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Rebuilding From Scratch

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If her face could become more red it would have in that moment. Ryan was so considerate. A big part of her wanted to do it with him. To finally have sex with someone she wanted to have sex with. Create at least one really good memory of it before she'd have to go through the same pain again later, or perhaps worse, something like what her mother had endured. She didn't really have too many good memories, after all. Maybe that was part of why she was okay with rushing into this, okay with going as far as she had.

But they were perhaps one of the worst matches when it came to this sort of thing. Ryan was very patient, willing to wait, and at least able to control himself a lot more easily than others had been. Emi was hoping to do this sort of thing, yes, but she was also afraid of going further. When it came to sex she wasn't going to be the one to lead. Unfortunate, perhaps, but then maybe she just needed something to push her, or something to push Ryan.

Even so, she certainly didn't mind waiting. What they were already doing was better than anything similar that she'd done before! Although she did perhaps feel a little bad for the boy. Deep down she knew the only one holding them back from going further was herself.

Ryan deserves better.

Her eyes closed, cheek nuzzled into the boy's hand. All the while her hips had continued to move, only now they were rolling more quickly, grinding against the boy's cock with greater intensity, enough that it almost threatened to force him within. And then her grip upon him suddenly tightened. She leaned up, buried her face against his neck, moaned softly into it while her entire body twitched and shuddered beneath his! In that moment everything was fuzzy. A dizzying amount of pleasure flushed across her petite form, toes curling and legs pressing in against the boy's hips as their privates were awash with her sweet nectar!

Oh! Oh gosh! Ryan!

The first of potentially many orgasms of the night.

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Watching that, feeling the fluids rushed against him, watching her orgasm.  There was something about it.  Something telling him to push on.  Not just about the sex, though that was part of it.  There was the connection between boy and girl.  But there was something thing else.  He decided to be just a little more assertive.

“It’s a little unfair only you get to do that.”  He said it with a soft voice.  Good natured, not judging.  “Would you be angry or hurt if I did it?”  He pushed just a little harder.  He felt something important was going to happen, for both of them, though he did not know what.  He was being a little more assertive, taking a little lead.  But he was still hoping for Emi’s approval, not to move faster than he should.  She could still stop it.

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Arms and legs loosened their grip upon the boy. Hands slid down past Ryan's shoulders, brushed against his chest. Soft kisses were planted against his neck as a wave of affection hit the rabbit. She wanted to kiss him, and hug him, and just be close to him. Of course despite having just cum there was still a great deal of heat between her loins, a need to do more. She had experienced such things in the past, and when she had to deal with it on her own it had sometimes taken her hours.

Emi's head was thankfully a little clearer now in the moment. How much time had passed? Ears perked up slightly. For all she knew Alexandrine was sitting outside and waiting. That would have made her feel bad. Or had it really not been that long?

Ryan also made a good point. It was unfair that she was the only one getting off right now. A wave of guilt hit her, face flustered hotter. He was also asking to go further. Or, rather, asking if she would be upset, or if she would be hurt.

"Y-yes" she whispered, although thankfully she was clear headed enough for the moment to follow up with an elaboration. "I m-mean, I wouldn't be upset. Although it might hurt, I t-think?"

A hand reached down between them, fingers curled around Ryan's shaft. While she rubbed his tip in little circles against her softly flustered mound her hand moved back and forth, pumping gently though swiftly in an effort to assist! Of course the contact was starting to make her frisky again, but she knew that she could do this quite a few times before she got tired. Emi didn't really know what Ryan's limits were with this sort of thing.

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Ryan had of course meant emotionally hurt, rather than physically.  He intended to avoid physically hurting as much as he could.  “Thank you, Emi.  Trusting me to do this.  I want you to like this as me, tell me if I should go softer or harder.”  It was finally going to happen.  He had known Emi long, but it felt like forever, waiting for this moment.

He took a deep breath.  “I’m going in.”  He let her know, pressing harder, plunging deep inside of her.  Their bodies becoming one.  As he did it, a warmth spread throughout his body.  A his body’s reaction to becoming one with Emi’s.  It recognized something about her.  It forced him to pause a moment, it felt that good.  He regained himself after a moment, slowly at first, began thrusting in and out.  He never imagined it felt this good.  Every time he slid against her insides, that warmth passed through him like a wave.  His body recognized what he did not.  They were more similar than they knew.  Emi’s would have its own reaction, telling her this was right.  That he was not like others, in a good way.

It was like his whole body felt pleasure, though it was of course strongest where they were united.  He went as deep as he could each time, the thrusts were soft but fairly fast.  He loved it, hoped Emi enjoying it as much.

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As it turned out Emi's reluctance to be more direct would actually be the key to helping them move forward. She wouldn't be upset. It would hurt. She was still scared of proceeding, and that fear had overwhelmed both her desire and her curiosity. Reaching between the two of them to rub against the boy's length with her fingers wasn't just to pleasure herself, but to help him reach what she had just reached. A way to continue without really pushing it further.

But she hadn't really explained that either.

Bright red shot across her face as Ryan made his intentions clear. He was being more aggressive which was, perhaps, for the best. She certainly wasn't going to lead them any further. All she had to do was let him know if he should be softer or not.

She winced slightly as the pressure increased against her mound. Her gaze lowered, blue orbs wide while they observed the head of her lover's penis push against the porcelain lips of her flower. A soft gasp emerged. He was beginning to push in, to squeeze his way through the intensely tight opening.

"S-softer?" she whimpered, only to bite her lip and clench her eyes shut as Ryan finally slid into her body. It did hurt, although perhaps not as much as she'd been expecting. A sharp pinch, certainly some pressure, but swiftly followed by a fulfilling heat and the same tingly pleasure that she'd felt earlier. There hadn't even been any blood that she could see, although she'd heard as well that such a thing usually only really happened when someone was being too rough, or when they were perhaps a bit too large. Ryan had been as careful as could be! Gentle. And while he was no slouch, he wasn't the largest she'd seen either.

This is sex. I'm having sex!

When Ryan's hips started to move Emi buried her face up into the crook of his neck, gasping and cooing softly whenever his tip settled as deep as it could go. Hot sleek flesh clung to every surface of the boy's cock, gripping and squeezing almost as though her body was trying to pull him in deeper still. Her arms had curled around his torso, pulling him close as she held on tightly to his form, as though letting go might result in her falling through the van. Even her legs settled behind him, pressing against the back of his thighs and rump.

It wasn't just pleasure or fear that she felt either. There was something else. Something felt right about this, and not just because she was doing it with Ryan. It felt to her that something had awoken within both of them, that perhaps doing this with other people was a good thing, that it might help her and her partner. Was this really why Hikaru had wanted to be with her? Well, okay, probably not. He had made that clear. But it might have been a part of it!

Sex is good.

There was the fear that some of these thoughts were due to her Demon blood. They seemed to really lean into using this sort of thing as a weapon. Could that have also been awakening within her? She didn't really know, nor was it really at the front of her mind. No, just the pleasure she felt and the gentle slapping of flesh against flesh as her lover gradually picked up his pace.

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Ryan eased the pace a little for Emi.  It did not matter.  It felt better than he imagined either way.  That feeling through his body did not go away.  He had never heard of this.  Was it because he was doing it with a Magical Girl?  Another difference in her body or power, that even she had not been aware of?  The truth did not occur to him.  Either way, he kept going, also helped by how tight she was.  Another feeling he had not been able to properly imagine.

He the way she gripped around him.  It made him feel like she was trying to draw it out already.  Maybe her body was.  Thoughts of ‘breeding like rabbits’ came to mind.  Though he shook those off.  Maybe in the future, but that was not the goal here.

”…It’s so good, Emi…”.  He hoped this would ease her fears. That she would get even more into as the night went on.  It did not need to be an all night sex party.  But he hoped to go more than once.  He might even try to help with Alexandrine.  Who had been taking her time, for their sake and was only now beginning to walk back to the van.

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While she had asked the boy to move more gently it had for the most part been on account of her initial reluctance to continue. She didn't correct herself. It was nice to go slow. But her hips had a mind of their own. They started to move in little circles, to churn her own insides about with her lover's dick, to squeeze upon it in different ways and at different spots. Hot breath washed over the boy's neck and collarbone as she nuzzled against his body, even planted the occasional meek kiss. A step forward for her in some ways, but it was also activating the parts of her that she feared most.

Ryan's words were replied to with a muffled moan. It was hard enough to conjure thoughts in the moment. Speaking was beyond her. Legs strengthened their grip, forcing the boy as deep within her body as she could manage, sinking him to the hilt. Sure, it would make thrusting far more difficult, especially if she didn't control her strength, but her hips were doing enough work to make up for it.

More. Gosh it's so good! Why didn't I do this before? What would it be like with Miss Alexandrine? With Mister Hikaru?

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Emi might discover it would be the same eventually.  With Hikaru at least.  With two women it was more subtle.  These exact reactions were caused by man and woman becoming one, when they both had the power inside them.  Reproduction of Magical Girls/Knights was the idea behind it, though the individuals involved could resist it.  Two such women could get a strong reaction between them, but it was not as automatic.  A finger or tongue inside her would not automatically trigger it.  Nor would Ryan taking Emi from behind.  Something he did hope to try later.

Ryan did not complain as she tightened around him, and how she was moving more.  It was a little harder to move, but he did his best.  Though if she stayed like this, pulling out would be quite difficult.  With all the feelings going through him, he had no  idea how close he was.  Sure, he masturbated at times, but that was has only experience in the area and this felt nothing like that.  He had the sense when he did finally cum, it would be much more intense than any other time he had done it.

Did she care?  Would she want him to pull out?  He wanted to warn her when he was close, but he did not know how close he was and did not want to slow her down quickly.  He wrestled with whether or not to say it now, but his body was begging him to let it happen.  He pressed along with her movements, plunging as deep as he could each time.  He wanted to encourage these reactions out of her, see what she did as they continued to do it.

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Ryan understood not what he had unlocked within the bunny. Perhaps it was due to her father and his propensity towards using sex as a weapon. Or maybe because she was partially Demon. Maybe that was why they did it so much. It could have also been the rabbit-like nature of her curse. Was her father also rabbit-like? Regardless of what it was one thing was for certain: sex was something she was going to indulge in a lot more.

Provided she could get over her embarrassment over it.

The little rabbit remained locked securely against the boy's body. Hips rolled and jerked, tiny slit rubbed and ground against the base of her lover's cock. On one hand she did not want to get pregnant. Not one bit. It didn't matter who it was with. If it were not for that then she might have been doing this with Hikaru right now. She didn't know how likely that was with Ryan, or really anyone given her hybrid nature. It scared her immensely.

However in that moment her mind was not fully her own. It was clouded by lust and bliss and happiness and curiosity and excitement and fear and potentially the awakening corruption of her Demon blood. She was doing everything possible to control herself, to keep from slipping further into something far more aggressive. Asking the boy to pull out was the furthest thing from her mind. In fact some dark part of her wanted it.

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Ryan was getting lost in his own desire, losing the will to warn her.  Let his body do what it wanted.  This one time at least he would not exactly try to impregnate her, but he was not going to stop.  Not try to pull out he also just wanted to feel what it was like, to cum inside a girl.  He hoped she would forgive him.  Or that that was what she wanted.  It kind of felt like she did.  One time wasn’t dangerous, was it?

Neither of them likely noticed or cared, about Alexandrine finally making it to the van.  Watching them both in intense, passionate, almost primal sex.  She had a hard time looking away.  The shy girl so into it.  Ryan matching her.  For a second she imaged Ryan doing that to her.  He was so much younger.  But could make her feel what she had not in years?  Then there was Emi.  The lust in her eyes again.  What would she do if Alexandrine let the girl touch her?

Ryan was feeling it, a fire in his body, and a load building like he had never felt before.  He felt he needed to give to Emi, to fill her with it.  He tried to get more assertive match Emi, fuel what was inside her, he did care.  He would any side of her.  Her wrestled against her grip.  Began to go harder.  Show that side of her he wanted to give it to her.  It was very close.

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Although she wasn't experienced enough to understand what it meant Emi could feel Ryan approaching his own release. The growing intensity of the throbs his penis made within her body. He was becoming more aggressive. Thrusting harder. Faster. Struggled against her grip. The slapping of the boy's hips against her thighs and rump, and of his sack against her taint, grew both louder and more frequent.

She wasn't close. No, she had just experienced it herself and was perhaps only halfway to the next one at best. But she wasn't slowing down either. If anything the little rabbit was becoming more aggressive. Arms and legs held her lover close, refused to release him. Her little kisses occasionally were a bit firmer against Ryan's neck and collar bone, even included one or two faint little nips with her teeth, although certainly not enough to leave a mark. She was able to at least partially control herself.

So into the act was she that she hadn't even noticed Alexandrine's return yet. Of course what would happen once she did was anyone's guess, but it was safe to assume that a lustful Emi was more inclined to actually approaching the woman.

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Emi had already orgasmed once, Ryan want to do it again.  But for now, his needs came first.  She seemed to like what he was doing, which only encouraged him more.  He also enjoyed the little things she was doing with her mouth.  He might have tried to do some of the same, if he was not focused on relieving himself.  It was going to be massive he knew that.  Maybe it would please her.  As much she did not want to get pregnant, this was what her body was designed for.  She might enjoy the feel, even if she knew how dangerous it was.  Maybe the danger would turn her on more.

He hoped he could keep going after it was over, but he was not going to hold back.  He could not.  After eagerly humping hard for another moment, there was a groan.  A thick stream erupted into Emi.  Then another.  And another.  Strong, intense, thick.  It kept coming out.  But he was tapping into something he did not understand.  He was still far from empty.  And while he might need a rest, it would only be a very short one.

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It wasn't much longer before it finally happened. The first shot of hot seed deep into her core drew out a surprised squeak from the pale rabbit, body shuddering and squeezing even more roughly in that moment! Then came a gasp as another thick rope was injected into her body, and then another. A whimper followed, then a soft moan. She knew that it was dangerous but in that moment she didn't really care either. It felt incredible!

For a solid minute she continued to move, hips grinding in little circles, insides squeezing tighter still in an effort to wring her lover dry. As excited as she was Emi figured that they could both use at least a brief break, and so she finally released her grip upon Ryan and laid back against the sleeping bag. Her tiny breasts lifted and fell repeatedly, quickly as she aimed to catch her breath. Although her face was red with embarrassment a timid smile had settled upon her lips. She leaned up, planted a brief kiss upon the boy's lips, and then finally took notice of the presence of another.

Oh. Oh gosh.

Emi glanced towards Alexandrine. How long had she been here? Then she looked down between herself and Ryan. A hand lowered, brushed against the very faint outline he created near her crotch. Hips wiggled as she carefully guided the boy's penis from her body, another short breath stolen from her when he finally popped out.

She sat up, planted yet another gentle kiss against the boy, this time his cheek. Then she turned to Alexandrine again, tail wiggling with glee behind her. What did she say in this moment? She knew she wasn't in trouble. Alexandrine hadn't minded. She made that much clear.

"U-um. Sorry. I hope we didn't keep you waiting."

A moment passed. Her face brightened for a second with red. Why not? She was feeling bold. Curious. Excited. So very happy. Relaxed too! Maybe too relaxed. But Alexandrine deserved to feel the same.

"Would you like to j-join us?"

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Posted (edited)

Ryan was still recovering, though it felt like it would only take a moment, kissing Emi back as she did.  Had things changed between them?  Were they friends?  Something more?  He could not say.  Though he would happy to be more than friends.  He then looked at the older woman.  She had watched it, as he hoped.  What did she think?  Did she want him to do that to her too?  She still felt out of her league…but just maybe she would now.  Especially since Emi actually did it.  Invited her to join.

Alexandrine looked between the two.  Should she?  Could she?  Deep down, she did kind of want feel Ryan do that to her, see if she could react like Emi…what about Emi?  Did Emi want them to share Ryan…or did the girl want her too.

She set down a third sleeping bag, and a few other bags.  She stepped into the car, closed and locked the doors.  But was she joining the sleepover, or want to join them.  “…I have been very disappointing the last times I had sex…”.  She put it bluntly.  But Ryan gave a playful spank, to try to encourage her.  She was not saying no.  She needed to be convinced, like he convinced Emi.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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For some reason Emi's heart thumped a little harder within her chest. Alexandrine had brought a third sleeping bag. Right, she had asked if the woman wanted to join the sleepover, hadn't she? That didn't mean that she wanted to have sex with them. But she didn't seem to really mind that they had. Her entering and locking up behind her was enough evidence of that.

Ears suddenly perked up and a surprised squeak emerged from the rabbit as a hand smacked against her pale rump. She glanced to Ryan, more than a bit confused as to why he decided to spank her. At least it was a gentle one. Or he was just weak. She didn't really know, nor was it something she attributed to playfulness. But then that'd only been because it hadn't ever been used in that context with her before.

Her attention returned to Alexandrine. Scooting over on her knees, Emi settled in next to and slightly in front of the woman. A hand extended, gently patting against Alexandrine's closest knee, mostly because it was the most appropriate spot she could think of so close to herself. She understood the hesitation. Heck, she had been hesitant to go as far as she had today, and probably would still be hesitant to do the same in the future.

"I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything. It's been the same for me. Maybe not as bad as you have had it, I think. And I can't really promise that I would do very well. This is my first time going this far."

Then again she had at least some experience doing other things. Using her hands. Her mouth. Even her thighs. Not much but certainly more than she'd displayed today!

"But if you want to I'll do my best."

She looked to Ryan, nodding once in his direction. "A-and I think he would too." Emi had a feeling he wouldn't really mind.

Her attention returned to the woman, hips wiggling just a faint bit with the movements her fluffy tail was making. "I hadn't really intended to go this far. We don't have to have sex to enjoy a sleepover. I think. I don't really know. I just want to be close with my friends."

Edited by Chiyako
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Alexandrine looked from one to the other.  Emi’s innocence was back in a sense.  But the bunny girl was also asking her to have a threesome with them.  “…I have…slept with men and women before…”.  An admission, sharing Ryan was not the only option.  That even after the sleepover, Emi might be able to do something one on one with her, if they started doing it.

”What were you hoping to do, if I say yes?”  She was still a little hesitant.  But she was not ruling it out.  But with another woman, and a boy, what was it Emi hoped for?  What did Emi want to do to her?  What did she want  Ryan to do with both of them?  She looked to Ryan.  “I have to believe she is right.  But I want to hear it from you.  Do you want to do to me, what you just did to Emi?”

Ryan finally sat up, he felt like he could go again.  It looked like with either of them.  “…I do…just like that if you want?..I could do it another way…”. He could not read Alexandrine’s face, whether she was pleased with that, if she wanted him or not.

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It wouldn't be the first time Alexandrine did this sort of thing, not with men or women. That knowledge made Emi relieved, enough that it might even be picked up on. To know that someone actually knew what they were doing, well that was a big plus to her! It wasn't as though she really knew herself.

As she pondered over Alexandrine's words Emi turned her attention towards Ryan. Already the boy's penis was beginning to harden again. At least he had a lot of energy! And, of course, a desire to be with the woman just as he'd been with her. She certainly didn't mind this. Emi was more than willing to share, to be with more than one person, whether that be at one time in the same bed or in terms of longer term relationships.

With a nod she returned her gaze to Alexandrine. "This is still new to me. I don't know" she initially replied, allowing her eyes to trail across the woman's body. Trying to come up with a plan for this was weird. What did she want to do? It was a fair question though.

"Kiss. Hug. M-maybe I can try some things that have been done to me before? U-um, with my mouth. Fingers. I don't really know how this goes."

Sure, the situations had been far from desirable, but she couldn't exactly disagree with how they had made her feel, at least physically. "I guess there are some things I can't do. Um. Y-you know" she mentioned, glancing briefly back towards Ryan, although more specifically towards the boy's crotch. "But I want to make you feel good. Be with you. Only if you want to."

It was certainly difficult to keep herself under control in the moment. She was still quite horny thanks to how things had been left off! Heck, it was taking everything she had not to hug the woman, and that was still fairly innocent in nature. Emi liked cuddling. Liked physical contact. Wanted to share that. And, of course, some part of her really wanted to do more than that. But she knew from experience how bad it was to have such things forced upon someone who didn't want it. That was thankfully enough to keep her at bay.

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Alexandrine considered it a moment.  It was not like she did not want to feel those things.  Both of them were young.  She glance at Ryan again.  While she did not make a huge deal about a man’s size, it was a factor.  Young as he was, he was big enough.  Then to Emi.  Like Ryan, she found something appealing in the girl’s body.  She could not care less that she was Zorn’s daughter.  That she had demon blood.

She want to hear Emi’s thoughts on Ryan, at this point.  “Do you think of Ryan as a friend, or are you thinking she is something more?  You don’t mind letting her have sex with me?…”.  It brought back memories of the past.  It was not the first time she had ‘shared’, or been ‘shared’.  Hikaru had offered the same thing, if Emi agreed to become his wife, he would still let her fall in love or have sex with others.  It came with being a Magical Girl.  It was common to have at least two partners, a Magical Girl/Knight and a ‘civilian’ lover.  People in their world did not get jealous of people having sex or even loving multiple people at a time.  Neither of these two were aware of that.  But maybe it came naturally to Emi?

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Her head tilted, then turned to face Ryan. Something more? The idea brought more heat to her already red cheeks. "I would like to think of you both as friends. Something more, um, w-well we still only just met today." Were people not supposed to have sex so quickly? Truth be told she'd never even been on a date before. Was this considered a date?

She returned her gaze to Alexandrine. "I don't mind. I think sharing is good. It means more people get to have fun. Get to feel love." And of course it meant she got to have more cuddles! Oh, and see more people naked. As timid as she was Emi was still very curious too. There were selfish elements involved, certainly. But that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy it for what it brought others as well.

"Is that weird? I'm still trying to figure all of this out."

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Alexandrine did not really care what relationship the other two had.  She understood how Emi was thinking, but she could also see a girl like that fall in love very quickly and easily.  It was best to be sure before taking this any further.  It was still not quite clear how this was going to work.  Who would be doing what to who when.  Not that it really had to be planned out.

”Some people might find it strange.  But generally not the people you would consider friends.”  She had to be a little careful not to say too much around Ryan.  Though she realized that Ryan had probably guessed what she was by now.  It was less likely for her to have been with Emi like this as an ordinary woman.  But that did not mean she would reveal everything to him.

”…You have been wanting to do this for a while too, haven’t you?  Go ahead touch me.”  She offered to let Emi indulge her curiosity.  Touch another woman, touch her.  No specific advice, just start with what she wanted to do.

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She nodded slowly. Other people would find it strange. Well, that was fine. She wasn't exactly normal now was she? And Alexandrine had a good point too: it really only mattered what her friends thought. They probably wouldn't find it too weird.

Emi's ears drooped down slightly, eyes darting to the side. "W-was it that obvious?" Perhaps she was worse at hiding things than she'd realized. Even so, she had permission! It took everything she had in that moment not to simply leap on top of the woman.

Even so, she was most definitely going to indulge! Indulge and do her very best to make this worth it for Alexandrine. That started with a scoot forward on her knees. She leaned up, settled her hands upon the woman's shoulders, and leaned in to deliver a swift peck to her lips! A nuzzle against her cheek followed as the naked girl wrapped her arms around Alexandrine, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you. For everything, I mean. If you hadn't taken a chance with me then, well, none of this would have happened."

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“Back in the shower.  Some of your looks seemed directed at me.”  Very lustful looks, but Alexandrine did not spell it out further.  Maybe the girl did not realize how expressive she sometimes was.

Alexandrine hugged her back.  “I don’t know what it all was like.  But I understand some of it, how alone you felt.”  She whispered softly.  “Take off any of my clothes, you want as you go.”  She gave permission.  Not just to touch her, but to go as far as wanted.  She had been dressed rather plainly.  A dark blue t-shirt, jeans that were fairly tight, showing off her figure to a degree, but not blatantly.  A black pair of bra and panties beneath.  Simple white socks, she had kicked her shoes while talking.  But Emi could take off the rest as she went, or leave some for Ryan.  Depending on how far she went.

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"O-oh. They might have been." Very obvious then. Well it worked out for the best!

Alexandrine understood her, perhaps better than most people in the world. Understood lot's of what she had been through. Making her happy was most of what Emi wanted to do right now, although the woman's next words probably made Emi more happy if anything else. Not only did it mean that she got to see the woman naked again, but it also was a clear go ahead to do even more than that!

With a nod the bunny leaned in, planting another kiss against the woman's lips. A little more firm than the initial peck she'd given, but not full into things just yet. Then she scooted off her lap and gently tugged at Alexandrine's shirt, aiming to pull it up and off her body. It was neatly folded and set aside. Only then did Emi turned her attention to the woman's breasts.

Gulping softly Emi raised her hands, gently cupped against each modest orb. Ryan would notice her little tail wiggling slightly as she made contact. It was partially envy but also she thought the woman was just beautiful. Sexy. Things she didn't really consider for herself.

She didn't linger for too long, not because she didn't want to but because she was being very considerate of the woman's clothes. Years of being very careful with her own clothes, of never knowing when she might be able to replace something, had made her quite frugal when it came to such things. Very careful. Not just for damaging them either but also for keeping them clean. It was really the only reason why she wasn't doing too much until the woman was undressed.

Scooting behind Alexandrine the bunny carefully worked on her bra. Amusingly enough she had some difficulty with this, as she'd never worn a bra herself. She just hadn't ever needed one. It took her an awkward two minutes before she finally figured it out and, like the shirt, it was neatly folded and set aside.

Leaning forward, Emi planted a soft kiss against the back of the woman's head, and then another against her neck. Hands reached around, gently cupping against Alexandrine's breasts while her own mostly flat chest pressed against the woman's naked back. For some reason it just felt right to do this.

Big. I think. Do they count as big? It doesn't matter, they're really nice. Soft. Squishy!

It only lasted for a few moments before she scooted around in front of the woman. Any more and she would have worked herself up a bit too much to focus on her task. She leaned in again, pressing her lips to the woman's. This time she held the kiss while her hands worked, first palming the woman's breasts, squeezing softly once before trailing down her body. Her goal was to undo Alexandrine's pants button and zipper, to signal her next move!

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Alexandrine let Emi work.  There was a softness, an affection to it, missing from her for a long time.  Her more recent partners, even the women, tended to be more aggressive.  It was cute and amusing how long she took at the bra.  But she let Emi have her fun with the ‘unwrapping’.  To learn how to touch another woman.  She would remain passive for now, but for a different reason this time.

She did identity with the girl.  Perhaps it drew her to Emi.  When Emi gave her the longer kiss, she returned it, but kept it a light one.  It actually felt a little nice, Emi’s hands groping at her chest.  It was minor, she was feeling something….they were both Magical Girls though.  Maybe, with the right touch, Emi could make her feel something again.  What exactly was she going to do, when she got the pants and panties off.  Small as it was, did she actually feel arousal again?

Ryan watched the two girl’s his hand restless, considering masturbating to the sight of the two women.  But he held off, he would get to join in soon enough.  But would he have sex with Emi again…or Alexandrine?  He felt closer to the bunny girl, but he did want to do the older woman as well.  The thought of her beneath him, doing her like Emi.  Would it feel the same, for either of them?  Even if it did not, he looked forward to having his way with Alexandrine too.  Also to do Emi again.  Test if that feeling was a one time thing or not.

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It didn't even cross her mind that what she did might have been turning Ryan on. Heck, she wasn't even trying to be sexy. She was being careful, not just with the woman she was about to make love to but also with her clothes. To Emi clothes were an important thing to take care of.

There we go!

When the pants had been undone she began to move lower with her kisses. A peck against her neck. Her shoulder. Collarbone. For a moment she stopped and simply stared at the woman's breasts. Curious blue eyes darted between them and Alexandrine's gaze, face glowing with embarrassment at what she was about to do. She was simply too curious.

Leaning forward, the bunny planted her face gently and snugly between the woman's squishy orbs. Above her rump the fluffy tail wiggled with glee! It was so soft, and warm, and somehow very comforting. After a few moments she removed her face from the embrace of Alexandrine's chest, instead opting to plant a kiss upon one of her nipples. All the while her hands had shifted down, gripped upon her pants, and began to carefully tug them free.

Oh gosh that was nice! Very very nice!

With the tugging Emi carefully scooted Alexandrine back, settling her into a spot with enough room to lay her down. Kisses were trailed lower along her body. Her abs. Belly. Pelvis. When the pants were low enough she sat up and carefully tugged each leg free, folded the pants up, and set them neatly aside upon the growing pile. Her socks were next, each one slipped away, folded together, and set to join the rest of the clothes.

Which left Alexandrine in just her panties. Emi stared for a few moments. Then she moved over on hands and knees, planted a kiss upon the woman's pelvis again, and took hold of the waistband of her undergarments. They were lowered carefully, a trail of kisses moving lower and lower, neared her crotch, and then Emi sat up again to work extra careful on completing the stripping of the woman laid before her!

She's so pretty!

For a few moments Emi sat and stared at the fully nude Alexandrine. Sure, she'd seen her already but in the showers she'd been taking quick peeks. That and she certainly wasn't going to be as close as she was planning to be now. Speaking of which!

Okay. Just remember what they did. Except better. And nicer.

The woman's legs were gently lifted and parted aside so that Emi could scoot in closer on her knees. She laid between the woman's limbs, planted a trail of kisses up one thigh, and then upon the other, briefly passing over Alexandrine's crotch. When she finally did return to it she leaned in and planted a brief peck upon the woman's slit. Then another. And another. A firmer kiss, much like she'd given to the two she'd already kissed today. Curious hands lifted, each thumb settled against a lip and very gently spread her pussy, both to actually see first hand what it looked like and also to plant a more direct kiss.

Am I doing this right?

Whatever the case she was clearly enjoying this! Her little fluffy tail was wiggling excitedly.

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