widen seeing all the books and scrolls. "Wow this is amazing. I could get lost in here reading." She smiled  as she felt some kind of force guide her the family history area of  magical girls and Knights. She scanned the shelves till she found the European section. "Alright lets see here A...B...C...here it is." She said picking up a book that was a about medium thickness with elegant gold leterijg with her family's name and family crest.


Family Crest.

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Umi searched through the various shelves.  Unsure the best place to start.  They did not know much about the demon.  Her name, her past, not much about her nature, beyond enjoying seduction.  But she did not appear to be a proper succubus.  She enjoyed sex, seduction, but it was not her core nature.  Had not entered dreams.  She pulled out an old encyclopedia, about the various varieties of demons.  She pulled it out carried over to a table within sight of Elie, looking for anything useful.

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Elie went over to the table as she set up her notebook and pencil along with drinks and started to read. Her eyes widen at the beautiful designs and photos of her ancestors along with gold edged papers. She turned the page as the research began.


~~~~~~History of the Capulets~~~~~~

The family legacy started with the House of Capulet being at war with House of Montague. Since the House of Capulet was mainly made up of  Knights that could control the difference elements like fire,water,wind,ice,earth and etc. It was a miracle when Juliet was born with the magical girl gift. Her cousin Tybalt was ment to be her Knight and her his wife.

It was custom for the males in the Capulet family to breed with their cousins or distance family in order to keep the power in family. A special ritual would be done where the Knight would breed his wife to be for 3 days and 3 nights in chamber made just for them with magic that heighten their sexual desire. If the Knight was successful the family crest would appeared on the back of women's neck behind her hair. This was symbol that she was marked and to bare his children and no one elses. However Juliet didn't like that custom and came to grow close to her enemy Romeo Montague. 

The Montagues were a house of demons that tortured Italy and magical girls and families in the European area. However Romeo was different he believe demons could change and protect Magical Girls and Knights alike against greater foes and fight along side them. As time went on Juliet and Romeo had courted and he had taken her virginity which upset Tybalt since he was going to do the ritual with Juliet on her 16th birthday. His rage toward the demon Montague made him throw Juliet into the dungeons,  where he had the family males breed her and the elders summoned lesser demons that were easy to control to torture her and rape her for her wrong doing while he dealt with Romeo. However in the end Tybalt had got mad with dark/black magic and while trying to kill Romeo, killed himself. The Capulet's filled with sorrow for the lost of their great Knight made Juliet breed with all the males of family in order to try to keep her power in the family. To no avail. Once word got to Romeo about this unholy deed he went and rescued Juliet. But because of how weak she was she confessed her love woth her dying breathe and died in his arms. Romeo having lost the love of his life couldn't bare life without her as he killed him. Juliet believed in Romeo and her dream with every ounce of her being.

The Capulet boys once they reached the age of 8 where put through difficult tests to see if they had gotten the gift. If they did have gift they would be branded with family crest onto their chest with a hot iron. They were then treated like gods amongst the family and a feast was prepared in their honored.

Capulet girls however where born with a birthmark of a white iris on their collarbone that was magical hidden. So a special healer would be called to check to see if the baby girl was blessed with the gift.If the girl had the mark she was treated like goddess and given the world. A feast in her honor would last three days and three nights. All girls blessed with gift have black hair and blue eyes. 

Juliet: She had jet black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her powers were over Tarots Cards and the Fates themselves. She was kind hearted and sweet to others. She died at age 17 with her beloved Romeo following behind.

Romeo: He was a demon with blue and green eyes. He had the power over fire and passion of the heart. He died at age 21 after watching his love die in his arms.

Tybalt: He had sliver hair and red eyes. He had the power over wind. He died age 30 by going mad with rage, dark/balck magic and angry and was stabbed to death.

Now a days the Capulet bloodline allows other bloodlines into their house but only if they prove themselves. As stated before the Capulet bloodline mainly contains Knights but once every 50 years a female is born with power over fates, moon or stars. Juliet was the strongest one amongst her female family members and is dearly missed still to this day. The Capulet house is the strongest magical house in the European section. They work closely with the royal family and the Vatican. They keep detailed records of their families past and who is blessed with powers and who is not.

However 13 years ago a unforeseen event happen where the family was attacked by the forces of evil and demons. Some believe it was inside job by a jealous family member. To this day there is only four known Capulets alive to this day. There bloodline is almost at its end and their bloodline is one of rarest ones besides a few in the Japanese section.

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Umi paged through, but she did not have too much idea what she was looking for.  That was where Elie’s presence was important, at least for a hint.  “Did the demon mention anything about the variety of demon she was?  Anything about her past?  Connections to other demons?  What sort of powers did have, not related to seduction?”  She could maybe make some guesses with that information.  Even then, the encyclopedia was just the beginning.  If they figured it out, look for books about that sort of demon.

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Elie looked at the book in disbelief as she looked at her collarbone seeing the white iris. She took a moment to take a deep breathe. "Ah....hmmm she uses shadow magic and a devil of some sort that was a servant or slave to a demon general and used. Sor....Sorry I just fell like I got slammed with a whole alot of information all at once." She said seeing the images in the book that matched her mark. "From the details of what she looked like and the pictures....I....I look like the reincarnation of Juliet but, I can't be. I don't have a Tybalt or family besides my mother and father. Who is this fourth Capulet?" She asked.


What her mark looks like on her collarbone.

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Umi leaned and read over the pages Elie had, momentarily distracted from her book.  Who wrote this?  The time of the attack, the initial investigation would have been done when Hikaru’s father was still head of the temple and family.  Investigated by either himself directly, or by those he sent.  But this looked like it was updated recently.  Speaking of the writings, in a way this temple was almost comparable to a local Vatican, though much more specialized.  Only utilized by the family, to a lesser degree Magical Girls and Knights.  One of the bases in a global network, religious and secular, to help fight demons.  Information flowed back and forth between different groups.

”I am afraid I do not know much about your family.  I am not certain who wrote this.  These are among the few modern records we keep down here.  Though I would think the name would be there somewhere…more importantly it does answer one of your questions.”  The question of if a demon could love a human, could try to be good,

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"Yeah it...I does but it gives me a few more questions like who is this new Capulet? Is history repeating itself? Why do I look so much like her. Is there any way I can copy this book?" She asked her eyes filled with wonder but also worry as she looked at book not knowing if she wanted to continue to read or not. "Did you find anything while I was reading?"

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“It isn’t really secret information.”  Perhaps secret from the general public, certainly from their enemies, but not from Magical Girls or Knights.  “And it is about your family.  You have every right to copy as much of it as you can and want to.  Unfortunately we do not have anything would let you copy it faster than writing it down yourself.”  That was the point of her writing materials.  She was allowed to take notes, even copy.

She could not answer the questions about similarities.  She found it hard to believe it might be reincarnation, though some might jump to that conclusion.  Fate might not have been coincidence though, to be that much like her ancestor.  “There are similarities.  Also differences.  You are not alone.  You have people who will help you.  Places you can go in danger.  As much as it might hurt…you also might have a friend at the demon’s side.  One very capable of protecting both of you.”  There was still hope that nothing happened there.  But she could not rule out the chance Alexandrine was with the demon still.  But if Elie was right…maybe fate intended that too.  Especially after what happened in the altar room, she wanted to trust whatever happened was meant to happen, for good reason.

”I have not had time to look at this much.  I will see what I can find while you do your copying.”  Umi returned to her own book, seeing if anything Elie told her helped.


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Elie looked at the whole book and sighed. "This will take a while but I want all the information. I need to know about my family and everything. I need this....I...I want to get to know Juliet and Romeo.....I....I just...I need tl copy all of this. It will take some time....I just....." Elie felt herself get a bit dizzy as she grabbed her drink. She felt off maybe ot was information overload or maybe the mark but she couldn't tell. "Umi....do...do you think there's a way I can speak to my ancestors...maybe Juliet? I....I have a few questions for her? I also hope one day we find out who wrote all this history down about....about my family."

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Ah, to speak to the dead.  A dream of many, certainly something Alexandrine also wished for.  Something she would have done, if there was an easy way.  “….I believe it is possible.  Hope you can.  Unfortunately, I do not have any advice on how to do it though.”  Was that another answer she could find here?  Umi found it unlikely, but perhaps not impossible.  Something that could be accomplished through demons?  Maybe.  But probably only through ones much more dangerous that the one Elie fell for.  It did not seem like that one would have such power.  To try to contact the other side of this story?  Maybe possible, but dangerous.  Even if he was an exception, as far as demons went.

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"I.....I understand thank you Umi. I will start copying this and if you find anything because let me know. I wish to better understand the demon I believe her name is coming back to me Ex....Exzel I believe." She said grabbing her pencil. Elie was having a hard time remembering details but maybe as she wrote more details would come to mind.

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“Let me check something.”  Umi stood up.  Went back to the shelves.  Skimmed down the rows, until she found her target.  A biography of known demon lords and their followers of significance, either in rank or power.  She brought it to the table.  Went to the index first. “Exzel…Exzel…Exzelcryth?”  She turned to the page the index pointed her to.

”Formerly a slave of the demon lord Gyumaoh.  Her survival was confirmed, but no known confirmed sightings since her former master’s death.  Nexus Devil.  That is, a master of portals, much more capable of traveling vast distances, even to other worlds or planes, than other types of demons.  Would have been invaluable for moving her master and his forces around.”  She was both reading from the book and reciting her limited knowledge of what a Nexus Devil was.  She had a degree of knowledge of all the various types of demons.  Though she was sure the library had much more knowledge about them than she did.

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Elie hearing her mistresses name.made her heart ache a bit as she sighed. "Yeah that's her. I remember now that she's a Nexus Devil and she used portals and shadows. If I may after copying this....may I copy that?" She asked rolling her wrist whimpering as it popped. It was sore from all the writing. "So she was servant a slave to her master. So maybe once she gain freedom she felt like the world was hers and me trying to keep her to myself....might make her think I'm enslaving her?"

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Umi sighed softly.  Considering that aspect.  “I can only imagine the thought process of a former slave, demon or human.  These are my guesses, but only she can give you the true answer.  A desire for freedom, but maybe wanting control of others.  If not control, at least a loyalty, similar to what she showed her old master…but more genuine?  Willing slave like loyalty?”  She randomly guessed.  “What would it mean for someone like her to mark someone…?  It is true, she might not want to feel confined to one person, mark or not.  Alexandrine was the same in a way, perhaps doing what came natural for so long, not realizing it might hurt you.  Especially if she was like you said you were the first time.  She was under the influence of the demon’s kiss, when you left?”

”You see, if you want one true love, that is noble.  I respect that.  But few Magical Girls or Knights feel that way.  Between the secret identities, the danger, they tend not to commit to anyone romantically or sexually.  Some marry, like Hikaru.  And he feels more like you than most, though he is not bothered by occasional casual sex, especially while without a wife.  For most though, they are much more open.  Their teammates being the closest thing to serious partners.  But they will do it with others, not consider anything wrong with it.”  There were things Elie had to learn.  Both about the demon, and the other woman potentially bound to her.

”You can copy this too.  I should also see if I can find anything dedicated to Nexus Devils in general.  There may not be anything else about that one, but might be more about her kind.”

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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