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3 minutes ago, Kissa said:

@Gardsorm @AsBloodTurnsEverCold @diogora

You guys wanna attempt running away? If you wanna try, I wouldn't recommend the gate because most of the people are near it. If not, then I will make one more post and you can post one round if you want before the scene is completed.

Thanks ^^ Fera is trying to signal to Archer, so it'll be up to Gard to decide what he wants to try doing. ^^

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When I have used a char that is similar type to Celestine before she wasn't received that well. Probs because she is stuck up and lowkey racist, but I have found solution to that! When I make another fox who is a sadist psycho bitch from hell, Celestine looks like a sweet angel in comparision : p 


We have Beach group, which includes random number of old people and my Celestine, Blood's Delmar and Gard's Lucas. The old people wanted to avoid all the chaos and mayhem in the prison and just make the most of their time, so they took a bus and drove at the beach. While rummaging through a dockmaster's office radio exploded and killed old man named Elias. After that they buried him in the sea, made some food, eat and drank. Some went to sleep and some to swim or just otherwise relaxed.

Till two groups of gangsters appeared to look for the boats, that are missing minus two small rowboats. So far this group has found out that there was unusually much activity for months before disappearance of the staff. Construction supplies and employees came and went to the island during those months more than normally. 

Farm group. This is a difficult group. 4 gangs has teamed up to take over the control of the prison. They raided armory, just to find out there were no guns. Just non-lethal weapons like batons and stunners. They also found out that work schedules were done for upcoming weeks like normal, despite the staff disappearing. While doing their little investigation Archer (Gard's char) walked in their meeting and has been with them more or less unwillingly. Archer knows about electrical engineering, so they are gonna use him to return the power on the island. Most of the gangsters went to raid kitchen of W-Wing and meanwhile Archer and the rest of gangster went to fix and start one of generators. 

While there Sybil (Blood's char) and Fera (Dio's char) walked there. Anjira (my char), who is leader of one gangster group, took Sybil with them because she is a doctor and Fera is extra baggage she took with them because Sybil and Archer demanded it. They took almost all food from W-Wing, fuel and remaining cars. Now they are at the farm. Anjira tried to get more info of the trio's past and when they weren't as cooperative as she had hoped, things escalated and she slashed Fera. Then something exploded and she left to find out what's going on.

Archer and Sybil are with bleeding Fera and two gangsters, still on the farm, contemplating an escape.

Storeroom group. This group includes all chars not mentioned above, but there were issues with inactivity and solving dilemma of closed door. As far as I understood, the point of this scene was to have a group sex, but the scene has been abandoned and many of the players have dropped the game. To be honest, I don't know how many of them are going to be active when/if someone returns to the prison.

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Alright understood! Quite the diverse chats.

Though I do have a question. I know death is something that happens, but is it a "Any mistake can get you killed." Or is there going to be leniency for that? I don't mean something stupid like rushing into a trap to hand fight 6 guys with knives. (If you CAN do that badass!) I more mean will there be "say the wrong thing and get your head shot" type situations? 

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7 minutes ago, BlakeRp said:

Alright understood! Quite the diverse chats.

Though I do have a question. I know death is something that happens, but is it a "Any mistake can get you killed." Or is there going to be leniency for that? I don't mean something stupid like rushing into a trap to hand fight 6 guys with knives. (If you CAN do that badass!) I more mean will there be "say the wrong thing and get your head shot" type situations? 

Great question. Answer is yes and no.

I avoid PC kills because it means loss of character development and me having to go through char sheet progress once again. If someone wanna get their char killed, I would appreciate being told so and we can try to make it worthy of the char. I don't appreciate it if I'm forced in a situation where I have to do it without being told it's wanted result, because it makes me really uncomfortable. However, it's not one mistake and you are dead, but at some point plot armor is gonna be worn out together with my patience. So player char death is possible, but not pursued.

For example if you give a look at the latest Farm posts you might notice Fera almost got herself killed. If I played Anjira as murderthirsty batshit crazy fox she is, Fera would be dead now and people would be chopping her body into cow munch. So I'm trying to use some leniency to avoid PC kills. I try to make it shown in my posts when characters are in a death dangers, but some people are better at seeing death flags than others and sometimes I do a poor job at writing it clearly enough.

Right now Beach group is about to start a fight with 6 gangsters who are without their anti-magic collars. Time will show how that goes, but I'm hoping to keep these guys alive because they have been doing a great job at unfolding the story.

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24 minutes ago, Kissa said:

Storeroom group. This group includes all chars not mentioned above, but there were issues with inactivity and solving dilemma of closed door. As far as I understood, the point of this scene was to have a group sex, but the scene has been abandoned and many of the players have dropped the game. To be honest, I don't know how many of them are going to be active when/if someone returns to the prison.

For the storeroom group, 1 person was very insistent on group sex while everyone else just wanted to get out of there and write a normal story, pushing us into a corner and dilemma that made the scene fell apart.
I feel guilty for being the first person that decided to pull my character out of that scene, since a lot of others followed and made the same decision, but it was very unpleasant for a few people involved, myself included. I'm not sure yet if I will be using him again, since I initially wanted him to be a lot more involved in the deeper plots of the story. He's my serious character, while Fera...was initially supposed to be a side-character of sorts.

14 minutes ago, BlakeRp said:

Though I do have a question. I know death is something that happens, but is it a "Any mistake can get you killed." Or is there going to be leniency for that? I don't mean something stupid like rushing into a trap to hand fight 6 guys with knives. (If you CAN do that badass!) I more mean will there be "say the wrong thing and get your head shot" type situations? 

As for this, regardless of my own issues in here concerning character deaths, the fact that Fera is still alive does show leniency on Kissa's part. As long as you don't make a character that's as ridiculously stupid (as I made her for comedic purposes), I highly doubt your character would be getting themselves killed unless you specifically wanted it to happen.

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While I have no hard feelings about what happened, I do want to stress I thought that would have been fun, but I pointed out it did not have to happen.  I was very open about what way Nadia went, understood several people disliked Nadia as she was.  I just wanted Nadia to meet everyone, then see what happened.  It could have gone any number of ways.

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Well as for anyone who pulled out but isn't fully jumping ship you can always plan something later. One failed scene doesn't have to be the end-all-be-all unless you're of similar mind to Kitten.

Just plan a scene elsewhere, maybe with a deeper conversation of what you hope to achieve.

Given how long its been the beach thread is also still open I believe so any last minute arrivals should be fine? Might have to check with Kissa.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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I couldn't agree more with Blood. It's water under the bridge. No need to keep digging it anymore. Like finnish saying goes "Chin to chest and towards new disappointments" : p No chars are dead, so there is always opportunity to make new scenes.

You lose some, you win some. 

I can't stress the importance of communication enough. If there something that bothers you, tell it so we can try to find a solution to it. However, I would like to keep unconstructive negativity out of OOC. It can go to PMs if it has to happen. 

Just like IRL, everyone has the right to nope out of sex at any given moment for whatever reason. The game allows sexual violence, but only with consent of the players involved. I know the bar to tell 'I don't like this. Could we do this instead or drop this scene completely' is high, but one can't expect someone to do changes if they aren't told something is wrong. We can't be responsible of feelings of others, but we are responsible of telling when there is something on our mind and doing it in the most considerate way we can. I hope you guys get what I mean with this. 


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Remembered that the wings don't have separate kitchens as they share on in the central building. So most of food has been looted from the Central kitchen. Non-perishable foods are still in the separate storeroom in the basement. 

Also to Blood's question, yea, it's still possible to join the Beach group. They are about 3.5 miles from the prison, so just need some believable enough way to get there.

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25 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

Can't think of a Sybil post in regards to this plan unless one of them whispers it to her so might need to be skipped so Fera can do her thing.

Shoot... I would edit, but it's been up for too long. I should've seen this sooner. >.< Well, next Archer post he'll whisper it to her if we reach that point.

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