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  1. Past hour
  2. Mitsuko was going along with Jumi, patiently listening but still troubled somewhat. Being explained how Rie was would be one thing and she was ready to give her a chance but it unexpectedly had turned a bit sour. Still... It didn't change the way she had behaved and how Mitsuko felt a certain disapproval with it. "Maybe... But... The way she put it did not feel right. She has it wrong... I don't have to get used to her and the way she is. I've wanted to be in your team because I felt like this may be a great step for me to learn. But..." She bit her lip, not wanting to speak too out of line. "It's probably best that you did not... You an
  3. Today
  4. Roleplay Ideas- Many of these are made with the intention of either having multiple characters involved at certain points or my partner playing as a sort of DM during them! Right now this is a working list with what i’m currently interested in doing! It can obviously change with time. Fantasy Settings- Kali’s kingdom had long been torn asunder by a war that had engulfed nearly an entire continent for damn near a decade. With peace becoming ever closer to being established, Kali, now at a marriageable age is tasked with fulfilling one of the conditions of a long lasting peace by picking a marriage partner from a host of options. A
  5. Who said i was a good customer?
  6. You mean you dont take the money in the jar? I thought it was a tip for us from the staff as a sign of what good customers we are?
  7. Should I put coins or bills in the tip jar??
  8. That did not go as well as it could have. But Jumi thought she prevented it from going seriously bad. The two would hopefully figure each other out and get on better terms with each other. Now it was just the two of them again. Jumi went back to her shower. Following Mitsuko’s example, her wings faded away. No sense showing hers, if Mitsuko would not do the same. She left the hair untouched, finishing up the rest, a last chance for Mitsuko to do that. ”She’s rather blunt. Aggressive in ways, but there is a good girl underneath all that, as I’m sure you will see. Maybe I should have joined in, but was trying to give you two a cha
  9. ...when your home desk is littered with cryptic notes for ongoing rp's.
  10. What is an appropriate donation for the tip jar?
  11. I'm here with more ideas posting! I roleplay as male and either roleplay as switch, dom or sub depending on the idea! I am limitless like my name says so feel free to come up with any kinks! Each idea has more to it these are the short versions, and the roleplays that are aloud to be more taboo or limitless and will have a lot more to them as well. I also have a preference sheet, but overall I'm just fully limitless! Family love! My character has been with his father for some time after he split up from my characters mother. However he plans to move to another country, so instead of moving with him my character would decide
  12. Who's excitedly smashing their breasts together? Galadriel and her horse cock, and Adunaphel. Party!
  13. For a little bit I've had this idea about a roleplay where I play victim of a female serial killer. She lures me back to her place and we have wonderful sex, only for me to be brutally murdered. I want it to where the murder plays out(so maybe think about it more as torture) and sex doesn't need to be BDSM or anything like that. My only real requirement is that you're alright with character descriptions.
  14. Pancakes, hands down. Would you rather have a permanently "on" vibrator surgically installed just inside your anus, or have to carry a monkey around all day in a Baby Björn that just mercilessly pinches your nipples non-stop?
  15. Where exactly will the tip be going?
  16. Who's excitedly smashing their breasts together? Galadriel and her horse cock, and Sauron. Party!
  17. Are you offering to give someone the tip?
  18. you set your alarm to wake up every hour so you can check for replies
  19. ...when you check with the DMV to see if you can get a personalized "ECCHI" license plate
  20. Yesterday
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