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Elena And Her Thoughts Out There

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Last Friday, i was enjoying the nights away replaying Trails of Cold Steel on nightmare mode until this screw loose send message on group chat. She said someone break in to the office and it was recorded on CCTV, which sent chill down everyone spine because some of them left their laptop there. We did take her seriously because how serious the matter is. Until she sent a screenshots of it. At this point, i really wish calling your coworker a total moron wouldn't put me on work ethical questioning and a sin just because they're older than you. Because that old numbnuts show a picture of a "ghost" which obviously not captured through any special mean to catch a ghost other than their pricy-for-nothing phone camera. You know how many fake app litter the app store right? This old boot literally stumble into one, gone banana over it, and make a big fuss of it thinking she going to be a hotshots for it.

Keep in mind we did take her seriously because break-in is no fun business. There's many important stuff especially the PC which contain a LOT of important file that wasn't uploaded to cloud yet. Heck, my house got break-in twice back in 2011 and that's no fun, how is that make any difference?

We poke fun of her but that doesn't stop that old bag to realize its a stupid prank and no one would catches on. This old buster really had a lots of guts to spare by messaging the school principal about this "ghost" who were captured on "camera" that has ads at the bottom. Yes, an ads, i wish i was joking. I say its a gutsy move because the school principal doesn't appreciate jokes when he's outside the office, believe me, its 180 degrees attitude going on with that man. Oh and he know his way around tech stuff too. Clearly annoyed, the principal left a burnt mark on that noisy lady of the month simply by stating his obvious annoyance...

"I'm not becoming school principal for being moron"

Chat went silent afterward. But i'm grinning like mad as i continue my gaming Friday. Seriously, don't provoke anyone on their Friday nights. Its pretty much like like poking hornet nest or a hibernating bear if you do that. 

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If you got tired dealing with teenager who don't know any better on social media and think violence would solve their problem, don't worry, i had that issues too. In fact, we all had that issues and questions if its really safe to die now knowing we leave the world to the hands of irresponsible freak show of the world, or feel glad we died before the damage is done.

You see, i just watch some rant video about stupid fumbling freak of the earth, which i hope they come from Mars to be honest, who think they can be such hotshots for being prick and looking violent. I think some of you guys already know what i'm gonna talk about. 

Let's start with that one freak shows on earth which is a dude who is being so rude to Japanese people, on transit at that, which is one of sacred place of well manner of all thing and think he can get away with it. I don't get the idea of annoying people won't get you in trouble. Especially in a place where there's bunch of total stranger who clearly don't know you. This dude is so brainless, they blast a song on public transit where people are obviously tired from work, or what i assume because i don't see the lights because it happen on subway, and think they would just walk off chuckling. Obviously not, he got blasted back by Japanese people and when he think he can outwit them through words game, he got fingered hard. He completely forgot that people have some education too to understand what he said, so much so that he pull race card when there's no one pointing his race there. He didn't make any racist statement as far as i know given the fact that he never call any people inside that train a bad name or anything. But to see where the video end (and him got banned), i'm ashamed to know that we all share the same oxygen to breath in with this rooster. The video is total embarrassment but i have to point out how much of a snowflake that guy is because i'll be honest, the people inside that train retort him with such weak comeback and i think i can do better, but this cornflakes take it so personally and went mental shutdown inside from simple comeback "Speak Japanese to us!" and pull race card and think it would lift his dominance, realizing how small he is in the face of the world. 

And then we got a numbnuts who flex on the gun as threat for those who make fun of them, oh and they call their handgun a UZI. I'm no gun nuts, but even i know what UZI looks like. Look guys, being insulted hurts, i know. But does being a murder make it any better? I don't think so. Yes i know they just flexing but seriously, going anal over who stole the last donuts with a grenade? Give me a break. Add that with boxing match invitation? Well sure go ahead, but can you pay the guy you want to punch a ticket to get to your place? I don't think so. I once got this kind of fighter and when i point out how i get there, they just, well, doing what they do best. Calling me poor or something to make me feel small. I wish i can take that personally and make a comeback but i am indeed a poor person; why get angry the obvious?

That's all i want to rant about this time, move along.

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Oh goodness! When i left ED for half a month, nothing happen. But when i left ED for a day, rotten eggs happen!

Yes, i saw that status. A shame really, but i'm gonna be the person with simple mind here. That dreamer over there? They don't help themselves when there's option to solve their problem but instead throwing crap on the fan and i won't say i'm sorry for whatever drama they had when it can be solved simply by asking the guys at the top, i mean that. Its mind boggling whenever this stuff happen because the resolve is just that easy but there they are. Remember EVERY time where i always stressed EVERY dreamer to stop using deactivate feature when they just going away for whatever business for a week but instead use Leave of Absence to cover it? The feeling is mutual.

Now the reason why i didn't put any much thought to that stressed dreamer, is because they already told by admin to make report so the admin can handle it from that point. Its easy, heck, i never see a community with so much report button flaunted for every single post you make. I even use that at some point back in early 2020. I might repeating what admin said here but if they have so much energy to put up a status in such numerous amount for nothing, does it take so much to just hit one button, fill up the form, and call it a day? In fact, the moment that person post the second status, i shrug and left the crap fest knowing that fella is a lost cause. Add that with the fact they told the problematic dreamer "i hope you rot" for their famous last words, congrats, every bridge you built are officially burned down. I know they probably don't read this, but i hope they become better person than they think they are once they get out from here. Dimwit.

Seriously guys, ED admin is still filled with people who sit on their chair, not bot from discarded McD answering machine who told you to restart your browser if there's an issue and call it a day. Just use report button damn it, don't be a freaking Lucifer thinking "Admin can't do jack! This is my problem! I will solve it in my own way because it would teach them why they shouldn't mess with me" because guess what, the fella end up deactivate while being fumed over their own inability to make report because they try to use their own resolve their issue; when they obviously can't. Just contact admin when you got problematic member. At least if there's wrong call, it would be their fault, not yours...err...

But enough flame to the dumpster, let's talk about the other guy . I want to @ him but i think he already had enough in his bucket so i will leave it there. That guy mentioned actually having RP with me up to this day. And what that fella said about being asked for reply too much is actually true. He did ask me for reply even thought its less than 5 minutes. Its annoying i won't deny that but here's the thing why we still RPing together to this day.

I simply told him i got some work and might affect my reply, along with apology, no volatile language included. End of story.

Now i don't know how that fella told the guy to bugger off their back and i don't want to assume here. After saying that statement above, guess what? He seems to understand and we're doing fine. Now i don't want to flaunt it to make everyone throw some peanuts at the guy, but that guy over there, he did have some setback that make him act such way. He told me from the start of our discussion and seems aware that it would get him in trouble. That warning is why i doubt that fella status post (then again they choose to resolve their issue in wonky way so why bother). Now i don't know if its true or not because i'm not that guy neighbor or anything, i just ate his words and carry along. I know what his setback actually is; heck my favorite Vtuber actually suffer similar stuff and it shows once in a while. However after a good year RPing with him, i would say his setback are real deal and for that reason i don't want to put much stress on that guy include when giving warning. Yes i might sounds like spoiling him but in my defense, i call that as giving respect in a common sense. He understand my workload might get in the way of our RP, and in return, i understand his setback and try to adapt to his style of RPing.

Now let's sidetrack a bit. When i make a post mentioning that we all could be RPing with anyone crazy behind the screen, i'm not joking there. For all i care, we all could be RPing with an SJW, white supremacist, neo-nazi, child murderer, drug dealer, human trafficker, mafia, FBI or even Presidents behind the keyboard because obviously we don't know each other than our username. And that also include RPing with people that has setback like that guy. I'm not saying we should RP with anyone, no. What i'm trying to point at is don't assume you'll meet your equal every single encounter. If you RP with the bad apple and decide told them to sod off, i understand, it happens. When you reject RP with people with setback because you don't think you can keep up, i also understand. What i don't get is when you choose to fume over some folks with only hates written all over the post and hope they would get the message without clear idea why they act such way. Not only it would damage your image around community as someone with volatile temper, but it would also easily shrugged off by the person who bug you. Here i thought i was the one with the shortest fuse...

At the end of the day, please be aware that you'll meet various people in community and they had reason why they act such way. Expect the unexpected but just because you met with unsavory surprise, keep your wits around because you might don't know who you just nuked on your status should you ever had meltdown. You're lucky if you hit a snowflake; at least there's fun to take out of them if turn out they're guilty, but if you nuke someone and turn out they really had such setback and had an episode behind the keyboard after reading your comment, i would retire being a keyboard warrior on that same day.

Let's put this to rest with a personal note.

  • That fella there might don't know the dude setback, either the dude didn't told them like he did to me or just forgot is unknown. And its fair knowing some people wouldn't be so open about it and i understand why, but even so, i don't support the fella last minute action to make outrageous post that weight nothing but also ignoring the fact that their problem could be alleviated with simple report button which admin had been strongly suggested. If they can make such post against someone they don't know better, i can't imagine what they gonna say if things get ugly between their closest RP partner.
  • As for the dude, i know your setback, you told me all about it. Please learn from this experience that not every people would take kindly to your approach. Not everyone is a dog bone here, i assure you there's still good people out there to RP with. Just please, when people told you "no", they really mean that and you shouldn't push your luck.
  • For the love of anything guys, use report button, its free! And for the love of anything that sounds holy to you, USE THE DAMN LEAVE OF ABSENSENCE INSTEAD DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT WHEN YOU'RE AWAY FROM THE SITE, YOU SHI- 👿

Move along.

Edited by Elena Ichinomiya
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Call me a bitch for bitching a lot but you know what, at least being a bitch might be slightly better title to bear than a whiny idiots.

Let's talk about CCTV. I think you'll see this stuff a lot in your area. Heck, even now car has one called dash cam...did i type that right? Anyway, there's this story of stupid company president who is so old timer that he hire a whole security for each floor of building to keep an eye on, without the help of CCTV. Now i know you might be thinking, its normal to have security each floor. But let me tell you, those security was keeping an eye on 5 story building and it wasn't wide building to begin with. I would say its pretty much like law office you can find on the corner of the streets. 

Now the funny thing is, the president of company thought CCTV are useless because they only recording any crime but can't do anything after. He also thought reporting it to the police are also useless because its not guarantee his stuff back. This should be a red flag for you. So he hired a bunch of folks to secure the place at night. Sounds like a smart usage of human resource i think. But remember, he just hire security bunch, but no CCTV. The real kick is, those security folks are not legit security folks. They're just a youngster and old fellas whom the president find wander about the streets, no joke. With no experience let alone dedication guess what happen? Yes, some of them are bad bunch and steal the company stuff, and run off with it. "But Elena, there's more people who secure the place! Why they didn't stop them!?" you might ask. The answer is simple, they made up an excuse. They tell the other security they're moving the stuff out because they got informed that the company will moving to new place. Since they're not exactly coordinated security team, they just nod and let the sussy wussy security lift off the company stuff before run off to sunset. 

The president fuming as result and blame every security he himself hired. Added the fact there's no CCTV, now his stuff are guaranteed 100% won't be recovered because the bad apple security who stole the company stuff...wasn't even registered as their staff! So no photo, no bio, just word of mouth. Police can't do jack with just description of culprit, they could arrest the wrong guy if they only run with that! Unfortunately the story end there, its not clear what happen next to his company or his hired security. It make me wonder how old is that guy to think that modern security would attack his insecurity to this point. I mean think about it, he hired exactly 10 people to keep an eye on each floor of a building that size as small as ramen shop. Hiring human resource might contribute in reducing the unemployment but on the financial paper, it would bleed the company dry hence the usage of CCTV to reduce the load. Sure the CCTV won't fire machine gun or anything when it caught unidentified people in the building, but it has proven to reduce criminal act from happening each year. Some even smart enough to put CCTV dummy to discourage any do-crimes. What is this guy thinking? 

Underestimation might be one thing, maybe that president did have some sort of beef with CCTV because he don't know how it work and why people rely on them. But what about a dumb bitch who think she deserve her personal space at her office desk include free from CCTV coverage?

Yes, this fugly lady was threaten to sue the company she work at because they set the CCTV on the office. If the reason of it was fear of being given crunch time work, i kind of get that. But this one lady complaint is because it invade her privacy while doing her work...what is she actually doing behind that desk to make such claim is anyone guess. Thing is, its just her who make a complaint. I mean sure this would be legit if there's CCTV on the restroom, which considered a place that should be CCTV free. But it was placed on the office, the working field. Sure it looks like you're being monitored 24 hours and won't allowed to leave or else no ramen lunch for you. But the other reason would be to keep an eye on the place once everyone go home which is why it was there. Its not like the she work in one room or anything, she work along with other office worker which by itself already invade each other personal space. Why she even bother with this fiasco is beyond me. But at least this has ending because that lady end up sitting down like a good girl after the company fired back for false accusation. Remember she sued the company for invasion of privacy when its not so the company deserve their right to fight back. 

It always confuse me to this day why people love to make their life difficult by picking the obvious dumb decision it almost like a kink that i don't know exist. Well, only time will tell i guess. Move along.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not anime aficionado but even so i appreciate the works any anime put out every once in a while. And even though i hold not much excitement toward anime like i do toward video game, i still surprised that i'm still capable to point out what's missing in such works. But i never expect i would get blown over, in a bad way, at one hentai that...i don't know, went downhill just on their first episode? I mean, this anime here manage to make me laugh across the scene, slightly unnerved by the art style and...overall i don't want to watch the rest of the episode (if there's even another one...). Hater gonna hate sure, but when you see something you don't like, would you really wasting your time there instead of spending it on something worthwhile or new?

Now what anime am i rambling on? The most known anime hentai back in the day called Kuroinu...Kuroinu Kedakaki... Just look on it on DuckDuckGo, you'll find it, its a big name though not as much as Senran Kagura but hey, many people refer it so i would say its a big title. Anyway, i'm not talking about the first franchise. If you ask me, i only watch two episode which is episode 2 and 4 (i think?). Everything on the first franchise, they done it right, no complaints here. Although some scene did disturb me a bit. But i don't talk about that, i'm talking about the sequel. 

Honestly? I don't even know this anime has sequel. Like, at all. Do you know where i found out about it? On the website where they rank the most disappointing anime released at that year. Yeah, not exactly a good place to publicize your creativity does it. Now i know i should put this on anime thread but as much as i want to, i think i only talk about anime far in between so it would probably got archived before i get idea what to write next.

Anyway, Kuroinu 2...

What On Earth Are They Going With This...
When i watch the whole thing, i realize that the art style was far cry from the predecessor. Turn out the sequel was handled by different studio and fans said those studio are among the bad one which already a kick on the shin. But since i don't know jack about it, i soldier on and watch. And i dare to say...the art work slowly get to me and it did become such turn off later on. I'll get to the point here, everyone skin seems so oily as if they bath themselves in Gatorade before they enter the scene. Sure some anime do this kind of style but somehow Kuroinu 2 feels a bit off with this style.

If i remember correctly, Kuroinu 1 didn't show everyone got screwed over right off the bat. It give the audience anticipation to see who's gonna get screwed on the next episode. But Kuroinu 2...they just laid it off to you right away. I would say the first episode was much of a teaser than an episode. Everything is so jumpy, some even don't introduce themselves (no, they're not extra character). I didn't watch the first episode of Kuroinu 1 but seeing people did mention how rushed it is for Kuroinu 2 first episode compared to Kuroinu 1 first episode, i guess i'm not alone thinking they rush the whole thing up.

That Laughable Scene When It Should Be Grotesques...
So there's this wonky scene that i can't get out of my head. At one scene, there's a succubus who drain any men around her, just like succubus we know of. However everything went out the window when i saw with my own eyes, the succubus just cut the balls off men when they claim they can't ejaculate anymore. I laugh so hard at this scene because i didn't see the succubus as dominant and dangerous but instead i see her as someone who finish the job half-assed and bitching when men don't get horny over her anymore and decide to fuck it and move on. Forgive me if i'm mistaken that lady for a succubus but she do look like one so blame the artist for failing us if that lady wasn't supposed to be a succubus yet making her look like one.

Questions, what is succubus? A creature who feed on men lust. How they doing their thing to their victim? Having sex indefinitely by fulfilling the victim kinks while absorbing their life force. How do they kill? Tire their victim out. Any succubus on books, video games, movie, heck even hentai series always get this lore by the book. Where's the balls cutting have anything to do with succubus!? That's not hot, that's a messed up Hollywood Netflix live adaptation! I swear guys, i did laughing hard at that scene and i still find myself chuckling today due to how bad it was. Here, a summary of it...

"Let me feed on your lust by granting your lewd desire~"

"Sorry my Queen, i'm spent"

"Fuck..." *slice his balls*

"My Queen! I can ejaculate for you!"

"Let's see...hmph, you're disgusting" *cut his balls off*

For all i care, succubus is persistent creature once they set their eyes on their victim, even when they're weak, old, butt ugly, they don't picky. Seeing one putting their hands up in the air and say fuck it when it was the right moment to make a killing, it hurt my sides than i thought it would. Seriously, how could this anime mess up the lore of most commonly used demon trope of all time, even on anime genre itself, is beyond me. Well at least i got a good laugh. 

Maybe i'm the one in the wrong? Maybe succubus did cut their victim balls because they don't get hard on her very presence? Like a sore loser whore who fail to attract men at the dark alley to rob them blind? I don't know guys, this succubus from Kuroinu 2 really made a good impression on me; in very different meaning.

Oh and one more thing. Right before the end of the episode, i see this Metal Slug tank appear scene. When i saw this, it put the nail on the coffin for me that this hentai doesn't worth the wait unless i could ignore the Gatorade skins, part-timer succubus, jumpy lore, and tanks. Your welcome. 

Look, i know i said cutting balls off too many times at this point but if you happen to watch Kuroinu 2 and watch that succubus scene, do tell me what message it try to tell audience. Keep in mind this is hentai anime and let's assume some people did jerk off to this anime against all odds, do you think balls cutting won't kick them off and skip to the next 5 minutes or stop watching entirely? Maybe, maybe not i guess.

Kuroinu 2 in my opinion, is not entirely a bad anime despite what i've been said so far. But when things went downhill 180 degrees from the first release and it was a farcry from it, people will notice and talk about it, me included; heck i laugh at it for heaven sake! Not to mention the series did feature my favorite kink but even with that, i still don't find the sequel worth the trouble because by visual, its not appealing. I would go as far to say every character has rubber body due to how stretchy they look when having sex. There's even sex scene that look so weird you can't tell what kind of position they were in and i'm not joking when i say it feels like every girls body size seems to just inflate and deflate on sex scene as if the studio got confused about how does the character look like in different angle. Lore wise? its a confusing mess thanks to the rushed introduction. The girls? They're alright, but could be better. Some dressed too loud, some don't, some don't suit their role in the story just so it make it easier to fuck them i guess, who knows.

See? This is why i don't put this rant on anime thread. Even i think i did a poor job on this rant about anime. Move alo...did that woman boobs just stretched down like rubber from being sucked off!? Oh...oh sorry, its fetish, i shouldn't judge too much, right right right right right~


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To see an easter day is exactly the same as my father birthday really make me think if my father really that lucky because there's a lot of case where his birthday happen to be the day where festivities are going on. Heck, even voting days. But you know what, at least we knock ourselves by eating on restaurant or somewhere since its his birthday. Today is no difference. But from that, i suddenly remember a show that i'm sure you probably know called Masterchef and Hell's Kitchen. Say what you want about the show but whatever they done there is serious stuff that would stain the humanity forever. So why don't we talk over the common sense around the culinary feats for once?

My mother used to say that the first time i cook for my family, the mess in the kitchen would compare to a Godzilla passing by. Of course me being a noob chef said "isn't this what always happen every time someone cook?" and boy, do my mother pull my ears for it. But years after, i do understand why the sanitary in the kitchen is important, especially on kitchen utensil. I once heard my friend was eating some noodles, but it taste like pork on the sides. That's when i realize that the dumb dishwasher (like actual person who wash the dishes, not the machine), didn't wash the kitchen utensil properly. Heck, they might as well cooking their food right away without washing the utensil first. And that's where i learn that even after you're done cooking something, even though the method of cooking are the same, always wash your utensil properly or else something that shouldn't be there would stick to the next food you cook.

The wasted ingredient...
You're a menace to the universe if you ever did this. Don't bother the society, even the alien would love to zap you to become mutated broccoli for it. The things about ingredient is, the price obviously. You might don't think much of it when it come to cultivating/preserving/harvesting the ingredient but boy, have you ever see the price change on the seafood ingredient? Its pretty much like stock price change every single day and depend on the region you living in, it could go from a mere bucks to piss off prices. Even my region wasn't spared from that despite having a lots of ocean to fish. That food ingredient can cost a fortune than even your average turkey or even steak when things went downhill with them. 

Skill and arrogance don't mix...
You always see that moment on MasterChef and hells kitchen right? A bitch or male-bitch think they know what they doing when all they do is ruin the basic when its already have working formula to get it done. Look, i get it, we all want to experiment stuff to make a unique food the world would ever see and doctor at ready. But please, when you cooking a food, always consider the mix you put there to make any sense. Putting chocolate on pulled pork, sprinkle a raw flour on cooked meat, thinking cold water boil faster, its already too much. Look, you might want to impress your family on thanksgiving or whatever, but when your food is indeed taste like yesteryear curdled milk and it look like it would move away from the plate like a slime, then be ready for critic. For all i care, when it come to food, even devil won't be able to lie about it when you mess up. If there's any sign of honesty of a man, it would be at the dining table.

Just get this guys. You make food for people to eat. No one would appreciate it if you serve food that nothing more than poison on a hot plate. Even i would cook YOU right there and then if you ever serve me such a sin on earth!

Idiot meat lover and vegan bellend...
Now this is where things might get personal. Now if you're a person who can't eat meat due to health issue and have to be vegan, or being meat lover because you need those protein for your physic, i fully understand. But what i don't understand is the dog bone of a vegan and meat pisser who not only call out people being wimp for not being one, but also went above and beyond my harassing people for it. I heard a case about vegan who harass a people who work at the livestock/pastoral farming which include meat producing. Those vegan bellend folks went banana so much that they keep threatening people who work there, saying they just commit animal cruelty and would sue them for it unless they stop and- oh fuck you vegan...

Livestock/pastoral farmer, in some region believe it or not, must have license to run such business and will have to be checked routinely to see if they produce a good product so the whole country won't be poisoned by purple meat. The animal cruelty part? Sod off, those farmer know full well about preserving and if there's any cruelty on animal to produce some meat, believe me, had it no for ToS, i would show you right here right now because that's where those anger should be aimed at.

"But Elena! Livestock are living creature! To kill them is-" oh fuck off you broccoli wanker, do you think all those leaves, roots, and fruits you ate are not living creature before they enter your smelly guts? What was that then? Home décor? Just wanna tell you something personal here, i like cow milk. If any of you accuse me for supporting a dairy hazard, i would ship myself over to your house and laugh right to your face. 

And then the meat lover. I don't get it about them but they really make an actual gym rat into stereotypical dunce who know nothing but protein. This meat lover i'm talking about is the one who think red meat should be what you eat to gain protein which is true, meat do contain protein. But when they claim meat is the ONLY protein source, i really question if they sacrifice their brain for a muscle size because boy, the world has a lot of meat that contain protein. Sure its not as much as meat but my words, someone really need to get themselves off from their DUMB bell for a day.  

"But Elena! I'm a bodybuilder!" If you ever see someone said that, kick their groin for me, thanks. I had a few friend and some of them are from ED, who actually a bodybuilder. You know what they have to take to get their packs out?

  • Meats, poultry, and fish: Sirloin steak, ground beef, pork tenderloin, venison, chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, and cod.
  • Dairy: Yogurt, cottage cheese, low fat milk, and cheese.
  • Grains: Bread, cereal, crackers, oatmeal, quinoa, popcorn, and rice.
  • Fruits: Oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches, watermelon, and berries.
  • Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, corn, green peas, green lima beans, and cassava.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, leafy salad greens, tomatoes, green beans, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus, peppers, and mushrooms.
  • Seeds and nuts: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and flax seeds.
  • Beans and legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, and pinto beans.
  • Oils: Olive oil, flaxseed oil, and avocado oil.

Oh look! Vegetables! You think Popeye got his black magic muscle from licking a rust off an anchor or something? Nah man. Meat are not everything to set you off as macho man. Sure there's a case where people had difficulty eating vegetable due to health issue; some even can't drink any type of milk. But in that case, i understand why they end up being meat lover. But the real kicker here is the one who flex life like a Liver King only without realizing they just told people to malnourish themselves to death for it. 

Wanna know something sweet? Your crap would be so solid hard without fiber from veggies and fruits in your body. Have fun dating all day all night with John on the public train station, Brutus.

So yeah, that's all i want to run my mouth with today. Not something really beneficial but hey, you should know better the moment you know who writing this. Have a good day, stay healthy, don't be a dick on a bone, move along. 

Edited by Elena Ichinomiya
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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while isn't it? Usually i write something here almost everyday to the point i consider it a side job for ranting too much. But you know what, i rather have those rant going on than keeping it boil inside without clear context what am i going to do with it. But thankfully, i just got home after a weeks of vacation on my grandmother house which is what i need. But you know what we don't need after long day of vacation? A crappy situation that somehow got yourself roped into.


You're fired
No, not me. You see, there's this volunteer (kinda, they got paid somewhat by goverment) which consist of college students. They're in my workplace for the purpose of Campus Teaching activity. Those who manage to pass the test to get involved in this activity are freed from any campus activity for one semester in exchange for their dedicated works toward the education of literation and numeration. Sounds complicated? The brief version here is, they're here as helper while doing their campus stuff on the side.

You see, not everyone are up for it. I heard from them that some of the Campus Teaching volunteer are quit before they even announced that they're passing the test. Some even quit in the middle of it. Its not an activity for idler students so i get it why. Thing is, there's this one clusterfuck of a volunteer who spend most time on campus than on their working field. Which is odd considering every single credits they take for this semester are said to be converted based on how well they perform on Campus teaching activity. By all mean, just do your job, and rainbow color are given to your exam paper for this semester. Yet this clusterfuck act as if he don't get any of it. Since i know this activity a little bit, i told the Principal to call the coordinator of this activity and ask if something is up. And to add more measure, my school Principal also call the campus where that clusterfuck is attending. Both said...he GOT those conversion for this semester and should just focus on this activity. The campus even add that they don't see the dude around, which is a very bright red flag already.

Long story short, that clusterfuck use this activity for excuse to slack off for whole semester and get a free credits...

The Principal is so mad, he call that volunteer to face him right on that very day. There's no need for further investigation, everyone is after him at this point. Later that afternoon, a shouts break out and that clusterfuck volunteer can be seen begging. He admit what he did to slack off but our school won't have any of it. You see, this activity start from March up to June. This clusterfuck skip a leg on us for a good months and he almost had us seeing June is not too far off. Justice must be served, and he got fired and reported. Possibly blacklisted from future Campus Teaching activity and all his credits for this semester are denied. I'm not joking when i said this scene happen before my very eyes and it happen 2 days after long vacation. I couldn't imagine after long weeks of going hurr-hurr and it turn into boo-hoo two days later...

Thing is, i felt slight pang of guilt for suggesting the Principal to call the coordinator of the volunteer and the campus. Am i supposed not to do that?



"Hello Elena...i wanna play a game"

"You've been underestimating your works as administrator and think you are on the roll. You never know the real burden of your workplace as school administrator who mostly sit down behind the keyboard. I gonna show you this won't be the case anymore and make you learn how to cope in the harshest day of your daily grind"

"The rule of the game is simple. You see that kid? That 1st grade who make a lots of scene in your workplace? I want you to break them. Write a letter of their dropout and hand it to them. Or hand it to their parent, the choice is yours"

"We both know that kid ain't the real problem but also their parent. There's obvious case of negligence but also abuse yet you can't find a proof to shows it to authority, but you don't have luxury to worry about that now. What matters now is, what is the better way for that kid breakdown after being told they're out for good. The choice is yours. Let the game begin..."


Its a serious talk, i know. But i don't want to bleed myself dry crying over the fact that i have to be the one who break the news. There's many things to say but let's take it slow. Let's do it my way for a moment, alright?

First of all, it's a 1st grade kid. You might be wondering how on earth a 1st grader be kicked out like that, right? Well, sorry to disappoint but kids actually not dumb; they just a shitty decision maker and its been proven true to this day. You see, this kid is really on the loose for someone of their age. Do smoke, caught smelling glue one time, and even flip a bird toward teacher. You would say that the parent is pretty much in hell for that kid attitude. But that's what i like to think. Apparently, the whole teacher agree that this isn't the right place for that kid. We're not doing this out of spite, no. This is common occurrence to any school who think its best for that kid to study elsewhere so they can get a proper education properly. 

Thing is, seeing i'm the administrator, i will be the one who write those letter. As if bad luck kicking me while i'm down, i also being told to give that letter right away to that kid because the Principal wasn't around and his homeroom teacher is away to supervise kids who join sports competition this month. I know for a fact that kids are curious bunch. They probably tear open the envelope and read it. You might say that the kid probably don't get what being dropped out mean but i couldn't careless, and like i said, kids these days isn't as dumb as you think. But that's not the only option. I could just give it to their parent once they pick them up after school. But that also need to be considered.

Their parent is...well, not very nice to put it lightly. Most of the time, its this kid granny who pick him up. Heck, there's even a rumor going around that it was thanks to that old lady for having that kid going to school because his parent don't even consider it...i wish i was joking but hey, its just rumor though. Anyway, i get another bad luck because that day, its this kid parent who pick him up. I really got conflicted knowing these shitty bunch isn't exactly grand in educating their kids. Who knows what they will do to that kid after opening the letter on my hand. Like i said, the real parent for that kid is his granny. By all mean, whatever option i pick, that kid still going to face hell of situation. Sure that kid been asking for it but this incident probably going to burn inside his mind forever. But what other choices do we have? Having him around won't make him learn a thing. Outing him after a good years making friends also going to put a damp on his childhood. His education or his mental? We pick the former.

For the next days ahead, i don't see that kid again and the Principal report that their parent don't even bother to come to his office to argue about it. You guys know what the fuck, don't ask me what happen. Just know that i write a bloody letter and told the kid he's out, and also tell his parent their kids screwed up big time. I can't help but feeling responsible. It haunt me to the point i lament for good hours and go home around 6 instead of 1 PM.

Ban hammering people can be tough they said. At least ban hammering won't make you see their faces and cries. Just words. What i had back there? Tears, scream, and pure rage and near violence in front of that problem child, all happen before my eyes. Hopefully, this only happen once until my retirement, or resignation, whatever. This is the real kick of my mental break down on Discord back in Tuesday, if you pay attention. I hope you didn't.

Game over. Move along.

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I just watch Eurovision before writing this. Congratulation Sweden for winning this year competition. Honestly i don't have any favorite this year but as i said long time ago, i didn't expect too much from that shows other than want to see actual people singing instead of just making noises that our 12 years old self could make. I'm not joking, watching Eurovision and saw a freak show might be one thing, but a freak show who can't sing is even worse. At least watching a freak show only make your eyes bleed, but add that with mumbles you can't even tell if they singing or talking, now your ears also bleed. Sorry Europe, i really appreciate your singer effort but please send someone who can, you know, sing next year if anything. And why everyone wear pink on every performance this year? Am i missing something? But anyway, congratulation Sweden, at least your contestant is one of the performer who can really sing in my opinion. But more importantly? I can't wait to see the stage and the funny host you got in store next year. Previous Eurovision on Sweden is lit! 

Let's move on to something else. Meta and NFT. Yeah we gonna dig up the dead again this time around. For all the wrong reason, NFT and Meta seems like something that come out from 80s. Yes, i'm not stuttering here. I really don't get it why they claim themselves the future when we already got them since yesteryear. Even worse, those "future" turn out to be the most fragile tech i ever imagine to use. Not only it doesn't secured, it also made by people with various shady background. And they expect people to just dive in? Buddy, whatever you made there is not future anymore. We're living in 2023, we've seen everything but flying cars and usage of VR device that won't risk you to bump into wall or granny on your side. 

Let's look back at NFT. I really don't get what you saying, or what the purpose of it. Look, call me dumb all you want, but if your explanation send a pleb mind farting instead of mindblown, you really got everything wrong about your project. Look, digital image copyright is a long hot topic since the day we can upload our edgy goth makeup on PhotoBucket. And then you come in with not only a lowest and creatively bankrupt of arts with a highest price that could feed a whole block of homeless, with zero idea what are the meaning of that project plus how easy it is to have your art stolen, and even better, how the copyright holder are rightfully owned for those who own the image, even if they were the thieves, is already too much. Look buddy, living as an artist is harsh journey and most of artist are pretty much living a hardest way of life to make living out of their passion. Whatever you did there is pretty much a middle finger to an actual artist. Even i feel insulted to see our superior intelligence could fall so low to this point. And then we got an AI arts who never get a human fingers correctly counted or disjointed. HUMAN. HAVE. FIVE. FINGERS! They said robot will take over the world. Really? I beg to differ. 


An art without any sweat and blood to tell the tale is an hollow artistry. An art without a journey of waiting and finding its inspiration an art void of any tale. The only thing you paid there, is just an excuse to put you in circle of art aficionado you always wish to be part of.

On tech view, AI art is something. But for actual artist community, AI art is not a threat to them, but an insult. Look, i live with artist itself, my big sister. And boy, i remember up to this day what she told me about AI art, and it hit me right on the spot.


If you want an art worth a bucks with certificate and complete set of fingers on the characters, call me. If you want Best Buy 2 bucks Lovecraftian arts that you don't even know if it was what you looking for but taking it home anyway for your wall because you already pay, go use whatever diffusion and be happy with it. Have fun, pleb.

Sounds elitist, i know, prideful, i'm aware. But pricy artist are one of the few folks who put the price where their mouth is and they show. If AI art is really a form of art...guess they're cheap artist and shouldn't be expected much of making anything good. 

Great, we're sidetracked, but hey, that's my piece of thought about AI art. Made with expensive source, sells cheap like a garage sale carpet at pawn shop. Now where are we...oh right, Meta. 

I've heard Meta slowly drop the project of their "future". Well no crap Watson, this news is pretty much repetitive like Tik Tok banning at this point. But my main beef is how long does it take to tell that people with idea that what they made is a discount version of MMO. I wouldn't even compare them to VRchat, heck i play a good 500 hours on VRchat for me to safely say what Meta offer is even boring than ChillVR - its a good app but i prefer VRchat since it offer more than just a chatroom. Look, whatever the world you see on Meta "gameplay" on YouTube, the instance if you prefer to call it that, is literally worth just about 28 MB non textured world on VRChat. I'm not joking, even on VRChat, there's actual rendered McDonald restaurant worth 28 MB - heck your default room are all rendered and it only sized around 35 MB with texture, shadows and lightning (depend on the instance creator, some world do lack any of that). Meta don't even have shadows now that i think about it. And legs. With all those setback, that fella think he tackle the future? My brother in earth, you sold a knock off! 

The real laugh for me is how people who support Meta claim they're, not tech enthusiast, not VR enthusiast, but a future tech enthusiast. I guess dying product still have their dying support. I guess its true that in the future, we take one step forward, then ten step backward. Hopefully i already dead by that time so i won't suffer. 

Let me remind you again. This world on VRchat, made using various assets you can get on the sites, cost you nothing to play with, and playable on PC on the side of things...




^ I literally join this instance last night. Keyword? Japanese, Alley, Night.

The most highest size of the world on VRChat is 700 MB in my experience but you get all its worth. The smallest is 4 MB which is my personal room i used based on Silent Hill 4 apartment instance but even with small size of a room, everything there is rendered. 

Meanwhile that bugger over there. Not only they cost you twice to buy a headset first to play on their "future", which not only last less than 2 hours for some reason, all those pricy stuff for this?


^ I've been running around in VRChat as hotdog with legs for 25 hours, rice cake with legs for 50 hours, Rise Kujikawa with legs for 100 hours, Dark Soul dude with legs for 20 hours, Hakurei Reimu with legs for 50 hours, Yun Jin with legs for 70 hours, Rean Schwarzer with legs for 25 hours, Asuka Langley with legs for 20 hours, Pyramid Head for 50 hours, Dropped sandwhich for 20 hours, and many avatar that i don't even recognize what even is that for hours. Guess what i don't miss out on HW? Legs? No, immersion.



Buddy, ROBLOX and Minecraft still offer more fun and appeal than what we've seeing here. When you made product worth a biillion and it run worse than ROBLOX and Cyberpunk 2077, you really got problem.

I know i've kicking the dead horse many times by now but the main reason is because they sold this product in form of bait to buy their unreliable headgear, and rely solely on buzzwords like "future" or "advancement" when its not. Heck, they even block people numbers by making HW unplayable without headset. I mean sure its Meta exclusive product, but when this project cost people more than any video game collector edition to get a hands on, the only thing that they can rely on as lifeline is the user number. At least if you make exclusive product, make it worth people trouble. They give you money to give this a try you know. And what they get is underwhelming experience than what they can get for free and playable on PC. Where's those 18 Billion gone off to? Fruit Loops with coffee for the milk? Its even more rich when they literally beg their dev to "fall in love" with the project and was expecting people to come back for at least 100 play hour in total each month. Guys...even though i like VRChat, each month i only manage to get 40 play hours in total each month. Meta ask 100. Average number of people who use VR headset only last for (ironically) 2 hours of gameplay before motion sickness set in. Is Meta hate our breakfast or something to make us stay on HW to get those 100 play hour? My man, even an office meeting never last for 6 hours!

I don't hate Meta Horizon World. It remind me of the small world i used to play around on VRChat. Those programmer did put an effort to make everything works. But because the intention of HW is pretty much business, that pretty much seal the warrant of failure. People have better option to run their business for various reason include the visibility and appeal. And let me tell you the obvious, business people got no time for this kind of stunt. Pay and use VR headset every meeting? Finding the chatroom for meeting that has enough chair for everyone? Making sure your avatar won't offend anyone? They rather use Zoom, turn on camera and call it a day. Long story short, HW fail to appeal pleb like most of us but also fail to appeal their main target. I mean from the get-go, HW isn't made for those who play VR to enjoy walking on virtual land. Heck, Meta flaunting NFT feature on it for some reason and that's pretty much telling us that HW are not made for leisure talk. Not to mention the first impression of their launch is a budget free asset use to flex on and will be remembered for the next year ahead.


Future is dead. It was buried under the ramen shop nearby. Bring your own chopsticks. Move along.

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You know, i might be a bane of this site if anything. Like i said, i'm not as nice person as you think. In fact, i could be more annoying than any dreamer you've bumped into whenever i open my thought for the world to see, such as this one. 

I might also guilty on this one especially my yesterday comment on someone status which is now locked. But what i do there is pretty much tame considering i see some hotshots trying too hard to look smart and looking chad at the same times. When it only result them being a jerk for first impression. What am i rambling on? Guiding new dreamer. Look guys, this isn't our first rodeo on the sites and for all i care, some of you did make mistake of making RP request on status instead on the RP board. Believe me, i almost did that myself. But please, when you see such dreamer make a whoopsie like that, does it really helpful for giving cheeky comment and useless meme to deliver your point? You guys know that fella is confused and instead of giving a guide or something, you send THAT!?

For fuck sake guys, i know those post sounds creepy, cringe, or maybe straight forward crime but just because they act like someone who gonna ask you to show nudes or lingerie color preference, is it fair to shoot their foot before they even act? Look, i'm aware we have our own experience to tell the tale, but to me, that kind of act is plain bullshits. I have my own fair share of freak show sliding to my DM asking crazy things and even showing their cuts on their wrists but the reason why i hold my tongue is because i don't want to assume those new dreamer is losing it from the get-go. Instead i assume they really unable to find the RP request board because i admit ED layout did throw me off and confuse me when i first join the sites (i even consider asking Nep to tell me where the preference sheets pages is). And because of that, i hold my punches. Believe me, i almost become one of those cheeky hotshots myself. But of course we got a few dreamers who don't share the sentiment and call them out in cheeky way possible and think they help the community. Congrats, you don't.

Guys, if you don't want to deal with those meddlesome post, just ignore it will you? Or mention admin to give guidance to that dreamer and let them handle the rest. Or just straight give that lost fella a link to put their RP ideas on the proper place. That's all you need to do. Sorry for being manner police but do you really want to be part of why ED is lacking new dreamer? This is even more rich when back in February, some dreamer think they're clairvoyance screw head by claiming they can tell a new dreamer who could pose problem later so they kick the dog before it can even bark. That. Is. Not. Helping. You need to find the fire that cause a smoke, and vice versa. Without any violation enacted, pinning anyone based on possibility and hunch are stupid and more like you had persona issues and being insecure for something that isn't even happening. ED is a community for all i care, not your PTSD container and your cave to crawl in. Everyone has a fair share of nicety, you included, and so are they. Unless there's a cold prove that said otherwise...

Your view will not be valid one to hold against them. At least in my own view of things. You think those panty snatcher we once had is kicked off on their first introduction? No, we thought they were joking or even think he's roleplaying as pervert even outside of actual RP. When they start acting up is when we took notes. If that's the case, i would say the justice been served because there's fire and smokes. What i just told you before, that's just hotshots trying too hard to make a contribution to the community. Don't even started but i never consider myself great contributor of the community myself. At least i never scare or annoy new dreamer by feeling insecure about them without proof, if its any comfort.

Anyway, that's what i want to talk about today, might as well stop before i got derailed. Just calm your tits next time you see dreamer posting stuff at wrong place, or just ignore them and move on. As if any of you never make whoopsie anyway, but who am i to judge? Move along.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Let's talk about dumb creature. Yes, it's my favorite thing not because it make me feel like better person but also to remind me that there's always someone who can get on top of you for anything even if its stupid and risky. 

So let's start with this overrated prick. My friend over Discord told me the story of food stealer at the dorm. Its a common thing to share a fridge with someone when you live on the dorm. But stealing would definitely get you out because there's no justice left for you when you make people hungry. So my friend who hail from Sweden, are attending university in UK. In there, there's 4 more people from various country and not just UK alone. My friend from Sweden, dude from UK, another dude from India, fella from China, and last one is also from UK.

You see, living abroad is hard, especially when culture shock hit you like a brick. But that was no excuse for any crime. You see, there's a food stealer in that dorm and my friend from Sweden had enough of that nonsense and decide to keep an eye on the fridge. But he know better than telling everyone about his plan so he ask his dormmate from India about this. Luckily, the India dude also fed up with this because half of his food are also gone so my friend from Sweden can trust that guy. One day to another, they finally caught the culprit. I won't say who, i let you guess who got caught with their hand in the candy jar. My friend stated that his friend from India was so pissed that he almost start a fight with the thief. I can't hardly blame him especially after i hear the reason why the food stealer...well, stealing. 

"Because you guys seems from well-off family while i don't!"

I draw a deep sigh from hearing that alone. Just because you poor, does it justify your action to steal? If that's so, then is it okay if i let beggar swipe my belonging at my home because they're poor? No, you prick! This tick me so much that i begin to think if i'm lucky enough to be stuck in my region. Look, my friend told me they always look for each other and even ask if some of them had difficulty getting food at one diner. You see, living in dorm isn't as easy as living at home. You have to mind your spending because no one backing that up, food included, which mean sales and other cheap offer are pretty much gold mine for those who live in dorm. They inform each other if there's a sale at the grocery so they can swipe the deal before it went off the shelves; especially his India friend who can only eat vegetables.

Thing is, this thief was pretty much passive fella and always put a distance for no reason, making them always left out on any information. I mean...DUDE! My friend there had to pass scholarship to get to university because he don't want loan on his back after graduate! The India friend of his also had their parent to loan money to get there! Who are you to claim they're rich fuck and give you right to steal from them!? For fuck sake m8, if university are made for the rich, you wouldn't be there, Robin Hood!

And of course the thief play race card. Well since they pull it on IRL, you know what happen next? They vote to kick him. Heck, that fella better be grateful because i don't think they can live with those stare anyway. Seriously, there's no excuse for any crime either big or small. At all.

Speaking of race card, let's move on to that freak of nature over there who trespass for clout. And no, i don't mean trespass government area or Naruto running on area 51, but someone house. Yeah that. I really don't get it, what's the matter with that dudes brain; if he do have one considering his action. Trespassing is a crime, just imagine me enter your house because you left your door open. Sure i can ask you later for permission but by then, i already a criminal and deserve to be arrested. Thing is, this dudes ain't mental. They trespassing someone house, whom the owner are inside if i may add, and pull race card for not letting them in. And as far as i care, mental people are the only fella that never pull race card out of whim. Come on!

DUDE! No one let stranger enter their house, like, ever! Unless they're...oh i don't know, plumbers? Spiderman? You're just pleb who want clout and you think your skin can cover up any crime and let you off the hook? Use your noggin man!

Seriously guys, if you want a clout, just do what you good at and left it there. Doing stunt like this only get you banned for promoting crime and put your name on crap list which would impact on how easy you can get a job. Seriously, you will sing different tune when you realize your stupidity cause your career life horrendous and that's on you! Now let's be a good folks with brain in our head with common sense in mind. Move along!

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The feeling when your higher up thank someone for the idea that you actually been suggested for YEARS only to be implemented later and credited to someone else. Give them reward too. Well, i guess i had no part on that matter in the first place. I just realize it now years later.

The work of underdog might sounds cool. But the constant beat up like this can take its toll if you're not ready. Yare yare~

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I might as well cancel the existence of preference sheets if that argument stand. Whoo-hoo!

Well i can't say much about this community as of late due to workload IRL so much so to the point that i can only login on weekend. But as i always said, whenever i take a time off from here, nothing happen, and then when i took a nap from the community, suddenly my front yard is full of tart cream. 

Guys, do tell me one thing, please explain to this dumb bitch about why is it so wrong to voice your own boundary? Look, you can say much about ED and frankly, i never find ED to be a place to looking for a friend either let alone lover from the get-go, just putting it out there. But really, does it always has to go down that route when someone voicing their boundary about who and what they want to interact? Its not like they were harmful, at least in my perspective. 

I just gonna point the obvious here; don't we all have standard about who we want to talk to even on the internet? Heck, someone could find themselves in comfort talking to anyone, some would only talk who share similar interest only, some even would only talk to one and only person in the community because they trust them, no sexual or kink similarity involved. Even i would admit there's some people i would like to talk to for century while there's some people that i want to avoid at all cost. Its not being cold shouldered prick; its called finding your happy place in the community. Sure ED folks can't have everything but hey, they can try. I just don't really get it, if saying who you prefer to communicate to is a problem...

Then am i on the wrong side should one day i decide to cancel the existence of preference sheets because its promoting favoritism by setting up a boundary? I mean we write a WHOLE lot of our boundary there, don't forget that! "But Elena! That's only about our listed kink! Not toward person we want to talk to!" well shite me asunder batman, do you plan to partner with someone who into your no-no kink and nothing else? No? Well if that's not a boundary we made, what was that then? A fighting words?

"But Elena! It would lead into individualism and favoritism! Everyone should approach anyone in same level of-" Bull eating shite! I see some dreamer who never make any status (possibly) since day one in the community are thriving with partner and even a good review. They put a boundary on their communication and they still gain some traction. We got a jerk and a half who live in their own world of RP that still roam the community and they still thrive to this day. Those guys set some boundary and nobody bat an eye. And then someone coming in telling who they prefer to talk to, suddenly Katrina hit the house real quick and everyone gone Sherlock and Phoenix Wright. I am baffled and silently thankful to never boasting rape kink on my status on day one. That would end well. Just imagine the conversation might be.

"Hooh! Hooh! You're a rapist, go to prison you ho!"

"Whoo! Whoo! Go to jail, you need therapy you sick bitch!"

"H-H-H-H-H-Hey, there's preference sheets where you can flex on it you know!"

To be fair i still welcome the third statement honest to god. But look, my point here is...if there's something that sounds disgusting that you know, it would lead to trouble...why bother? I'm not entirely defending that fella, they asking for it when they publish those status. But on the other hand, i do understand his discomfort about anyone just assuming they into something that against the site direction. This isn't the first rodeo either. We got this one folks who just come in and voicing their boundary, only to be obliterated with smart talk that in my opinion doesn't help to the point they leave the sites. "But Elena! That's their call to quit! And they ask for it in the first place!" Look guys let me ask you the big question here...

How the fuck do you know if a new dreamer would pose a problem when they didn't even do crazy stunt YET other than their very first questionable post?

"But Elena! Its a job for the community to weed out the problem!" yeah sure that's one of the reason but do you know that some people here posting their status as their OC instead of their IRL persona even if it make them sounds weird and off? I have one example and frankly it didn't bother me which is surprising. In fact, i saw such person thrive in other RP sites talking as their OC instead of IRL self. It's a silly fun, weird, but no harm done. But here? No smoke and fire are made, explosion just happens. That would sums it up.

I personally opt to walk away from people who set boundary in questionable way than making each other day a stretch to begin with. At least when the said fella got scared off by the respond, I had no part in that madness to begin with. I might sounds passive there and i admit that, but i rather not taking part of petty stuff that i can live without when there's bigger issue that worth my attention. I will only jump in when that fella had a tons of stunt on the paper in which i can understand why the community feel upset. But without it? I'm sorry, you guys just outright blowing a hot air and i don't want to take part in that even though i could.

"But Elena! Commenting on anyone status is freedom of speech! I can smart talk anyone i like! What's your problem!?" Yeah right, and i use that very right talking about your kind right here, right now and questions why voicing a boundary can be such issue when we all have our own preference who we want to talk to. Got a problem with that? No? Then move along.

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See that streamer wrangle that youtuber and still losing? Yeah, i watch the video.

So! React video. I'll have to be honest with you, i do like react video on Youtube and sometimes willingly binge watch it to see people reaction toward the stuff they were told to choke on or fondle. But that's not just what we talking here today, but instead we talking about people react to someone homework and thought they can get off with it because they (thought) they can.

Some would say the react video is pretty much set its footing back in 2017 but i personally find such trend back in 2014, a little earlier than most people know. But back then, the react video shown there is about a stuff or taste test which suffice to say cause a funny moment of its own and you can't get it anywhere but on the said channel. But fast forward to 2017, reacting to someone video seems to be booming and might be a good thing for exposure, but sadly, it's revealed to be double edged trick to use. Heck even worst apology video are part of the victim, ironically.

You see, if i were to upload a video for people to watch and it end up raking the view, i would be happy. And if someone upload their reaction to my video along with their own take of commentary, i'm cool with it, at least i can hear their thought so i can improve my next video project. But if someone watch my original video only to say "this and that is so stupid" and call it a day...i can't say i would appreciate it especially when they monetize it for some reason. I'm not joking here, if i were to find out someone react to my lip-sync video back in 2010 only to be one-off click bait to visit their channel without so much of credits to the original creator, i would be pretty mad too. Keep in mind while i did get the exposure, the actual clout goes to them, that doesn't sit well for the actual content creator who do business in the platform.

Look, it might be sounds like elitist but no matter how you put it, when you put someone work in your project, it will still have the original creator name on it, period. And its their right to be "elitist" on you because not only you just copy paste someone work, but also discredit them. That's already no-go and even more disgusting if the used video were hailed from the small content creator.

In all honesty thought, i like react video that analyze the video they put up there along with the credits to the original for the sake of clarity; most people do that. If the said react also followed with in depth search and actual fact, i wouldn't mind watching it to the end. Heck, how do you think Pewdiepie Meme Review didn't catch on fire of DMCA left and right there? Because he put more value on the taken source material and giving more insight to it so as not to just show you someone homework with his face on the corner of the video. That's what the react genre is about. If all you do is just replaying the video you just downloaded or streamed ahead of time and then put your pretty face in the corner and that's it until the end of the video, well don't be mad when people call you creatively bankrupt because on the hindsight, you have nothing to shows but your smug on camera while the said "content" is not even your own; i dare say you trying too hard to be original while using someone success for a boost. That's why react video quality always put up to question; their original value.

Thing is, i also look up on people who enjoying react video. I only gather the result from those who talk with less shite on their wording, in case you curious. Most people who expect react video DO expect some insight in the later or at least after the clip of video ended, much like how Pewdiepie meme review or How To Cook That debunk video. Some only exclusively watch react to actual stuff they can see and react to like in React channel to "do not touch/eat/pet/sing along" video. And in rare case, they watch react video simply because its fun to watch video while someone reacting to it on the background even if its unnecessary addition. Yes, i just said that, reactor, some of your smug actually not important when people are there for what "replay scene" you brought up to, not you. I also heard there's this idiot who react livestream of an exclusive Patreon uncut content video when it should be just for the members. Even that doesn't goes well.

Why this become issue is because when people prefer to watch react of the said video, let's just take example, Zelda TOTK trailer, people would just see the official video title and thought they just wait their reactor to react to it without any thought to give the actual uploader the clout they deserve. Remember, they MADE those video, NOT your reactor, which most of them just simply ignore the credits. But sadly, even with credits given, people just don't bother to watch the original because of this format. Again, i have nothing against react channel, as long as there's more context than "Oooh! Ahh!" to the end of video, i could sit and watch it again and again. Don't believe me? I watch all "Professional React To..." video because they are not only take the video source to be part of their content, putting the credits, but also have an actual people react and give their thought into it from start to finish. Or in How To Cook That debunk, the creator explain with a research done to what they try to debunk. The reason why there's no beef in there is because the said channel only shows CLIP that become the main topic of conversation, not FULL video to goes "aww~" at. Which is pretty much what YT TOS even stated that if you keep uploading a repetitive content without much original value to it, don't be mad when YouTube demonetize your video or in the worst case, a lawsuit. Because if you ever DARE to react to a movie or god forbid anime episode by watching it in full, congratulation, hope those bucks you get after being a doofus at the corner of every video can hire a good lawyer who can rat your arse out. I heard TOHO Animation has quite body count when it come to content claims, just putting it out there.

So yeah, my stand here about react video here is...as long as you keep the fair use rules in mind on every video you made, i think you're going to be fine, bet the original creator wouldn't mind having their video on your content, mostly. But ignoring it for the sake of "having fun with the bois" and proceed to say that everyone just jealous that you're raking more bucks (from someone content that mostly not even credited on the video nor description but what the hey), I'm sorry but i'm gonna remind all of reactor channel the little big picture that...you don't OWN YouTube. If they can ban NASA livestream, what stop them from banning repetitive unoriginal pleb like you? Just reminding you here. Now move along.

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Am i a moron for commenting your content if its clearly bad content and very mangled in every way?

Well, this mark the first time for me who manage to unintentionally pissed a youtuber. Not the commenter, the uploader himself. If you read what i post previously, i follow up a little case where SOG vs XQC have a little throwdown...and someone is already lose on the get-go. Now i'm not talking about the original content here, but rather to the folks who react to the news. Much to my surprise, despite a lots of it coming from a small channel, they're pretty much have their noggin intact and could tell who is going haywire between the two. Well except this one youtuber...

Imagine yourself seeing a drama for the first time, and then write down the conclusion without much of research, or even bother to watch the video again to see the context of the drama, and proceed to upload your make-believe conclusion to the public. Yes, you got a wildfire up your arse and even more so if you got some credibility among the community. You see, this one small time dota streamer decide that he can take conclusion on someone account, deliver it poorly, and say whatever point that he doesn't get is plain "flat out lies". Just from this point alone should tell you that this guy can't even bother listening to a chef telling him how to cook instant noodles and tell people you don't need to use stove to cook because all you need is sun heat to boil the water...

So i just tell him straight on comment section, while making sure not getting derailed mind you, telling him he should watch the video again to get the point of that drama. I mean, if you don't hear someone telling you something, it's normal to ask them what they saying, right? That's basically what i tell him. And well, being a small time youtuber, they had a lot of time to read comment because, heck, that video only has 34 comment despite having like 7k subscriber, what the hey...

And he responded to me by simply telling me i'm a SOG simp. Yes, i'm not joking there. I assure you this not coming from a 15 years old son of a rooster but an actual adult because he got the camera during the whole reaction. But that doesn't stop there, He telling me that i shouldn't bother commenting when i got nothing in my account while he got lots of content to be part of community. I check his profile and i'm sorry, i rather watch scam ads about getting free Adobe Premium Pro than that guy content because his channel doesn't have direction at all. He is mainly dota streamer alright but does that reflect much when i found lots of his upload trying to copy James Rolfe YKWBS series but poorly? I don't think so. Anyway just to remind you, you don't have to upload content to have rights to comment on someone, just saying. Seriously, when you upload a video and crappy one at that, would this kind of outcome should be anticipated especially when you turn the comment on? Exactly...

So i just end the notes there by saying, "just delivering my point there", and guess what? Somehow he got on full defense by saying my comment has nothing to do with his video and keep calling me SOG simps for not listening to his own opinion. Well i watch his video to the end and conclude he just in for the clout (and fail considering he only got 3 digits view despite, i remind you again, having 7k subs). Keep in mind i did drop the comment solely about his video, nothing more. And he went on rampage about his point until someone else barging in with a cold hard slap of reality.

"Dude, seeing this comment has more likes than your video is pretty much proof how shitty your video is. You upload shit content, then you should expect some shit. Educate yourself"

For the first time in my life i got myself a 3 digits likes that day while this tumbling rooster still retain only 8 likes on his video since the initial upload. Seriously, am i a moron for calling out your content quality when it is what it is? At least i make sure my comment is all about the video, without dragging skin color, slurs, or even your mom. You know how people on internet can be when they desperate. Best way i can do after that? Move along~

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  • 3 weeks later...

This might mark my first personal blog...or is it the 2nd? Whatever...

Things are not going my way as of late. Workload keep coming, idiot mistake made my work last longer, got sick in the middle of it, told to do blood transfusion after check up, blood pressure below average, dehydrated...and then got news that my mother also got sick for days, almost a week now. It is only when i see the mirror that i realize i really need to lay down. My skin is as pale as it can get and that's not good.

I'm fine as of now. Though asking me to stand up for a good minutes might be tall order to do. But i'm not here to rant too much now. Got some RP to reply. I owe them way overdue reply. It start to get me personally. I'm not quitting yet, remember, i promise to tell you guys when i'm quitting. I'm not the type who leave without goodbye simply because i having good time somewhere else. Been there done there, it doesn't feel good at all. Well maybe if ED is toxic place to begin with, that would be the case. But it isn't. Hopefully i can still capable to sit down and read for at least half minutes. Goodness, sick anime waifu really make it look cute when they got sick, do they? 😸

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 20/08/2023 at 20:05, Elena Ichinomiya said:

Well maybe if ED is toxic place to begin with, that would be the case. But it isn't.

The person that people hate for calling things out and being unable to shut up has to speak up again: I will say that that it depends on who you ask. At the surface, you are correct. ED is not toxic and has a very lively community of roleplayers who just want to have fun creating lewd stories with other people. It's a paradise for imagination, creativity and sharing cute characters. A place like I couldn't find elsewhere and god knows I tried, for a time, not for escaping ED but for escaping some of its hidden and lingering toxicity, for finding new people to restart anew with, for finding peace. Instead, I tried to restart anew in ED because it felt like home but... Well...

For many gifted people and favorites (I'll get to that soon), I guess one wouldn't notice it much if even at all but when you dig the wrong places, find the wrong people and uncover what kind of person they really are, this is when you see the horrors hidden underneath ED. What I am saying here however will apply to every communities but what I am saying is that it ALSO applies to ED. There's no such thing as "No toxicity in ED". It's there but only for a handful of people to suffer it while the gifted users and favorites will bathe in love and happiness from the same users who would shamelessly hurt other ones and create an uneasy tension with them.

Speaking of this will only worsen such tension for me, I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that everything will become happy and rainbows but I'm tired of pretending like everything is fine, like it doesn't bother me, like it doesn't hurt me, like I am all smiles and no tears as I watch the gifted and favorites have their normal conversations and I get ignored because I dared to call out the bad behaviors of some people who got their feelings hurt by it. What is the morale of the story...? That we should never speak out when someone behaves badly? And it gets worse when we get gaslighted, slandered and dragged in dirt because someone doesn't like us.

I'm tired of apologizing for things that other people do to me as I naively try to mend things with people who hurt me first. People who presented me like a monster because I dared to react badly (or extremely and this is my bad) to their own shameful behavior. And I still apologized to them because I had my part of wrong; Because I wanted to move on; Because I wanted a chance to socialize again and make friends. And yet... First chance they had when I tried to start a conversation was to treat me like dirt again then BLAME me for their own behavior toward me... People want the freedom to be the worst jerks but they do not want to be called out for it.

This guilt tripping energy is shared among a few in ED. They want you to believe that they never do any wrong and that the entire problem is you and they do it in secret so of course calling such behaviors out in public would offend many. Taking responsibility for their actions? Yeah, no. Make the victim of their behaviors feel and look guilty of being the toxic one instead and it will get their own friends to take their side. This is a true story within ED. One with lasting repercussions and I'm tired of smiling through the pain. Tired of pretending like everything is fine. Tired of pretending like nothing of that ever happens. Tired of feeling lonely and rejected...

I speak out, therefore I am the enemy. This is what I'm seeing of it. Bullies don't want their victims to speak out. They want them to shut up and take it. And I can't shut up... I don't like people who hurt me and I can't remain quiet when I'm feeling the consequences of their behaviors daily. Sure, it makes me a "drama-queen" and this is what people will see at the surface but the truth underneath is much uglier and this is what I want to convey here: The truth. I don't care what it makes me. I want my story to be heard for what the facts are and not for what people want to make it sound like. ED has some very bad people in it and I'm tired of being hurt.

Finally, sorry to you Elena but I thought it would be the right place to speak out my thoughts. Reading this journal of yours, you have inspired me a lot to share my own thoughts and maybe even start my own thread someday. I admire how much you go out to say whatever goes through your mind and how enjoyable it is to speak with you at all times. It's one of my little joys of being on ED as you sometimes brighten my day with conversations and beautiful images that you share. I personally would be one of the first who would be sad if you were to leave ED but life is what it is and we don't always control what happens. Thank you, nonetheless.

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@Goddess Aurora I totally agree with you, there are some users on here that do scummy shit like that and are very toxic, good thing is that they immediately expose themselves so you know when to leave the conversation, the worst thing that happens imo is they leave a 1 star rating and make themselves feel as if they're the victims in these reviews, I already got 2 slander reviews on me just because I had a disagreement with two roleplayers while we were in the brain storming phase of doing an rp 

Even with all that, I still apologise to them, not because I'm sorry 

Not sorry for being treated like shit, but just so that they wouldn't leave a shit stain on my account, which they did anyways, so I closed off the review thingie for myself, and I'll probably never rp with someone i don't know, it just leaves a horrible taste in your mouth and its why I've been super inactive on here, I love ED and I've been a part of this community since 2017 but it's sad that this doesn't get talked about much 

Thank you for speaking out and letting me know I'm not the only one suffering from this problem here.

On 21/08/2023 at 03:05, Elena Ichinomiya said:

This might mark my first personal blog...or is it the 2nd? Whatever...

Things are not going my way as of late. Workload keep coming, idiot mistake made my work last longer, got sick in the middle of it, told to do blood transfusion after check up, blood pressure below average, dehydrated...and then got news that my mother also got sick for days, almost a week now. It is only when i see the mirror that i realize i really need to lay down. My skin is as pale as it can get and that's not good.

I'm fine as of now. Though asking me to stand up for a good minutes might be tall order to do. But i'm not here to rant too much now. Got some RP to reply. I owe them way overdue reply. It start to get me personally. I'm not quitting yet, remember, i promise to tell you guys when i'm quitting. I'm not the type who leave without goodbye simply because i having good time somewhere else. Been there done there, it doesn't feel good at all. Well maybe if ED is toxic place to begin with, that would be the case. But it isn't. Hopefully i can still capable to sit down and read for at least half minutes. Goodness, sick anime waifu really make it look cute when they got sick, do they? 😸


You sound like you've been through a lot, take good care of yourself, irl comes first before ED 

And yes, anime waifus make anything look cute haha.

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Actually there's a story behind the setback of mine. But until the dust is settled IRL and every single RP i had get their reply which most of it...are waiting their reply for a month which is NOT good considering i put deadline on my own preference.

It's dark time for me that's for sure. I'll tell you about it, you guys deserve to know. In case you curious how bad it is...well, how many picture quotes i posted in my status lately? Exactly. 

Have a nice day everyone! I'll be back to my energetic self soon enough! It better be...

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Edit: I decided to remove this post as it serves no good purposes. Deleting the other one would only remove the context from its reply so I'll leave it be. I was angry but I was partly at fault for what happened. Elena doesn't deserve to see me spread negativity around.  (The post was not targeted at her, either.) I hope you have a nice day, Elena. I know it's not a good time but I wish you the best. Get well, soon.

Edited by Goddess Aurora
I wanted to correct my wrong.
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  • 4 weeks later...

You know...

I normally never talk much about my side of things. Because i always told myself there's people who had it worse than me and i don't want to end up making it into stupid competition of who has the most brick wall in their life. But there's more reason to that. If i see someone has problem that i have solution to offer, i would probably speak up. But if i see someone has problem and i feel offended about how petty it was compared to mine, then i am the problem. This is pretty much how i see social on internet is. I'm aware when people talk about their crappy life, it's a mood killer. But at least if it put you on wrong end of the bed, could you at least just ignore and move on? I always try that and i never catch a fire on my arse to this day.

Just get this, would you feel any better if you have, say, divorce issue and then i just slide in and make comment about my life as a broken home family and talk down your divorce issue because mine is bigger issue, was that suppose to help? If there's a reason to punch someone in the face without any guilt, this would be one of it.

Seriously, if you see someone in trouble and you can't come up with better solution, well, either just drop reaction or say something along the line of "you can do it" or just ignore and move on if you don't want your jolly mood ruined. I just don't get it, since when talking about people who is on their low point of their life become some sort of competition about who should be sympathized? Problem are problem, big or small, serious or mild, it's a hassle and not every people has the same level of sturdy guts and mental to handle those.

So again, if you see someone has problem and asked if anyone has solution for it, but you don't know what the solution to give to them, don't be a rooster...but if that person keep repeating those same song and rant every single day, then i guess it's okay to tell them outright that they are the problem. Come on, does it make sense to you hearing one person rant about one single thing over and over and over and over and still think it wasn't their fault?


So! I'm sure you notice about my flickering presence lately. Well, work happen. But then suddenly, i'm off the chart. Surprisingly, work isn't the only factor who got me on swamped. A very kiss of life happen once or twice during this years. Let's see...


  • Some idiot fail to reorganize the database which cause sorting issue for the new student who should be entering the school.
  • To add matter worse, this bumbling nutjob mess cause some student scholarship thrown about. Student who receive scholarship end up denied, while those who don't have any end up receive one. 
  • Parent complaints that almost went for full month. Even though it wasn't my fault, i still got the spat for that bumble whacko mistake.


  • Still with reorganizing mess
  • Some infighting between teacher


  • Student got expelled and i'm the one who has to told their parent instead the principal because he's out for seminar
  • It result in lawsuit for some reason which i can't blame them considering the child who got expelled is 1st grader. 
  • Literally almost lose my job. Not because the expel or lawsuit but because someone make another mess with the treasury.


  • Some school trip end up delayed and guess who has to reschedule it and make a call to museum and stuff?
  • Thanks to this, we end up looking for another school bus to rent because it always booked one month before the designated school trip. Which lead to cancellation of the said trip because June is already the final exam anyway.


  • Nothing going on


  • My mother was sent to hospital due to miscarriage. No i didn't even know she was pregnant up until this month. At all. Not even my sister know. Only my dad and a few of family member. I suspect it's early miscarriage case though i was too afraid to confirm out of fear of stressing my mother.


  • I had case of dehydration and low blood pressure
  • Wasn't hospitalized


  • Still the same issue, faint at work.
  • Turn out i had virus, but not C19 case.
  • Hospitalized and discharged at the same month


  • Become platinum member...because i've return!

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Honestly i want to tell you guys that i'll be away due to being hospitalized but i only had my phone at the time and visiting ED on mobile in my region bandwidth is like treading a swamp with hiking boots. So i drop the message on ED Discord instead and would opt for the public announcement if my situation doesn't get any better, which i'm sure it lead to many confusion where have i been for my RP partner considering most of them didn't join the server. I appreciate everyone support and shoutout to @Mini Magi who offer his help to send the announcement in my place due to bandwidth issue. Yes i read your message Magi, i even considering taking your offer, but decide not to because i want to explain my situation in detail myself because i feel that i owe my RP partner the explanation. I appreciate the thought and concern however! Tell you what, in case you need someone to drop announcement on ED when its impossible for you to do so, just @ me at Discord...hopefully i wasn't at the swamp with my hiking boots when you need my help. 😓

Anyway, yeah, that's pretty much what happen to Elena during those flickering Months. Not to mention when i return, i discover that ED...

  1. Has layout changes
  2. Has it's old layout if you switch to bright mode
  3. Saw a few of my RP partner deactivate 
  4. One of it banned as expected
  5. Some idiot review in preference sheets (You can't tell me that putting just "." in one star review is a legit one star review!)

And more. anyway, i'm done ranting, my RP partner need me. Move along!

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You're right. Everyone has issues and no problems should be devalued. Life's tough for everyone. (And I'm saying this honestly, not sarcastically.), I do believe that the path to everyone's happiness would be one where we understand each others better and support each others. If being unhappy becomes a competition then we just normalize unhappiness and who suffers the most and this should not be a thing. Being unhappy should not be a standard and it should not be put on a pedestal. Some might like the attention they get from people feeling bad for them but there's so much better out there to get attention for. Like... Sharing happy things instead. (Without devaluing the experience of others).

There is an expression I like about that: "Elevate each others up" or something like that. When you're down then it's good to have someone extend a hand to you and help you back up. If people focused on raising others up rather than putting them down, life would be so much better for everyone. Unhappiness should not be a competition. Rather, it should motivate people to be good to each others. The satisfaction from having helped or cheered up someone in need is so much better than the feeling of thinking that we're better than they are for suffering more than they do. It's at least the way I view things but unfortunately, the internet made everyone too comfortable with lacking empathy or sympathy.


At any rates, it's good to see you again Elena. Congratulations again on your platinum. I hope you will recover from your situation and return to us in better health. Yeah, ED changed a little, in my opinion for the better. It's a bit to adapt to but at least the change is not radical enough for us to feel lost. (Or at least, I don't think so.) It does seem like lot of people deactivated and we see some bans here and there (Usually for account duplicates among other reasons). But yes, it's a shame some people don't put more thoughts in their reviews... Maybe they put as much work into them as they did in their roleplay, which is depressing. Reviews need to be more detailed and thoughtful, otherwise they mean nothing.

Best wishes to you, Elena. Get well soon. ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

Edited by Goddess Aurora
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  • 1 month later...

Ah~ chatting AI. One of the most prominent rival to any RP website like ED. Only more broken and hilariously bad. You know, I never thought there will be a day where we can ask "casual" google assistant for sex like this today. But what i can't believe is when i read the news about OpenAI drama that for the first time, make me slap my knee instead of anger. Like, what do you expect when you did that, man? I did talk about this on ED discord but eh, i love talking so why not doing it for second time.

So basically there's this fella named Ilya who was afraid that the improvement of AI can be a danger to humanity. I'm not making that up, that's the reason i got from the resource i get, maybe its a term between AI dev, who knows. Anyway the fella was so into his ideal, he convince the committee at the office to kick Sam, the very person at the frontline of this very company. The thing about this is because how disrespectful the fella are toward this man. From what i got, basically Sam just receive the call from the office, telling him that he's out from the party and will have to announce it on the next day. Just imagine yourself told by your most hated co-worker in which they said "Lol say goodbye to your work desk buddy, cope!"

But the real mistake here is how Ilya just dismiss the fact to tell the other higher up about Sam being booted. Namely, Greg and Satya. Greg claimed that he got told that Sam is out at night on the same day while Satya was told the next day. Thing is, Ilya also completely unaware how vital Sam role is in the company. So when Greg show his protest through resignation outright without any negotiation, Ilya and his cronies just baffled because they never expect things gone spiral right away for them. Satya, who also threaten to quit told the rest of company that OpenAI need Sam or else there will be two problem; the staff exodus, and Microsoft would likely pull the plug from investing on OpenAI.

I forgot to mention, OpenAI are not run for profit. They're just bunch of people, a community, who develop AI and rely on investor, but never let them hog the company under their thumb. Based from what i got, Microsoft only invest a good 49% which might sounds a lot, but it doesn't make them own OpenAI as the company itself don't want to be controlled under one banner alone, which is why Satya told the company decision to unfuck this situation quick or their investor would pull the plug due to this issue. I say again, Microsoft doesn't have full control over OpenAI; they just investor so all this situation fall upon Ilya himself, the coup instigator, to settle this. 

And they did make some effort to get Sam back, but being righteously unhappy for being disrespected, he laid his own term. Kick whoever doing this to him, or he'll sold his soul to whoever want his talent, which is Microsoft. To add some heroic stance, he quoted that he don't need more bucks just to get back to his seat; he just told the company that he had more than enough, he just want those cancer at the company to get out from the building for good. Which would be impossible for Ilya given this very position is what he's after.

And so, the exodus, just like the news headline said. 600 out of 700 crew jump the ship as it burn in protest for the Sam firing. And Ilya truly in deepest hellhole because the company stock fell so low in just 72 hours. You might be thinking that it wasn't that bad, sorry to say, running AI require lots of resource and even to run a server for it could cost you 2000 bucks a year just to get it running, so the loss truly result in what Ilya wanted; a slowed down improvement on AI, in a twisted way he never desire.

To end the note in monkey wrench style, Ilya somehow make protest himself that he'll resign if Sam doesn't come back to OpenAI which is...what?! This dude start this coup and now he want to fire himself? I mean, go on dude, who stopping you now? I'm not sure why the heck he even pull this idiotic stance after his own idiotic ideal get the better of him and make an idiot of himself like this, added with apology tweet in which he claim he regret what he doing and would show support to have Sam back to OpenAI or else, like i mention before, he'll fire himself as the CEO. Don't worry, I still scratching my head about that statement too. But anyway, the damage is already done. Sam and the rest of the crew are now work under the Microsoft. To add more sweet to the honeypot, Microsoft pull a Microsoft move which is throwing money senselessly and told Sam to do whatever he want to do with it for his project, along with the freedom to recruit whoever fit the bill to improve the AI of his vision. With that kind of offer, you think Ilya tweet would change Sam mind? Obviously categorically absolutely no, man. There's no anime plot twist in this. Whoever become CEO of OpenAI now, all i can say is...

Good luck, and congratulation, you just inherit a disaster...now move along.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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