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Princess Lost in Thought

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Elie looked at Umi and Hikaru. "I don't know if I have courage yet to fate Alexandrine. I don't want to snap on her or hurt her because of my jealously. I don't think my heart could take going back to convention unless someone requested me to. I don't know maybe sing or something..I just know...." Elie blushed wildly as her stomach growled loudly. She held onto it and looked away.

"Sorry I....I haven't eaten yet today or last night before bed. I wouldn't mind going to the temple to read and pay respect. I would like to treat you Ms. Umi and Lord Hikaru to lunch if I may? Also Hikaruyour wife is always with you, no matter what. The fates will help you heal and thanks to you and Umi I might get to learn more about my family and maybe that faithfully event." She smiled seeming to slowly getting back to old self.

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The talk with Alexandrine was dangerous to put off too long, the women could not run from each other forever.  But Elie was also right, it should not be rushed.  Both of them needed to prepare themselves.  To say everything deep inside, hurting each other as little as possible.  If it was done right, they would be closer than before.  Hikaru and Umi could support that decision.

”Thank you.”  Hikaru offered gratitude for her sympathies.  If she was not already in love, he might have considered Elie as a possibility for his second wife.  “We will accept your offer.  We will take you to the temple, after we eat.”  They waited to see where Elie would guide them, uncertain how elaborate the room they ate in would be, if the proper dining room or not.

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Elie smiled softly as she led them back inside seeing Sebastian as she hugged him. "Thank you for not following order. It ment alot that you cared enough to have people help me." She said letting him go. "I would like to take our guests out for lunch unless you've already started lunch." 

Sebastian smiled. "No problem My Lady you're like the daughter I never had. I have three plates ready. For today's lunch is a side salad with all the fixings and dressing, fresh fruit for course one and main course is a tender juicy steak with garlic green beans and mash potatoes with works. Then dessert is green tea ice cream." He bowed. 

Elie looked back at Hikaru and Umi. "I do hope that is alright with you?" She asked her smile was back to warm welcoming self.

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“We would be happy to accept.”  Hikaru answered. Neither of them were the sort likely to deny anything offered.  They had no known allergies or anything, so they would be polite and accept what was offered.  It sounded good too, not accepted just out of politeness.  They were pleased they seemed to have healed her pain, at least until it was time to talk to Alexandrine and/or the demon, and that should go better too.  Umi decided to ask a question she hoped would not be painful.  “While we eat, would you mind telling us anything you can about the woman?  What she was like, appearance, her name, if she gave it.  Anything that made you like her?”  It was partially to see if it was a known demon.  But she was hoping to make it a happy subject.  Avoid the pain the pain over Alexandrine. Talk to Elie about the woman she loved, the happier aspects.  Though it might be short for how little they knew each other.  Hopefully help make Elie more positive about the next time she saw her.

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Elie thought for a moment as she sat down the first course being served with a drink of their choice. "Well when I first met her she had short black hair and beautiful eyes but....when she took my first kiss I just felt something. After that she took advantage of me and took my virginity. She kept saying I was beautiful and that I tasted wonderful. But this second time she was in a disguise her name was Fujiko but her real name I....I don't remember much. I could tell it was her from her eyes. In her demon form she has horns and she uses her sex appeal to get what she wants....so part of me loves her but nothing part is telling me she's using me. I doubt I will get a straight answer and because of that....my jealously is still here." She said taking a bite of her salsa. Elie then paused for a moment thinking of a question. "Will you be going to convention today after the news I gave you? I don't mind reading countless hours in a temple."

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“The demon’s kiss.  She injected her power into you.  Attempted to corrupt you.”  Umi gave her thoughts first.  “I say corruption, but a simple gesture like that does not really change you except a little in the moment.  It is intended to lower your resistances, increase your sexual desires.  The mark is similar except that it is permanent and perhaps more intense.”  She paused very delicately considering the question of how willing her loss of virginity was.  Not wanting Elie to say more than she was comfortable with.  “You have my sympathy, if it was unwilling.  I will listen, if you ever need to talk about it..It sounds like she is a seductress.  Enjoys sexual conquest, convincing a woman to enjoy it.  They crave submission, obedience, feed off the power of women like you and Alexandrine.”  She took a sip from her drink.  “The question is why she does it.  If your heart tells you she is different, maybe her motivation is not so simple.  If that is the case, you may truly be more valuable in her eyes than Alexandrine.  Though I do fear she desires Alexandrine’s power as well.”

”Alexandrine did not know?  As far as you know?  Thought it was just the woman ‘Fujiko’?” She let out a soft sigh.  “Alexandrine was probably weak to the words of a beautiful and skilled seductress.  She has felt alone for so long.  No demon has ever dared infiltrate such an event.  The only place she felt she could let her guard down.”

Going back to the convention?  Hikaru silently took a few bites.  “I may.  Umi is just a priestess though.  Not a Magical Girl.  She can remain with you.  Take you home when you are done.  Perhaps I will look, both for Alexandrine and the demon.  I promise I will not seriously hurt the demon you love.  Only convince her to either leave, or come with me.  She would probably leave peacefully.  It is far too dangerous for her to provoke everyone there.  Precisely the reason Alexandrine would have felt safe.”

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Elie looked at Umi and then Hikaru. "I understand but if you must hurt her then do what you need....just don't....don't kill her. I still need answers. I know I wouldn't be much help at convention anyway the way my powers are now." She said looking at salda sadly. "At the start of it I was unwilling.....and then I began to enjoy it.The pleasure overtook me.I fought but my cards went against me. The wheel of fortune gave the demon their favor based on chance. I have learned much about my cards or family bloodline and how fate is tied to me as a power but my father won't tell me anything." She sighed.

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Posted (edited)

Her cards chose to help the demon take her virginity?  If it was fate, not random chance, why would they do that?  Did that contribute to the love she felt and desire to help her?  Of course fate was not always kind.  Did it force her to experience it for ‘random’ or darker reasons?  Umi chose to try to have the faith Elie did.  Though it appeared there was in fact a little randomness, at least with one specific card.  “Do not feel any shame.  It is natural to be confused about such things.  You are not the first Magical Girl to come to me, uneasy that they enjoyed sex with a demon, that they did not ask for.  Forgive me if this is a cruel question.  But do you want her to do it again?”  Away from the demon.  With the mark inactive.  Did Elie crave more sex with the demon?

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Elie thought for a  moment as she finished her ssaid. "I guess a part of me would enjoy having that demon touch me and pleasure me again but another side just wants comfort and understanding. I don't know you know." She said.

Hikaru could see the similarities to her ancestor Juliet. A noble heart, a great leader who cared for others good or evil and that everyone could be redeemed. She had her eyes almost dead on and she was the last Capulet to use tarot card. She even fell for her demon enemy Romeo who in the end wasn't evil or at least truly evil. Elie looked at Hikaru as the second course came out. "Are you alright Lord Hikaru have my words upset you."

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Hikaru shook his head.  “No, do not mind me.  I just felt this was just more of a women’s subject.  I felt it more appropriate for you two to talk through.  Knights, men in general, are much more rarely targeted by demons or monsters in that way.  Though there are some demons like that, which might try to seduce us into joining them.”  Rape was incredibly rare for Knights.  Though he would not be surprised if this demon has occasionally gone after men, some others like her certainly had gone for them over the years.  Every once in a while a Knight was successfully seduced by such a demon, though it was rarer than Broken Girls.

Umi picked up something from that.  “You and Alexandrine crave the same thing.  I am sure you already know this, since you talked to her, but you two are similar in many ways.  You could almost be sisters….”  She paused a moment, a sensitive to her and Hikaru.  That Alexandrine did used to have a sister.  But maybe that was also what hurt Elie, Alexandrine fell under the demon’s hopefully temporary influence, because they wanted the same thing.

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Posted (edited)

Elie looked at Umi and giggled a but. "Sisters sadly I can't see it. My powers and bloodline are nothing like hers and she's far more powerful then I could ever be and Hikaru that's very sweet of you. Your really are a wonderful noble Knight. " She said looking at steak before looking at Hikaru and Umi. "I really want to thank you for helping me and spending time with me. I don't remember the last time I ate lunch with people in my home." She said as Sebastian topped off drinks. The faint glow of her Tarot appeared again but nothing came out or was summoned. "Hikaru if I may ask a question. What do you know about my family? My ancestors or even the event in Verona 13 years ago?"

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Umi was glad she took that well.  It helped her feel better that things would go well when the two women finally had their talk.  And it spared any dwelling on the other sister.  But other unpleasantness came after that.  “I do not know as much about European families.  The sons of your family are often Knights, I believe I briefly met one or two when I was much younger.  Any son you might someday have likely will be one.”  Well the question of her demon love made that less certain.  She might not have children ever.  Though he knew something Elie did not, that Alexandrine had learned, experiencing the method, but not given a child.  A demon like her had ways she could give Elie a child, if she wished.  Human-demon hybrids were another matter.  They might still be Knights, but with peculiarities.

”I heard of the attack.  But only from the investigations afterwards.  No witnesses I am aware of who could say much about what happened.  It was demon work.  But beyond that I cannot say.  Closer to that damned Zorn’s style, but there were no reports of him ever doing anything so far from here.”

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Elie listened to Hikaru taking a sip of her drink. "I see so our family are mainly Knights. So then when girl gets the powers it must be very rare. I know nothing about a Zorn but I do know about all the Uncles, Aunts and Cousins who were lost. My father has family book with pictures in but sadly I'm not allowed in his study. My mother and father changed after that event....they use to love me and be around all the time but after we moved here things changed." She sighed cutting her steak. "Also I know nothing of Emi's father Zorn. I would like to learn more. I highly doubt he'd be interested in someone like me. He might take more to Rin and Emi...hell maybe even Alexandrine herself."

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“Zorn is dead.  Thankfully you don’t need to learn much about him.  Alexandrine told me in great detail that day, how she ripped him apart.  After losing the others, she was consumed with wrath that day.  It was only after the fighting was over, she retreated into emptiness, until she met Emi.”  Hikaru was glad not to have much else to say about that.

”Be glad.  He would have been quite interested in you.”  Umi added.  “He loved to hunt and rape Magical Girls.  It was how the girl, Emi, was born.”  Though Elie was somewhat right.  He would have loved fucking Elie, but there a few he would have wanted more.  “If he was still alive though, Emi and Alexandrine would be his top priorities.  Alexandrine as revenge.  Emi as his daughter.  The monster would have eagerly had sex with his own daughter, try to teach her to love it.  Probably even make her his bride.  Demons do sometimes marry each other.  But it tends to be political.  They would be even more dangerous, without so much infighting.”

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Elie shivered in disgust at the thought of a father and daughter becoming one sexual together and marrying. "I....I...I see if I may ask. Why would he want me. My powers are over fate and things to come." Elie then went slient as she thought about it more, putting her fork and knife down. She felt a bit off but she didn't know why. The old family portrait of the Capulet behind her. Her cuddled into her mother and father giggling as two red eyes looked over her father's shoulder, that being her uncle Azreal.

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Umi shook her head.  "It was not about that with Zorn.  He was not looking for long term things.  Not taking prisoners, not trying to seduce.  Just having sex then leaving.  It was about the moment.  Hurting the girl, and his own sexual pleasure.  I'm sure he had no idea he impregnated Emi's mother.  I did not know her well, we did not know she had a demon's child, until Alexandrine brought Emi to our temple a few nights ago.  Her power was not comparable to someone like Alexandrine either.  But then, almost no one can compare to her power.  He would have made an exception for Emi, if he knew she existed.  Taken her, tied to make her his.  She would have been the one to get his mark, if he had the chance.  If it had been you though, he would have beaten you until you could not fight back, raped you there then left.  Your body and the fact you a Magical Girl in his area would have been enough for him."  Umi hoped this was not too unpleasant.  But unpleasant as memories of Zorn and his group were, they were willing to tell Elie anything about him they could tell her, that she wanted to know.

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"I....I see well thankfully he's dead and gone." She said taking bite of her steak. She was slowly running out of questions but to her that seemed like a good thing. As she swallowed she looked at the two. "Thank you answering my questions. If I may ask what is allowed in the temple and what isn't. May I bring my notebook and pencil in order to write down things I find. I know some temples that is forbidden. I wish to follow the orders and boundaries of your temple." Elie said having finished half the main course.

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Posted (edited)

Umi tried to lighten the mood a little.  "Alexandrine brought Emi to the temple, because they were looking for a new home for her.  The temple would be a safe place for someone like her, where she would not have to hide what she is.  Unfortunately though, living in the temple, joining it, it is only allowed for our family.  You have to either be born into it, or marry one of us.  She was given the offer to marry Hikaru.  She politely declined, they are still on good terms.  The offer is officially still open, if Emi ever changes her mind.  Hikaru is a traditionalist.  Cares about the old ways.  Feels he is young enough, he should take a new wife.  Ideally a Magical Girl."  Hikaru quietly ate as his cousin spoke.  It was all true enough. No reason to be embarrassed about it.  Nothing immediate to add about that subject either.  "It is enough you act respectfully in the temple. Treat it as the holy place it is.  There is no harm bringing such things."

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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"Alright so treat it like any other temple no food or drink. Just study and keep a calm mind. Also Hikaru if my cards weren't all hmmmm being difficult I'd love to give you a reading sometime. Maybe help clear your heart and give you answers onky the fates would know. I mean you are very handsome for knight." She said having finished her main course and was letting it settle in.

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"Thank you.  I may take you up on that offer later.  My honest opinion, I am sure a woman like you would also be an ideal bride.  But I will not pursue a woman already in love.  Besides, I do still hope Emi eventually does change her mind."  He let her know the thought he had about her.  He did not have a crush on her or anything.  He was simply sure he would have been happy with her as a wife, but he was a gentleman and was not going to make any move on her or offer.  He was not really in love with Emi either, but there was something interesting about her.  She was still his first choice for a new bride, if she could be convinced.  Marriage between him and Elie could only happen with twists of fate neither could expect.  He spoke his mind, purely intending it as a compliment and maybe confidence boost.  No intention of tempting her to choose him instead.

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Elie blushed softly as she looked at Hikaru. "If the stuff with the demon doesn't go well...maybe...I just can't help but feel that demon may like me...but only time will tell. I mean....if she picks Alexandrine then she picks her. I guess it wasn't ment to be." She said looking at table trying to push back her sorrow and jealously. "Hikaru once more question if I may...what would happen if your wife was still alive but changed somehow? Would you safe her to be with her again?"

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Hikaru did not want to make this awkward. He simply nodded, silently agreeing that if things went wrong with her dreams, if Emi continued to refuse him, he would do his best to comfort her as his wife instead.  But both of them hoped that would not be necessary.  Her question though.  It was a strange one.  “I was not there.  Alexandrine has every reason to believe they are all dead though.”  He was not there.  She did not talk much about that bloodbath.  But she saw all their bodies, didn’t she?  Maybe some could have been destroyed beyond recognition.  She should have sensed their auras if any survived.

“If some demon snuck her off, in the middle of the battle…”.  Was the implication what he thought?  Elie was involved with a demon now.  The question of Alexandrine on all their minds too.  “A Broken Girl?”  He sighed softly.  If she been so corrupted.  Loyal to demons over humanity, in love with a particular demon, almost his slave.  He dreaded thinking about it.  She would be alive.  But such corruption.  “I would face her.  Slay the demon who did that to her.”  But what about her.  “That sort of corruption is much deeper.  Sometimes through seduction.  Sometimes brutal torture.  Sometimes a mix.  If that happened she would choose demons over me, fight me.  She was a powerful fighter.”

He was holding off on the final answer.  He was afraid what it might require.  “I would try to save her.”

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Elie listened to Hikaru and smiled as dessert came out. Elie looked at the green tea ice cream and sighed picking up the spoon. "You really are a wonderful and loyal husband Hikaru your wife and family are so lucky. I do hope one day to have someone who is like you." Elie then shook her head scoping up a bit of ice cream looking at it thinking of someone being so kind,caring and loyal to her. "So after dessert we will head to temple yes?"  Her emotions were off. She felt better but still a bit hollow but she couldn't put her finger on it.

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Hikaru nodded as he started eating desert.  “I will drop you two off at the temple.  Then had back to the convention.  Spend as much time you wish in the library, if you don’t find anything quickly, or want to try to find multiple things.  Only family members are allowed to live there.  But we do have a few guest rooms, if needed.”  They did occasionally allow outsiders to spend a night or two in the temple if needed.  If Elie’s power worked as needed, it might not be nearly that long.  But the offer would be made, if she wanted to spend longer, looking for even more.

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Elie looked at Hikaru sweetly. "Thank you for the kind offering but.... I plan to come home tonight to rest. May I visit tomorrow as well if I need to Lord Hikaru? " She asked finishing her ice cream and reaching for her drink. "Also...if I may, could I bring some drinks like watermelon strawberry lemonade and some peach lemonade and tea?"

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