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Public PhotoGenesis Chambers

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These are the public photogenesis chambers. It has a set up similar set up to a public shower or a sauna room where there is a locker room and a fee larger chambers in which florasians can use to photosynthesize. (It also can give nice tans)


It also comes with public showers and lockers one csn rent.

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[From the prominade]

Lia entered the structure and went over to the counter and gave them the card so she could get access to a locker and one of the chambers. " Want a locker as well? Or are you the type that doesn't like showing some skin? " she would ask her current companion as she was at the counter where the register and an employee was stationed.


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"I don't mind showing a little skin, hah. This is probably one of the few places where it feels perfectly legal to have less clothes on, and you can bet I'll do it." Ray remarked with a friendly smile. Even if Lia wasn't someone he usually hang out with, that didn't mean he had to start by taking it easy or simple. Besides, from the sound of things, she probably wouldn't be overly dressed either... Or maybe she would, but it didn't matter much to him.

"So... Good guess with the Florasian remark, I actually have two coworker Florasians... But I do also come here with others too. They like the tanning potential here, and it's not like we can just go bumming at a beach for it. Though, hold up... Does that mean you're Florasian too? Since I still haven't really figured out how to tell one from a normal human until after we get in here... Not that it's a problem. Though I think you're the first fiery Florasian I've met." he pointed out, remembering how aggressive she was earlier when searching for her ID. 

Making his way to the lockers once they were selected, he stretched a bit before beginning to remove his jacket, followed by his shirt. "Ugh, man, I'm gonna enjoy this. Got roughed up a bit earlier trying to stop a thief, and I just want to unwind."


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oh really you can't tell? Is that nose of yours not working? Well I guess for me I have all sorts of grime on me at the moment. But florasiantypically have a unique flowery scent to them." she would turn back to the desk and order a 2nd locker for Ray as well. After paying she would turn to ray and hand him his card. " I got one close to the showers since I need to wash up real quick as well. Feel free to get started without me if you want.

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"Hey, cut me some slack, I had a long day... Besides, I'd have thought you'd find it a little insulting if I suddenly started sniffing you like a dog or something... Uh, no offense to any dog-styled aliens out there." Ray blinked and gave a quick, if awkward, chuckle. "Now that you mention it, I guess that explains why one always seems to smell like roses and the other... Well, can't explain that one. Now I'm curious about how good you smell." Okay, maybe he was starting to feel s little cheeky, wiggling his brows and grinning as he took his card back.

"Sounds good to me. Take your time in there and enjoy yourself. Think you need it after a day like today." the male nodded, giving Lia the chance to head off for the showers while he dressed himself down to his birthday suit. Retrieving a towel to at least make himself decent, he wrapped it around his waist and stepped into the chamber. The familiar, comforting warmth was already radiating now, taking a seat and sighing in delight. 

"She looks friendly... I guess I have all the luck with Florasians, hmhm. Still, she sounds like she'll slap the incompetence off me if I get frisky with her. Just friends... And try not to stare too hard at her when she comes back." he mumbled to himself quietly, folding his arms and rolling his head around. Of course, what he told himself to do and what might happen were always two different things...

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