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Rin is still wandering around the convention.  Alexandrine is still there too, but unlikely to do much.  Chiyako still has Emi there, but she is occupied at the moment (no rush, BladeRunner).

Hikaru is technically still going his portion of Princess Lost in Thought story, at this point in the Convention.  Zorn is occupied with Exzel and will give Emiri attention afterwards.

I will probably write an intro for Shinji over the weekend.  Though he is going to be doing his own thing, may not see much of current characters.

Canata is currently only in the flashback, seducing/trying to corrupt hero Emiri.  Someone will get her attention eventually in the present.

Sarnia (Guardian Beast) does not have anything planned currently, but will eventually do something.

There could I suppose be ‘setting’ threads that people could go in an out of, just have to make sure people there are there at the same time, if stories connect at all.

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I also have Dolphinium who I left in wait. I REALLY have no idea what to do with her. Also, I know I classified Shinigami as demon before but I don't really think she is one. She is not human but she is not the likes of Lenneth either. I can't say she really comes from hell but her origin is also unsure even to me. She wouldn't burn to sunlight or be exorcised.

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Yeah it might be good to have places where people can sort of jump in and out when they aren't involved or able to be involved in the plots (or maybe if they're shy and just kinda wanna throw a post out and see who jumps in).

Time would definitely be a thing to watch for though yeah might help with a lull if characters leave a scene.

Also if Shinigami is anything like her namesake would she be a spirit of some sort? Not necessarily a ghost like most think but given her description she seems natural like most Kami. Not really things you can necessarily exorcise but appease or ward against.

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Assuming you mean Tamamo-no-Mae when you say that then Kami would basically be the opposite of Youkai at least in Japanese terms. I dunno her origin lol

Yokai are specifically ghosts / Supernatural monsters while they're kinda natural they're still set apart. They're weird and strange. Aberrations to what should be.
Kami are a natural even if they can be kinda (very) evil at times.

Eh its fine to have that mystery. I don't really classify No.690 because what it/she could be are all similar enough that it doesn't matter. Just get Mac the flamethrower.

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True or not, Jumi is considering her a demon like goddess, and while she is very unlikely to properly worship her or directly serve her or anything like that, she is likely to show her the respect she thinks such a being deserves.  Perhaps more so, as their days together continue.

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 If they ever meet again she'd at least be a little more willing to act more peaceable especially if at least one of the people she considers a friend is more or less tied to them especially if informed that she's not exactly a demon. Rie is 'Humanity and Friends of Humanity first' type with a specific dislike for demons at the moment. Obviously she'd just have to accept it regardless (made easier by her returning to be a Lone Magical Girl soon).

She's just gonna want to make sure they're alright though and remain worried.

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Let's just say her actions brought certain things into questions. BUT at the same time, her profile does admittedly say that she is reckless and butt-headed. Something she will really have to manage with Mitsuko if she ever want a chance with her. Although, I understand the tension happening... But yes, I like the idea of Shinigami being a dark goddess of some kind. I believe she was misunderstood but I think that's a legit story thing and not really "bad roleplay issue." They saw an upside down cross faced fox girl and reacted.

As for my own thread, yeah, I am developing things in hopefully a manner that can describe what kind of being Shinigami will be. She reminds me of another villain character I once had that I kinda miss so who know how it will go. Not quite blood thirsty for a villain but still a being a death fated to be an "enemy", whether she could still be a friend or not. If one day Rie becomes friend with her, that shall be quite the spectacle to see. (Not being sarcastic. I am really open to any possibilities unknown the future may bring to us. tbh)

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Nah as I said in that type of situation for Rie is was damned if you do, damned if you don't. I don't really think any character did anything counter to their make.

If they ever become friends that a very 'against all odds' situation cause at best I could only see them just barely tolerating the fact that the other is breathing if they're in the same room. Rie is and will likely remain a die-hard, humanity loving magical girl but who knows what the future holds. She could end up being an enemy even if she feels they align too much with dark forces.

It would just be really funny but for now, even once the girls return she'll be solo to makes thing a bit easier for these characters.

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Remember that Rie was not going to be the target of anything if she wasn't the first one to talk. (Again, it's not meant as a bias against her. It's just her attitude that got her there.) And besides, there is humanity loving and there is the correct way to do things. I like to believe that Rie still has potential to mature up sometimes. She was ready to die for no reason. I don't see how that would help the ones she supposedly tries to protect. The good way to do so would have been to de-escalate and make sure she can't hurt anyone.

Mitsuko did save her life. That is a fact. She also made sure that Shinimagi wouldn't be hostile toward any of them. (Jumi helped a lot in that sense). Rie and blue guy were more busy insulting her than doing what was good for the people they protect. If Rie ever became an enemy out of "others doing the right thing when she couldn't" then welp. No idea what to say. Even without Mitsuko/Shinimagi, she'd be a red flag for Jumi as she is unable judge a situation properly. I like to think it's part of the character and not you but welp...


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Rie talks, thats just part of her character. Threatening Rie won't really get anyone anywhere, its usually the threat to others that'll slow her down. Rie will fight and is very much willing to die doing so. Really threatening her directly is a good way to trigger her temper which I mentioned. Its a flaw she has that she hasn't worked past yet. For the type of character Rie is it was just a bad situation to be in. Some situations just play against certain characters natures.

It would be if it plays out that way. Like I said could, no idea what the future holds. She could become more fanatical or mellow out depending on things that happen. I leave it open for the most part characters dying because they become too set on a path is a thing I've done before. Its always possible. Who knows.

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Pretty sure this is what I said all along, though. o.o Part of her character is not thinking straight. She did not really do her best in this situation and she was not going to protect anyone by her actions. Yet, this was taken badly somehow even though her very nature clashed with Mitsuko's beliefs. I never said that she can't change but I said that, at the moment, she was not exactly in a good position. My own characters always evolved based on unknown situations, even some that came out of nowhere. Expect the unexpected.

Last part is a card captor quote. XD But yes, sometimes characters end in conflict and while I successfully dislike Rie myself, it's more the characters (hopefully) than the roleplayer. Only bit I didn't really like was blue guy seeming to be added only to support Rie's terrible nature. This is where I was a little upset at the whole thing. Single bashing Shinimagi wasn't going to end well, double bashing her, pretty sure even less so. Thankfully, the scene was pretty much saved at the last minute but it still wasn't very comfortable to see.

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In other things....man finding decent alien pictures is so difficult when you don't wanna just make a different colored human but also don't want them to be horrible eldritch monstrosities or demons but in space. I've already done one furry creature so trying not to do that again but its real tempting to just fall back on that.


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Alright so a little reminder that new club members should try and follow the flow of the roleplay and understand what kind of characters they're roleplaying with. Harassment done through Ecchi Text will not be tolerated. I've made my position clear about what kind of character Shinigami was going to be and I saw no complaints before her actual appearance. I've also made clear that she will be balanced in time to adapt to what role she would best fit within the world. There is a fine line between criticism and harassment.

I've tried diplomacy without success. If someone can't take criticism about their own characters then we cannot do anything to make you feel better. I was very open to hear criticism but not insults about my own characters and I believe that I've made clear that I was ready to change things if something did not please someone, as long as such criticism was fair and not irrational. We are supposed to be adults (by rules and by law) and I would appreciate that we behaved as such. I am putting this here because I feel I must.

We have MANY kinds of characters in this world and while the good side is composed of mostly humans, we have a large and diverse amount of villains of many kinds. Many are demons, hell beasts and the likes but we also have alien forms and other non-humans. The range of power MAY vary and yes, I currently have two rather powerful characters but I usually trust the club's host(s) to tell me if I go to far or not. This is not my first roleplay. All of this is supposed to be for fun. I'm saddened by how things turned out.

Another thing... A certain complaint of auto-hitting has been made before (Also a thing I have been harassed about) and I have to explain one thing... The concept of auto-hitting as it is in roleplay is that you cannot hit or harm another character without their consent. The action has to be made but it's the next poster's role to respond to it. My doom spell event is not that. No harm came to the character and the pressure involved was nothing but a plot gimmick for storytelling purposes. It was not intended to kill anyone.

In fact, I would have gladly changed the method if I knew or was made aware that it would put a character (that's not mine) at serious risk. The spell was used to put the emphasis on how terrifying the character was supposed to be. I already informed people that such an ability would be used but it seems that complaints were unavoidable. Such spell will NOT be used casually. It's always encouraged to avoid godmodding and I apologize if I went too far with this idea not meant to be taken the way it has been...

On a slightly different note, I honestly have no idea what power levels many other villains have and how comparable they are and I am not here to compete with them. Magical girls and knights live in one pretty harsh world surrounded by powerful enemies. A well developed powerful character can be as interesting as a well developed weaker one. At the end of the day, it's supposed to be fun for all and I am always curious to develop characters of varying strengths. Sorry for this post but I hope you'll enjoy your day.

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...And this toxicity is why I have so much troubles with Rie to begin with. (And all characters made by the roleplayer in question). Lot of talking but no thinking. It's exactly this behavior that got Rie targeted and now the roleplayer because they couldn't handle the criticism on their character or what details I've included or left out on purpose to my character. Yes, Shinigami has no "known" weakness because I've left it out entirely for the fearsome character profile purpose. I love to do things. I have many hidden details in my of my character pages or entries. I have been creative like this for decades and I love even more so to explore how characters develop as they are put into situations. I can't read the future.

Thank you for posting the conversation, really. If anything, that would help understand what else is going on with this drama. If people want to criticize me for it then please feel free... I tried SO hard to make you understand why I felt like Rie has no consistence nor self-awareness and you only added a character to her side to double down on insulting Shinigami with a bunch of words that didn't serve to develop nor contribute to the situation at hand. SO MUCH that I had to ignore your posts entirely otherwise derail the entire scene into bickering with two characters pointlessly. I said it nicely at first but how else could I describe "Lot of words only to say gtfo, we don't like you.". That's all that it really was about.

And no, I am not here thinking that anyone would side with me. Everyone can be against me if they want but I've proven my worth with my writing and I don't remember ever having a conflict with anyone before this drama. Disagreements, perhaps... They happen. Characters can evolve and I don't claim to be perfect despite my years of roleplaying. The hobby is a constant learning experience even after decades and knowing how to adapt to situations is a good trait to have. If a character feels out of line then it's only normal to give them "updates" that make them more in line with what's looked for in a story. This is what I am trying to do with my cute fox of death. I seemed to have positive responses.

Your post is exactly the red flag I was talking about before but I thought at first that it only really applied to Rie herself. I had a doubt however that something like this would happen. For the record, you did not offer any changes as you made clear that "you like your characters that way" despite the flaws clearly demonstrated with the way they reacted to the situation, I did not recently offer change, I did so even before Shinigami was used AND changed an entire scene at her introduction to fit Satai's wishes for this event to remain more secluded and less wide-spread in order to respect other roleplayers currently at the convention. I did so completely willingly out of respect for other roleplayers in here.

So yeah... Please stop slandering me when the facts above contradict your accusations against me. If I knew that this was going to turn this way (and I stupidly should have known after Rie's first altercation with Mitsuko), I would have left you out of it. My apologies to everyone for this drama put out in the open. Feel free to think what you like of me but if you have anything to discuss with me, privately or openly, feel free to speak to me anytime. I did say it before but I feel the need to repeat. I am not trying to undermine anyone and I only hoped to have fun with everyone. Unfortunately, things really didn't turn out the way they should have. Feel free to leave your opinions but I'm hoping to move on...

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Ok, let’s get this all back on a positive note.

I created the topic for Shinji, gave it an opening someone could potentially jump in with a new character.  Either the person he is going to visit, one of his captured creatures, or other lab staff.

Like I said earlier, this is a story at least mostly independent from our current stories.  I don’t have specific plans for it yet.  Just exploring a new aspect of the world.

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I have a very odd idea myself that I possibly thought about doing but not sure if I want to. The issue with this character is that she is from a game, mostly... (Not a SFW one) and I don't exactly have a pic for her except maybe an in-game shot of her character. I may give a hint here by saying she is a fallen angel but I wonder if she'd work to make a good character or not. (I am probably making too many villains but they're so fun!) She has a normal power level. I'd use her story and some original stuff to make her be against humans.

IiyILxI.pngSoooo... Here is Marielle. Sorry if she looks generic. She is a once-good, turned bad character. Not sure if her characteristics would fit the lores of the story however but due to many things happening, she'd be pretty much against humanity. Very playful (and she is a girl/futa) and she fights mostly from melee but also has dark/fire magic so her strength might be heightened but it won't be Hellhound's level. The beast girl is supposed to be strong and fierce but Marielle is still strong enough to have been able to take out many mostly normal level threats as well as a few boss monsters. (Not without sexual abuse)

What makes this interesting is that she would live in a tower but if humans were to raid the place and capture or kill what friends she has there, she'd be out to hunt them. She is mostly leaving them alone now because she has more than what she needs where she is, including a few fairies existing specifically to heal and toughen up certain parts of the body. (Which allows her to have lot of sex but not without limits.) That would be a very special kind of character, I think. Nothing much like what we've seen before but I'm letting this out there to give a sample before I decide to do it. (Also for Satai to see it first)

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My thought about creatures like angels in general are they are part of the occasionally referred to non-human enemies of demons/monsters (probably leave aliens alone, unless directly provoked somehow).  They might rarely help humans directly (in the sense of one or two maybe helping a specific team occasionally), but most of their help is indirect, in the sense they fight in other places, keeping demons from focusing all their man-power on humans.

Good turning evil is of course possible.  Emiri as the primary example (Alexandrine’s corruption is leading to a more grey area).

How she turned is of course up to you.  Emiri is going through a mix of breaking/seduction, eventually being indoctrinated into embracing a sort of demon identity in spirit, though not blood.

Also up to you if it happened on Earth or not, if she built her tower post-turning.

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Well, the tower is actually an old dungeons for monsters and who know what else. They have some humans captured in there, being sex slaves for them. As for Marielle, she was betrayed by her mother with her cruelty, wanting to keep her daughter from seeing the state of the world. However, after Marielle peeked at it and reported it naively to her mother, she was punished by having her wings torn out and getting jailed for years, only to build up a desire for revenge. Her personality shifted from good to basically corrupted.

After years, her mother sent her to the tower, supposedly for the sake of giving her another chance. Her job was to take over it, destroy it, etc. But she instead found herself rescuing a few of the humans while having lot of sexual adventures with things living there. The reason for her to fight against the monsters there was because doing so would open a path back to her mother's kingdom, growing stronger enough to be able to defeat her. After she did so, however, she returned to the tower to live there with them.

Her corruption allowed her to get dark wings instead. Except for a few humans friends she keeps around, she probably would fight any humans who would come bother her peace. More so if daring magical girls found and raided the place. Her fighting style would be what I said above but also using the fairies in question (through summoning among other things). She is pretty sex based and playful but I think she would work as an idea. However, I am fine with changing some things about her to best fit what would work here.

P.S.: I will put her game's story here so things make a little more sense with what I just said. It doesn't have to be 100% the same but yeah. Just a fun part of it.



P.S.2: I also have an image of her 5 fairies (Yes, it sounds like a lot but it would make sense). And for the record, they're not too small. Like half her size or about.



Each of them specialize in one area but they otherwise cannot attack and won't be used in the power balance. But yes, 6 for the price of one, so to speak. o.o

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That should all work.  Angels are probably like demons, in the sense they are split up into a number of factions/countries whatever, spread over many worlds/planes/dimensions.  But different in that they are much more united and very rarely fight each other, the separation for convenience and to allow more efficient local leadership.  Her may or may not be unusual in that sort or personality.  But we will see, if/when other angels might get involved.

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Edited Post: For convenience sake, maybe it is best I do not pursue in that direction. I fancy special and unique characters but I would not want to complicate things. I like the idea of having Marielle with fairies, however. What if the tower existed and she was sent there as sacrifice or punishment, only to be raped for years? During that time, she was helped by the fairies who made sure she did not lose her mind nor her body to the sexual abuse. From within the tower, she would have found magic powers in order to fight back and save other girls but at the end, the girls were too accustomed to their lives of sex and pleasure to desire escape from the tower. Marielle stayed with them UNTIL Humans appeared...

P.S.: Just really brainstorming. It's also possible that people may not like Marielle as a character due to where she comes from, which is fine by me. Things have gotten pretty quiet and I know why so it's alright if it doesn't work. Only trying to get things working for fun. I still have Hellhound who I am trying to work with as well, hoping to write a next post very soon! First, I have to figure what to make of the scene I've written with her so far... I doubt I could write anything this good again but I will be working hard to do so. I need to find if I make a character out of it... I also noticed that Zorn's scene has come to a halt since last time I checked. I know miss beast girl is supposed to go back to him sometimes later.

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We’ll not dwell on the past here.  Keep things positive and fun.  I do know a lot of people, from a mix of club and private posts, are a lot busier than they were in our more active days.  I sometimes am too, depending on the day.  Some/all of those should pick up again later.

I don’t have any problems with that version of the character either.  But we can take our time to figure her out.

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Right! Well, I'm glad you'd take the time to figure things out. I think it's fair that I also say why I wanted this random character as a character but she's from a game I casually found and happened to enjoy more than I thought. Not story wise properly speaking, although it was not bad. The fetishes are pretty varied but it focuses mostly on Futa. (and feet but that's not the reason I picked her up even if that may have helped her case). I simply think she could be interesting to roleplay and have her interact with others.

The fairies themselves, I can't really explain them but they're not "enemies". They're mostly a game gimmick but their diversity and design choices make me want to have them with her, if only for the sake of the fact that such an idea was never done yet. Lot of us here have character ideas that are pretty unique (Like teleport bunny girl or even Zorn, tbh. Exzel is a bit more classic but she's nice, then there's Elly and her cards.) So when I saw this idea, I didn't really think RP at first. But... I was like... Could that work?

I had went for her original story at first for the sake of "I found an idea for a next part to it" but I figured it might not match the lores of this roleplay so all I have to do now is find a way to keep it to this roleplay's plans as much as possible. I dunno if monster girls have places they nest at but this is where the tower idea came from. This is perhaps silly of an idea and I don't know if it's a good idea but I let my imagination run wild on this one. (Not for the content itself but for what I wanted to do with it post story.)

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