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Taken By Bikers

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This will be a gangrape scenario involving my character who is 18 year old girl whose car broke down during a solo road trip. She can’t get any signal out here and her phone is dying.

Things get worse for her when some rough and tumble bikers come by and decide to have some fun with our poor young woman.

I will be playing resistant to willing. She’ll break over time, but her body will react with pleasure to the rough treatment. I’m good with anyone joining in on the fun.

I want her to be kidnapped and kept somewhere as a fuck toy to be used at the leisure of these tough men. I am a frequent poster and I like detail, but I don’t expect everyone’s posts to be as long as mine. I’ll mark who I’m reacting to, if it’s specific.

I am into rough treatment, slapping, hitting, multiple penetration, double vaginal (if anyone wants to), running train, rimjobs, whatever.

All men will need to be 18+. I like men of all ages, with this moving more into the 35+ range. If you want to jump in


Limits: I am extremely open about kinks and have very few things I won’t do, which are…

-Scat: Just no. Piss, rimming, musk and smegma are all good. Just remember to respect the limits of others.

-Diapers/ Adult Baby: Not my cup of tea.

-Extreme violence: I am good with her getting beaten up and abused, but I don’t want broken bones, teeth being knocked out, nails being damaged (really hard no on this one). I am good with her being threatened (even with death) and hurt, just not this far.

-Snuff: I don’t want her to be killed. Pretty straight forward.


I am very open to kinks. If you have any requests or anything you can post it here or private message me. I am also open to most private RP’s, as long as it doesn’t compromise the RP’s I have going.

If you’d like to join, you can just let me know your character’s age and description. You can provide a picture reference or not.


(Any OOC stuff, I’d like to have in brackets, like this.)

(I’m going to invite some former partners, but anyone can request to jump in. Just be courteous to each other, but be mean to my character, please.)

Posting will just be as needs-be. It’s pretty free-form, but it’s not super important what order things happen in. I’ll try to respond to everyone’s posts. Just try to ask for approval  on any major changes (like her being moved to another location.)

If anyone has any requests for something specific, we can consider a private message.

Any of my partners can have some goons that also jump in if they’d like. Just try to remember that other guys want their turns, too.

Let’s fuck this bitch up!


Andi Fitzgerald

Age: 18

Andi is a fresh-faced recent graduate from high school. She has been accepted to a good University where she’ll learn nursing so she can help people feel better.

Sweet, innocent and caring, her boyfriend couldn’t go with her because he has an internship in another state. In addition, her best friends had to cancel, too, so she’s boldly going alone, across a few states on the East coast to get to her university. 

She thinks that she’ll be okay with her can of pepper spray and her small car seems like it’s in good shape. Of course, nothing will work right. Her spray can is faulty and her car has some hitherto unknown issues. Poor girl.

She has black hair, kept in a ponytail.

She is not a virgin, but her experience is rather vanilla. She’s had vaginal sex with her boyfriend and given tit and blowjobs to him. She is an anal virgin. She has only ever had sex with her current boyfriend, Franklin.

Here’s an image of what I thought her body would look like.




I’ll post the starter soon.

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PART 1: The Side of the Road


Andi was convinced that her day just couldn’t get any worse. She had taken the scenic route on her trip down to her new college and her car, which seemed perfectly fine this morning, decided to break down without much warning. Of course she was in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

She had tried her phone, but the signal was basically non-existant. The battery got sucked up as she tried to call her Daddy, her boyfriend or roadside assistance. Perfect.

It was a hot day. Not too bad if you’re not out in it, but she was stuck out in it.

A few cars passed her by, but they were too busy to stop. She had money, but someone had to actually stop at some point.

She had gotten down to blue jean shorts and a black tank top. She was covered in a sheen of sweat while the sun started to go down. She wiped off her brow with the bottom of her tank top, temporarily flashing her stomach. Damn, this heat was bad.

She finished off the last of her water and hoped that someone might come by soon to help her out. It was getting dark and these country roads didn’t have lights. Just then, she sees the lights of several motorcycles approaching. She tries to hide behind a tree, but they’ve already spotted her.

Her fate was sealed…

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Of course Andi was scared being approached by multiple, strong men, but she couldn’t exactly run away. She knew that the best thing was for her to stand her ground and not seem completely helpless. She swallowed as she felt the faulty pepper spray can in her pocket, even though she knew that it wouldn’t be effective against more than two guys.

Her heart was racing as those motorcycles circled her and her car, their powerful vibrations rumbling from her sandaled feet, all the way up to her pussy. Honestly, it seemed like they could be fun to ride around on. Maybe she could bum a ride.

She swallowed hard and tried to put on a brave front. She was a bit relieved to see their leader was an older man. Maybe he’d keep the younger ones in line?

”Hey, guys, cool bikes! Ummm… I was wondering if you might be able to help me out, even just giving me a ride to the closest mechanic. I’ve got a debit, so I can pay you for your troubles…”

She felt their eyes upon her hot, young body, already hot and covered in sweat. There was no way she could outrun them, even if they were on foot.

She looked around neevously, “Please… guys…”

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Frustrated but exhausted from the long ride, Jay holds on to Rye's thick biker jacket the moment Rye decides to make a sudden turn.

Jay is wearing a pair of black, baggy sweatpants, a plain white T-shirt and a casual grey running jacket on top of it, along with a pair of roughed up red running shoes. Definitely doesn't seem like a top choice for a long bike ride, and isn't really well thought out.

Jay slaps Rye's back as hard as he can with his frail hand, and shouts, as to be heard over the current of wind:

"Go slower you filthy fuck! You're gonna kill us next time!"

And then Jay observes Andi's figure along with her broken down car. Shit, he thought, not this poor girl too... and his look went from frustrated to thoughtful, anxious.


(How Jay roughly looks like. Age : 21)

Edited by Subbycuck
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(Hey, Subbycuck! Welcome to this twisted tale!)

(So far, it’s the three of us and that’s awesome. I’m really looking forward to RP’ing with you two and anyone else who may jump in.)

(Something I was wondering was if either of you would want to control some generic goons to fill it out. Like, the guys just do what you say, whether your character orders them to in universe or not. I’m only talking like, up to 2-3 for anyone who wants to do it. Just to make it more of a gangbang.)

(I know that most people want to only do one character and that’s totally cool. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable asking for RP that they don’t want to do. Thoughts?)

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She forced a nervous smile, “My name’s Andi.”

She saw him doming his passenger, but figured that it was just a kink between them. She took comfort in thinking that maybe they were all gay bikers and weren’t interested in her body, at all.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with it.” She extended her feminine hand and shook his firmly, though his shake was definitely stronger.

”You’re in great shape, for you age.”

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(Hey! Nice to be here too.

As you can probably see my account is pretty new and roleplaying with multiple people is already a new experience for me -- nevermind roleplaying multiple characters!

I think for now I'll pass, but I could change my mind later...thank you for offering though!

It's a pleasure and an honor roleplaying with you!)

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Jay just rested against the back of the bike and looked flustered towards Andi as Rye easily shut down every little attempt of defiance -- while definitely looking cool, strong and charming to the sweaty girl, facing a...*well, now two* big problems. And that's probably what he wanted.

Jay's embarrassment grows even bigger when he realizes that Andi is relieved from seeing the interaction between him and Rye, obviously thinking that they're a couple and the big man approaching her poses no threat.

Trying to decide of whether he wants to help her out or not, he settles for something in between, discreetly hinting with his eyes and hands that she's in danger. In case she didn't know.

But she looks totally oblivious to his existence right now, focusing on Rye's figure instead.

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